Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 27 - First Class

Celia was also curious, she checked the scroll in Anaya's hands and she said : "I can read it too without any problem.

It make me think i always found it weird that i could read and speak your language, like i come from another world and i didn't share Nara's memories, i shouldn't be able to do it, right ? So Liam do you have an explanation for that, don't you feel it weird too ?"

Anaya was thinking to something and she said : "Could it be our bracelets, it's the only thing that we share with Cel, that and our union's ring. But it doesn't explain why she could speak our language right when she was reincarnated in Nara's body …"

Liam was thinking, he asked Anaya : "Show me your bracelet Naya, let me check it."

Anaya gave the bracelet to Liam, and he checked it. It was a plain white leather bracelet nothing special on it but he looked inside it and he found a symbol well known.

That symbol is used to make temporary talisman and it is called universal language, like the name suggest it, with that symbol you could speak and read any language you want.

Liam explained to them what he found out and then Anaya exclamed : "Oh ! Then i know why Celia could speak our language from the start, she has a tatoo on her back it is locate between her shoulder blades and it's exactly this symbol."

Celia looked a little lost : "I have a tatoo on my shoulder blades, really ?"

Anaya nodded and celia just said "oh"

An awkward silence settled down just after.

Celia couldn't help to say it out loud : "I never did any tatoo i was too scared of the pain, it wasn't worth it for me."

Liam smile at her : "So you can be scared of something ..."

Celia : "Of course i can, but that's not really the point here, how did i get that tatoo ?"

She turned to look at Anaya : "Was it from Nara ?"

Anaya without any hesitation said : "Definitely not !"

Liam had no idea either so he said : "Let's drop it for now, it's not harmful anyway and i have no clue sorry."

Anaya then changed of topic she still wanted to ask something to Liam : "Liam if you want, we have two more bracelets like this one in the Eben chest in the back of the hall, you can take one for you.

I would like to ask you, with Celia we would like to put magic pill scrolls up for sale in the auction.

This is part of the reason why we bought the copywriter and the parchments. What do you think about it ? Is it still possible to put it in that auction ?"

Liam looked at them and said frankly : "If you want to sell magic pill scrolls, why not. However, I recommend that you only choose a single level eleven magic pill scroll, so that you won't expose yourself, and everyone who comes into the auction will be fighting tooth and nail to get it you'll see."

Then he added : "If both of you agree i really would like to have one of your bracelet."

They nodded their head like if it was nothing.

Celia said to Anaya : "Liam is right sweetie, it is better to remain as discreet as possible. Naya, a level eleven magic pill scroll seems reasonable to me, what do you say ?"

Anaya smiled : "I agree, we'll do that. Liam, can you help us put it up for sale ?"

Liam replied in a fatherly tone : "We'll do that tomorrow, along with getting the magic herbs for Celia and the white and red jade discs."

After all these emotions, Liam finally said : "Good ! Time to work now ! We all pack that up and get into training."

Celia opened the magic bag and leaned in front of each object, when they were all sucked into the magic bag again except for the diary because Liam preferred to keep it with him, she took Anaya's hand and they went to Celia's training ground.

Celia was so excited, she was finally going to be able to create her first magic pill.

Anaya sensed Celia's excitement and laughed heartily : "Ahem my love, look at you ! Liam she is so excited that she trembles."

This retort got her to have her ribs tickled by Celia.

Liam stopped them right away : "Girls, girls I need you to be a little more serious, okay ?

Naya doesn't tease Celia too much, and you Celia, you are going to need a lot of focus to make a magic pill, so don't mess around.

Naya if you want to attend be good and don't disturb her okay."

Anaya smiles confidently : "Liam, I know I've known Celia for only two days, but trust me on one thing, when my wife is focused nothing can disturb her."

After arrived to the space dedicated to Celia, Liam positioned himself near the cauldron and began his first lesson : "Celia, start by taking out a set of each magic pill from your magic bag and put them there on the table next to the cauldron."

Celia let go of Anaya's hand and did as he said. She stayed close to him and Anaya sat down on the ground to attend her wife's first class.

Liam continued : "Now that you have fully access to your spiritual energy, the next step is to stimulate it, this energy is your life essence, the more you will advance in the levels the more you will have to use it. For starters, you are going to train without the magic herbs. Come near the cauldron."

Celia moved closer to the cauldron and looked inside curiously. There was nothing special about it so she ended up asking : "Liam what is the cauldron for ?"

Liam replied : "The cauldron is just a receptacle, it allows your spiritual energy not to disperse. Normally level one to three mages use a smaller cauldron. It's easier to start with because their spiritual energy is forced to stay in a confined space.

In addition, in the first levels, the amount of magic herbs needed to make magic pills is very small, only three stalks of magic herbs are enough.

As your cauldron is very large you will have to concentrate as much as possible so that your energy does not disperse."

Celia nodded, she understood the principle, only he still had not told her what he expected from her : "Liam, once I have released my spiritual energy, what do you want me to do with it ?"

Liam continued : "First, I want you to release your spiritual energy and split it into three equal parts. Go try it."

Celia closed her eyes to better focus on the spiritual energy in her body. Liam had said it was her life essence. Celia then felt her spiritual point open and first released a small amount of energy.

Her hands instinctively formed a triangle and after opening her eyes she saw that her spiritual energy had condensed into a luminous ball inside that triangle. She opened her hands and directed this ball into the cauldron.

Once the energy ball was inside the cauldron, she also put one of her hands inside the cauldron, her palm was facing the ball and oddly enough, she found it extremely easy to control this energy ball.

She concentrated on this ball, and thanks to her good control over it she split it into three equal parts.

Then she tested if she could keep the three energy balls under control and found it, again, very easy.

She didn't quite see the use of the cauldron, but she didn't want to contradict Liam. After having fun with the three balls, Celia gathered them together again, and closed her hand to form a fist.

When her fist closed her energy dispersed.

Celia asked anyway : "Liam, do I have really to use a cauldron ?"

Liam was surprised by this question and couldn't help but ask : "Why ? Every mage I know uses one."

Celia replied : "It's just that I don't see what i gain from it. I'm sure I could just as easily use my spiritual energy without a cauldron."

Liam was a little taken aback. After all, he was not a mage, and Celia was one of a kind. Besides, she had succeeded on the first try in condensing her spiritual energy and splitting it into three, all the mages he had trained so far had taken at least half a day to assimilate this concept.

He decided to trust Celia's intuition and replied : "Celia, if the cauldron is bothering you then forget about it and do as you see fit."

Celia was happy with that answer so she asked him : "What's next ?"

Liam, although he was already starting to feel overwhelmed by Celia's exceptional abilities, continued his lesson : "Pick a set of three stalks to make your first pill."

Celia asked : "Which one is the fasting pill ?"

Liam showed her the set for the fasting pill and explained the following : "First, you have to surround each stalk of magic herb with your spiritual energy. Once all three are surrounded by your energy, use that energy to reduce in powder the stalks of magic herbs.

Second, once the herbs are reduced in powder, you will be able to perceive the impurities in those herbs. Always with your energy you should try to get as much as possible out of it.

Once you can no longer remove any impurities, you have to group the differents magic herb powders again and condense them with your energy until a magic pill forms. This is the theory, now you can move on to practice."

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