Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 46 - Anaya’s Mark Has Evolved

Celia caressed her face to soothe her : "Right after my third orgasm, ahem can you beleive it, you gave me three orgasms in less than ten minutes, do you want to kill me."

Celia saw that her joke scared Anaya a lot so she apologized quickly : "Sorry, sorry sweetie i was kidding, don't mind me ok, let me tell you what happened."

Celia kissed her few times before Anaya calm down and only then she continued : "So right after my third orgasm, I felt myself leaving. I found myself in the space of the spheres, waves of energies were literally coming out of me and was being sucked into the spheres.

I closed my eyes and focused on absorbing more energies to nourish the spheres. I could felt the spiritual energy of the dimension and the lake, and then I absorbed them to use it to fill the spheres until I felt my limits were reached.

When I opened my eyes three spheres were colored, the first was red, the second orange and the third yellow. Then I came back here, i don't know how, i guess everthing that needed to be done, was done. That's all my baby wife, I didn't know I was there that long, I'm so sorry that I scared you."

Celia was still caressing her face and wanted to take her in her arms when she noticed that the mark on Anaya's chest had changed, it was no longer golden, it had become silver : "Sweetie, did you see it ? Look at your mark !"

Anaya looked down and saw the change of color of her mark, she looked at Celia's mark which of course had also remained silver. Her potential had increased ? Without her realizing it, was it even possible, Anaya wondered.

Anaya wasn't sure how to react : "Well, we will need to have to talk to the boys about it. I was focused on you, I have no idea when my mark has evolved."

Celia completely agreed with her, Liam and Alec were the only ones who could answer their questions, she told her : "Of course sweetie, we'll talk to them, let's wait until we are on the giant flying bird, okay ? How much time do we have before we leave ?"

Anaya thought before answering : "About an hour and a half, why ?"

Celia thought it would be good to take their mind off things, so she said to her : "How about we finally go shopping before we leave, i will behave i promise, no more teasing, okay sweetie ?"

Anaya looked at her in disbelief and asked : "Are you sure you are feeling good enough, you just sent an overpowered wave of energy through the whole dimension, don't you want to rest instead ?"

Celia smiled at her : "Sweetie, I feel wonderful, but if you want us to stay here for another round, I'm up for it."

Celia moved her hand to Anaya's breast, pinched her nipple and went lower, lower again, until Anaya stopped her hand and said in a bossy tone : "Not even in your dream my love, I just had the fear of my life, we're not ready to do it again until a long time. Get dressed we're going out."

Celia thought : damn it she was going to have to re-tame her beloved baby wife.

Celia and Anaya took great pleasure to do shopping together, moreover they could spend lavishly, they bought everything they wanted without counting.

They chose some matching jewelry, a drawing book and pens for Anaya, sweets for Celia as well as mirrors, Celia often complained that there is no mirror in the dimension.

They also bought a piano and a book to learn how to play it, music was also something Celia missed a lot, and in her world she never had the time nor the money to learn how to play it.

Time passed quickly and soon they had to go to the meeting point.

Liam was waiting for them and explained to them : "Alec is the owner of the penthouse in this complex so here are your cards to enter it however you want. Alec will join us soon, he is giving his final instructions to his employees."

The girls had barely listened to him, they were looking at the giant bird, which by the way, was really gigantic. On its back was a building complex that looked like a cruise ship.

Celia couldn't help but exclaim : "So damn cool !"

The girls followed Liam inside, he gave them the information they needed to find their way around the complex, there were everything, spaces to relax, restaurants, shops, a casino, a theater …

They arrived at Alec's penthouse, it was just grand, and as Liam had promised them, there was plenty of room for everyone.

They were going to stay a month and a half in this penthouse, and Celia for the first time in her life, felt like a privileged person.

Celia hugged Anaya from behind and said to Liam : "Liam you're a lucky guy, I hope you know it, don't screw up with Alec, okay.

Liam always preferred to be honest with his girls so he said : "It's not that simple i have to think about it before giving him an answer."

Celia looked at him with curious eyes : "Do you mean that he is your soulmate, that's great."

Liam smiled : "He is more than my soulmate, it's the same bond as both of you, i m his life partner, like Celia you are the life partner of Anaya. It's a dragon thing, it's rare and more powerful than the bond between soulmates."

Celia and Anaya was disbelief, Celia asked : "Is it why our silver filaments are like that ?"

Liam couldn't believe how Celia was smart and always so straight forehead : "Ya, Alec confirmed it. So i need some time …"

Anaya cut him off : "Time for what, this is a one time chance, are you going to miss it just because you are scared, come one, Cel and I have seen how you like him already, why do you have to hesitate ?"

Liam was speechless he thought : girls who is the adult here, can't you give me some face ?

Celia saved him for once, she said : "It's okay to be scared but don't forget to think at Alec's feeling, okay.

Well, when Alec will be there, we need to talk to both of you. Something's happened in the dimension just an hour ago, nothing serious don't worry, but it's important."

Liam looked at them both : "Okay girls, but don't go into too much details for you know what, Alec is still very innocent on that side."

Celia burst out laughing : "It's okay, it's okay, we weren't going to tell you about our love making, what do you think we are ?"

Liam commented : "I have no doubts about Anaya, although I find that you really have a really bad influence on her on that side. As for you, I absolutely don't trust you and I don't want you to scare Alec with your scandalous innuendo."

Anaya was laughing and Celia too, Liam added cheerfully : "Glad that makes you laugh, but i m quite serious Cel, be good okay."

Alec arrived not long after and watched them from afar before moving closer.

They seemed to be having a good time. He still found it hard to imagine that he was now part of this improvised little family.

Liam was his life partner, even though he hadn't accepted it yet, and the girls were both really special and lovely, he was glad to be with them.

Liam noticed him and motioned for him to approach.

Liam said to him : "Alec, baby, come quickly the girls want to go out on the terrace to see the take off."

Alec put his arm around Liam's waist, and Liam gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Then they followed the girls out onto the terrace, and watched all together the giant bird take off.

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