Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 121: invite? Go to the appointment! under

Facing the chameleon is almost a questioning question, Ye Qidun paused and said: "Of course I know!"

He picked up the invitation from the carpet and waved.

"It’s all overwhelming!"

Ye Qi looked at the invitation again, saying this way.

[C-level tasks: go out smoothly; once a gathering of dark mercenaries, invite you to participate; do not think much, they are not good; where to go out smoothly...]

[B-level mission: safe and sound; sometimes the danger is so inconspicuous, a general who can fight for good warfare, dying under a flow of information, this is not ridicule, but fate; silk without fear of coming out of the encirclement of the enemy... 】

[B-level mission: hostility 1 of the hand of the abyss; the death of the deputy leader of the other party, the hatred between you and the two sides is inevitable; death may not be the ultimate solution, but it is the most direct; The top level, the framework of its organization began to collapse; 0/3.

[B-level mission; hostility of the hands of the abyss 2; as the leader of an organization, 'bad thought' is looking for an opportunity to avenge you; don't doubt his determination or think that he will have a conscience, you or him, always need a person Fall down; 0/1.]

[B-level mission: the swing of the broken mind; they think this is a counterattack and regain the opportunity to have a reputation; but the final way is still in the choice...]

[B-level mission: the law of the horror nest 1; for a group of killers, in addition to using strength to convince them, you can also use Kimpton; pay 100,000 Kimpton, they will not hesitate to stand on you Here. 】

[Class B: The Law of the Terror's Nest 2: For a group of killers. If you don't want to use Kimpton to convince them. Then show the strength; a total of five killer instructors are waiting for you. Beat them or kill them; 0/5.

[Class A: Traces; Are you confused when you appear in a group of dark mercenaries? Try to find something that has your expected existence. 】

A glimpse of the task reminder, emerged from the light blue screen, printed into the eyes of Ye Qi, reminding the 'facts' of this dark mercenary rally and the degree of danger. Obviously, the system is to involve all the dark mercenaries involved. Counted in his hostile camp; otherwise. It is impossible to have such a high task level at all; if it is only separately calculated, at the very least, it is necessary to reduce one or two small levels.

Ye Qi is happy from the bottom of the system for such a bug; because it means that he will always get extra gains when he encounters such large-scale, hordes of 'enemies'. Of course In a series of c- and b-level tasks, the a-level task of the abrupt is very conspicuous, and the content of the task makes Ye Qi’s heart guess.

Obviously, this is a predecessor. That is to say, after completing this predecessor task, it will trigger subsequent tasks; as for the above expected existence?

Ye Qi couldn't help but smile and laugh out of this presence except the Holy See. Who else can I still have?

However, from the perspective of the level of the task, this or these people are very deep hidden, and they are not able to find them at random. In this mission, it is obviously impossible to use them. Otherwise, this The task level is at most an e.

If you can't judge with [blind bucket perception], it proves that the other party is not the existence of the traditional Holy See, but a specially developed dark child in a group of no fewer than five hundred or even more people. Find one or two, but definitely no more than five or six of the dark, the difficulty is in line with the level of a task.

Need to be on the spot?

I think that in so many people, I can distinguish between one or two to five six; this situation makes Ye Qi frown. For Ye Qi, who is used to making plans first, this is full of unknown tasks. Obviously, he is the least good at it and he doesn't want to deal with it.

However, looking at the level of a quarter of the fine yàn, and the remaining three quarters represent up to 4.5 million fine yàn value, Ye Qi is trying to complete each task as much as possible, he wants To raise the character level to 21, it is nowhere in sight.

"Hey, have you heard me talking?"

The chameleon's voice pulled back Ye Qi's thoughts.

"Of course, of course, I have been listening!"

Ye Qi replied nodded.

"Then don't go!"

The chameleon reiterated his suggestion.

"But, after all, you have to go; instead of changing your identity, it is better to go like this!"

Ye Qi is also insisting on his own opinion.

"But this can be dangerous!"

The chameleon had a worry on his face.

“Everything can be dangerous, as long as there are enough plans, the danger can be minimized!”

Ye Qi tried a more rational way to comfort the secret of the chameleon system. He couldn't admit it; therefore, when there is something wrong with it, he always needs to play some stubborn existence; it is more stubborn than some old stubborn. Stubborn; and such stubbornness is naturally not welcome.

"Ye Qi, you are an unknown idiot!"

Left a sentence, the chameleon turned and left the room.

"Idiots also have their own lives, perhaps in their eyes, we are fools!"

