Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 28 - Training Part 1

Liam went to sit next to Anaya and observed Celia.

Celia put the magic herbs on the ground in front of her, she decided not to use the cauldron. To sum up the steps, she had to dissolve the magic herbs separately, rid them of their impurities, and put them together to make a magic pill.

Celia focused again on her spiritual point to call on her energy, this time she released more of it. Her hands formed a triangle again, and her energy condensed inside like the first time.

Once her energy stabilized, she opened her hands and with one of her hands, palm forward, she divided her energy into three equal parts and directed them towards the stalks of magic herbs on the ground.

Once each of it was covered with her energy, still with the palm of her hand, she placed the three stalks of magic herbs at her eyes level. For now everything seemed very easy.

She concentrated on her energy and the magic herbs very quickly dissolved into a fine powder.

Now she had to rid them of their impurities, and indeed, now that they were in powder form, Celia could make out a shadow surrounding the powder.

She concentrated on her energy again and she finally made all the shadows that surrounded the fine powders disappear. Once this step was over, her hands formed a triangle again and the various fine powders all gathered together.

She condensed her energy around the gathered powders and a magic pill formed very quickly. She grabbed the magic pill and showed it to Liam and Anaya all smiles.

Celia asked : "Liam, so what do you think ?"

She brought him the magic pill and waited for his verdict.

Liam took the magic pill and was once again bewildered. He had never seen a level one magic pill so bright. Honestly, he didn't know what to say, and even though he had witnessed all the stages of the transformation, without the help of spiritual energy, he couldn't see the impurities.

So he didn't know how much Celia had removed the impurities. He asked : "Celia, congratulations your first magic pill is a success. Can you tell me how much impurities you think you removed ?"

Celia didn't quite understand the question but answered anyway : "I have removed all the impurities, there are no more. It's you who told me to get as much out of it as possible ? Did i do something wrong ?"

Liam looked at her speechless : "When you say you took it all out, you really took it all out, is it one hundred percent pure ?"

Celia just nodded.

Liam looked at her strangely, then finally told her the truth : "Celia, no other mage can remove all impurities, the maximum rate is ninty two percent i have already told you that don't you remember ? That rate was already considered as a technical feat.

And the way you use your hands to control your spiritual energy, that was the first time I saw that. So you'll excuse me for feeling a bit lost."

He saw clearly that Celia had forgotten about this. Liam really thought that Celia didn't need him anymore right now, she just had to practice to make magic pills, so he said : "With Anaya we will watch you a little longer and then we will go to practice. Just one thing, if you are feeling tired take a break, spiritual energy is your life essence so don't push yourself too hard.

Half an hour of rest will be enough to renew your spiritual energy, okay ?"

Celia looked at him and said : "Okay, if I feel tired, I quit. Before you go wait until I do three fasting pills, we'll try them together."

Anaya with eyes shining with excitement : "I don't want to wait to try it. Liam give me Celia's pill, I want to be the first to taste her magic pill."

Liam reluctantly gave it to her, he too longed to taste this magic pill, he wondered what difference there would be with Celia's one hundred percent pure magic pills, and the one you usually find in the shops.

Celia watched her baby wife eat her first magic pill and asked her : "Naya, so how do you feel ?"

Anaya was jubilant : "To be honest my love, I don't really have a point of comparison, the only other magic pill I've eaten is the one Liam gave us and it was completely tasteless. Yours give me a feeling of fullness, maybe because it's the fasting pill, anyway I feel completely invigorated."

Celia was relieved : "Oh great sweetie ! I hope that among these other five pills there will be one that will help you with your training.

Liam, let me do two more fasting pills for us, and then if you don't mind could you tell me the effects of the other magic pills."

Liam : "Don't worry Celia, I was planning to tell you everything before leaving with Anaya, take your time."

Celia took out the sets for two fasting pills, and five minutes later, the two magic pills were done.

They were as bright as the first. Liam and Celia each took a magic pill and swallowed it. Celia found it strange, it was exactly as Anaya had described it to her, she felt great and it was like coming out of an all-you-can-eat buffet, she felt completely full.

Liam congratulated her : "Wow, it was delicious Celia. Normally low level pills are completely tasteless, but yours was really refreshing."

Celia was excited : "Really ? Great then ! Can you explain the effects of the other magic pills to me, please ?"

Liam : "Of course, these two you already know them, this set is the mind opening magic pill, it's the one I gave to Celia. The other is the meridians opening magic pill, the one I gave to Anaya. These two pills are called the basic pills. Normally Celia, you should have started with these, as the magic herbs used are easier to process."

Celia : "Oh i got it, there are different levels of magic pills level one, that's why the price were different too ..."

Liam : "Yes, there are more or less difficult magic pills to make and the price takes that into account. After the basic pills, there are the intermediate pills. One is the fasting pill and this set there is the external healing pill. As its name suggests, it helps treat abrasions, and small injuries of all kinds.

The last two magic pills are the high level one. This set is used to make the internal healing magic pill, and the most coveted of the level one magic pills is this last set and it's called the energy magic pill.

When a fighter or mage uses the energy magic pill it can help him to level up, this magic pill works as a reserve of energy. This extra energy that you get help you to level up."

Anaya was very excited to see her wife doing so well : "My love, you seem to have gotten how to make magic pills now. When you have finished all your magic pills you can come and watch me.

I can't wait to start my training too."

Anaya added an warning : "Remember what Liam said, if you're feeling tired take a break.

There were books in the library about magic herbs, do you want me to go get them for you before you go to training, so that way you can study them during your breaks, or when you will have finished."

Celia smile at her : "I had completely forgotten the books in the library. Sweetie, you're the best, if you don't mind, yes please it would be great. I'll come to watch you at your training as soon as I will have finished those magic pills."

Liam gave an approval look to Anaya : "It's a good idea Anaya. Bring the books to Celia then join me in the combat ring. I will test your knowledge and depending on your skills, I will make a training plan for you."

Anaya stood up : "I'm going, i will be right back my love."

Once Anaya left, Liam looked at Celia and said : "If you need help you know where to find us. Don't overdo it and take your time."

Celia nodded to let him know she got it and Liam left for the combat ring.

Anaya returned with a magic bag which she put on the table next to the stalks of magic herbs : "My love, all the books for mages from the library are in this magic bag, it's better if you keep it with you it will be more convenient."

Celia was looking at her in a strange way, she didn't know why, so she said : "Come here my love."

She opened her arms and Celia came to snuggle in her embrace. Anaya covered her face with kisses and ended up pausing for a long time on her lips, which she kissed, sucked and nibbled. Celia moaned and Anaya finally released her : "My love, I'm right next to you okay. If you want you can have your break and read your books while attending my classes."

Celia : "Sweetie, I'm sorry, when I realized you were going to go train and leave me here alone, i got a strange feeling. We just spent two days together, and we rarely separated during those two days, well it's nothing at all, just a little pang in my heart. I'll come and find you soon, don't be worry because of me i will be careful and rest if i have to, okay."

With that she kissed Anaya and gently pushed her towards the exit.

Anaya reluctantly let go : "See ya my love !"

She turned and walked towards the combat ring.

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