Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 76 - Finally There

Liam after Celia had asked who was going first, thought a bit before answering : "I think there is no doubt that it is the entrance from the palace.

But after this passage we don't know if there won't be a trap waiting for us. I think we have to go together, I'm going to use my mastery of water element to create a magic rope that will keep us from being separated, girls you should put the magic beasts in the dimension, we will bring them back when we will be sure to be safe in the palace."

Anaya was about to respond when the magic beasts started to growl in annoyance, how were they supposed to protect the girls when it was always them who were protected.

Anaya smiled to them, after these few days spent with them she had started to like them, she said : "Look, I agree with Liam, I heard what you were thinking and don't worry when Celia will have removed your cursed seal, and when you will be stronger we will let you accompany us everywhere, it is a deal okay ?

Until this moment, Liam and Alec can take care of me and Celia so you should not be worried, be nice and wait for us in the dimension."

The magic beasts were still protesting but Anaya was merciless and sent them straight into the dimension.

She looked at Liam and said : "It's okay we're ready !"

So Liam used his water element to create a rope that tied them all together, the feeling of this rope was weird, it was tied around their waist and it was rather fresh than wet.

Then as the entrance was quite small Liam went there first with Alec and Anaya took Celia by the waist and followed them through the passage, thanks to the rope they were not separated, it did not break and they all found themselves in front of a giant maze.

Alec couldn't help commenting : "What the hell ? How many traps we will have to pass throught to enter that palace."

Celia took Anaya's wrist and mixed their two energies, she said to the boys : "Alec, relax ! This maze is not a problem at all we can quickly get through it, I'll take care of finding the fastest way out and you will take care of the traps inside, how does it sound ? Good, right ?"

Liam looked at her in amazement and asked her : "And how do you plan to find the exit ?"

It was Anaya who replied : "It's pretty simple to guess.

I guess you intend to release our mixed energy all over the maze until our energy finds the way out, that's it my love ?"

Celia smiled to her baby wife, she was always seduced by her : "Smart, indeed my baby wife, that's exactly what I'm planning to do."

Celia wasted no more time talking she used her own spiritual energy boosted by Anaya's energy, she created like a long thick pipe that she sent into the labyrinth, at each intersection the pipe split to cover all the possible ways and then it will do it until he finds the exit.

Once Celia found the exit, she had just to follow her energy pipe to guide the others through the maze.

Liam and Alec took care of the traps, sometimes it was spells, the same style as Celia could create, sometimes it was magic beasts that seemed hypnotized to attack, so they didn't kill them they just knock them out, sometimes it was fog of poison, in short nothing the boys could manage.

After spending an hour in this maze they found themselves again in front of a door, or rather several doors.

After observing the doors which were all different, one was golden with beautiful engravings and the symbol of fire was engraved right in the middle of the door, another was silver with the same engravings as the golden door but the symbol was different it meant light.

The last door was wood, but this door was surrounded by a silver halo and in the middle there were four symbols that meant nothing.

Celia tilted her head a little to one side and did the same with the other side, then she smiled, she said to them : "It is this one for sure, the four symbols form a pentagram when you put them together."

Alec said : "I don't think we need to reunit the parts of the symbol together this time, we just need to open the door, right ?"

Liam looked at him and he looked a little worried, after the maze and now that, he was really wondering what will be awaiting them the next time, he said to them : "My rope always binds us to each other, we will do as before, we go first with Alec and you are following us right after, okay ?"

The three of them nodded and the girls waited for the boys to disappear through the door and they followed them just after as Liam had asked them to.

When the girls arrived they saw that the boys were relaxed and Tal was standing right in front of them with Arthur's egg under his arm.

Tal passed the boys and bowed to Anaya, he said to her : "Glad to see you again my queen."

Anaya blushed to be named as queen, so she said straight away to him : "Don't bow to me anymore, and call me Naya it'll be fine like that, okay."

Tal looked a little surprised but eventually nodded and turned to Celia : "Celia if I remember correctly, can I ask you another favor ?"

Celia had focused all her attention on the egg and she couldn't understand why the poison had spread again.

When she had drained all her energy the other time there was only forty percent of the poison left inside the egg, but right now she could clearly see that the poison occupied seventy percent of the interior of the egg.

Whatever what kind of poison it was ... it was very potent for sure.

She was so focused on the egg that she didn't hear Tal's request, she took the egg straight out of his arms without his consent.

Tal wanted to react but Anaya held him back, she said to him : "Let my wife handle it, she will never endanger Arthur's life, she has probably seen some things was wrong, let her help him."

Actually Tal was really worried about Arthur's life, he didn't communicate with him for few days now and he had planed to ask Celia to look over if she could save him completely this time.

Tal nodded to Anaya and let Celia do whatever she could to save him.

Meanwhile Celia was really furious, she felt like she had failed to help Arthur.

It was time to destroy this poison once and for all.

Celia moved away a little from the others and surrounded the egg with her spiritual energy. She made it float in front of her at eye level and she directly took out ten green papers containing her own spiritual energy inside.

She did the same process as during the auction except that at the auction she was only a level two mage, she was now a level five mage and she was going to eliminate every last crumb of this fuc*ing poison.

She released the spiritual energy contained in the ten green papers and condensed it to attack the poison, the thick black particles gradually disappeared until there was nothing left.

Celia was wondering what to do, there was still the equivalent of three green papers of spiritual energy to use and she took the opportunity to transfer it directly into Arthur's chakra flame which was rather weak, then something she did not have expected happened.

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