Oh!....So you are moving towards Hidden leaf that's great, if you want I can protect you all the way till you teach the Hidden Leaf Village" said Issei.

"Really! You will do that for us" Miko asked.

"Yes, but I have a condition for it" said Issei.

"What is it!? If it's in our capabilities and not unreasonable we will do our best to complete it" Kaito replied

Hearing his answer Issei said while laughing "Hahaha it is nothing unreasonable, I just want you to take my little brother with you to live in Leaf Village...."

"Your Little Brother...." said Kaito

"Yes, you see I don't want him to be like me a rouge who doesn't have a home for himself but it's not like I can just go to any village and tell them to accept him so I want you to take him with yourself in the hidden leaf Village so that he could lead a normal life" explained Issei

"Your brother!? Where is he!?" asked Miko

"Don't worry I have left him at our temporary residence and I will only bring him when I have dealt with all the ninjas hidden in our way and you don't have to worry about him being a spot since he is only 5 years old" said Issei

"Ok Mr. Issei we will do it for you" replied Kaito

"Thank you Kaito, now let's move I will try to deal with those ninjas as fast as possible" Issei said

""Yes"" replied Kaito and Miko

So as they moved towards the direction of leaf Village, Issei asked them about the status of the War as even though he already asked it from that Ninja leader he wanted to know more if possible as not much information is known regarding the second great ninja war except some important incidents.

While he conversed with them, Issei would Manish from time to time then come back saying "Ok, 5 ninjas all dealt with let's continue from where we left"

Like this he chatted with them while also killing the Ninjas that we supposed to ambush them.

From his chat with them he got to knew that Jiraya, Tsunade and Orochimaru have still not been dubbed as Legendary Sanins which means that her brother may still be alive and she may haven't met with that Dan Kato.

"Good I won't have to Jump back" Issei thought.

"Mr. Issei when will we meet your brother, as leaf Village is not far from here" asked Kaito

"There is one more team waiting to ambush you after I deal with them I will drop my brother infront of you and keep watch at you from afar" said Issei

"Ok then" Kaito and right after that Issei vanished again.

This time it wasn't exactly easy for Issei to finish the Ninjas as there were atleast 8 and 5 of them being Special Jonin while the rest were normal Jonins, he had to use Time Freez to finish them fast.

After ending them all Issei came back to where Kaito and Miko were asking with the child Miho and said "No more Ninjas will ambush you so just keep moving towards Leaf Village, while I will bring my brother"

"Ok, thank you so much Issei if it wasn't for you us three wouldn't have been able to reach here, or family is really indebted to you" Miko said while Kaito also nodded his head.

"It's alright just take care of my brother for me that's all I ask from you" said Issei.

"Yes we will" Kaito replied after which Issei vanished from there sight once again.

As he went to pick up his brother, Kaito and Miko with a little Miho in there hands and ran towards Leaf village without any hindrance.

Just as they came out of the forest they saw a 5 year old kid standing there looking around himself and both party looked towards each other they became silent and none of them spoke.

After few minutes Miko broke the silence "You are the younger brother of Issei Hyodo right" the 5 year old kid was just the small version of Issei with almost same face which was due to him being to small otherwise they were same.

"Yes, I am Ryu Hyodo my brother told me that a family of three will be taking me to a place which will be my home you are those people right" said Ryu or Issei who has used his time magic to decrease his age and become his younger self to easily enter the leaf Village without much problem.

"Yes-Yes Ryu I am Miko Uzumaki and this is my daughter Miho Uzumaki" said Miko Uzumaki

"And I am her husband and the father of Miho, Kaito Uzumaki" said Kaito Uzumaki.

"Hello Uncle Kaito, Aunt Miko please take care of me" said mini Issei.

"Hello Ryu! don't worry we will take good care of you" said Miko with a smile on her face when she looked at cute face of Issei.

"Yes and look over there that gate is from where all of us will find our home" said Kaito as he pointed towards the gate of Leaf Village.

Issei looked at the village gate and thought "Shadow Clone Jutsu, Fireball Jutsu Transformation Jutsu or Forbidden Jutsu it didn't matter what it is I am gonna learn them all"

"Ok no more talking let's go we shouldn't wait here anymore" Miko said and picked up speed as she ran toward the Leaf Village gate.

Kaito also picked up Ryu(Issei) then ran towards the gate as well and within few minutes they had reached the Leaf Village gate.

"Stop who are you people" said the ninja guard of the gate.

"Hello I am Kaito Uzumaki I have came here in hope that the Leaf Village will allow us to live here in consideration of our clans relationship with Leaf Village" said Kaito

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"Wait here I will go to Hokage and inform him about you" said the second Ninja guarding the door

Kaito nodded his head and after putting Issei down waited along with his family at the gate.

While waiting for the Hokage to come Issei thought "Now how should I approach in this situation even though I can steal the forbidden scroll it won't be helpful as I don't know anything about chakra and how it is used"

(A.N: Except Hinata and Kushina tell me 7 females to be Issei's servant. But if you guys really want Kushina and Hinata then I can fuck the Naruto world and just take them with Issei your choice.)

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