"Seriously without even letting me speak you want to kill me that's not nice is it" said Issei with a smile.

"This Bastard attack him now" the captain ordered

"Fire Style : Fire Bullet" said 3 of the ninjas spewing fire bullets from his mouth.

"Earth Style : Dark Swamp" said the other ninja to create a swamp below Issei to trap him.

"Water style : Liquid bullet" said the captain attacking Issei.

Seeing these attacks coming for him Issei game a big smile and said "If that's what you want...."

*Boom...* the joint attack of the five ninjas exploded when it came into contact with the place where Issei was standing.

"Hahaha.... there you go bastard wanna need with us" said the ninja with the kunai knife in his hand, Othere's wore a smile on there face as well.

"Tch... you people are really a bunch of Bastard, my dress almost became dirty cause of you" said Issei as he walked out of the blanket of dust created from there attacks.

The ninjas were shell shocked as it was there first time seeing someone walk out of unharmed from the barrage of there attacks.

The ninjas wanted to attack him once more but Issei didn't gave them the chance and did something shocking in there eyes.

"Space style: Spatial arrows" Issei said and without making any hand signs 10 arrows of solid space came into being and moved towards the 5 ninjas at breakneck speed, not giving them a chance to dodge and pierced them directly killing 4 out of 5 ninjas leaving only the leader to live who had one of his leg and shoulder pierced by the arrow.

"Now don't think that I missed, it as missed on purpose since I have some questions to asked" Issei said as he slowly moved towards them.

The leader ninja was pressing his wound with his hand when he saw Issei coming over and nodded his head after hearing his words "Just ask me whatever you want I will tell you everything truthfully".

"Good now tell me what has been happening around recently" asked Issei.

"Currently The Second Great Shinobi Not much is known about the politics of this era, but there were known conflicts between Hidden leaf Village, led by the Third Hokage, Sand Village,led by the Third Kazekage, Village hidden in Rain, led by Hanzō of the Salamander, and Hidden Stone village, presumably led by the Third Tsuchikage. The majority of the fighting is taking place in minor countries like Amegakure, leaving them devastated." the ninja explained.

"Ok so the war is in it's middle stages, fine then last question what were you people here for" asked Issei.

"We were here because we learned that an Uzumaki family that survived after there clans extinction were going to use this route to go towards Hidden leaf Village, if they are able to get pass through some of our earlier assassin's then it would be up to us to kill them similarly if we fall there are few teams ahead of us ready to kill them the moment they see them" said the Ninja

"Hmmm... Good now I have a way to enter the village thank you for the information" said Issei then beheaded him with a spatial blade.

"Ok first I should go and look if that Uzumaki family is still alive or not otherwise it would be hard for me to get into the Leaf Village" thought Issei and disappeared from his position.

A mile or 2 from the position where Issei met the 5 ninjas, a family of three were running and behind them were 6 ninjas following them. The family had red hairs belonging to the Uzumaki's allowing Issei to see them who was standing in the sky.

"Aha found them" said Issei and hurriedly descended to help them so as no accidents happen.

"Miko I don't think they would let us go, so i will distract them and you make a run for it" said the Man to his wife carrying the child.

"Noo... Kaito I won't let you do that, I will stay with you" said Miko.

"You can't Miko you have to take care of our precious daughter" said Kaito and turned his back then ran towards the Ninjas and shouted "Run and don't look back"

"Nooo...." shouted Miko when she saw her husband running towards the Ninjas following them, but before he could reach them or they could attack him, a barrage of attacks landed on them from above splitting there body into pieces.

"What were you thinking leaving your wife like that huh..." said Issei as he came down from the sky.

"You!? Who are you and Where did you came from!?" asked Kaito in surprise

"Me.. I am Issei Hyodo and as I was going on a walk I saw your family running from those dammed ninjas, I decided to give your family a hand" Issei said

"You were out for a walk! But you came from the sky just now!?" asked Kaito.

"Kaito is that the way to talk to our savior" said Miko coming towards him.

"Ahh... Yeah, sorry you are our benefactor but I was being rude, I am Kaito Uzumaki" said Kaito

"Hello, my name is Miko Uzumaki" said Miko

"Hello Kaito, Miko it's nice to meet you" said Issei.

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"And this is out daughter Miho Uzumaki" said Kaito introducing her 1 year old daughter who was in Miko's hand to Issei.

It's a nice family you have Kaito but why are you out in the wild!? Don't you know that Uzumaki aren't much loved by Shinobi out there" said Issei

"Yes, I know that Mr. Issei, but our earlier hide-out was exposed, so we wear moving towardsVillage Hidden in the leaf so that we can become a resident of theirs and or daughter won't have to live a life of a rouge" explained Kaito.

Oh!....So you are moving towards Hidden leaf that's great, if you want I can protect you all the way till you teach the Hidden Leaf Village" said Issei.

"Really! You will do that for us"Miko asked.

"Yes, but I have a condition for it" said Issei.

"What is it!? If it's in our capabilities and not unreasonable we will do our best to complete it" Kaito replied

Hearing his answer Issei said while laughing "Hahaha it is nothing unreasonable, I just want you to take my little brother with you to live in Leaf Village...."

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