Koneko was standing there as she wasn't able to understand that how is it possible that he didn't even took a step back.

Issei:" You must be thinking why is it that I was able to stand my ground even after you punched me with your full strength right. Well let me tell you that you didn't put your full strength in your punch"

Koneko:" I punched with my full strength how can you say I didn't"

Issei:" Oh so you think that you putted your full strength in it then just follow my instructions and we will see wether you used your full strength or not"

Koneko:" Fine what do I have to do"

While Issei and Koneko were talking the other three were looking at them with great interest wanting to know what hard conditions will Issei make Koneko do to pull out her whole strength.

Issei:" Well not much when you punch my hand again with your right hand then keep your other hand around your chest and don't make any wide movements ok"

Koneko nodded her head and followed Issei's instructions she readied her right hand for the punch and kept her left hand around her chest without making any other movements and punched with her full strength but this time not only was Issei's hand was blown back even with the spatial barrier around it but he also took two steps back from the force.

Now everyone was in a deep shock (I don't know many times they Will be shocked since he will be around them) they weren't able to understand that how can such simple steps would be able to bring out so much strength out of Koneko and were waiting for Issei's explanation.

Issei:" You don't have to look at me like that it's your own strength I just told you the best way to utilise it. You know wide swings are used for people who are out of our reach and it doesn't have our full strength in it as we have to face air resistance will we punch our enemy but the more compact our punches are the less air resistance there is and we can also use strength from our lower body to our upper body in our punch if you had watched boxing you would have known that boxers at the top use these techniques to counter and beat their enemies in the ring do you understand what I am saying Koneko-chan"

Koneko:"* nodding head* Hmm I understood"

Issei:" Good then what do you say am I good enough to teach you or not"

Koneko's face was red but she nodded his head and said nothing.

Issei:" Ok then the training is gonna start from next week so till then attend your classes and find any doubts you have in your fighting that you would like to ask me. Ah! one more thing I am really waiting for the next weekend to come and if you aren't able to decide who would come with me then it's fine I will take both of you together with me ok"

Rias and Akeno blushed and and were angry at him that he wanted to have date with both of them together but they also knew that none of them is going to back down so that is likely the best scenario as making other back out now is impossible.

Kiba:" What are you talking about Issei"

Issei:" Oh nothing just something between me Rias and Akeno you can ask them if they want to tell you"

Issei went outside of the club room and Kiba was looking at Rias and Akeno for answers but all he got was deathly glares at him so he decided to not ask any questions about it.

So after these events the rest of the week was uneventful for Issei he would sometimes go in the kendo and karate club to teach and sparr with them while the rest of the time it would be him flirting flirting and flirting. In class he would flirt with the three girls Kiryu, Murayama and Katase after class it would be Rias and Akeno and whenever he met Momo he would flirt with her as well because of this flirting and all he was able to make Kiryu, Murayama, Katase and Momo even though they knew thathe has more than one girl and will have more in the future but until now he hasn't done anything with them as if he was waiting for the right moment.

After a week it was time to start the training of Kiba and the others. Issei met Kiba and told him to kendo club to watch how he was going to sparr with them after that he will do the same but didn't forget to tell him to bring Tsubaki with him saying there is to be a competition for him only then will he become stronger.

Kiba brought Tsubaki with him but they were followed by their family members came with them as they also wanted to see how Issei was training them. When they reached at the kendo club they saw Issei sparring with their members but it was not normal sparring Issei wasn't wearing the gear, he wasn't moving from his place only using his left leg to move his right leg was at the same place and he was blind folded.

Kiba:" What is this!!??"

Katase, Murayama and Kiryu were watching from the side lines saw Kiba and others coming and we nt to greet them.

Katase, Murayama and Kiryu:" Hello everyone i didn't know everyone was coming"

Murayama:" Issei-kun has given a task to Kiba-kun and Tsubaki-senpai that they can choose what of the conditions will you put on yourself while sparring, wether you fight blindfolded or wether you fight without your dominant leg you choose"

Kiryu:" Ah! one more thing if you want to sparr with him you have to defeat everyone he has defeated"

Kiba:" Then how many he has defeated uptil now"

Katase:" What are you talking about except those fighting him everyone else in the club has been defeated by him"

Tsubaki:" What but that's not possible how can he do that in such a short period of time"

Murayama:" No no he has fought here for two days and today is the third day he is fighting like this and against those whome he wasn't able to fight in the previous two days"

While they were talking Issei was fighting with his last opponent who came to attack him from behind keeping his right leg on the same place he made a spinn and slashed on his opponents head and he was down. Issei opened his blindfolded and looked at Kiba and everyone.

Issei:" What was everyone missing me so much that they came to see me I am touched"

Seeing Issei's shamelessness some were speechless and some were blushing. Issei already knew this would happen he saw two more girl's who were blushing even though Issei hadn't done anything towards them one was Tsubaki Shinra and the other was Ruruka Nimura similarly a 1st year like him while he knew Tsubaki must have started to have a good feelings towards him because of his sword art but he didn't really know what he did to get on her good sides but it didn't really matter to him as he had already decided to make her as his women as well because of her cheerful personality.

Issei:" Kiba-kun, Tsubaki-senpai you do what I did choose what you want to do wether it's being blindfolding or not using one of your legs you have to beat them in both conditions but not together instead just follow one of them and after beating them in that changed it to the other one but don't forget to wear the gear if you are thinking of doing it like me then you don't have to do it"

Kiba& Tsubaki:" We will do it and after that fight with you"

Seeing there fighting spirit Issei said nothing but just smiled.....

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