Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 47 - The Divine Door

Celia was amazed by this new world, the takeoff went smoothly thanks to the force field around the complex. They felt no pressure and were able to take full advantage of the magnificent scenery before them.

Very quickly, Dawn city and the surrounding mountains and forests vanished, giving way to the vastness of the sky. The giant bird was flying above the clouds, Celia had already flown in her other life, so she had already seen this, the endless sea of white clouds, and the flawless blue sky that lay above it.

But, at that moment, a sense of inner peace took hold of her, the fact of being in the open air thanks to the force field and not being locked in a plane made this experience exceptional.

Anaya hugged her from behind and rested her head in the crook of her neck and kissed her just there where the skin was so sensitive, nothing could have been more perfect.

Liam let them enjoy this privileged moment for a good half an hour, then ended up asking them, consumed with curiosity : "My little darlings, it's time to tell Alec and me what happened in the dimension, by the way you prefer that we speak in the living room or directly in the dimension ?"

Alec who didn't know yet that something happened asked : "Did something happen while we weren't here ?"

Celia turned to them, then to Anaya, whom she kissed tenderly on the lips and replied : "Well, i think it's better if we go straight to the dimension, we have to show you several things."

The boys held out their hands to the girls and they found themselves in the dimension near the lake.

Liam and Alec looked around with their eyes and mouths wide open so shocked at what they were seeing that they ended both to be speechless.

Looking at the fields of magic herbs, it was Liam who had the biggest reaction, he whispered more to himself than to the others : "It's impossible right, most of the magic herbs were far from to be mature yet ..."

He looked at the girls with disbelief and asked : "What happened exactly here ?"

Anaya before answering lowered her top a bit so that Liam and Alec could see that her mark had turned silver, Celia did the same with the top of her maxi dress, to confirm that their mark had evolved from gold to silver.

Celia looked at Anaya, and nodded to tell her that she could begin the explanation.

The boys were speechless again, how many surprises the girls had in store for them, it had only been four hours since their last separation, but what the hell had happened, Liam wondered.

Anaya said to Alec : "We promised Liam we wouldn't go into details, but before I explain everything to the both of you, I have a question for you Alec.

It's about our bond to Cel and me, Liam told us about the life partner's bond and i would like to know if we can increase our potential by making love ?

Liam don't look at me like that, it is a very serious question, it had already been twice that Celia enters her sea of consciousness and increased her grade after we had made love."

Liam raised his hand to prevent Alec from answering and asked : "Hold on ! Celia, have you changed of grade again ?"

Celia reminded him : "Liam, you promised me you wouldn't look at me like that anymore, you know I don't do it on purpose."

Liam said to her : "Sorry Cel, I said I would try, and by no means i take you for a monster, all right ? So tell me sweetheart,  what happened exactly !"

Celia was really curious to know Alec's answer so she said to Liam : "I will answer you Liam, but I also want to hear Alec's answer, Anaya is right, this is the second time this has happened after we made love."

Liam nodded and Celia continued : "I moved up to grade three, the first three spheres turned colored, red, orange and yellow.

I remained unconscious for two hours and while I was absorbing the spiritual energies from the dimension and from the lake to fill the spheres, Anaya told me that a symbol appeared between my eyebrows, right where the point spiritual is.

Just before it disappeared, a flash of light have come out of that symbol and spread throughout the dimension, Anaya could tell you more about it, I was still unconscious at this time."

Anaya then continued the explanation : "I have drawn the symbol."

She showed them a sketch she had made in her drawing book and explained to them : "After this flash of light, I saw the magic herbs ripen at a crazy speed, and the symbol finally disappeared after that. Cel woke up half an hour later, she was the one who saw that our mark had turned silver, I didn't feel any change at all."

Liam was looking at the symbol Anaya had drawn and he looked at Alec gravely. Alec also had a serious look on his face and he said looking at Liam : "Are you telling them or should I ?"

Liam thought about it then replied to him : "Answer their question first, I can't do it for you, then explain to them what this symbol is and the whole story behind it."

Celia and Anaya were surprised by this last sentence, that symbol couldn't be something bad, could it ? Now they were really curious.

Alec began : "Life partners are extremely rare, I don't really have a comparison to help you. I don't know if having sex can help you increase your potential or if it's something else that triggers it.

It could just be a too strong emotion, Liam told me that Anaya's mark was practically spread all over her body when she heard the story of your death, making love may have nothing to do with that."

Celia thought about it and said : "You are right, it must be related to our emotions. You can go on, what is this symbol, and why did Naya feel nothing when her potential changed from gold to silver ?"

So Alec continued : "I will answer your second question first, I think Naya's potential has increased thanks to you. With Liam we have already discussed this before, and he explained to me that you refused that one of your two energies will be tame by the other and that you would rather let them learn from each other and become stronger.

I think the energies inside Anaya learn from yours as your potential is greater, when you have absorbed this large amount of spiritual energy, there are two possible explanations, either you have transmitted part of this energy to Anaya without realizing it, or it is the energies inside Anaya which drew on this too full of energy.

I would lean more towards the second explanation, and the fact that you wanted your energies to learn from each other must have directly impacted Anaya's potential and made it evolve, which is why she did not feel anything, all of this have been done unconsciously."

Anaya asked to be sure : "You mean basically mixing our energies, also binds our potentials. Celia will pull me up whenever her potential will increase."

Alec confirmed with a nod. Afterwards Alec hesitated, he became very serious again and said to them : "Celia, the symbol that appeared between your eyebrows is called "the divine door", and it has only appeared once in history.

I already told you about Clara, the only mage to have reached the seventh grade of level twelve, so her ultimate weapon was the divine door, all the known portraits of Clara have this symbol on it, if you are wondering how she is dead like she was that powerful, well she sacrificed herself to prevent the universe from becoming the slave of demons.

A million years ago the demons had invaded and enslaved eighty percent of the worlds in this universe, they weren't too strong for Clara they were just too many.

To save the universe she and her soulmate Anna gathered their energies and Clara used the divine door one last time, it is said that a dazzling light would have swept over all the worlds of the universe killing all the demons except those who had remained on their home world.

Clara and Anna had sealed this world, whom is now known as Inferno, so that the demons could never again invade other worlds and after doing that no one ever heard of them again. Their bodies were never found but it was obvious to everyone that they couldn't make it out alive."

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