Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 33 - The Lake Water

Liam gave her a sorry look : "Celia, I'm so sorry, I can't help much. What you do is well beyond my knowledge in this matter, let's just say that I trust you."

Liam was thoughtful : "Um, the only advice I can give is to use the jade discs you bought to record your progress, your feelings, the proportions you need to make this or that magic pills, the comparisons of your feelings between the different basic, intermediate and high level magic pills, your loop recycling … This could be useful if one day you get stuck in a bottleneck.

With your different way to use the spiritual energy you could also may be make a lecture at the Northern Academy, I think your method could help some mages who find themselves stuck in their level without any improvement, i will talk with the head master about that, i hope you will agree.

Otherwise, have you felt a change in your spiritual energy ? Is the quantity greater than before ?"

Celia looked at him surprised : "If you think me giving a lecture can help other mages to progress then no problem i will do it.

And yes, indeed I felt a change, but it's very recent, how did you know ?"

Liam : "I observed your color while you were making your four magic pills, it started to mix and your dominant color is now gray, you will soon be a level two mage."

Celia : "Oh, I see ! Liam, you are awesome, I will take your advice and record all my impressions. Honestly at the speed I am going, I might catch up with you in three hours. I'll come study with you if you don't mind ? And I would like to know, would you agree to teach me martial arts ? I would like to learn how to fight and defend myself."

Liam replied : "Good thing because I also came to warn you that I will be doing a theory lesson with Anaya on how to use her chakra, and I think you will like it. I will do a parallel with the mages, because the chakra for Anaya is the equivalent of spiritual energy for you.

As for learning how to fight why not, I'll organize that don't worry ok.

So are you interested in my course ?

I had planned to start class in three hours, so i guess it's suited you perfectly, isn't it ?"

Celia was very enthusiastic : "Oh yes, that interests me a lot ! Come on, leave me now, I must finish this quickly."

Celia had turned to her stacks of magic herbs again and after concentrating again, resumed doing four magic pills at the same time.

Liam stopped in the hall and glanced at the library, he picked up the books about the five natural elements, and walking past the shelves of strange objects, as the girls had nicknamed it, he picked up the dagger found by Celia. His intuition told him it was made for Anaya.

He then followed the girls's instructions and found the Eben chest where he took a black leather bracelet after checking that there was the symbol of universal language engraved inside it, he wore it immediately and change his clothes into a relax sport suit. He was very curious to know what were inside the other chests, he would have to find time with the girls to take a look.

Back on the training ground, he supervised Anaya's training.

In their fight, Anaya's punches were sharper and stronger than yesterday, her speed had also increased.

Really, she was learning faster than he expected, she had already memorized all the weak points he had taught her yesterday, and was trying to put them into practice and in a very smart way with that.

His girls were going to become the cream of the crop, he was sure of it.

After this fight he offered Anaya a break, but she refused, and moved on with the weight machines and the program he had given her.

Three and a half hours later, Celia arrived with a bottle of water in her hand. She joined Anaya who had been lying on the grass for a well-deserved break, and handed her the water bottle, saying : "Here my baby wife, drink this, you will feel better afterwards."

Anaya looked at her in astonishment : "My love, your fasting pill is still working, I don't need to eat or drink."

Celia was smiling : "I know Naya, but please sweetie drink some water, okay ?"

Anaya looked at Celia who had her eyes sparkling with mischief. She finally sat down across from her wife and took the bottle of water from her, took a few sips and asked : "So my love, are you going to explain ?"

Celia laughed and said : "Wait sweetie, you'll see, are you feeling better ?"

Anaya thought about it and after concentrating on the sensations in her body understood why her wife was asking that : "Cel, what is this water ? My chakra is fully restored, and the fatigue in my muscles is gone, I feel great."

Celia explained to her : "This is the lake water, sweetie, let me explain to you, I finished making my magic pills half an hour ago, and I was going to join you with the magic bag where you put the books for the mages.

Just before I left, I suddenly wanted to take a look at the red jade disc above the level four magic herbs shelves. In the latter there is information on all the magic herbs of level four, their properties, which ones are compatible and which ones should not especially be mixed. Linda also explained in it the properties of the lake water, how we could use it and how much i need to use to grow the magic herbs. Here I brought it to you, I think Liam should have a look to it too."

Anaya took the red jade disc from Celia and examined it.

Fortunately the informations inside the jade disc were very easy to digest.

Unlike books, you just had to press the center of the disc and a red light would appear and scan your pupils, then the information contained in the disc was directly implanted and stored in your memory, you just had to close your eyes to have access to it.

Anaya couldn't believe her eyes, the lake water was a source of pure spiritual water. It had the power to restore the chakra of the fighters, as well as the spiritual energy for the mages.

It could also heal minor internal and external injuries and dramatically aid the growth of  the magic herbs. Indeed all the magic herbs that were nourished with the pure spiritual water of the lake all will become magic herbs of high quality. And the growth time will be considerably reduced.

Without the spiritual lake water, level four magic herbs would take six months to grow, while with the help of the lake water it only takes a week for it to be ready to use.

When Anaya finished going through all these informations, she stood up and held out her hand to Celia. Celia stood up and pressed herself against Anaya. Anaya met her expectations and kissed her for a long time, then released her and took her to Liam who was reading books from the library on the bench near the combat ring.

Anaya called out : "Liam, Celia has just discovered another treasure in the dimension."

Liam looked at them both dubiously : "Girls, can you tell me what's not a treasure in this dimension ? Celia, congratulations, you are a level two mage now."

Anaya looked at her wife and smiled, then she tossed the red jade disc at Liam : "Here, look at this, you won't believe it."

Liam caught the disc and looked inside it, then he froze in shock.

He looked at them again and said : "At this point, it's not even a treasure anymore. You should never tell anyone about it, okay ? Spiritual water is already something exceptionaly rare, but it is never pure, there are always impurities like with magic herbs, and it is very difficult to remove impurities from spiritual water.

Furthermore, I had never heard of any spiritual water that could help accelerate the growth of magical herbs and make them of high quality."

Liam thought for a moment before continuing : "Next time we go to the city we will buy some more small water bottles, each of us will always keep at least one in our magic bag, we never know what can happen right, and this spiritual water can save our life.

Celia, I want you to always keep one handy when you are making magic pills, since you are alone there I will be more at ease if I know that you can restore your spiritual energy at any time.

Just in case your recycling loop isn't fast enough to fill your spiritual energy reserve."

Celia smile at him, he looked cute when he was worried for them : "Alright, I will do it I promise ! So have you started your course on how to use the chakra ?"

Liam replied : "No, we were waiting for you. So if you're ready girls, shall we start."

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