Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 264 - The End Or The Beginning

Gabin was really happy to hear that, it would make things much easier for them, he then asked his brother still by their telepathic link, 'Tell me everything, what is her weakness ?'

Basile wore a smirk on his face and he said to Gabin as he continued to fight this demon god, 'Actually, it was easy to find out, she has exactly the same weakness as me, I'm not the only one throwing worried glances at Aiden's fight.'

Gabin chuckled and said to his brother, 'In that case I'll kill two birds with one stone, I'll kill your man's opponent so you'll be relieved and I'll offer to you the perfect opportunity that you need to kill her.'

He has preferred remind his little brother, 'Don't forget to aim for her demonic flame to suck up all of her darkness energy, and if that wasn't enough, I left you five generals out there, they are all waiting to be drained of their energy.'

Gabin saw the surprise on his brother's face so he said, 'At worst, it will take me a few months of active meditation to be able to keep my adult body permanently, I'm not in such a rush, but for you it's different.

You already have your sacred bond, I can hardly imagine how frustrating it must be ...'

Basile interrupted him before his brother started talking about something that might be embarrassing, saying, 'Brother, mommy and our uncles won't last forever, we should end this as soon as possible.'

Gabin finally shut up and nodded, he had this creepy smile on his face and he looked one last time at this demon god who would probably be dead the next time he saw her.

To follow his little brother's plan, he teleported behind the commander of her generals who were fighting Aiden.

Aiden was so surprised to see him appear behind his opponent that he couldn't hide the shock on his face.

This reaction suited Gabin perfectly as it would undoubtedly disturb his opponent.

And as Gabin had expected, the generals' commander seeing the shock on Aiden's face had a very bad feeling.

And while blocking the attack that Aiden had just launched at him, he tried to glance behind him to see what had created such a reaction from him.

But all he could see and hear, was the broad blade of a sword which now protruded from his chest where his demonic flame was and the desperate cries of his goddess.

Basile was ready to strike and when the demon god realized that Gabin had teleported behind her generals' commander, she cried out to warn him of the danger and because of this second of inattention, she was stabbed by a blade that has pierced her demonic flame.

Only, the demonic flame of a demon god could not so easily be destroyed.

She retaliated by grabbing his throat with both hands that she had previously filled with what little darkness energy she had left.

If she were to die today at least she would not die alone, she said to him after coughing up some blood : "You have no idea what you have done, if I ever die, this universe will fall into chaos."

Basile instead of trying to remove the hands that were squeezing his throat, had just thrust his second short sword into her demonic flame.

If one blade wasn't enough then with the second one he hoped that he would be able to kill her, too much life was at stake he couldn't afford to fail.

But as his vision darkened and as he felt his body weaken, he heard Aiden's panicked voice calling out to him.

Aiden and Gabin had obviously rushed to help Basile and while Gabin was beheading this demon god once and for all, Aiden had cut off her hands that were clutching Basile's neck.

After removing them from his neck, he immediately used a green paper filled with regeneration energy to heal him because his neck was completely burnt out.

Seeing that Basile was still not respondind he started to panic and he could only shout his name with terror in his voice as he was, right now, as pale as a ghost.

Aiden then looked around for Gabin to help him but it was there that he realized something was wrong.

Gabin was also very pale, and his electric blue eyes kept moving as if he was receiving tons of information.

Aiden who tried to calm down to keep a clear mind, hugged Basile tightly and looked with hatred at the now lifeless body of this demon god.

And it was then that he understood, Gabin and Basile were absorbing the knowledge of this demon god.

Basile had already explained to him that there were two ways of inheriting knowledge from a demon god, either by blood relationship as when their father was killed, or by simply killing one.


On the other side of the battlefield, the portal between the Hellfire dimension and Stellar had finally closed and that was also when Celia had sensed that something terrible was happening in their universe.

Before the start of the battle she had thought that there was a high chance that Basile would inherit the Hellfire dimension as he was the only other demon god.

But when the portal had closed and that she had felt the Hellfire dimension

was moving away from this world, she had decided to hunt it down because it remained to this day, the biggest threat to their universe.

It was then that she realized that a fourth world had just appeared in the intermediate plane of existence and that the Hellfire dimension had disappeared within it.

This world was protected by an overpowered force field and she had been able to spot it only because she was stalking the Hellfire dimension.

But that was not all of it, in the lower plane of existence she could feel powerful and evil auras emerging from different worlds.

She suddenly turned pale when she realized that these evil auras all belonged to demon gods.

She started counting them and found twenty three demon gods, not counting the one who had just taken over the Hellfire dimension in this hidden world.

She came back to reality and Tal was next to her, calling her looking worried.

Apparently she had just fallen to her knees and fortunately, she hadn't passed out.

She said to reassure him : "I'm fine, don't worry I just felt dizzy."

Tal knew her well enough to know when she was lying, but he told her anyway : "I guess that what you saw can wait until the end of this battle."

Celia nodded then he said to her : "Aiden told me that they had killed the demon god, and that all her generals had been neutralized.

On the other hand, Basile and Gabin are absorbing the knowledge of this demon god and they have become completely powerless.

So he decided to transfer them into the dimension to avoid any danger."

Celia was lost in her thoughts, all of this was definitely linked to this demon god.

So, she just had to wait for her children to explain to her why suddenly twenty four demon god had appeared in their universe.

Celia however was no more worried than that, the twenty three demon gods who had appeared in worlds of the lower plane of existence, even though they were more powerful than the demon god they had just faced, they didn't have an army to support them like her.

It would be easy to get rid of them, at last that was what she was thinking.

The only one that she was worrying was the one in this hidden world who had the Hellfire dimension with him.

Celia didn't have to be a genius to guess who he was, it could only be the legendary demon god.

Celia suddenly said to Tal : "I need to talk to my children, it's urgent, I'm going to send Aiden back here to help you end the fight, with him and Naya it should be okay right, you don't really need me."

Tal said to her honestly : "With you the end of the battle would have been faster for sure, but don't worry, they are all fighting with all their might, just go to do what you have to do, victory is already ours."

Before teleporting in the dimension Celia said to him : "I entrust you my brothers, take care of them."

Tal chuckled and said to her : "I believe your brothers are the safest ones here, but don't worry I will watch over them."

Celia thanked him and teleported into the dimension.

Aiden had placed Basile and Gabin in the lake and was watching them anxiously.

When he saw Celia arrived, he wanted to explain to her what had happened but she told him that Tal had already told her everything.

She said to him after having checked them out, that they were fine now and that he should stop to be worried.

After that, Celia sent him back to fight and told him to make sure that none of their friends got hurt, and that she was going to stay here to watch over her baby boys.

A few hours later, when Anaya and Aiden had already joined her back to tell her that the battle was over and all their friends were fine, Gabin and Basile finally woke up.

When Celia explained to them what had happened in the universe after the death of this demon god, they also told them what they had learned from the knowledge of this demon god.

This demon god was indeed the daughter of the legendary demon god, and once she had succeeded in breaking the seals that held her prisoner, he had entrusted her with the Hellfire dimension to kill her and Anaya.

They had also learned that the legendary demon god was a sealing specialist and that he had used the body of his own daughter to seal the power of other demon gods.

That was why when they had killed her, the seals on these demon gods were all gone with her.

While they had all thought that by killing this demon god they would end the war, they all realized that it was only just the beginning.


I would really like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading my novel to the end and to have endured my poor english :D I will try to keep improving ;)

An epilogue will follow and if you want to know more about our still single caracteres as Arthur, Snow, Lilac and Jeremy you can check my some bonus chapter would be added.

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