Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 67 - The Cave Part 1

Alec had the intention of enjoying this little moment of intimacy that the girls offered them.

Liam was still in his arms and while kissing him he pushed him against the trunk of a tree which was behind him, he leaned against him and intensified his kisses.

After biting and sucking on Liam's lower lip, Alec with his tongue made a furrow of fire down his windpipe, he licked his Adam's apple a few times, then with a sharp blow he tore Liam's t-shirt into pieces.

Liam moaned under the caresses of his lover, Alec's hands wandered over his body in conquered land, and descended more and more until he took care of his erection.

As one of Alec's hands was busy rubbing his erection his other hand held his nape and he had captured his lips again. Liam's body was set on fire, with a growl that Alec is used to hear he asked him to pick up the pace of his hand and after hearing a chuckle muffled by their kiss, Alec accelerated his rubbing against his erection, Liam thought to himself : What a good boy.

Liam finally cum under the care of his now expert lover, that was damn so good, he said to Alec : "Babe you are getting so good at that, it was amazing. Do you need my help down there ?"

Alec replied with a chuckle : "No need my Liam, the girls will be there soon let's just relax now."

Liam was doubtfully he asked him : "How can you be so sure they will be there soon, Celia didn't look like she was going to stop anytime soon."

Alec smiled and with a finger caressed Liam cheek, he told him : "That's right, Celia will not probably stop so soon but you forgot Anaya. Anaya had been too scared so she won't let her exhausted herself like that, plus Anaya is worst than you when it comes to treasure hunts so my Liam, I m sorry to tell you that there is a high probabiliy than you will loose our bet, but don't worry you will enjoy our night like never before."

If the analyse of Alec was right then Liam had been tricked by his lover, and if Alec's dragon woke up during their love making tonight, then he will be finished, he will probably ended to beg for mercy.

Right after thinking about it, the girls reappeared. Alec positioned himself in front of Liam and made him understand with a look on his body that he had to change his outfit.

Liam did so and whispered in his lover's ear : "Babe you won this one, i will be fully yours tonight."

Alec smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips before turning back to the girls.

Celia was now full of vitality and she made wings appear behind her back thanks to her spiritual energy, she said to them with a knowing look : "If you are done we can go now."

Liam was happy to see that Celia was back with her good old provocations, her mental exhaustion was finally over : "Hi sweetheart, welcome back."

Celia smiled at them and then Liam again guided them through the island. They did not meet any mystical creatures or magic beasts that could be powerful enough to act as bodyguards for the girls, they did not meet other participants either and Celia made them stop several times to pick some magic herbs that she found on their way.

After four hours of travel they finally arrived in front of the entrance to the cave.

In front of the entrance, Celia did not feel anything abnormal, there was no fluctuation of energy nor a silver halo, Liam entered first followed closely by the girls and Alec was at the back.

The cave was not very deep and soon they came to a giant door with lots of symbols mixed up on it.

There were burn marks and holes in the rocks around it, apparently a lot of people had tried to pass without success.

Liam wanted to touch the door but Alec held his arm back giving him a negative nod, Alec then took a stone on the ground and threw it against the door, at ten centimeters from the door the stone was electrocuted by hundreds lightning simultaneously, in the end there was no stone left, it had been reduced to dust.

Celia after having thought about it said to everyone : "I think it is useless to try to pass by force, considering the marks on the walls we are not the first to come here, which disturbed me is that with our bracelets we should be able to read these symbols, right ?"

Liam replied : "Absolutely, there is no language those bracelets cannot translate, the only explanation is that it is not a language."

Alec added : "If it's not a language, maybe it's a code ?"

Celia let them talk to each other and took a few steps back, there were several parts of these symbols that seemed familiar to her but she couldn't determine why.

Stepping back to get a better view of the whole thing will help her, then Celia suddenly exclaimed : "Yes, that's it !"

Anaya surprised asked her : "What is it ? Did you find something ?"

Celia took the time to explain to them what she had just discovered : "Everyone come here, it's clearer from here."

Celia waited for them all to come near her and began to explain : "It's a puzzle, originally it was a pentagram, the same as our mark with Anaya that's why some symbols seemed familiar to me."

Anaya glanced at the boys but apparently she wasn't the only one not seeing anything, how her wife could put all these symbols together in her mind into a pentagram ?

Anaya ended up confessing to her : "My love, I see absolutely nothing."

Celia who had been too excited by her discovery had not noticed the strange look everyone was giving to her.

Celia as if nothing had happened continued to think aloud : "If we can not touch the door to put the symbols in order, then maybe with the help of spiritual energy I can move them to form the pentagram, yes that is surely the key to open the door."

Celia still as if she was alone in the world formed a triangle with her hands, she condensed a large amount of spiritual energy and distributed it evenly in her ten fingers.

With her spiritual energy guided by her fingers she began to approach the door, and nothing happened, so she positioned her spiritual energy on ten different symbols on the door and these symbols turned silver.

Celia then knew she was right and began to reform the pentagram she had managed to visualize in her mind. It took her only five minutes to finish, once finished the recomposed pentagram lit up and the door opened by itself.

They were all shocked at what had just happened, decidedly it was hard to be able to shine next to Celia, and again there wasn't an ounce of arrogance in this amazing girl, she didn't even try to boast of what she had just accomplished.

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