Reincarnated With Endless-System

Chapter 47 - Royalty Lunch & Continent

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"Yes, your highness, your daughter has been fully cured!" Said Tetsuya with a smile while looking at Augustav.

Augustav and the others who heard this news were happy as they hugged each other. On the other hand, Honest can only fake a smile as he right now is trying to figure out a way to get out of this mess, as everyone already knew that poison is the thing that is used for harming the Emperor, and if they tried to investigate about the poison then the chance of Honest getting caught is so high because he is the one who put the poison in the food that Augustav ate, and food is also one of the ways that the poison can enter Augustav body. Right now he can only curse the boy in front of him who reveals the identity of the weapon that he used to try to kill Augustav.

"How is your body, Katherine?" Asked Anne with a smile while looking at Katherine.

"It does not hurt anymore, I feel like it's easy to move around," Said Katherine with a cheerful expression while looking at Anne as she then moves her body into a sitting posture on the bed.

"Sister!!" Charles, who saw his sister has been cured then runs toward his sister as he hugs her tightly while crying on her face.

"Please don't hug too tight brother, I just got cured," Said Katherine with a smile on her face as she tried to calm Charles down.

Soon Charles then lets go of her after he calms himself as he then wipes his tears on his face. Katherine then rubs Charles's head to calm Charles down as Charles then starts to calm down.

Both parents, Augustav and Anne could only panic when they saw Katherine who tried to stand and almost fall, but when they saw Tetsuya catch their daughter from falling, they soon show a relieved expression.

"Please be careful Katherine, even if you are cured, don't push yourself too hard," Said Tetsuya with a serious expression while looking at Katherine.

When Katherine heard Tetsuya calling her name with a serious expression, she only looked at Tetsuya while showing a blush on her face as she nodded at him. This is the first time someone can make her blush by calling her name and she doesn't know what she is feeling right now, but one thing that she knows is that she is fond of this feeling that she is feeling right now.

Anne who saw both Tetsuya and Katherine's interactions could only smile at them and as for Augustav who sees this, he could only look at both of them with a serious expression for a while, but after a few seconds, he then suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Suddenly a notification shows up in front of Tetsuya after helping Katherine sit up on her bed again after standing up.



Cure the Princess of the Empire (COMPLETED)

◉Difficulty: B+

◉Clear Conditions:

▪ Cured the Princess before she dies

◉Mission Reward:

▪ [Decay]

{E/N: This skill is dangerous mah boi Tetsuya, like a certain dry boi that was releasing pent up stress and his wanker Decayed because of his dumbassness]

▪ Obtained 3.000.000 System-point

▪ Obtained 1.150.000 EXP of [STATUS] Level


[Because of the title 'The one who will create a Legend', 1.150.000 EXP will be changed into 2.300.000 EXP because of the effect of the title]

'Well, all that is left is to kill Honest, well why don't I test my new skill at Honest later after this,' Thought Tetsuya while smiling in his mind.

"Uhm..." Tetsuya then suddenly can feel a touch of a finger from his side as he can see Katherine shyly touch him.

"Is there something wrong Katherine?" Asked Tetsuya with a confused expression while looking at Katherine who was showing her shy expression.

"N-no it's nothing!!" Said Katherine with a panic expression while blushing. When she heard Tetsuya saying something while calling her name, she couldn't help but be happy as she showed a blush on her face. For Katherine, this is the first time she feels this fl.u.s.tered as Tetsuya is the first person who makes her blush when calling her name. It's like she doesn't know what the feeling is inside her since this is the first time she felt this way. Though right now she is about to ask Tetsuya about whether he will stay right here after curing her, though she is too embarrassed to ask.

"Is that so..." Tetsuya who sees this could only smile wryly as he already knows what Katherine is thinking since Tetsuya could see that the scene that happens in front of him is so similar with almost all romance types that he sees in manga and anime, which is the shy girl type.

