Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 41 - The Prophecy

Anaya was also shocked by this revelation : "Ya, what the hell ?"

Liam couldn't believe Alec was a red dragon, fu*k, if he agrees to be his boyfriend he could never top a true red dragon, but why was he thinking about that now anyway, the bomb Alec had just thrown at the girls was way more important, if what Alec was saying was true, another great war was about to break out and Anaya was the one who should stop it.

Liam decided to tell them the prophecy, he had no more doubts as to their identity : "Girls, seeing as Alec is a red dragon himself I think we can trust him with the fact that Anaya is really The golden dragon.

Now I'm going to tell you a prophecy, I heard about it because I'm one of the most powerful master in the Northern Academy, very few people know about this prophecy."

He suddenly wanted to touch Alec before continuing, he grabbed his wrist and stroked his birthmark with his thumb.

Alec let's him do what he wanted with a satisfied smile on his lips, Liam coughed to come to his senses, but what was wrong with him, he looked at the girls and saw their knowing smile, Celia was going to tease him with that for a long time, he sighed and continued without letting go on Alec's hand : "This prophecy tells that when the forces of evil are about to enslave the universe, a mage and a fighter with extraordinary powers will join forces to save all the worlds in this universe."

A awkward silence followed after Liam finished talking, Alec finally said : "This prophecy is probably relates to you girls I agree with Liam on this point."

Celia was really annoyed by this prophecy and the fact that Anaya was the golden dragon, her loving baby wife was going to be in great danger if that was really the case, she said : "Alec it's not worth putting up with Liam, he is totally fond of you already."

Liam exclaimed : "Cel what's the fu*k ?"

Celia retorted with a smile : "It's alright, it's alright Liam, I'll stop there don't worry ... let's get back to that prophecy why are you so sure we're that mage and that fighter ?"

Alec had blushed after Celia's comment but he answered her honestly coz it was really an important matter : "It seems obvious, Anaya being the golden dragon her fate is already linked to this prophecy and Celia ... actually Celia I don't even know what to think about you.

You are really one of a kind, I had never seen a mage do what you did with the egg, that far exceeds the skills of a level two mage, if we add to that the fact that you can make magic pills with a hundred percent purity rate and that you broke my force field when we were at the auction … Oh yes I forgot that my manager warned me that you had a silver potential but even without him telling me that, your potential leaves no doubt.

Moreover the prophecy states that a mage and a fighter must join forces, I have seen you mixing your energy with Anaya earlier. Celia you really believe that everyone can mix their energy like that with someone else ..."

Celia was a little taken aback by what Alec had just said, but come to think of it he was right, it matched what Liam had already explained to them.

Celia looked at Liam and Liam was looking at Alec like he was the most precious thing in the world, she wondered if Liam was realizing how he was staring to Alec, she decided not to embarrass him more than that.

She decided to ask Alec : "Alec, I don't know why you helped us earlier, and I also know that you are a CEO but I think we would really need your help, if what you said is true, these assassins won't be the last we meet and even though Liam is very powerful, more powerful than you in fact, Anaya and I cannot fight against black and gold level assassins yet.

Anaya interrupted her : "My love, don't forget what Liam have asked you to do, you should scan him before you say more about us or even ask him to join us."

Alec looked puzzled at first then smiled : "Do you want me to join you ?"

Alec turned to Liam with a glance full of anticipation and the way Liam was looking at him made him blush again, how Liam would react if he knew he was not only his soulmate but his life partner, was he going to reject him ? He decided not to think about it too much yet and decided to ask Liam : "Did you ask Celia to scan me ? Scan what and how ?"

Liam replied with an apologetic smile while he was caressing his hand that he had never let go off : "She's just going to check your soul, to see if you have any bad intentions. Celia has already discovered your true level, even if she can't set your grade of your silver color yet, she won't break your force field a second time."

Alec said perplexe : "To check my soul ?"

Liam smiled he found him cute with this expression on his face : "Ya, don't ask for the details, only Celia know how to do it, so for us to totally trust you this is the price to pay, I passed it too, it is completely painless and you will just feel her energy wash over you. The benefits you will get from this confidence are unimaginable, trust me on that."

Alec smiled at him : "I wasn't going to say no. Celia what do you want me to do ?"

Celia stood up and made him stand up as well. She turned her wrists and placed her palms over his veins in his wrists. He let her do whatever she needed to do and waited, not to sure how to react.

Celia suddenly looked at him straight in the eyes, and he saw her freeze, she didn't even blink.

He felt a gentle but powerful energy surge inside him. He looked at Liam confused by this power, it was just amazing, Liam smiled at him and winked at him. Alec blushed, fu*k this man was too handsome and way too sexy for his sanity.

Celia came to herself, and looked at Anaya. Anaya immediately stood up and hugged her, made her sit on her lap and handed her a bottle of the lake water which she took out of her magic bag.

Celia thanked her and immediately took a few sips. Her spiritual energy had returned to its maximum, and she felt better, at least this time she hadn't faint.

Celia looked at Alec and said : "Congratulations Alec, you passed the test. Liam, if I had to compare both of your energy, I would say you look more like a sage. Your energy is soft, powerful and controlled, Alec's energy is powerful and wild, I think he is not using his full potential, it is like he is not mixing his chakra with his red dragon energy, Anaya has the same problem but when I mix our energies I managed to create a harmonious mixture between our three energies, so i m sure we can find a way for the both of you to mix your chakra with your red dragon energy."

Alec had his mouth wide open, Celia looked at Liam and said : "You know you should release the negative energy that you sealed inside you, you are strong enough to control it now I'm sure of it."

Alec was stunned as was Liam.

Liam spoke first : "You knew about that energy and you trusted me anyway ?"

Celia answered honestly : "Of course i do, you sealed that negative energy because you were afraid to use it and hurt people am I right ?"

Liam just nodded still shocked by this revelation.

Celia told him : "See, knowing that was the only thing I needed to trust you, I have great respect for you Liam."

Alec asked when he saw that Liam was moved by Celia's words : "Are you going to trust me, just like that ? Are you not afraid of making a mistake in your judgment ?"

Celia said to him: "Not only we are going to trust you and share our secrets with you, but I'm sure that not before long you will become our brother-in-law, what do you think sweetie ?"

Anaya replied with a smile : "I think Liam is going to skin you alive."

Celia with an innocent face : "Oh really !"

Then she smirked.

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