Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 263 - The Shield Has Been Pierced

When Anaya saw that Gabin was back and after witnessing his true power, she said to him : "My baby boy, I will let you take care of those generals for me, I will instead go help Liam and Alec with the evil creatures, okay ?"

Gabin took advantage that the nine generals who were still alive had taken their distance from them to give a hug to his cute Mama, he said to her : "I will take care of them no worry, be careful Mama."

Anaya ruffled his hair and said : "Don't play with them too long and get rid of this demon god, like that your mother and uncles will be free to come and give us a hand."

Gabin smiled at her and said : "Got it, Mama !"

The generals were outraged by these words, they had always been feared and respected, they could not let them get away like that so easily.

But it turned out that they wouldn't really have a choice, the golden dragon pulled a piece of paper out of nowhere and instantly vanished, leaving them alone with this overpowered being.

Gabin looked at them and as they did not seem to make up their mind to attack him, he decided to continue provoking their opponent by shouting to his brother : "Basile, Mama Naya wants us to stop playing around, we have to kill everyone quickly, like that we will free mommy and our uncles and they will be able to go elsewhere to help."

Basile answered him, shouting his answer too, it wouldn't have been so funny to use their telepathic link to talk : "I haven't absorbed enough darkness energy yet, we'll have to wait a little longer."

Basile then heard his brother in his head, since they had used the active meditation they didn't need anymore to look at each other to be able to use their telepathic link.

Gabin said to him, 'Did I forget to warn you that the best way to suck the energy out of our opponents was to stab them with the blade of our weapons directly into their demonic flame ?'

Basile swore and told him through their telepathic link, 'Damn Gabin, you couldn't have said that sooner.'

Gabin wanted to answer him but his attention was drawn to the side of the portal that connected the Hellfire dimension to Stellar, something was wrong over there ...


Once the portal was stabilized as she had warned her brothers, relentless attacks had bombarded the shield.

At first Anthony, Jeremy and Yann were able to maintain the layers of the shield but the attacks became more and more powerful destroying more and more layers at a time.

Anthony seeing that the situation was about to degenerate said to his sister through the stone of communication : "Cel, come help us, it's getting out of hand here, they are destroying more and more layers, we won't be able to keep this rhythm on our own, we need you."

Jeremy also said to her : "If it continues like this we won't be able to stop them from crossing and given the level of power of their attacks, if they manage to cross we are screw."

Celia, who made sure to prevent attacks on the shield from this side, had also felt the power of these last attacks.

She replied to her brothers immediately, she knew that Anthony and Jeremy were not exaggerating the situation : "Okay, I'm coming right now, hold on."

Celia looked around and saw Arthur, she called out to him and said : "Arthur, I have to go help my brothers, the shield is about to break, if it ever breaks, I want everyone get out of this area as quickly as possible, is that clear ?"

Arthur just said : "Very clear ! I'll tell Tal and the others."

Celia had no more time to waste so she walked over to her brothers and began to help them, but as they had told her, the layers of the shield were being destroyed faster and faster and it was almost impossible to hold this hellish pace.

After only a few minutes a gigantic hand came out of the portal.

That hand had just managed to pierce the shield and Celia just then had one of her visions that warned her of danger.

She saw darkness energy concentrating in the palm of that hand and she saw that this energy would transform into a large beam that would reduce to dust everything that was in front of it.

Celia quickly came back to reality, the power of this attack was phenomenal, she absolutely had to do something or many people would lose their lives.

As she saw the darkness energy beginning to concentrate inside that hand, she suddenly had a genius idea.

Her teleportation vortex could be used in many way and not only to teleport people, it could help her to deflect this attack.


Gabin was a little worried about his mother and uncles, but before going to help them he absolutely had to absorb the energy of these generals.

Gabin then said to his brother through their telepathic link, 'We're going to run out of time, mommy's shield is about to break.

If it breaks, mommy and our uncles will be the first to die.

Brother, I can't go right now I need to absorb their energy first or I would be useless, find a solution to get rid of this demon god.'

Basile then said to him, 'She's tougher than I thought, I think I would need your help to kill her, alone it would take me too long.'

Gabin wasn't surprised to hear this from his brother, after that vortex attack he knew that it would be hard to kill her on his own.

He said to his brother, 'Okay, I'll take care of securing the portal and then I'll come and give you a hand, hold on little brother.'

Gabin was finally fighting seriously against these generals and he killed four of them quickly, absorbing every last bit of darkness energy that they possessed.

Suddenly he saw a vortex made by his mother appear in the sky above where she and his uncles were, and a large beam of darkness energy came out of it.

That beam was so immense that it plunged for a short while, the battlefield in the dark.

Gabin imprisoned the rest of the generals with his blue lightning and immediately teleported to his mother side.

And then he saw a hand that had pierced through the shield, he saw that his mother's vortex was just ahead of this hand and he guessed that it was connected to the one above their heads.

This genuis move had saved lot of people and buy him enough time to get there, it was his turn now.

He didn't think too much and he sliced ​​that hand straight off with his sword.

Then when the hand retracted inside the portal, he said to his mother and uncles who seemed stunned to see him there : "Prepare to remake the shield, I will give them a taste of our power !"

Gabin then concentrated half of the darkness energy in his hand, the one he had just absorbed with his sword, and mixed it with his own energy.

A black ball with blue reflections appeared in his hand, and blue lightning began to crackle all around it.

When Gabin was satisfied with this results he looked behind him and asked his mother : "Ready !"

Her mother although she was still astonished, was looking at him with a serious face, and same if she looked exhausted, she nodded determinedly to him.

So he used the same passage that this huge hand before him, and released his energy ball on the other side, into the Hellfire dimension.

It was about five times more powerful than the attack that had just been launched on Stellar, 'that should calm them down for a while,' he thought.

He quickly moved away from the portal to let his mother and uncles close the gap.

He could cleary see that they were all exhausted, having to continually add new layers to the shield so that it wouldn't give in must consume a lot of their energy.

Fortunately this task had been given to his family, more stubborn than them you die, it is only once they would pass out from exhaustion that they would stop fighting.

Gabin then said to them : "Hold on a little longer, I'm going to help Basile to kill this demon god, it souldn't take too much time."

Anthony said : "We won't last long so hurry and watch yourself."

Her mother then said to him : "Don't listen to your uncle, we'll hold on as long as it takes, no rush, use your link to communicate with your brother and find her weakness to create an opening to kill her."

Gabin nodded and disappeared only to reappear right next to his brother, he told him via their telepathic link, 'It's done, I fixed the shield problem. Did you find her weakness ?'

He saw his brother smirk and he replied, 'I found it, and I was waiting for you to use it.'

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