Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 122: Preparation. Help

Walking on the way back to the room, Ye Qi looked at the chameleon from time to time, even now, for the things that happened just now, Ye Qi still can't believe it. In the [blind bucket perception], he found the chameleon nearby. Ye Qi, who knows the attitude of the chameleon to the businesswoman, thought it was another slap in the face; however, what he did not think was that the chameleon that came to him faced the businesswoman and showed a gentle and generous, without any excessive Language.

In the next forty minutes of conversation, the man became an outsider, and the two women chatted very happily until the female bodyguard and secretary of the businesswoman informed her that the two were not dependent. Separation

Should this be disguise? !

Ye Qi thought of the words about the business woman who had spoken in the room before the chameleon, but couldn’t help but guess; but when he thought about the conversation between the two, he was not sure.

Sure enough, women are born actors!

What's more, she was originally the best actor...

With such a sigh, Ye Qi returned to the room with the chameleon, and as soon as he entered the room, he remained gentle and generous, and the elegant chameleon sank.

"Sure enough, it’s a fox, looking for prey everywhere!"

This unrelenting discourse makes Ye Qi sure that the previous chameleon was actually acting.

"Oh, I must give her a lesson to let her understand her mistakes..."

The chameleon was cold and cold, and then there was a stern look on his face; and this look. Ye Qi, who had remained silent, had to speak.

“She asked me because of ‘Finger’. She thought that ‘Finger’ needed a bodyguard!”

Ye Qi tells the truth, although the chameleon has always shown a friendly side in front of him. But this is only one side; think about the appearance of the other person who met in the Thousand Marsh area and Langingburg, the kind of appearance when referring to the other side; except for respect, it is deep awe, and such awe is definitely not For no reason.

If the chameleon really wants to shoot for a businesswoman, even if the identity of the businesswoman is extraordinary and the status is extremely high, it is also an ordinary person who can't come to the scene to meet an ever-changing person. That is a disaster; even if the people in the dark world meet, it is definitely a problem; after all, when your close relatives shoot at you, who can guard against it?

"You are explaining this for her?"

The chameleon turned to look at Ye Qi, and there was no expression on his face, which made Ye Qi unable to guess the idea of ​​the chameleon at the moment; this is definitely not what Ye Qi wants to see. He raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender, saying: I am just explaining one fact that I have seen. It is objective. There is no subjective meaning; therefore, can we expose this topic?"

"For Ms. Kalia. I am not malicious, and I have no other ideas. Do you understand?"

Ye Qi added a sentence.

"do not understand!"

The chameleon turned his head and stopped looking at Ye Qi.

"Even if I don't understand it now, I will understand it later!"

Ye Qi continued with the words of the chameleon.

"If you don't understand it now, you won't understand it in the future!"

The chameleon apparently entered the lifting bar at the moment; no matter what Ye Qi said, she would refute and act in the opposite direction; for the chameleon in this state, Ye Qi shrugged again from this time, although this time, then remain silent A good choice, but for Ye Qi at the moment, it can't be done.

"I need your help, as an ally's help!"

It is impossible to talk to the chameleon on a private basis, and Ye Qi can only start from the identity of both parties.

"Say, what needs my help?"

Although the chameleon's tone is still not good, but the head turned back, looking at Ye Qi undoubtedly, the identity of the two allies, the chameleon also had to be cautious; after all, once there is a problem in the identity of the allies, then she The relationship with Ye Qi will drop directly to the freezing point. Everything she worked hard before was in vain, and this is unacceptable to Chameleon and I don't want to see it.

Therefore, the chameleon had to accept the words despite the reluctance in his heart.

"I want you to help me investigate, who proposed to invite me to this dark mercenary rally, and what are the people who will be attached! If you can, please let me know the exact news before I leave at night!" Ye Qi went straight to say his request, and such a request made the chameleon an eyebrow. Although the chameleon was trying to insert a place where it could insert its own eyeliner, it was not easy to get into it; for example: The middle and upper levels of each force.

It’s like this gathering of dark mercenaries, except for the broken thoughts, the remaining hands of the abyss and the people in the middle of the horror nest who don’t have her, especially the latter who only accepts their own killer organization; Even a small eye-level eyeliner can not be inserted; while the abyss hand has two eye-level eyeliners, but the chameleon does not think that this level of eyeliner can complete the requirements of Ye Qi.

Therefore, after a little thought about it, the chameleon said: "I try to!"

"Thank you!"

