Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 32 - It’s All About Math And Logic

Liam had decided to speed up Anaya's training a bit further. Now she was at level two, she already mastered all the basic martial arts techniques, he didn't have much else to teach her about that. He was therefore going to focus on training with weapons, Anaya seemed to appreciate blades of all kinds, dagger, saber, sword ... Liam had to find her the weapon that suited her best and make it her specialty. Only then would Anaya become a great fighter.

Liam explained the schedule to her for the day : "You're going to start by training in the combat ring with a level three force of gravity, take it easy at first, walk first, then when you get used to the pressure of gravity you can start to accelerate the pace. I'll give you an hour to warm up.

Then I'll take the gravity off, and we'll fight you and I to see if you've mastered the techniques I taught you yesterday.

You will see that training with gravity will increase your speed and your reflexes, everything will seem easier to you.

Then, you will stay an hour on the weight machines, you must continue to develop your body well, you are still growning after all.

The rest of our time today will be split between fighting with bladed weapons, I will have you try out different types of weapons, dagger, sword, saber, to see which one you have the most affinity with, and between the theory classes, which will be about learning how to use the chakra in your body, I'm sure you'll love it."

Anaya with a determined gaze : "Sounds like a really good program. Let's go !"

Anaya wasted no time and climbed straight into the combat ring.

Liam smiling took the remote control on the bench and asked her : "Ready ?"

Anaya : "Always ready !"

Liam launched gravity and Anaya dropped to her knees under the pressure. Liam said : "You have an hour to start to run, take your time to get used to the pressure of gravity. I'll see how Celia does, I'll be back soon."

Anaya managed to speak but with some difficulty : "Ok ! Go see her, I feel like she was a little too eager to go. She must be hiding something from us."

Liam who totally agreed with Anaya told her : "I totally agree with you. Besides, I go there more out of curiosity, because I know she doesn't need me at all. I'll tell you later. Focus on your training, I'm gonna spy on your wife."

Anaya smiled and Liam left in the direction of the mage training ground of the dimension. No matter what Celia had in mind, he wanted to make sure that she wasn't putting herself in danger. And as he had told Anaya, he was really curious to see Celia's progress.

When Liam entered the space reserved for Celia, he saw her in the center. She had set the cauldron in a corner of the space so that it wouldn't disturb her, and she was making four basic magic pills at the same time.

Yet he had vowed to no longer be surprised by the strange and unique way Celia handled things. But there, making four basic magic pills at the same time without a cauldron, it could only be called a miracle.

Liam focused a little on the color around Celia and it had started to blend. Besides, she was now more gray than green, which meant Celia would soon be a level two mage. Celia finished these four magic pills and felt Liam's presence, she turned to him, surprised to find him there, and asked him worried : "Is Anaya alright ?"

Liam still stunned : "Hun ? Of course, Anaya is alright, why did you ask that ? Right now I m letting her warm up on the combat ring. I just wanted to see what you were hiding from Anaya and me."

Celia looked at him with laughing eyes : "I wasn't going to hide it from you, but this was the first time I had tried doing four basic magic pills at the same time.

In the end, I was right, I have a better control over my spiritual energy and it is always quite easy for me. Don't look at me like that, even if I don't look like it, I wouldn't have tried it if I wasn't sure I could do it, ok."

Liam was still looking at her worriedly, he had to be sure she knew what she was doing : "Proof it to me ! How were you so sure to succeed ?"

Celia replied : "Easy, it's all about math and logic !"

Liam was a bit lost there : "How can the control over your spiritual energy be related to math and logic ?"

Celia suddenly looked at him seriously and explained : "In my family we have always been mathematicians, and our logical mind was above normal people. We weren't geniuses, far from it, let's just say we were good at it.

Now to control spiritual energy is quite easy, you just need to know how much energy is available. Then, you have to figure out how much spiritual energy you need to make one magic pill."

Celia stopped, she took her time to organize her thought like that it will be easier for Liam to get it : "Actually, yesterday when I first tried to make two magic pills at the same time, I thought I would need more energy to make two magic pills at the same time than to make two separately, because my concentration would be divided in two and therefore my spiritual energy could perhaps take advantage of this to disperse, so i added twenty percents more spiritual energy that i needed to make two magic pills separated.

So at first it was too much but I only need one test to adjust the amount of spiritual energy I need. The first time I try a new experiment, I always use more spiritual energy than I thought I need, just in case.

Yesterday, when I finished with the high level magic pills, I had to concentrate and use a lot more spiritual energy than the basic magic pills, the ratio is five times more.

Therefore, I felt like trying to do four basic magic pills at the same time, my concentration must be even higher than when I was making the high level magic pills, but the spiritual energy that I need to do it remains lower.

There is another factor to take into account, you told me that it takes half an hour of rest for the spiritual energy to be fully renewed, that does not apply to me. Spiritual energy can be renewed at any time, you just need to create a recycling loop."

Celia could see that Liam was completely dumped so she continued her explanation : "The principle of the spiritual energy recycling loop is very simple. For spiritual energy to be renewed you just need to stay at rest for half an hour, in reality it's only your mind that needs to be at rest for it to work.

My loop begins with my need for spiritual energy to making magic pills, I draw from my reserve what I need and then I focus one part of my attention on making the magic pills, while the other one is focus on renewing my energy. So when I finished creating my magic pills, my reserve of spiritual energy is full again."

Liam was looking at her with his mouth wide open and Celia finally added : "Don't worry, my friends from my previous life also looked at me like that when they asked me to explain to them how my little head was working."

Celia was smiling, Liam realized his mouth was open and closed it, then he said to her : "Basically you're testing your limits, with the energy you have and how much you need to use it to do this or that ? Are you doing this out of pure instinct, or do you really know the proportions you need very precisely ? And can you really divide your concentration into five ? Is that it, if I understood correctly, right ? You have to divide it into four to create the four magic pills and a fifth time to renew your spiritual energy …"

Celia replied : "There is instinct for sure, but I know exactly my amount of spiritual energy, and I know very precisely my needs for each step of making a magic pill. I can't give you numbers, it's very personal because it's more about feeling and therefore it's hard to quantify it. But you have to trust me, I wouldn't put myself in danger."

Celia thought a bit before continuing : "To divide my concentration, that's not really it. I only divide it into two parts, one part for renewing my energy and the other for making the magic pills. The part of my concentration that i use to make the magic pills is then divided according to the number of pills I want to create."

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