Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 61 - Battle In The Open Sea Part 1

Celia didn't think too much, she let out from her magic bag twenty green papers of her own spiritual energy to make a strong shield.

During their first battle she was only a level three mage, now than she was a level five mage, the spiritual energy inside the green papers was ten times stronger than the one before.

Once the shield was in place, Celia took the Anaya's wrists to mix their energies, she gave her a passionate kiss before switching her attention to Liam's brothers.

Aiden and Caleb had been shocked by the strong shield that girl just made in few seconds with the help of those green papers, and now that girl was kissing the other one like they didn't existe at all, what's the hell thought Caleb.

Aiden voice his anger : "What's the fu*k do you think you are doing ?"

Celia watched them and choose to anger even more this Aiden, she said with a smirk on her face : "Me, I m enjoying my wife's lips why ? Jealous ?"

Aiden let out his demonic energy and with lightning speed collided with their shield, he gave his all in that punch but he could break only two layers of her shield and damage the third layer, there were still many more layers to break, Aiden retreated close of Caleb and asked him : "How is that possible ? that girl is only a level five mage, she can't have the power to put such a shield."

Caleb answered him thoughtfully : "I think we underestimed those girls, after all the informations we had was than they were only at level three, three weeks ago, what kind of genius are they if they can leveled up two times in three weeks, that's impossible, and our brother have never been a fool so if he chose to stand by their side, those girls can't be that simple."

Caleb added while staring at Celia with this creepy smile : "Smart, she used your anger to call out our dear brother … Liam nice to see you again little brother."

Liam and Alec had appeared ahead of the girls, Celia open her shield to let them in and closed it just after them.

Celia said to Liam with a playfully tone : "Sorry guys, we didn't have time to use the communication stone, your brother Aiden have quite a temper, i think he has anger issue."

Liam looked at Celia and sighed helplessly again : "Cel please, do you remember our talk about being less careless and stop trying to anger to death your opponents."

Celia came closer to Liam and put a hand on his shoulder : "Ya i remembered that i told you it couldn't be help right, and right now to anger him was the quicker way to let you know we were in trouble, you should praise me instead of always scolding me."

Anaya and Alec smirked when they heard Celia's comments but stayed serious, Liam's brothers were much stronger than the last threat they encountered.

Liam asked Celia : "What did you found out about their levels ?"

Celia had already made her assomption about it so she said : "Caleb is much stronger than Aiden based on their demonic energies, if you want a example it will be like Aiden is in level twelve grade one while Caleb is level twelve grade five.

But that is only an example for their gap of powers, Aiden is already stronger than you Liam, with all you might you could only break one layer of my shield and damage the second one, Aiden with one punch went through two layers, he almost broke the third one."

Celia added still focus of their new ennemies : "The powers of demons are indeed scary."

Liam asked her emotionless : "How many layers did you make ?"

Celia let go of Liam and said to him : "Don't worry i could tell how they were powerful just by their chills demonic energies, i made right away ten layers for the shield and i was ready to put more in case Aiden was stronger than i execpted."

Celia added : "I could have been more efficient if you had let me test your demonic energy level."

Liam sighed she was really the most stubborn person he knew : "Stop bothering me with that I have already told you that i won't use it no matter what."

Celia was really pissed off now, she said to him : "No matter what ? Do you realize that when you are trying to protect us you put us in danger, if I didn't have the talisman papers to shield us we would already be dead. I know you're afraid to use your demonic energy, but we really need to talk about this issue."

Alec could feel that Celia was angry so he preferred to get involved : "Cel, enough !"

Anaya circled her waist and said : "Yes, it's okay my love, everyone is fine, stay focused on the fight, they have no idea what it is going to happen to them I almost pity them, the problem is that we can't fight properly here."

Liam took the wrist of alec and mixed their energies together, he said to celia : "Cel I m sorry i didn't mean it you know that, I promise that we will talk about it later, okay ?"

Celia just nodded the battle was ready to begin she couldn't let her be distracted by this kind of thought.

Liam looked at Caleb who were staring at his hand on Alec wrist and said to him : "Let's fight in the open sea, see you there."

The boys took the girls and brought them to the open sea. Celia's shield was still in place, she added ten more layers before Alec's brothers arrived.

Celia asked Liam : "I have a funny feeling about Caleb, are you sure he's our enemy ?"

Liam didn't have time to answer that his brothers were already there, however Celia could detect his troubled gaze.

Interestingly, this Caleb might just be the key to fight the red dragons, but she had to wait to be sure, her instinct alone wasn't enough for this sort of thing, Celia thought.

Anaya spoke first : "Guys can you let us fight first, this is a great opportunity for Cel and I to test our new attack spells."

Liam sighed again, why do they have to be always like that, he said : "Don't forget this is not a training, if you wanna fight them you have to stay inside the shield I m not kidding Naya."

Anaya looked offend, she said to him : "Since when do i look this stupide to you."

Liam replied : "Since Celia tainted you."

Celia exclaimed : "Hey ! that was not fair."

Alec said to Liam : "Let them fight, Anaya have our energies in her green papers it should be okay."

Meanwhile Caleb was wondering if they took them as some kind of joke, Liam couldn't possibly let that baby girl fight them right, it was insulting.

Caleb and Aiden was watching that Naya getting close of the edge of the shield and she said to them : "I hope you are ready to feel ashame after that fight, losing against two girls who are only level five will be a tough blow."

Aiden couldn't take it anymore he screamed : "What the fu*k are you talking about, who is gonna loose … let's fight girls."

After he said that he used the same attack than earlier but Anaya was ready this time she put ten talisman papers on the shield, and said "disperse", that was the first time she was using those in battle.

Those green papers was filled with lightning and water energies, Celia's shield was immediately surrounder by lightning.

Anaya waited for Aiden to rush into their shield again, then blocked him with the water's energy and created a cage with the lightning's energy.

She then put down five green papers on the shield which were filled with the energies of water and wind mixed together, ice spikes immediately formed and she threw them directly at Aiden's vital points.

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