Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 60 - Some Business Talk

Once outside she saw that Anaya was still sulking, and apparently the guys had added some teasing to hers, her baby wife was just too cute when she was teasing her, she couldn't help it.

She showed her the dagger to make amends and gave it to her.

She said to her after seeing her eyes wide open : "So am I forgiven my baby wife ?"

Anaya took the dagger and gave her a peck on her lips, she said to her : "I want a double portion of my favorite dessert and then may be i will forgive you."

Celia laughed and just to her : "Good girl you will have your reward, dont worry."

Liam and Alec watched them helplessly, they didn't know if one day they will get use to their verbal joust but hell it was always a good show.

Celia looked at the boys and asked them a question : "Guys, do you know how come I was able to feel this energy from the outside ? It's actually more than that, it's like if these daggers had an energy signature that I recognized, it was as if it attracted me ... sorry i m not sure how to express my feeling about it."

Liam and Alex were perplexed it was the first time they encountered this kind of phenomena, it is Liam who ended up saying to her : "Cel, sorry but that exceeds our field of competence, we have no explanation for you."

Alec nodded to tell her that he agreed with Liam.

Celia sighed, she asked them again : "Then, could we test them when we will be in the open sea ? That way there will be no risk of accidentally injuring someone."

Liam obviously was very excited by this idea : "Of course we can do that, I can't wait to see what kind of power is hidden inside them."

Anaya said enthusiastically : "Me too !"

And Alec added it too : "Me too, I can't wait to test them ... Okay, it's settled then, we can go now, we will talk a bit about business now before going back to the treasure hunt."

The girls smiled at him and followed them. Liam had his arm around Alec's shoulders and Alec held him by the waist, Celia found their couple really harmonious.

She couldn't help but look at their colors as well as their silvery filaments, since they had managed to mix their energies, the filaments had multiplied and seemed to be stronger than before. She was still trying to find a way for Liam to unlocked his demonic energy, she was sure that he will be much stronger using it, she needed a plan, she will have to talk with Alec about it.

They entered Alec's shop and it was completely different from his shop to Dawn city, like all Night city, his shop look prosperous.

Alec brought them to the second floor in an special office that was protected by all kind of magic, force shield, seals and some impenetrable spells, it was so well protected because he already told them that  the second floor was really special and only treasure could be found in here.

They sat down around a coffee table and Liam gave to Celia a magic bag full of magic herbs of different levels.

He said to her : "That's all my men could find within those six weeks, they missed only few level nine and level ten magic herbs, but i should be able to get them from my contact in Stellar, i will also send the list for the missing magic herbs from level eleven and twelve."

He gave her another magic bag and inside were thousand and thousand talisman papers, he told her : "For those talisman papers i won't ask you anything as compensation as i can enjoy it freely from you, i still want to be your exclusive business partner so i will do as you planed and try to find a way to sell it to the demons but i guess it will take some time for Dan and his men to find demons who are willing to trade with them."

Celia was well aware of that so she said to him : "I understand, don't worry, we still have plenty time so don't rush things, we had to do it well to gain their trust. Also, first we will be selling to them only the talisman papers with medium level, once we will be trusting each other we could sell them high level ones."

Liam was again impress by Celia scheming plan he said to praise her : "Cel, that's a very good plan, so smart um, like Anaya said before, i wouldn't like to be your ennemy."

Celia smiled at him and then she asked Alec : "Alec what about the magic herbs you found, will be my magic pills level two to five enough to pay you back or should we add some money ?"

Alec said to her : "It's already way too much, your magic pills level two and three are enough to cover the cost so i will buy you all your magic pills level four and five at market price, aslo i would like to resell the items that we didn't use in the dimension, i will take five pourcent of commission from the sells."

Celia was wondering something so she said to him : "You are the one who told me once that you were buying all magic pills that people could make to help them survive because some could only rely on those to live right ?"

Liam didn't know why she was asking that but he nodded, waiting for her to continue.

Celia then added : "I would like you to take ten pourcent of what you could resell and use that money to add a contract with those who are in need to provide them a monthly salary, you could asked them a certain quantity of magic pills per month and supply them with free magic herbs. If you need more you can take twenty percents of the sells i do not care."

Anaya after earing her wife felt very proud and very lucky to have a so wonderful wife.

She said to Alec : "I agree with Cel, you can have twenty percents of the share and help more people."

Alec looked at Liam and sighed helplessly : "I think they are really clueless about the value of their goods."

Liam just laughed heartily and said to the girls : "What Alec wants to say it's ten percents share are already too much for your demand there is no need for twenty percents share okay girls, and i m sure he really like your idea because i do like it too."

Alec smiled at them : "Obviously i liked this idea it will give me monthly supply too so it's a win win situation, i will hire some people to put that in order you can rest assure of it and if you have more idea please feel free to tell them i will really appreciate it."

Like everything was done both of them choose to part way, Alec needed to do some important business so Liam will stay with him while the girls will go roaming in Night city, but not before they have promised them to hide in their dimension if Celia detect any danger and not before taking a communication stone with them.

Celia thought they were a little bit to pamper by them but she knew they will get worried if they don't agree with their terms.

So after visiting the city and played with the flying skateboards they finally decided to do some shopping to buy a bed and everthing they need to make a cosy room inside the dimension, same if the grasses were soft it will be always better to do a nap or other extra activities in a true bed.

After their shopping they were heading to Alec's shop when Celia felt a very strong negative energy, Celia thought : damn that energy is too powerful for us.

She let go Anaya's hand to take her by her waist and bring her closer to her, Anaya looked at her surprised but without second she nodded her head understanding the meaning of her stare, they were in trouble.

Just ahead Alec's shop, blocking the entry were two very tall men, taller than Liam and Alec, they were handsome but their energies were so negative that it gave her a chilling feeling and the smile on their face were really creepy.

The man of the left spoke first : "Caleb look what we just found ? Isn't the girls that our dear brother are trying to protect so much than now not only the demon king wants him dead but the emperor of the red dragon clan too."

Caleb just said with a poker face : "Yeah ! We just hit the jackpot, let's see what so wonderful about these girls, Aiden you can go first i will enjoy the show from here."

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