Issei:" All you guys they will be fighting with you while giving you a handicap even after that you can't beat them then don't do kendo anymore do you hear me"

Kendo club members:" We won't lose against them"

Issei:" Good all you have to do is beat them the first time the other time doesn't matter don't let them win on their first try that's it"

kendo club members:" Yes "

Issei nodded his head and looked at Tsubaki and Kiba while prompting them to start there training. While they were preparing themselves Issei looked at the rest of the members of Rias and Sona's family and said

Issei:" Those who want to watch can watch and those who want to train can follow me"

Rias told Kiba to take care of himself and don't get hurt. Similarly Sona told Tsubaki the same. Listening to that both noded there head's and started wearing the kendo gear's

After going outside Issei asked them if there is a place then Rias took them to the training ground through teleportation magic. After reaching the training ground Issei started training them in their own feild but he got to know something which he never thought would be true. Everyone of them has talent in magic but their physique isn't strong enough except for Koneko who goes for hand-to-hand combat.

Issei:" What the hell all of your talent will go to waste if you're body isn't able to handle those magic strength of yours"

Rias:" What do you mean by that Issei-kun"

Issei:"Let me tell you Rias you and Sona has large amount of magic elements in your body but both of you can't use it now as your body isn't strong enough for it, the only time you will be able to bring it out will be in the cases of extreme sadness or anger do you get it now"

Sona:" You are saying we can be lot stronger than now if our body allows it to be right"

Issei:" Yes, but it's not only true for you both but for everyone else here except Koneko as she does close combat her body is more than strong enough"

Akeno:" Ara ara so are you telling us to do some exercise to strengthen our body Issei-kun"

Issei:" Yes Akeno and those exercise I won't be the one telling them to you but instead it would be Koneko who will tell you what to do"

Koneko:" Why me??"

Issei:" Simple because you are a girl and you know the best exercises which will help them to strengthen their bodies without putting much strain on it"

Koneko:" Ok but what should I do while they strengthen their bodies "

Issei:" Hmm I haven't taught you anything other than that punch right"

Koneko nodded her head. Issei moved towards a giant stone of his size

Issei:" Fine then let me see how much strength your punches have right now punch this stone me will you Koneko-chan"

Koneko said nothing just went towards the stone and followed Issei's instructions which he taught her last week. She punched the stone and 'Bangg' the stone started cracking and after few seconds it was in peices.

Issei:" Hmm your strength has increased from last week hasn't it Koneko-chan"

Koneko nodded her head:" Yes"

Issei:" OK then the next step is add a little twist while you are punching this stone here, just do the same steps but adding a simple twist in your punch will do the job for now"

Right now everybody was looking at Issei and koneko they wanted to see what will happen if Koneko followed is his advice. Koneko bended her knees following Issei's instructions she punched the stone while twisting her punch and 'Boooommm' the stone had a hole in the area the punch landed after few it was also destroyed.

Everyone's face was pale from horror of the punch as they saw a petite girl punched a whole from one side to the other side of a20 meter wide stone.

Issei:" How is it Koneko-chan pretty powerful right and it's not even it's full form when you are able to do what I told you now without any delay like normal punches then the next step is to use your whole body as a spring and then twist the body while punching like this do you understand this move is called Cockskrew if used correctly then it can be a one punch K.O move so while others strengthen their bodies you have to practice this move ok"

Koneko :" Uhmm I will perfect this move"

Issei smiled while looking at koneko's determined face.

Issei:" Sona, Rias while you strengthen your body you also have to think of different ways in which you can use your magic. Sona your magic is mainly focused on water then try to change its Temperature and you will have ice magic in your arsenal which I know is hard but since your magic is about water you should be able to do it and not only ice if you can't do that then try to increase the temperature of your water magic you should know that when water becomes hot enough it can become dangerous then fire you will burn much easily from boiled water then fire"

Sona:" Fine I will try thanks for the advice Issei-kun"

Issei nodded his head then looked at Rias.

Issei:"Rias your magic has the power of destruction it is one of the strongest magic elements, I know different ways you can use it but me telling you and you finding it on your own I think the latter is better, I will give you a hint just think of it as a sphere of destructive force you wanna throw at your enemy to disintegrate them"

Rias :"Thank you Issei-kun I will try to make a new move from following your hint"

Issei new Rias could do it as she did made a move like that which she showed in volume 16 called Extinguished Star; Rias manipulates her Power of Destruction into a compression of unimaginable amounts of demonic power; takes form of an enormous sphere with a mixture of crimson and black aura radiating from inside of it that launches it toward her enemies in a slow velocity. It has the ability of a magnetic force; pulling the enemies towards it and get disintegrate by the latter.

Issei:" Akeno your magic is lightning base I can teach how to use better but for that you have to increase your body strength so just focus on it"

Akeno:" Ara ara Issei-kun do you want to tire my body, what will you do if I got injured and my body got a scar from it"

Issei:" No Akeno how can I dare to do that that's why I told Koneko to help in your physical training and if you got injured and got a scar from it don't worry I will not give up on you and still marry you ok"

Akeno blushed and said nothing just ran away from there, Rias was still standing there and was jealous from it Issei was able to see that hence he said to Rias.

Issei:" Rias you shouldn't be jealous of your best friend, what will you do when I get more women in my Harem, before we go forward in our relationship I wanna tell you that I want to be a Harem king so you shouldn't be jealous of the girls I will meet in the future since you will take care of them"

Rias:" I will take care of themand why would I even do that??"

Issei:" Why?? because you will be my first wife so it's the first wife's duty to handle his husband's harem isn't it"

Rias face was bloody red and she ran from there without saying anything. Issei smiled looking at her and shouted if the both of you don't decide who will come with me then I will take both of you together ok"

Hearing Issei's shout most of the girls weren't able to understand what he was saying but Rias and Akeno's faces were red once again...

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