After the battle, the prisoners and those of the capital's battle were all sent to a world uninhabited but where life was possible.

Celia with the help of her brother Yann had set up seals all around this world to prevent them from using transdimensional portals and escaping.

This new world might have been a prison for all these prisoners of war, but it was also a new chance for them, no one would interfere with what they decided to do in this world.

At the same time on Stellar, the wounded were treated with care and for those who had lost their lives, their families were largely compensated and it was decided to have a public funeral to honor their bravery and sacrifice.

As for Celia and Anaya, none of their friends or family had been harmed, even the mages she had brought with her had all survived.

When the losses they had suffered were official, Celia clenched her fists and wished that she hadn't hid in the dimension to keep watch over her children, if she had returned to fight there would have been fewer casualties.

Caleb had lost a hundred demons, Tal had lost only five magic beasts but considering how few they were at the start, this figure was still high, as for Dan, twenty percent of the army he had succeeded in assembly had been killed and another twenty percent had had to seek treatment for serious injuries.

Liam and Alec who had fought alongside Snow who had led the magic beasts in the battle against the evil creatures, had gotten away with some wounds but nothing serious.

Liam had consoled Celia by telling her that the losses they had suffered had been inflicted at the start of the battle, when the portal to the Hellfire dimension and the demon god was still alive.

When the Hellfire dimension was gone and the demon god and his generals were killed, their enemies' morale had dropped considerably and there was very little casualties on their side after that.

So whether she came or not wouldn't have changed much to the final number of their losses.


While they were in the dimension, Celia, Anaya, Gabin, Basile and Aiden had decided to keep what had just happened in the universe a secret.

Gabin and Basile thanks to the energy their swords had absorbed during their fights could now both remain in their adult form.

And so, they had all decided together to personally take care of those demon gods that had appeared.

But they weren't in a rush to do it, and they were all going to take the time to savor this well-deserved victory.

After the public funeral had passed, all of their friends had joined them and it was Liam who launched the subject first by asking Celia : "Now that the war is over, can you bond my soul with Alec's one."

Everyone looked at him surprised except the girls and Alec, Celia answered him smiling : "Of course, no worries we will do this whenever you want, but don't forget the fact of binding your souls means that, if one of you dies then the other one will die soon after to follow the first one in the cycle of reincarnation."

Tal raised his hand to interrupt and asked her curiously : "Cel, can you explain to us what exactly you mean by binding two souls together ?"

Celia winked at him and said : "Don't worry Tal, I was going to offer to do it to you and Onyx as well.

Binding your souls would allows you to reincarnate together and to keep intact the bond that united you, whether it is a soulmate bond, a life partner bond, a sacred bond or in your case just a love bond."

Flame then said immediately : "I want to do it too."

He was quickly followed by Sky and Daniel who where seeking approval from their lover, and when Aiden looked at Basile to see what he thought about it, this one chuckled and whispered in his ear : "No need Love, the mark I made in your neck is much more powerful than the simple act of binding our souls together."

Celia and Anaya had burst out laughing when they had seen their friends in such a hurry to bond their souls with their partner, but after all their fights it could be understood.

Celia just told them : "Guys ! Guys, I will do it for anyone who wants to, and after that is done, I suggest that we have a big party all together to celebrate it."


When everyone was finally gone to rest and Celia and Anaya found themselves alone in their bedroom in the dimension, Celia couldn't help but say to Anaya : "One of the best benefits of having our children in their adult bodies is that they no longer need to sleep with us."

Anaya laughed happily and took her in her arms, she carried her to the bed and placed her delicately on it, she said to her : "Indeed, it is a definite advantage my love, now take your clothes off so I can enjoy my favorite dessert at will."

Celia did so immediately but instead of undressing completely she decided to drive her beloved baby wife mad with desire.

She was wearing a black corset which she had pulled down below her breasts and which made her boobs stand out to offer them better to Anaya.

She had also put on a black garter belt and of course she had forgotten to put on panties.

Celia was very proud of herself, provocatively she could hardly do better, and when she saw that Anaya's eyes had turned instantly golden and her wings and claws had also appeared, her smile widen.

She said to her while spreading her legs to invite her : "My baby wife, your dessert is served and I hope you will ask for some more again ... and again ... and again ..."

Anaya was already crazy about her wife, but Celia still continued to surprise her with this kind of behavior, she was so tempting, so seductive, so pretty, so shameless, she was totally and irremediably in love with her.


In the years that followed, Celia and Anaya with Basile, Aiden and Gabin, took care to deal in secret with the demon gods who had appeared.

Some signed peace treaties with them, indeed, some of them after living so long without their power, actually enjoyed the world they were in and they didn't want to fight, all they wanted were to be able to live in peace.

Others in the other hand, had to be killed, demon gods were like all individuals, some wanted to live in peace, some wanted to bring chaos, some wanted to be the masters of the universe ...

Over the years, they had all become stronger and their secret was never revealed.

No one had suspected that a still great threat had weighed on their universe, because they had never needed the help of their friends to take care of these demon gods.

Liam and Alec had the perfect love, Alec had opened shops in several worlds and he was trading with a lot of different races.

Liam was in charge of diplomacy and keeping the peace between the different races, humans, demons, mystical creatures, magic beasts ...

Caleb was still Inferno's ruler with Daniel by his side and demons were now free to come and go as they saw fit in other worlds, but most importantly they were welcome in these other worlds.

Arthur had become Elementary's ruler thanks to the support of Tal and Onyx, their friends and the clan they had created together.

As for Dan he had become the new Emperor of the red dragons after Anaya had refused to become the next Empress, so he could therefore be considered as the new ruler of Stellar.

Finally, the hidden world that had appeared showed no sign of hostility, at first Celia had tried several times to open a passage to this world, but each time she had failed.

After several attempts, the five of them had decided to give up for the moment, and they had been therefore able to enjoy this well-deserved peace.

Celia always kept an eye on this hidden world just in case, but that didn't stop her from sleeping and enjoying life with her wife, children and their friends and family.

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