Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 40 - The Golden Dragon

Celia snuggled into Anaya's arms and whispered in her ear : "Liam is going to be focused on buying these scrolls to make level ten magic pills. So if you want we can continue where we stopped earlier, ah wait let me removed that first."

Celia removed the shapeshifter necklace from both of them it was way better like that, she loved Anaya whatever disguise she was wearing but still her baby wife original face is so pretty that it will be a shame to don't enjoy it fully.

To back it up, Celia nibbled on her earlobe and sucked it, then she went down to Anaya's neck and started with her tongue tracing fiery furrows on her skin.

Liam coughed and spoke : "Celia, you know I've heard it all, please girls it's over soon, be good ok, have mercy on your poor single brother."

Celia stopped licking Anaya, she bit her lower lip before kissing her gently on the lips, and finally stopped, to be a good girl like Liam have begging for.

The girls watched the bids skyrocket for these four level ten magic pill scrolls, and Liam ended up getting them at five hundred and fifty million gold.

Celia asked him : "Are you sure you're going to get your money back ?"

Liam smiled : "Maybe I'll use this favor to help you settle into the Northern Academy."

Anaya said : "Why would we need a favor to move in ?"

Liam said in a mysterious tone : "I'll let you find out ! All I can tell you is that even though you are my disciples, I will let you take the test to enter the Northern Academy, a test according to levels and ages. Once you have passed these tests, the rules of the Northern Academy will be explained to you, at this time you will see why a favor might be welcome."

Celia sighed : "Sweetie, drop it, he won't say anything more, let's see how much our level eleven magic pill scroll will bring us."

After a fierce battle, their level eleven magic pill scroll sold for an exorbitant price of seven hundred and fifty million gold coins. The girls were more than happy, she had found another way to make a quick buck.

The auction was over, and they followed Liam to collect his property, which consisted only of the level ten magic pill scrolls for Liam, as Tal had already given to them the map of the Isle of Death.

They had to wait a little while before they could get them back, because some other participants had arrived before them. While Liam received the scrolls, in the end, the girls received a total of seven hundred anf twelve million and five hundred thousand gold coins, which was the sale amount of their level eleven magic pill scroll minus the five percent commission.

Once outside Liam said to them : "Let's go get the magic herbs for Celia first, and then we'll go negotiate our deal with Alec, let's go !"

Celia couldn't help but to tease him again : "So pressed to see him again, look at you, have you planned on asking him on a date yet ?"

Liam wanted to say no but couldn't lie to them so he said honestly : "Even if he did help us out there, I won't take any chances to put you in danger, how could we trust him right away ?"

Anaya was concerned by Liam's well-being and didn't want them to be a burden for him so she said : "Actually Liam if it's the only thing that bother you then it's easy, let Celia scan him out, like how we did for you, what about that ?"

Liam didn't want to let his chance passed with Alec so he said : "Ok we will ask him then."

The girls smiled to him and followed him hand in hand, they were in a very, very good mood.

The manager of the magic herbs shop was waiting for them at the entrance to the shop. He led them to another office than the usual one. This one was much more spacious, there was a living room with a sofa and armchairs, and a coffee table with refreshments. There were also two large bookshelves, one full of books, and the other full of unknown objects.

The manager explained to them that it was the CEO himself who was going to take care of them today, he asked them to wait a little while in the living room and enjoy the refreshments.

The girls settled on the sofa, and Liam walked around the room. He was looking at the books in the library when Alec arrived.

Alec apologized for keeping them waiting and motioned for Liam to sit around the table full of refreshments.

Celia asked Alec : "You said you had some important things to take care of, did you manage to finish what you wanted to do ?"

Alec smiled at her and replied : "I haven't quite finished what I wanted to do yet, but I got the information on the assassins, out of the fifteen ten were mercenaries who were interested in the egg, but the five others were from the red dragon clan, their birthmark leaves no doubt and they had that on them."

Alec showed them a stone and an Anaya's hologram appeared.

Anaya was shocked, no one could know except Celia and Liam that she had the red dragons birthmark and neither of them could ever have betrayed her ...

Celia could see that Anaya was confused and Liam had frowned, she decided to explain to Anaya the why and how, her naive baby wife surely didn't have made the connection yet : "Sweetie, actually there is only one explanation possible, and you won't be happy about it but you need to know.

That woman who taught you since you are a kid knew about your bloodline, and then there are only two possibilities, first she got caught by an unkown ennemy and she confessed everything, or second, she is the ennemy and when she saw that you left the orphanage without tell anyone, she engaged assassins to find you and bring you back."

Liam without a doubt said : "It's the second one, Celia don't try to protect Anaya feeling she has to know to be wary if we meet again that woman."

He then said to Alec : "Sorry that you got involved with us, and thanks to have help us out, we are grateful."

Alec nodded like it was nothing and then asked to Anaya : "Can i see your birthmark Anaya, Tal have called you "my queen" i m just curious that's all, if you don't want it's ok though."

Anaya looked at Liam to see if he agreed and Liam just nodded so she removed her bracelet and showed it to Alec.

The reaction of Alec was unexcpected he took Anaya's wrist and kneel down before her, he said : "Liam you're not from the red dragon clan so do you know the meaning about the gold inside her birthmark ?"

Alec has turned his head to Liam but he had kept Anaya's wrist in his hands.

Somehow Liam wasn't please with that so he quickly answered : "No i don't know about it and how could you know about it ?"

Liam began to be suspicious and when he saw Alec finally get back to the sofa close to him he sighed in relief, Alec then removed his own bracelet and the birthmark of the red dragon clan was there.

Alec stared at him and said : "Don't look at me like that I m not your ennemy and I will never let someone hurt her, the gold in her birthmark means that she is the golden dragon, her birthmark will evolve with her strength till the red disappear completely and be replaced by the gold.

The golden dragon means that something serious is going to happen, it's always a bad luck that's means the balance of universe has been disrupted and she is here to fix it."

Celia was furious : "What the hell ?"

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