Ye Qizheng thanked him.

Within a force, everyone who gives orders will know, but not everyone who knows and plans can know it; except for the real core high-level, if you want to know such a secret, you will undoubtedly have to take great risks. A bad one is the danger of exposure, but before the leaf Qi received the [a-level mission: the trail], in order to be on the safe side, but had to ask for the chameleon; after all, compared to looking for a few dark people in hundreds of people, and in Among the limited people, looking for a few dark ones, everyone knows which one is simpler.

"be careful!"

After glanced at the task marked with the [a] prefix, Ye Qi added a sentence although it seems that this task has such a high level because it is difficult to find, but Ye Qi does not believe that there is no danger; even Very low. It is definitely not something that ordinary people can handle.

"Are you caring about me?"

The chameleon looked at Ye Qi’s eyes. Suddenly stunned. Slightly looking forward to.

"The concern of allies is what it should be! After all, we are all honored and lost!"

Ye Qi gave a very official answer.

"Then you are sitting here and praying for me not to fail!"

This official answer, undoubtedly dissatisfied with the chameleon, after throwing a sentence, she turned away from the room; looked at the door that was strongly closed. Ye Qi helplessly smiled a few times; then, the straight half leaned on the sofa, began to close his eyes and raise his spirits. The rally of the dark mercenaries tonight will undoubtedly break out of the battle; and the foot-up shén can better face Fighting, the lion is also working hard with the rabbit. For the cautious Ye Qi, there is nothing to be embarrassing, because it is about life.

What's more, not all rabbits met this evening!

[a level task: trace] is obviously a pre-selectable task. At that time, as long as he enters the meeting place of the dark mercenaries, whether or not he can complete it. The follow-up task will inevitably appear with the appearance of the behind-the-scenes black hand. After all, it is easy to invite yourself to go. If the black hand behind the scene does not appear, how can it be worthy of the other party's arrangement?

Let me wait and see!

With such an idea, Ye Qi was immersed in meditation in the way of [nameless skills].


This is a rich family!

Xi Lun, hiding in the corner alley, looked at the house that was only a dozen yards away from him. He thought that this was the place he found according to the address behind the letter given by Hickel; in the urban area of ​​Dude. By car, it takes only half an hour from the train station.

However, being careful, Xi Lun did not directly choose to come here, but instead transferred a number of taxis and buses, and took a few circles to confirm that no one was following the track, and it was easy to be here by those big names. After finding his own nest, Silen became like a frightened bird. Everything became more and more cautious, and if there was something wrong, he immediately fled.

Just like now, he has been hiding in the corner alley for twenty minutes, but he did not immediately knock on the door and send the letter; instead, he observed the surroundings repeatedly.

No one is watching, no one is tracking!

Until these two points were confirmed, Xilun quickly walked out of the hidden alley and came to the front of the house where the target was located.

Hey, hey!

"Hello, is there anyone at home? Have your letter!"

After two consecutive doorbells, but no one answered, Weston could not help but shouted.

Hey, hey!

After the call, Xi Lun, once again ringing the doorbell, still no one answered; the subconscious Xi Lun reached out and beat the door.


Xi Lun’s hand touched the door, and it was not working hard. The door was slowly opened.

The door is not locked? !

Xi Lun glimpsed, and then looked through the cracks in the narrow doorway, which was the living room of the room; and the slender corridor was not enough for Weston to see everything in the living room.

In order to be able to see more qīhu, Xi Lun could not help but push the door again; the door without lock, under the push of Xi Lun, completely opened; and he finally looked at the living room Everything was still on the table, and the omelette, salad, and toast were on the table, and the people who should have enjoyed them, but they were in the chair without any breath.

The head and body of the room owner were 180 degrees in the opposite direction. The cervical vertebrae in the neck were raised by such a large force, piercing the original muscles and skin, and the white bones were exposed to the air. The blood rushed down the wound, wet the victim's clothes and the carpet under the chair until the blood solidified and the body was stiff.


Looking at the body that had already been stiff, Silen couldn't help the scalp numb as a dark mercenary. Although most of them work as a postman, this does not mean that Weston has never seen the dead; instead, In order to cope with some people who are unconcerned, Silent has to fight for a lot of time, so there are not a few people who die in his hands.

But at this moment, Silent was still scared by the body in front of him, although he did not know who was killed by this person, but killed him. Absolutely has a certain relationship with Hickel; in other words. It is related to the letter he wants to send; the same reason. In other words, he is once again involved in trouble!

