Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 68 - The Cave Part 2

Celia hadn't noticed the stunned looks of the others or else she ignored them to avoid feeling embarrassed, she took Anaya's hand and said excitedly : "Sweetie, Sweetie it have succed, let's go inside !"

Anaya smiled at her after all Celia was like this, always doing unusual things and not bragging about it, she answered her too excited : "My love you are the most extraordinary woman in the whole universe, guys you come ... Come on, let's go, let's go get the treasure !"

Anaya let go of Celia's hand and took her by the waist so that she could squeeze her closer to her, they started to walk forward but Liam held Anaya's arm back, and gave her a negative nod, the same sign Alec gave him the last time before a stone had been pulverized.

So the girls let the guys take all the risks, Liam and Alec walked slowly and carefully, often testing before going just in case there will be any pitfalls.

After ten minutes without any accident they found themselves in front of a vast space, this space was at least to make two hundred square meters which was enormous for a cave.

This cave had definitely been owned by a mage, there were magic herbs everywhere and they were all high quality, a silver halo covered them all, there were also shelves with stocks of seeds and magic herbs ready to use.

Alec who was a specialist, hissed in admiration and said : "That's a fuc*ing jackpot ! These are just magic herbs from level eleven and twelve, downright staggering. Celia, it's going to take you a long time to dig it up, but take your time it's worth it, okay."

Celia replied with a smile : "Don't worry Alec, with the help of my talisman papers and my spiritual energy storing inside, I think I will be done in five days max. But before to start digging them up, let's go around and check everything, okay ?"

Anaya completely agreed with Celia there were not only magic herbs in this cave, at the bottom of the cave there was a kind of natural pool and right next to it, it was a pile of magic bag and old books, there was also a large crystal embedded in the back wall, it radiated the color of a rainbow.

Liam walked over to the natural pool and looked inside, that water he guessed, it must be spiritual water but he had no idea what was its purity.

He ended up asking Celia her opinion on this water : "Cel what do you think about it ? Can you make a comparison with the lake water in your dimension ?"

Celia focused on the water but it was difficult to compare like this, she took out two bottles of water from the lake and emptied one then refilled it with the water from the pool.

Then with the help of her spiritual energy, she suspended in the air the water of the bottles next to each other and began to observe them, the lake water from their dimension had not only zero impurity but it had silver rays crisscrossed it on all sides, as for the water from the pool, there was a very slight shadow surrounding it but it was barely visible, and Celia could also see several light rays but they were not silver and there were only few of them.

Celia put the waters back in place and told them her verdicts : "I think Alec will be able to sell it for a good price it is not pure like the lake water of the dimension but in my opinion it is of a great quality."

Liam smiled and said to Alec : "If it's Cel saying that, then the quality of this water must be exceptional, well we'll think about how to transport it later, let's see what is next !"

Next to it were the magic bags and the old books, they started with the books. Almost all of the books were on magic herbs, there were only three that were a little different, one was on making the permanent engravings of the runes, like the rune of the universal language on their bracelets, another book explained what kind of material was needed to make these engravings and the last one was a dictionary of the most often used runes.

These books were truly fascinating, they were all eager to find out what was hiding inside the magic bags now.

In the magic bags they found a lot of money, it was as if each of the magic bags that contained money had been the reward for a sale or something, most of the currency were those of Stellar.

Thanks to the Stellar chest found in the dimension they already had twenty five millions of each kind of Stellar currency, but these magic bags contained a hell more money in it.

There were some with rubies as well, that was still a lot of money and they would have to sort them out and divide them into thirds part, one for Anaya and her, one for Liam and one for Alec.

Actually both of the boys didn't care at all for the money like the girls let them used freely everything that could be found inside the dimension, so they finally decided to let AVA sort them out and let it be in the dimension for everyone to use it freely as the rest.

There were several magic bags left, one contained some blue papers which looked strangely like her green papers for casting spells, luckily there was a short notice inside the magic bag otherwise she probably would never have found out how to use these blue papers.

The notice explained that these papers served as storage but not just any storage, the owner of this cave had written on the back of the notice that each blue paper could pick and contain ten stalks of magic herbs of level twelve, and up to thirty level eleven magic herb stalks.

Celia was skeptical, how those blue papers could pick magic herbs from level eleven and twelve, but if that was true it would save her a huge amount of time.

She decided to test one right away, they were very easy to use, like the green papers you need to use words to give orders. You just had to keep them above what you wanted to put inside and say "Capture", and when you wanted to get them back you had to say "release", very easy.

She tried it on the magic herbs and it had worked, the magic herbs were in perfect state their roots not damage at all, she was really happy with that discovery, there were thousand of those blue papers, it fixed their problem to pick-up the water from the pool too.

Inside another magic bag, they found all the materials needed to make the engravings permanent on the objects or, like Celia with her tattoo between her shoulder blades, to do them directly on the skin.

They found in the last magic bag, virgin communication stones, bracelets, necklaces, weapons of all kinds.

This magic bag was filled with objects that he or she had probably planned to engrave and then resell, as Celia had specialized in talisman papers, this mage had been specialized in rune engraving, that was so interesting.

Everyone was busy doing something, Celia had taken the dictionary on the runes and Liam and Alec were discussing about these discoveries with gusto, but Anaya, as for her, has been attracted by this crystal with the color of the rainbow on the wall.

It was like a call she couldn't resist, she didn't hear Celia scream not to touch it, she was like hypnotized and her hand finally landed on it.

Celia had felt a strange energy, it was a very powerful one and it came from the crystal on the wall.

She turned pale with terror when she saw that Anaya was about to touch it and that she did not seem aware of what she was doing.

Celia yelled at her not to touch it but it was too late, Anaya's hand was already on it.

She rushed to rescue her baby wife but Liam pinned her to the ground, shielding her with all his weight, a powerful shock wave echoed throughout the cave, they heard glass shattering and Celia saw Alec caught Anaya before she collapsed to the ground, she was ashen and unconscious, the world around Celia turned pitch black, in shock to see Anaya like this, she passed out.

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