With such self-deprecating, Ye Qi also left the sofa and stood up and stayed in the room because it was necessary to have a lunch; however, from the current situation, the lunch would have to be eaten by himself alone; Fortunately, a former front office manager of Wacquilin said that all his spending at Wauquilin would be free; and this undoubtedly saved him a lot of time.

After all, Wauquetin’s consumption is still beyond the reach of Ye Qi, who has a lot of things to arrange.


"It’s not like Wo Kui Lin, it tastes really good!"

Spedo of the Dede Hunter Club sits opposite the table and cuts the small steak belonging to Ye Qi. I sighed loudly.

"Especially take away the belongings belonging to others. When others can only watch. And when they can eat, the taste will undoubtedly be more delicious!" Ye Qi took the milk tea in front of him, said with a sly look.

"This is what I deserve!"

Spedo faced such an embarrassment, and he was so insulted that he was immediately stunned: "Ye, you have to understand; how much I have helped you, not just the highest government. And the head of the Demon Hunter; Heather’s question to me. But it just ended in less than ten minutes; the whole process lasted for an hour, a whole hour!”

"So, you spent ten minutes from the wilderness bar and came to Wo Kui Lin?"

Ye Qi’s mouth does not converge, and continues to lick each other’s hunter’s club. There is an emergency mechanism. Once started, you can talk directly to the hunter’s headquarters. Also, as the branch of the hunter, Ye Qi is no stranger to this emergency mechanism, but, as Spedo said, he was taught for an hour. That is a joke.

Up to five minutes u, the energy to maintain the call will be consumed; want to keep an hour of calls? The distance between Dude and the knight. It is almost the same to prepare two standard grades of high-magic crystals. In the face of the club president in front of him, just for the sake of talking, he consumes the money equivalent to his thirty years and kills him. He will not do this.

"Cough, cough, this, this, I run fast!"

After the fascination on Spedo's face, he immediately returned to normal, and raised his hand to the waiter and made a snap; after the sound of '啪', the waiter of Vuquetin immediately went to Spey. In front of more, ask: "Mr. What do you need?"

"Give me a bottle of gold count!"

"Okay, sir!"

After the waiter heard such a request, he immediately became a wine, although the Earl of Gold was an unreachable wine for most ordinary people, even at the gathering of the so-called upper-class people. Less appearance; in addition to the price is expensive, the Earl of Gold has a limit.

Basically, in the market of Dude every year, there are no more than 3,000 bottles, and this is obviously not enough for the Dud, who regards parties and banquets as opportunities to enhance friendship, but there is no way; unless Wo Kui Lin, this place can not limit the supply of the Earl of Gold.

However, compared to the price of the Earl of Gold, the price of entering Vu Kuilin also makes more than 90% of the people wisely choose to stop; while the remaining 10% of them have bitten teeth. There are also people who really don't care; of course, there is no shortage of opportunities like Spedo to take advantage of.

Ye Qi can be sure that Spedo is retaliating against him; however, Ye Qi does not care about it; anyway, he does not need to pay the bill.

"It’s not the Earl of Gold, it’s more mellow than the mead and rum I have ever had!”

The waiter had just opened the bottle stopper and Spedo praised it loudly.

"If you want to drink, feel free; I am not interested in alcohol!"

Ye Qi, holding the milk tea, raised his hand and pointed out to Spedo that although Spedo was doing this, it was enough to make most people feel helpless, but don't forget the profiteer in Ye Qi's elders; If Spedo compares with the other side, it is a small sorcerer; if the profiteer is here, he can definitely be eager to evacuate the entire Earl of Vuquilin.

Ashamed or embarrassed?

If these two words appear in the profiteer's dictionary, it is not a profiteer.

Since I had been drinking for a long while, the whole bottle of gold count had only one foundation left, and Spedo was satisfied with this long sigh: "This kind of life is really good! Unfortunately, it can't be enjoyed for a long time... If you drink too much, it is still mead and rum for me!"

"Are you sure you want to go to the rally of the dark mercenaries?"

After sighing, Spedo asked in a positive color.

"It seems that this news has spread!" Ye Qi put down the teacup and said softly: "Those guys are worried that I will not go!"

"Are you really ready to go?"

Spedo was surprised to see Ye Qi.

"Of course, it is better to have the opportunity to participate in such a gathering than to go to some high society dinners, which makes me more interested!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded.

“Which is important to face and life?”

Spedo's eyes were stunned and he stared.

"Of course it is life!"

Ye Qi did not hesitate to answer.

"Then you still have to go?!"

Spedo whispered.

"Some things. Not wanting to. It won't happen!"

