Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 77 - Anaya's Jealousy

Arthur's chakra flame looked so weak as if it was on the verge of fading, but after that Celia had sent the remainder of her spiritual energy straight into it, his chakra flame suddenly tripled in size and was more alive than ever.

Thus the egg began to crack at an alarming rate, a light blue like a summer sky came out of all these cracks, and the egg eventually exploded.

Oh crap, thought Celia, why did the egg explode ?

The dazzling light caused by the explosion prevented her from seeing if Arthur was okay, but she had succed in time to erect a protective shield with her spiritual energy so that no one would get hurt.

Everyone had been blinded by the explosion of the egg and Tal had turned as white as a ghost, he had no idea how a hatching was supposed to happen.

He just hoped it was normal, his connection to Arthur was stronger than the last few days so that was meaning he was fine, right ?

Tal was trying to reassure himself but he would only be at peace once he will see with his own eyes that Arthur was okay.

Celia who was the closest heaved a sigh of relief, she could feel Arthur's energy and it was powerful and cold.

She felt a beak push her arm, and when she pushed her arm that she had put in front of her eyes to protect herself from the blinding explosion, she found herself face to face with a baby blue phoenix looking at her with its beautiful azure eyes.

This creature was really beautiful, Celia took him in her arms and he put his head in her neck, he rubbed his head against her skin and made cute little noises, Celia was happy, she was sure that Arthur was safe now.

She heard Anaya utter an outraged cry and Arthur was torn from her arms by her baby wife who was boiling with jealousy.

Anaya had just taken Arthur from her wife's arms and she stared straight at him : "Never do that again if you care about your life, she's mine and no one is allowed to rub against her, is it clear enough ?"

Anaya still said furious with Arthur's behavior : "Tal, come get him right away."

Tal did not need to be asked twice and immediately came looking for Arthur, he told him through their telepathic link : But what were you going ? you're crazy, do you have a death wish that i don't know about ?

You know that dragons are the most possessive and the most jealous of all mystical creatures, besides Anaya is the golden dragon, do you really want to get us in trouble ?

Arthur also answered him through their telepathic link : Do you know what this woman just did for me ? She not only cleared all the poison that was in my body, she also sent her spiritual energy directly to my chakra reserve and helped me direct the excess energy to my meridian channels.

Tal, I was practically dead, I didn't have the strength to fight anymore, but this woman saved me and finally allowed me to be born, I think I forgot for a moment that she was our queen's wife, I guess I was just grateful.

Anaya had taken Celia by the waist and had her pressed against her body, she was still looking at Arthur with a dark gaze but she said : "I heard your conversation both of you, and I won't say anything more if it was just because you were grateful to Celia for what she has done for you, but never touch her like that again."

Celia rolled her eyes and said to her baby wife : "Sweetie, honestly, don't tell me that you are jealous about a so cute baby, baby being the main point here, okay."

Anaya didn't even try to refute Celia's accusation and said : "Of course I'm jealous ! He was rubbing his head against your neck."

Celia wasn't sure how to react to Anaya's jealousy, she would have understood if it had been an adult who had done this, but Arthur was just a new born baby and he was completely innocent, she didn't know anymore if she must laugh at her baby wife or else cry because it was clearly a misplaced jealousy.

She decided to embrass Anaya and whispered in her ear : "Sweetie, stop pouting, Arthur has just been born and he's fine, we should celebrate instead, right ?"

Anaya who had remained tense ended up relaxing in her wife's arms, she really hated that others could touch her, but Celia was right too, she had probably overreacted a little bit too much, as she had just reminded her, Arthur had just been born and he was an innocent blue phoenix baby.

Anaya pulled away from Celia a bit and apologized to Arthur and Tal for her behavior.

Liam after having enjoying a good show, took matters into his own hands and reminded everyone why they were there, and no, it wasn't just because of the treasures that had to be in this palace.

He asked the girls to bring back the magic beasts to brief them on the situation as well, and once everyone was there, Liam began the explanation.

Liam spoke about the vision Anaya had had and he gave to Tal one of the green jade discs Anaya had prepared, while the girls took out the original drawings for the magic beasts to check them.

Tal's expression after looking at the portraits of the two men who were protecting this woman they had to eliminate became frightening, there was so much hatred in that look that even his lightning element flashed all around his body.

Liam asked him : "Tal which of the two did you recognize ? And what did he do to make you hate him so much ?"

Tal replied after calming down and removing the lightning that had remained around him, he said pointing to the drawing that the girls were holding in their hands : "It is this man there, and he is responsible for the disappearance of the blue phoenixes clan and the exile of those of my clan who had managed to survive this butchery.

It was four thousand years ago, without Linda and Tarik, we all would have been exterminated that day, the demonic creatures who are on the battlefield's drawing were there too this day."

Liam asked him again : "Can you tell us more about it ?"

Tal replied to him : "I can but it won't be a story with an happy ending, at least if your vision is true I will be able to avenge them all, whatever your plan is, I m in."

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