Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 254 - A Roar Of Triumph

Aiden then decided to act quickly because he did not know how long he could keep this power.

So he decided to attack from behind like Anaya earlier, but unfortunately, despite his all new speed, his attack was stopped by the other general.

Aiden was furious that he had failed and once again he felt his mark react and burn his neck.

The Sword of Chaos which had been stopped in its course by the sword of this general, which also possessed impressive black flames, began suddenly to devore it.

Aiden's black and blue flames under the influence of the mark grew exponentially and entirely devoured the sword that had dared to parry his attack.

But the flames didn't stop there, when the general saw that his sword had been destroyed and disappeared just like that in a matter of seconds, he moved away from those flames as quickly as possible but he wasn't quick enough.

Those black and blue flames had managed to reach his fingers that were holding his sword, the general while moving away did not waste a single second and he used his other hand like a blade and imputed his forearm.

He had spent too much time with his goddess to ignore the danger of those flames spreading over his body, he would not survive if it happens, he was sure of that.

Against those black flames, imputation was the only way possible if you wanted to survive, but he had overlooked one detail.

Those flames weren't just black, they were mixed with blue flames, he ended up stopping dead in his tracks, his body had completely ceased to function.

He managed to tilt his head to try to figure out what was happening to him, and he saw that all over his body, blue veins the same color as the flames had appeared.

A realization hit him before he died, these blue flames had completely devoured his demonic energy channels and they were heading to his demonic flame, once his demonic flame is gone then ...

When Aiden saw the general who had parried his attack stop in his track and seemed completely paralyzed, he rushed at him and beheaded him immediately.

Aiden didn't know what happened but that didn't matter, the important thing was that now the fight had turned in his favor and it wouldn't take long for him to finish his second opponent.


Anaya was already at her peak of power, and the blows she was exchanging against those two generals were barely visible to the other fighters.

Those who were fighting in the city could only see flashes of gold and black lights here and there.

And when Aiden killed one of the four main generals, word spread quickly and exclamations of joy and hurray were heard all over the battlefield.

Everyone knew that the golden dragon and Aiden were fighting alone against the demon god's generals and with this victory, their fighting spirit was boosted to the maximum, and all without exception fought even more fiercely.

Anaya too had sensed Aiden's change of power, and she had also sensed, like her two opponents, the death of one of the generals.

Anaya was glad that Aiden was strong enough to kill the generals, and she was quite jealous too.

Because even using all her power, she couldn't get rid of those two generals, she almost regretted having threatened her wife not to intervene, because even a little nudge would have allowed her to gain the advantage in this fight.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, rainbow-colored beams of light burst from all sides and aimed at the vital points of the two generals she was fighting with.

Anaya took advantage that the generals were parrying her wife's unexpected attack to merge her two daggers into a long sword that had a golden blade, and with her now free hand, she condensed the light energy of the seven golden dragon hearts in a luminous ball.

While the generals were still countering those rainbow energy beams, they had continued to keep an eye on the golden dragon to see what she was up to.

Without the intervention of the legendary mage they would have killed her sooner or later, it was only a matter of time before she got tired and made a mistake.

But the golden dragon suddenly disappeared from their field of vision, and no matter where they looked at, they couldn't see her anywhere.

They immediately positioned themselves back to back because they knew that if they were being hit by this light energy ball, they were done for.

Anaya had teleported into the dimension to disappear from their sight, and she hoped that they had regrouped, it was a risky bet she had done and she couldn't afford to loose it.

Either she will eliminate them both at the same time, or she will be able only to kill one of them.

But after this attack, no matter what will happen, she will no longer be able to use the seven golden dragon hearts, and then at that point, even one general will already be too much for her to deal with.

Once Anaya had finished concentrating her light energy in her hand, she teleported back to the battlefield to where the generals had been just before.

She was going to have to act very quickly, if they were together, she should not give them the time to escape.

Anaya still with her sword in one hand and in the other her ball of She was going to have to act very quickly, if they were together she should not give them time to escape.

Anaya still with her sword in one hand and in the other one her light energy ball, appeared just in front of the generals who were so surprised that this fraction of a second of inattention cost them both their lives.

When Anaya saw that they were both in front of her still fighting against her wife's beams of universe energy, a smirk appeared on her face and she aimed her light energy ball straight at their heads.

The two generals chose to let themselves be touched by the rainbow beams and both used their swords to counter this light energy ball that seemed more dangerous than those beams of rainbow color.

Only, this light energy ball was too powerful and the two swords were destroyed as soon as they made contact with it.

Anaya wasted no time and took advantage that they were both injured and blinded by this impact to decapitate the one who was closest to her.

The second tried to run away but found that he was trapped in a cage made of black lightning and rainbow energy.

Anaya had regained her usual appearance, she was exhausted, but when she saw that her wife had just captured the second general, she didn't want to disappoint her.

Though she couldn't use her final transformation anymore, she could still transform into a golden

dragon, and that what she did.

In her golden dragon form she flew over her prey several times and with an obvious satisfaction she released all her fiery breath on her poor victim who could do nothing to avoid this attack.

Anaya still in her golden dragon form looked around for Aiden and found him just in time to see him plunge his sword straight into his opponent's demonic flame and that's how the last general have been vanquish, he disintegrated almost immediately.

Aiden looked at her and raised his thumbs up with a big smile on his smile.

They had done it, their mission was over and they had succeeded in taking down the ten demon god's generals together.

Anaya felt a slight weight on her back but she wasn't worried, she had felt her wife's presence long before she felt her on her back.

Celia said to her : "My baby wife, it's time to let all our enemies know that their leaders are dead."

If Anaya was in her human form she would have laughed at the fact that her wife really couldn't help but provoke their enemies.

She still obeyed to her and uttered a roar of triumph that was heard throughout the city and the palace.

Their enemies were shaking as fear crept sneakily into their hearts, and their allies uttered war cries and unleashed all their might to do honor to their two heroes.


When Anthony heard Anaya's roar he understood that all the generals had been killed, now it was their turn.

When Anthony had looked for ways to use the Absolute Zero energy, he had realized with Sky that he only needed a tiny fraction of it to freeze any energy source.

He had first done tests on magic herbs which had their own spiritual energy and they realized that by using just a tiny fraction of that energy, the magic herbs would thaw on their own after sometime.

But if you were to touch them when they were still frozen, they would shatter into a thousands pieces.

After a few tries they had found the optimal quantity to create an unprecedented massive attack.

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