"*Ehem* Tetsuya..." Said Augustav while looking at Tetsuya.

"Yes, your highness?" Tetsuya then looks at Augustav.

"You have gained my utmost thanks from the bottom of my heart. I as the current Emperor of the empire owe you, so if you need anything then I will prepare it as long as it is within my power and you are always welcome in the palace if you want to visit the palace," Said Augustav with a grateful expression on his face.

Tetsuya who heard this could only find this surprising as he didn't expect Augustav to give him this kind of reward. Or maybe he kind of expected it since he just saved both the Emperor's life and his daughter's life as well. Everyone in the room who heard this from Augustav could only stay quiet as they were respecting the Emperor's decision.

"Then I would gladly accept it, your highness," Said Tetsuya.

"Now moving on. Now I will discuss with you what reward you will get for curing me and my daughter," Said Augustav while looking at Tetsuya.

"Ehh Didn't I already receive the reward?!" Said Tetsuya with surprise as he cannot believe that there are more rewards.

"What are you talking about? That is only just my gratitude... Anyway, it looks like time for lunch. Would you mind having lunch with our family Tetsuya?" Asked Augustav with a smile on his face.




-- Dining room - The Empire's palace --

Tetsuya, who got invited by Augustav to have lunch, accepted his offer as Tetsuya was also curious about what do royalty have for lunch. Right now everyone from the room is in the dining room except for Honest who suddenly asked permission to go back to his home which the Emperor agrees to. Tetsuya could only suspect that Honest is trying to get rid of the evidence which is the poison or Honest is trying to run away, but that is impossible since Tetsuya already put a shadow on Honest which made Honest's attempts at escaping impossible. Other than that the other person who suspects Honest is Chouri as he then orders the soldier in the palace to investigate the poison as soon as Honest left.

Right now Tetsuya is eating with the rest of the Emperor family and also Chouri as Tetsuya is seated between the siblings. The food that he eats right now is a steak which has been cooked by the best chef in the palace. Speaking of food, Tetsuya already preparec lunch for Mine to eat in his hideout. The food that he prepared for Mine is Katsudon which he already cooked for her in the morning besides making her breakfast.

"Tetsuya is the food to your taste?" Asked Augustav while looking at Tetsuya with a smile.

"It is good, your highness," Said Tetsuya with a smile while looking at Augustav.

"Then Tetsuya what is your plan after this?" Asked Augustav.

"I'm going to continue to travel to many places," Said Tetsuya with a smile on his face.

"I see... Then how are your parents doing?" Asked Augustav with a curious expression.

"My parents are doing fine," Said Tetsuya while eating.

"Are your parents okay with you traveling around the world?" Asked Augustav with a wry smile while looking at Tetsuya as he wondered.

Tetsuya who heard this only eats his food while nodding as he cannot answer since his parents don't even know that he is traveling in another world but if he asks them, they probably would agree to let him travel in another world, maybe.

"Is that so... Anyway Tetsuya where did you and your parents live before you came to the capital?" Asked Augustav with a slight expression of interest.

"Well... I lived in a country called Japan that is located very very far away outside the Empire map," Said Tetsuya while eating.

"What, outside the world map?! That means it is outside our continent... That explains why your medicine can cure my daughter's disease and the poison on my body," Said Augustav with a shocked expression.

Anne and Chouri who heard this were also shocked since this is the first time they met someone outside their own country that is outside the Empire's map. The Empire's map that they mentioned is a map that contains all of the countries that are in the continent where the Empire resides and which many countries are surrounding the Empire.

Tetsuya who saw all of their reaction understands why would they show a reaction like that since Tetsuya knew that Augustav doesn't have the Teigu called [Rongo Rongo] in his possession and he also knows that Augustav didn't realize that the one who is in the possession of [Rongo Rongo] is Saikyuu who is the assistant of Honest and also the user of [Rongo Rongo]. The Complete Book Of The World: Rongo Rongo was a book-type Teigu that contained every single map in this world and the information of each territory was noted in details which also include the details of mountains or lands.

