Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 92 - The Purple And Red Papers

Celia and Anaya for safety decided to teleport everyone to Alec's apartment in Night city.

Thanks to the bracelets that Celia had created for them, they could all teleport into the dimension and exit as they wished. Since Celia and Anaya had passed to level five, they could, according to the information that AVA had provided them, to teleport in a thousand kilometer radius, and that applied to everyone.

But the magical beasts had never left the Isle of Death and to be able to teleport to a location you needed to have been there first. So it was the girls who teleported everyone to Alec's apartment, and from there they all made their way to the teleportation magic circles.

Liam took care of booking their places, the magic beasts were not allowed in the teleportation magic circles, so they would have to stay in the dimension and wait until they got to Eclipse city to exit.

Thanks to the loots found in the Isle of Death money was really not a problem anymore, in fact, since they had discovery their dimension it had never been though, and everyone was allowed to enjoy it as much as they wanted.

All they had to do was to ask AVA what they needed or else they could go and help themselves in Eben's chest where they could find all the different currencies of this world.

This time the journey will be longer than their previous one, it will take ten hours to reach Eclipse city and the journey cost a thousand rubies each, which was equivalent to a million gold coins.

They had a few hours left before they could leave so Celia took advantage of this time to begin studying the old scrolls she had found in the palace's secret chamber, which Anaya had scanned into a red jade disc.

Anaya was sat down, leaning against a wall and Celia was leaning against her studying the red jade disc, it hadn't take too long to absorb all the knowledge inside it, the tough part was after absorbing it she need to organize this knowledge, what will be benefic to her or what will be completely useless, what she need to focus one, and so on that was the tough part, but doing it now, will give her a easily access for the future if she needed it.

Anaya wanted to study as well the three white jade discs than Tal had managed to unseal, he still had one left to do but he had to be able to concentrate for a whole day undisturbed to unseal it, so he will wait until he would be settled in Eclipse city to do it.

So Anaya finally chose to watch over her wife as she was her pripority, they weren't in the dimension so they couldn't both study. One had to be there to protect and wake up the other one from her meditate state when the time will come to go on bord the teleportation magic circle.

When it was finally time to leave, they entered inside the teleportation magic circle and there were large benches with cushions to make the trip more confortable, this was surely due to the fact that Night city was a prosperous city and the journey time was longer than their first one.

Celia couldn't wait to find out what color the magic circle would be and when she saw that sea of sapphire color all around them, she wasn't disappointed, it was truly a magnificent scenery and that meant that the mage who had created this magic circle was already a level nine, so awesome.

They were twenty two people in totally and eight of them, Anaya had chosen to nap as she had spent a long time watching Celia the last night and wondering about their future, she felt exhausted now so she put her head on her shoulder and she closed her eyes.

Celia was holding Anaya's waist and she was enjoying the fact that her baby wife for once rest on her shoulder. She didn't continue to study because what she had discovered with the old scrolls was so huge that it let her perplexed.

The purple papers could be say to be a kind of instant teleportation papers, they could be use for short or long distance using spiritual energy and lightning energy, the negative point was that they couldn't choose where they will arrive, they could only adjust the distance depending on how much spiritual and lightning energy they will use.

But that was not the most shocking thing that she learnt, the red papers could be use as transdimensional portal, to use it they will need darkness energy, lightning energy and lots and lots spiritual energy, plus and that was a point that she wasn't clear about yet, they will need to add some coordinated to go in other world.

She was unsure of it because the rest of those scrolls were like encoding and she will need to find the key to learn more about the red papers or the coordinated for the other worlds.

She was really excited by these red papers, they could be the way she was looking for to go back home.

Once settled in Eclipse city she will talk about it with everyone, that was a huge discovery and they could use these red papers to go in Elementary, or Stellar or when the time will come to go in Inferno and help Caleb to take over his birth right and be the next demon king, he was already a demon warrior and his flame of demonic energy was dark purple with some of it that had turned black, with her help may be he could become a demon god.

To calm down from all this excitement she decided to observe the others.

Liam had put his arm around Alec's shoulders as usual and Alec was holding him by his waist, they were chatting happily with Caleb and Aiden.

Celia would never have thought Aiden was like that, but the fact that he almost died trying to protect Liam had proved that she was wrong, Aiden adored his brother as much as Caleb and they were all trying to reconnect together.

Seeing them, Celia thought of her three brothers and wondered how they were doing, they probably thought she was dead and they must have blamed themselves for not having protect her, she knew them well, they were a very tight-knit family and they all adored each other tremendously, she just hoped they were supporting each other and taking good care of her little boys.

And then she saw Tal whispered to Onyx's ear, he had his hand on his thight and his hand was slowly moving in one direction, Onyx had just stopped his hand and Tal was chuckling, he took Onyx's chin with his other hand and was staring at his lips, um, same Celia could see from here that Onyx was not against it but what surprised her was that Tal let him go, he put both of his hand behind his head and close his eyes.

Onyx looked confuse but then he relaxed and he probably felt that Celia was watching him because he turned his head and smile at her, she winked at him ans smile back and then she decided to do a nap too, she closed her eyes and put her chin on Anaya's head.

Liam finally woke them up and they left the teleportation magic circle, the sight that just appeared before her eyes was something she hadn't thought she will find in Eben.

When she had still been in her world she had always wanted to go in one place but she never had money to go there, she could only dream of that place so she had felt really astounded when she had seen that city.

Anaya had felt it and asked her : "What's wrong my love ?"

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