Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 93 - Registration

Celia still couldn't believe her eyes, she said to Anaya : "Sweetie, there is one place in my world who look like exactly like this city, it's a place that i dreamed so much to go that i m still stunned i guess."

Anaya was really surprised by what Celia had just told her, she asked her : "My love, there really is a place in your world that looks like this city ... I understand why you dreamed of going there, this is really beautiful."

Celia felt moved and could only nod her head.

The teleportation magic circles were at the top of a hill that overlooked the city, the houses were glued to each other, they had different sizes and shapes, but they were all white and had roof terraces or blue domes, the shutters and doors were also blue, a magnificent indigo blue. There were pink and red flowers along the white houses and on the low walls that bounded the roads.

The roads were as white as snow too and after the city you could see a long river, a magnificent bridge made it possible to cross the river and on the other side you could see a huge arena the size of at least five football fields, and right next to this arena there was a huge building surrounded by majestic white columns.

Liam followed their gaze and explained to them : "The arena you see over there will be where you will be fighting during the competition.

Anaya all your trials will take place there, as for you Celia, most of your trials will be inside this huge building.

On the other side of the hill there is a vast forest which is filled with magic beasts which is very convenient for training."

Liam added when he saw that the girls were still absorbed by the contemplation of the city and the battle arena : "We can go to register directly, if I remember correctly the competition will start with the mages, then it will be the fighters and finally the pairs."

Alec nodded and confirmed for everyone : "That's right, and the mages competition starts in two days.

Celia you will not have the right to use your talisman papers during the competition, it would be better if you could level up to level six, your spiritual energy reserve would be much greater, moreover you still have time to boost it with magic pills.

What do you say about it, do you think you can do it ?"

Celia just answered with a nod : "No problem, if you think it's necessary I'll do it, I just need an hour or two to get to level six, as for the magic pill to increase my reserve of spiritual energy, for level six I need thirty eight different magic herbs to make it, it will be fun to try it.

I will also do it for you my beloved baby wife, I need forty three different magic herbs to increase your chakra reserve, you too should level up to level six, I will help you with my green papers, I will be more reassured if you are stronger."

Anaya had nothing to say to her wife she will let her do it as she pleased.

Celia thought of something and then asked Liam : "You said we won't be allowed to use my talisman papers what about our daggers ?"

Liam and Alec exchanged a smile and Liam replied : "Of course daggers are allowed and you can use them with all their powers."

Celia was really in a hurry to compare her talents with that of the others, she said to them : "Let's hurry to go and register, you told us that there were only geniuses in this competition, I really can't wait to fight against them."

Anaya took her hand and intertwined her fingers with hers, she also said excitedly : "Me too ! Me too ! I can't wait to participate in this competition and I am also in a hurry to see my wife beating all other mages."

Everyone laughed, no one doubted that Celia was going to fly over the competition, how a mage of the same level as her could even compare to her.

They all went down the hill and headed straight for the bridge, once crossed they split into three groups, Alec would go with Celia to register and Liam with Anaya, as for the others they would wait for them here.

Celia and Alec therefore walked towards the large building with its white columns and in front of the entrance there were six different lines to register. Alec and Celia took one off the cuff and waited for Celia's turn.

Alec explained to her that to be able to participate in this competition you had to be less than twenty five years old and be at least level four.

Alec told her another interesting thing that Liam had forgotten to mention : "All the participants are between levels four and ten and as Liam already told you, it is a competition where everyone compete against people on the same level as their own so that it is fairer, but when you go to register you can also choose to register yourself at a level stronger than yours, your chance of success will be less, but the challenge will be more interesting, what do you think ?"

Celia was smiling : "Alec you're the best, I don't know why Liam didn't tell us about it sooner, now this competition is getting really exciting."

When Celia's turn finally arrived, the man who was in front of her to do the registration was a gold color mage, she was not really surprised because if the competition made it possible to measure talents between levels four and ten, it was imperative that the instructors be at higher levels.

The man asked her name and age with a tired voice and she simply replied : "Celia, I'm sixteen."

When the man heard sixteen he looked at her surprised, it was very, very rare to have talents under eighteen since the minimum level to register was level four, he scrutinized her and his mouth remained wide open, this man was completely amazed, how this girl who was sixteen could already be a level five mage, it was inconceivable.

Celia asked him astonished after had seen his reaction : "Is there a problem ?"

The man recovered and asked her : "Can you put your hand here please, this is to certify your age."

Celia recognized this black slate, it was the same one that Anaya and her had already used the first time they had met Liam, so she put her hand on it and the number sixteen appeared on it.

Alec put his arm around her shoulders in a protective way and said to the man : "Can you register her now ?"

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