{A/N: The Complete Book Of The World: Rongo Rongo -

Saikyuu -}

As to why Tetsuya knows about Augustav not knowing the [Rongo Rongo] is because half a year ago Tetsuya already stole the [Rongo Rongo] book from Saikyuu and killed Saikyuu before turning him into a puppet with [Biological Pocket Puppet] that he has so he can trick Honest into thinking that Saikyuu is still alive. By killing Saikyuu, Tetsuya also stopped the development of Akame ga Kill Zero which would prevent Saikyuu from making a group of assassins which recruit from 100 children that he bought from their parents. Tetsuya also extracts all the information by killing Saikyuu and turning him into a shadow as he then orders Saikyuu to write all the things that he needed to know and then canceled Saikyuu's shadow extraction as he doesn't want Saikyuu as a soldier since he is far too weak.

Anyways, Tetsuya already used [Rongo Rongo] and for the example of Tetsuya using [Rongo Rongo] is the hideout that he chose which is so secluded that people wouldn't find them if they didn't have [Rongo Rongo] in their possession.

Moving on back at the current moment, right now Augustav, Anne, and also Chouri is shocked by the fact that Tetsuya is from outside of the continent since people of the Empire have been trying to explore the area outside the continent and somehow when they do that, there is no survivor which making the Empire conclude that going outside the continent would be dangerous. And seeing Tetsuya as a kid who has the appearance of 12 years old can do a crossover through another continent making them surprised even more.

{A/N: If anyone forgets, yes, Tetsuya is still in his transformation which makes his appearance look 12 years old.}

{E/N: For some reason I feel that… Tetsuya is gonna get eaten by a MILF or Onee-san…}

Suddenly Tetsuya can feel a poke from his left side and when he looks at his left side he can see Katherine is holding a fork that already has meat on it.

"Say ah," Said Katherine while blushing as she held the fork. Though Katherine who does this only follows one of the scenes of the novel she read where the princess feeds the knight and there is also a dialogue like that.

Tetsuya who sees this found this quite surprising as he doesn't expect Katherine who is still a 6 years old to know this kind of thing. Well in the end Tetsuya could only eat it as he doesn't want to make Katherine go teary. Seeing her food getting eaten by Tetsuya she is so happy which she then shows a smile.

"Then it's my turn... Say ah," Said Tetsuya who picked the meat on the plate with a fork as he then held the meat in the fork with a teasing expression.

{E/N: Did he forget about Agustav and Anne? I can already see their expressions from her lmfao}

Katherine who sees this is blushing like a tomato as she then opens her mouth and slowly swallows up the meat in Tetsuya's fork with some courage.

Augustav and the others who are still in surprise right now can only smile at both Tetsuya and Katherine as they find this scene too adorable. Augustav who is about to ask Tetsuya regarding the outside continent decides to ask later as he doesn't want to ruin the situation in front of him.

"Tetsuya, why don't you become Katherine fi--" Before Augustav is able to finish his words Anne stops him from being able to finish it.

"What are you trying to say, Katherine, is still 6 years old, at least wait until she reaches 10," Said Anne while whispering toward Augustav ears.

"But... I guess you are right, looks like I'm rushing things." Said Augustav.

Katherine who saw both of their interactions is showing a confused expression while looking at both of her parents as she cannot hear them due to them whispering. But unlike Katherine, Tetsuya can hear them just fine as his body is already past the limitation of the word 'Normal' a long time ago, as he right now somehow can only sigh while looking at both of their interactions.

Suddenly there is a sound of a knock from the door.

"You can come in," Said Augustav while looking in the door direction.

The door then opens and it is revealed that the one who knocks on the door is one of the soldiers from the palace.

"Pardon me, your Highness, but it seems the Great General Budo wants to see you."

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