Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 66 - Do You Wanna Bet ?

When they arrived at the Isle of Death, there were already a hundred participants there.

There were two groups of forty persons and two groups of ten persons.

Liam set up a force field around them and began to explain to Anaya as Celia was still sleeping in her arms : "The two biggest groups that you can see are the Sun Sect and the Moon Sect, the two smaller ones are independent fighters and mages who make alliance to enter the Isle of death.

I have already explained to you that this island is very dangerous, it is common for independents to come together to protect each other, as for the large groups, once crossed the barrier they will divide to cover a larger aera."

Liam needed to remind them : "Like we are under disguises i can't use the fact that i m a master of the Northern Academy.

Normally just that fact is the biggest shield that someone can get, so we will be probably get into trouble like we are kind of outsider and a small group at that.

People may think that we are weak and will try to get our goods, so we must stay on our guard, understood ?"

Anaya and Alec nodded their head and then Anaya asked him : "How does the barrier around this island work ?"

Liam answered her easily, it was not the first time that he took part of it : "The barrier will disappear for a whole day, this is the moment that all those who can and who want to enter will do it, after this day the barrier will be closed again and only open in a month for just two hours, if you miss this opportunity to get out of here you'll be trapped inside for the next ten years."

Anaya asked again : "You keep saying that this island is dangerous, what is the percentage of death among the participants on average ?"

Liam smiled before answering : "Usually only thirty percent of the participants survive, that's why the northern academy stopped sending people there, there were too much human loss and not enough rewards to make it worth it.

Of course people like me are free to do whatever they want, and rest assure that with me and Alec you will be with Celia more than safe, okay."

Anaya still didn't understand something so she asked Liam again : "If what you and Alec deduced is correct, then how did Tal get out of this Island ?"

Liam was really very satisfied with Anaya, she never asked a lot of questions and always got right to the point, moreover her questions were never stupid like the ones that the students of Nothern Academy usually asked him and that was truly hit him on his nerves.

He explained to her : "Thunderbirds are well known primarily for two things, the first is the fact that they can use the lightning's element which remains the rarest and most coveted of all natural elements, and the second reasons is their mastery in the art of illusion.

Tal is much stronger than me and Alec I guess if he wants to he can get through the barrier and he might had found loophole that he can use, otherwise he maybe just got permission from the owner to enter and exit it when he sees fit."

Anaya was surprised that such a thing was possible so she said to him : "Liam if what you said is true, could I with Cel allow you to come in and out of our dimension whenever you will want to ? It will be so much more convenient for everyone."

Alec finally said : "Anaya is right it will be more convenient for everyone, may be you should ask AVA she would probably know about it."

Anaya just nodded and smiled, the barrier will disappear soon and she was getting really excited, it was such a shame that her wife as used so much will power to unsealed those daggers than she was still sleeping after one day of rest.

She gave her some lake water, using her mouth to feed her, just in case it will help her to feel better, but nothing had changed, Celia was still sleeping peace fully.

Anaya wondered if Arthur had hatched and if he did, how was he ? Celia had told her that the amount of poison that was left inside the egg was no longer lethal and that he could probably get rid of it alone now.

She just hoped that her wife wasn't wrong and that he was fine, after all he was the last of his kind, he had to survive at all costs.

Anaya wasn't really please with the fact that Celia had to bond with other mystical creatures or magic beasts, just thinking about it make her feel sick of jealousy, if she asked Celia not to do it, her wife would listen to her, wouldn't she ?

She missed Celia, she wanted to hear her wife's inappropriate remarks, the teasing she was making to everyone, and the fact that no matter what happened Celia always found something positive in it, ah damn she was doom, she was so in love with her that it was hurting like hell to see her like this.

After an hour or so the barrier disappeared and Liam lead them inside the Isle of Death.

Liam had made copy of the map provide by Tal to everyone and made them learnt it by heart, he also had chosen a spot that will be their meeting point if they were separated.

Since Celia was still unconscious there was no need for them to go to check the palace yet, only Cel could probably break through whatever safety measures they had taken to protect the palace.

So Liam chose to go to a cave that he didn't know the existence before getting this map, he was curious to see what will be waiting for them inside.

While Anaya was running with the boys, she felt Celia waving in her arms.

Her wife had begun to kiss her neck and shoulder, Celia shifted her position and clung to Anaya encircling her waist with her legs, she started to rub against her and her kisses were getting hotter too, she bit her chin and eventually captured her lips.

Celia kissed her with all the passion she was capable of, she wanted to make love with her right here and right now.

Anaya ended up stopping before hurting Celia because she would have lost control.

She then met her wife's expectations with passion, after all this angst, Anaya was more than ready to satisfy her wife's whims.

She saw out of the corner of her eye that the boys had stopped too, she moved away from Celia's lips just to say these few words to them : "We'll be right back."

Then they disappeared into their dimension.

Liam looked at Alec helplessly and he saw that Alec felt the same, in spite of themselves they were starting to get used to the behavior of the girls.

Liam decided to take the opportunity to make a daring bet, he was eager to know if Alec would be up for it or not.

Liam took him in his arms and kissed him languidly, after that kiss he asked him : "Do you want to bet with me ?"

Alec looked at him surprised and asked him : "What do you want to bet on ?"

Liam offered : "I bet they won't come back for at least an hour and if I win i want to be the one who fuck you tonight, so do you wanna bet with me ?"

Alec smiled, his man wanted to play with fire very well he was going to play too then, he said to him : "I accept the bet, and I bet that they will come back before thirty minutes, if I win I have the right to fuck you all night without a break and without any complaint from you."

Liam didn't think Alec would want to bet, he couldn't hide his joy, a smile lit his face, there was no way the girls would finish in less than half an hour, he was sure to win.

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