Ye Qi laughed again. He said: "Look, I got the invitation letter only half an hour ago, but you know it so quickly, obviously someone is 'promoting me for me', and it is the kind of hard work. Even if I choose not to appear, to the "effort" shown by the other party at the moment, do you think they will be so good?"

"I am a person who hates trouble, so once the trouble and the signs are, I will solve it for the first time, and it will never stop. I really want to see who is so enthusiastic. I am going to attend this rally!" Said, Ye Qi shrugged.

"This is an excuse, an excuse! You guys have something in their bones, like the grown-up!"

Spedo dismissed his lips and muttered his mouth. After muttering two sentences, he said again: "The great Hess said that the recent changes in the Holy See are very frequent. Ieta and Tkawich are not allowed to open. All news; don't get involved!"

Finished. Spedo twisted his body, apparently a soft chair. He felt uncomfortable and missed his hard bench and broken sofa.

"In any case, Heather is just letting me convey the message that you have to be careful. What else is it for me? You should pay more attention!"

Pulling the worn trench coat, Spedo stood up.

"So, thank you for the news!"

Ye Qi once again picked up the tea cup and expressed his gratitude to Spedo.

"I have to go back, the two little guys are waiting for my lunch!"

After drinking the last bit of wine, Spedo once again slammed the waiter in front of him: "Come the three most luxurious lunches here, take them away; right, give me a bottle of gold count!"

"Yes, sir!"

The waiter answered with respect.

"I hope you live in Woquilin for a few more days!"

In such a discourse, Spedo, who is carrying food and wine, bids farewell to Ye Qi; leaving Ye Qi a very messy table, even if measured by Ye Qi’s standard, Spedo’s appearance can only be counted. It was a rude child who was not only a knife and a knife, but more importantly, the soup was splashed; therefore, even if Spedo left, he left a considerable trace in the place where he had been sitting.

And this is enough to give some people who are concerned about Ye Qi, the most appropriate excuse to approach Ye Qi; however, a woman will always take the lead in these people; just like her amazing commercial sense of smell General

"Your friend, appetite is very good!"

At the beginning of such a discourse, a businesswoman in a formal dress appeared in front of Ye Qi, and reached out with a generous hand: "I am Kalia, I am very happy to meet you, Mr. Ye Qi!"

"Ms. Kelly, hello!"

When the other party expressed politeness, Ye Qi responded politely, even if the heart did not want to have any relationship with the other party. When the businesswoman was approaching, if it was not obvious, the women in front would have unnecessary doubts. Ye Qi will not sit here and wait for the other party; even if he has to meet with the other person, he does not intend to talk too much with the other party.

After all, it is difficult to guarantee that he has such a heavy identity as 'Finger'. He will not be seen by the other party as a hunter. Ye Qi thinks that he is competent and can be an actor. Ye Qi understands I am also an amateur level; compared with professionals like chameleons, it is far too far.

Therefore, Ye Qi is very worried about what flaws he will reveal; and the way to reduce the exposure is naturally less contact with people who play the role of communication; for example, the businesswoman in front.

"Mr. Ye Qi, you are a hunter, right?"

"Yes, Ms. Kalia, do you need any help?"

Just as Ye Qi thought about what kind of excuses to leave as soon as possible, the businesswoman who sat down was straightforward; in the face of such a well-known inquiry, Ye Qi nodded.

"You have a lot of prestige among the demon hunters, so I need you to help me protect one!"

The words of the businesswoman made Ye Qi’s heart move. He had already guessed what the businesswoman in front of him was going to say.

"He is also a demon hunter, but it is not comparable to you; he has become a hunter for less than half a year, is a complete half hang; but the ability to trouble is absolutely first class; according to me The news, he seems to have fallen into a trouble, very deadly kind!"

Such a narrative undoubtedly proves Ye Qi’s guess; the same also makes him feel and the idea of ​​ending this conversation more is facing a woman who pays for you, but at all When you can't give back to the other party, most of the men will be at the same time with Ye Qi, and some are restless.

"He is called Finger, and for the time being I don't know where he is, but he can be sure in Dude; so, I hope..."

"Okay, give it to me!"

Without waiting for the woman to finish, Ye Qi nodded; facing the strange face of the other side, Ye Qi continued: "The help between the demon hunters is what it should be!"

"Thank you!"

The businesswoman was very sincere in thanking her; however, she did not see the moment when she bowed her head. In front of Ye Qi’s mouth, she twitched slightly. In the “blind bucket perception”, the fluctuation of the chameleon was approaching.

Ps second more~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting point of the sn100, and the reward of the starting currency of the x100. I am sorry to thank all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~ To be continued...

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