I knew that there was no good result with the guy!

With such an idea, Xi Lun quickly left the room; however, just when he was about to close the door, a team of patrolling military police went through the house, and one of them clearly returned to the house. The owner was quite familiar, and looked at the Wester who came out, and immediately asked about it.

Faced with such an inquiry. Xi Lun basically didn't want to, and turned around and asked if it was simple, but no matter how clever he was, once the patrolled military police saw the body in the house, then the tongue could not help him get rid of the front. The dilemma; after all, as a dark mercenary, although he was not wanted by the highest government, but the case can also be found, turned out. Even if you are not hanged, you have to be shut down for a lifetime.

Whether it is the former or the latter. Siren did not want to accept it.


The captain of the patrol military police, who faced the turn and ran Xilun, immediately shouted; and the two agile military police in the team chased up in the next moment, the remaining two military police opened After not seeing the strict door of Xilunguan, when I saw the body of the owner inside, suddenly one of the young soldiers of the face gave an exclamation.

"Dead, that gentleman is dead!"

Such shouts attracted the attention of the patrol military and police captain. He immediately rushed into the house and looked at the body in the chair. He immediately said: "Block the scene and inform the headquarters!"

"Yes, captain!"

The two military police answered together.

Damn, it’s a dog skin plaster!

Syron, who glanced back and glanced back, saw the two military police chasing him in the same way; he couldn’t help but sneak up, and the whole person turned into a small alley. It is famous for its high-rise buildings, but this does not mean that there is no small street in Dude. On the contrary, just because of the rise of a high-rise building, the streets and alleys have become more and more; especially in some buildings. The concentration of the area, behind the bright and beautiful streets, is the 'emergency passage' that is most needed for Xilun at this moment.

However, it is obvious that Xilun has underestimated the familiarity of the two military police behind him. After drilling several 'emergency passages', he still did not open the other side, and this is not a good phenomenon. Hanging behind, reporting the movements at any time, then the next escape is like drilling a pocket. As long as he gets in, then these military police will tighten their pockets and grab him.

As soon as he thought of the blockade that might appear in front and the more people who blocked him, Syron’s heart became more and more anxious; and this impatience made his right hand involuntarily touch the hood of the left armpit.


When Silen’s hand touched the handle of the gun, there was a brake sound from the exit of the small alley in front, which made his nerves stretch tighter. However, the sound coming from the car in the next moment made Weston Tight nerves, slightly loose.


Hickel’s voice was clear and bright, and the door in the same direction was opened. Without hesitation, Siren drilled in and quickly shouted: “Drive, drive fast!”

Even without the shouts of Xi Lun, Hickel would not stay for a long time. After the right foot was straight on the throttle, the tires immediately slid out of the air and immediately sneaked out of the blue smoke. .

boom! boom! boom!

In the face of the suspects who are about to disappear, the two chasing military police immediately fired; however, compared to their speed, the shooting method is bad enough, except for one bullet hit the body, the rest The bullets don’t know where to fly; however, even this bullet is enough to make Weston’s horror, plus anger.

"Bastard, have you already known that such a thing will happen?"

Silent yelled at Hickel.

"Just pure guess!"

Hickel did not affirm and did not deny it.

"Guess you x%¥..."

A series of greetings to Hickel’s mother elders emerged from the mouth of Silen; at the same time, the gun of a revolver was directed at Hickel’s back, and the snoring of Weston rang again: “Tell me What happened? Otherwise, I will blow your head!"

"At this speed, you think I am dead, can you still live?"

Hickel didn't even return, just pointed to the pulse rate on the car, and in that, the pointer has already pointed to 100.

"I x%¥..."

The snoring of Siren appeared again, but the gun was taken over by him.

"The dead guy is the guy who sold the antique with the ‘New King Treasure’ map to me!”

Hickel said after the snoring of Weston subsided


After a brief surprise, Xi Lun immediately shouted subconsciously: "Is you killed him?!"

"Of course not. If I killed him, would I still send you a letter? He was slain!"

Hickel snorted.

"I believe in you!"

Xi Lun, who has long been a bird of surprise, once again took out his own revolver.

"Look at the letter I asked you to give to that guy!"

Hickel said this; and the dubious Siren took out the letter placed in his guilt, tearing open the letter, just glanced at the contents, and could not help but exclaim: "'New Wang Baozang's treasure map you still have?!

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~ unfinished...

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