Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 69 - The Golden Stone

Anaya found herself on a large battlefield, on one side there were dragons, some red, some black, demons in their true forms, not like Caleb and Aiden, they had horns, wings or even tails.

There were also creatures she had never seen before but they all had an obvious intention to kill, on the other side of the battlefield, she saw herself and Celia older by few years.

Celia looked gorgeous as always she wore a battle dress with the pentagram emblem on it, and her symbol of the divine door was already visible, in fact upon closer inspection everyone on their side were wearing the pentagram emblem on them.

On their side were mystical creatures, magic beasts, mages and fighters, even demons as she could see Caleb and Aiden and more like them.

The battle began and then everything becomes a blur, she could only see quick flashes of the battles, she saw Liam being killed to protect Celia, and Alec sacrificed himself by killing two demons that seemed to be protecting one person.

She saw her own futur version going straight to this person who appeared to be a woman.

She saw Celia's tears as she placed Alec next to Liam, she saw her join their hands and recite a prayer that she could not hear, she saw the eyes of her wife turning silver and the symbol between her eyebrows glowing as a terrifying power escaping from her.

She saw their two future versions unite their energies and their respective daggers transform into two long swords completely golden, she saw them rushing towards this woman and then nothing more.

Anaya was in her sea of consciousness, she could see her seven spheres and the third was now yellow, how was that possible, she hadn't done anything yet ?

It was then that she saw a woman appear in front of her, she was sublime, she had black hair that went down to her waist and her pupils were entirely golden.

Anaya remembers what Celia had told her about Clara, that she was so beautiful that she was very happy that Anaya could never meet her, Anaya had laughed when her wife had confessed that to her but now she was also glad that her wife could never see this Anna.

Because, obviously this woman who stood before her could only be Anna, the last golden dragon.

Anaya waited for Anna to speak first and so Anna began : "We don't have much time, I guess you already know that I'm Anna, what you saw in the crystal is the most likely future that could happen. The future can never be predict accurrenty because it's always on the move, but that cristal is very special and it had the power to give the most predictable future.

With Clara we had managed to seal this evil person that you were fighting in your vision, as well as the world she had created which is Inferno.

But our magic has begun to dissipate, that's why demons could find loophole in our seal and open again a new gate to go in other world.

You have to trust me on that you must kill this evil person and to be able to do so, there is only one solution, you have to unite the heart of the seven golden dragons and unleash its power."

In Anna's hand appeared a golden stone, she threw it at her and said : "This is the heart of my golden dragon, you must find the heart of the other five golden dragon and unit them all, the seventh heart is inside you, you are the seventh golden dragon while i was the sixth golden dragon.

Clara created a plan to destroy this evil woman once and for all, she knew that with six hearts of golden dragon, we would not be powerful enough to annihilate this woman, she had calculated that only with the power of seven golden dragon hearts that will be possible.

She then modified these two daggers that you have found with your wife and she made them to be able to absorb the hearts of the golden dragons. Only with this power will you be able to defeat this evil being."

Anna was starting to disappear her last words she said were : "Find the five missing hearts of the golden dragons, protect your wife and you will protect the universe."

Anna was gone and Anaya still held in her hand the golden stone that was the heart of Anna's golden dragon, she felt sucked in again and woke up in Alec's arms.

Alec couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Anaya had finally opened her eyes.

He hugged her very tightly and she hugged him back which was weird on Anaya's part because apart from Celia she always avoided physical contact as much as possible.

Alec pulled away from her and asked : "How are you feeling ?"

Anaya was looking around frantically when she saw that Celia was unconscious in Liam's arms.

She gently pushed Alec away and rushed towards Celia, she stumbled but Alec was near her and kept her from falling, she thanked him and knelt beside Celia, Liam handed her to her and she hugged her, she asked to the boys : "But what happened ? Why is she unconscious ?"

Liam told her about the shock wave triggered by the crystal but that was not the cause of Celia's fainting like Liam had shield her with his body.

Liam explained to her that it had been over an hour since they had both been unconscious, the two boys had felt totally helpless because they didn't know what had happened.

Liam was pretty sure that Celia still hadn't fully recovered from her mental exhaustion from unsealed the daggers, and the shock of seeing Anaya fall unconscious was enough to make her sink again.

Liam asked her what had happened and she told them everything, her vision, even the fact that they both of them had died in it, she told them about her meeting with Anna and what she had told her.

She told them about Clara's plan, even Alec seemed to ignore the fact that they had been so many golden dragons before her, and the two of them had never heard of the heart of a golden dragon.

Anaya still had the golden stone that Anna had given her so she showed it to the boys.

Liam had never seen one but Alec opened wide his eyes, he had already seen two of them, one was held by his father, it was the thing the most guarded in the imperial palace. The other it was Dan who had it, his brother, Tarik, had entrusted it to him before he died.

After what Alec had revealed to her, Anaya deduced that the demons must be in possession of at least one golden stone or even two, if her instinct were correct then the last stone should be in the last world of the intermediate planes of existence, Elementary.

As Celia would say, it was just logic, the lower planes of existence must not be able to possess an object of such power, so there was only the Elementary world left.

She explained her reasoning to the boys and after they all thought about it, they all agreed on several things.

First, it was to ask Caleb if he knew anything about these stones, Anaya had seen Caleb fighting alongside them in her vision, so she would trust him completely from now on.

Second, Liam had decided that he and Alec would go after the golden stone in Elementary when the girls will be safe at the Northern Academy.

Third, they will have to meet Dan for him to be aware of Anaya's golden dragon and that they will need his help to get back the golden stone from the imperial palace.

Forth, they should keep for themselves why they needed these stones.

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