Reincarnated With Endless-System

Chapter 46 - Mana?! & Save the Princess

{A/N: For people who have been asking for a daily update of this ff, the answer is can't. It isn't because I don't want to, but it is because I am very busy with all my projects from my college. But I will try to update as fast as I can if I could.

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After Tetsuya entered Katherine room, Tetsuya suddenly felt something inside the room which is the presence of mana, this made Tetsuya find this a little bit surprising since he knows that people of this world, don't have mana, but they can awaken their mana by doing what Tetsuya did to Mine. But this is the first time Tetsuya sees a person from this world who has mana without awakening their inner mana inside their body, which makes Tetsuya confused about the current situation. But soon Tetsuya figures it out as it is probably related to the Hormoid disease.

When Tetsuya sees Katherine, he can see that Katherine's body is so thin but enough to make a simple move as right now she is holding a book. He can deduce that there is a chance that Hormoid is not really a disease, but a problem to the mana capacity. Tetsuya can see that Katherine's mana capacity is almost non-existent similar to other people in this world which makes her mana capacity not compatible with her overloading of mana and that causes damage to her body due to how big her mana is. But to where and how she was able to obtain mana, he didn't know.

Soon both of Tetsuya's eyes and Katherine's eyes meet each other, but both of their stares are disturbed by Charles who then goes towards Katherine.

"Sister, your disease can be cured now!" Shout Charles with a happy smile.

"Eh?!" Katherine who heard this is so surprised as she didn't think that her wish would be answered in a moment after she wished for it. She then looks at Tetsuya who wore a cloak with a backpack. But after also looking at her father in the room she was relieved that her father is fine all this time and misunderstood that her father is gone due to searching for the person that can cure her disease.

Suddenly Charles then opens his mouth again as he then said.

"Sister, he is the one that can heal your disease, he is also the one who cured father's poison!" Said Charles with a smile, but what he doesn't realize is that Katherine didn't know that Augustav got poison, and Katherine who found out about this is so shocked.

"Father got poisoned?!" Said Katherine while showing a shocked expression on her face.

Charles, who heard this, then freezes on the spot as he realizes what he just said and then covers his mouth with both of his hands. Anne who sees this could only sigh as the secret has been revealed, and Augustav who sees this could only smile wryly.

"Katherine, we just didn't want you to be worried so that your body is not going to be overstressed," Said Augustav as he looks at Katherine with a worried expression.

"I know father, but next time please at least don't keep stuff like that as a secret from me, since it will make me more worried," Said Katherine while pouting as she then looks at Augustav.

"Yeah, I know... I promise I won't do such a thing again," Said Augustav with a wry smile while looking at Katherine. He could only hope for Tetsuya to cure Katherine so that he doesn't have to worry about his daughter.

Tetsuya could only smile when looking at both Katherine and Augustav's interaction. He thinks they must be close as a family, and this is what makes Tetsuya want to help her condition right now other than the reward that the system gives to him. Because he doesn't want someone who has a good personality like them to lose one another like someone important to him in his past life.

Tetsuya then slightly looks at Honest who right now is in a calm demeanor, but Tetsuya can see behind his calm face as there is so much mix of emotions, fear, and also anger inside Honest as he uses [Observation Haki] to detect it. He cannot wait to torment Honest when he is done with all of today's problems.

"Then Tetsuya I leave my daughter to you," Said Augustav while looking at Tetsuya. Tetsuya only replied by nodding as he then slowly moved toward Katherine.

{A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)}

"Nice to meet you, my name is Tetsuya. I will be the one to cure you," Tetsuya said with a smile while looking at Katherine.

Katherine, who looked at Tetsuya's smile was somehow mesmerized by his smile as she can only stay quiet while looking at Tetsuya while showing a blush on her face. This is the first time seeing a smile so beautiful, but somehow the smile that Tetsuya showed made her heartbeat very fast as she put one of her hands on the c.h.e.s.t near her heart to feel the heartbeat.

'Somehow my c.h.e.s.t hurts…,' Thought Katherine while trying to feel her heartbeat as she then looked at Tetsuya.

"Katherine-sama, is your c.h.e.s.t alright?" Said Tetsuya with a worried expression as he has mistaken her blush and the other as the symptoms of overloading of mana.

"No, it's nothing, I'm fine, and you please you don't need to call me with the -sama suffix, you can just call me Katherine," Said Katherine with a smile while looking at Tetsuya.

"I see, then Katherine I will now begin on curing you,"Said Tetsuya while looking at Katherine with a smile.

"Okay," When Katherine heared Tetsuya saying her name without any suffix, she was so happy when she looked at Tetsuya with a smile.

Tetsuya then slowly puts his backpack on the floor as he then picks a 'Great Heal Potion' with his left hand from his backpack.

"This is going to hurt a little, so try your best to withstand it," Tetsuya said as he started to put his right hand on the belly area which made Katherine blush. She nods at Tetsuya, even though she doesn't know what will Tetsuya do to her, Tetsuya is a stranger, but she will trust him because he is the one who saved her father from poison, and also she can see from Tetsuya facial expression that Tetsuya right now is trying his best on curing her so-called disease.

Tetsuya then started to force some mana inside her in order to make her mana capacity forcefully bigger than before which probably would be hurt, but at the same time, he also starts to absorb some mana that overloading inside Katherine or else Katherine mana will be overloaded. While doing it Tetsuya also pours the 'Great Heal Potion' content into Katherine's mouth. Katherine, who started to feel the pain, started to shudder, but she tries her best to withstand the pain as she doesn't scream in pain as she slowly drinks the potion.

Anne, who sees Katherine is in pain, wanted to interfere but was stopped by Augustav.

"Let's trust Tetsuya on this, Tetsuya also is trying his best, if Tetsuya cannot cure Katherine then no one can," Said Augustav while looking at Tetsuya who right now is focusing on curing Katherine. Anne who heard this could only stay quiet when hearing as she then stops her movement, she could only hope Tetsuya can cure her daughter Katherine.

After around 8 minutes, Tetsuya was finally done enlarging Katherine's mana capacity to adjust with her mana. Right now Katherine has fully been cured as all of her organs have been healed and also her body that is so thin is now back to normal due to the potion. Though Tetsuya admits that Katherine mana is a lot denser than Mine when he awakened Mine's mana, he also thinks that her mana is also denser than most common people he met in his world too who have mana in their body. He thinks it is probably the bloodline of the Emperor who gave Katherine mana, and who knows maybe the first Emperor in Akame ga Kill might be a reincarnation of someone from his world and got reincarnated with large mana. But Tetsuya feels sorry for the First Emperor's descendant who inherited the first Emperor mana. Well, that is the only hypothesis that Tetsuya could think of right now. But there is also a chance that doesn't seem to be the case since there are also people other than the first Emperor bloodline who get hit by Hormoid.

Katherine who right now has been cured is now tired as she had to endure the pain for the whole 8 minutes. Her body is sweating a lot right now.

"How is it? Is my daughter already cured?" Asked Augustav with a worried expression while looking at Tetsuya. Everyone who is in this room is also worried while waiting for Tetsuya to respond except for Honest who is still uneasy thinking about something else.

"Yes, your highness, your daughter has been fully cured!" Said Tetsuya with a smile while looking at Augustav.

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