Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 39: Insert under the label

Ceylon frowned and looked at the Tucheng in the distance. His face was hesitant. After seeing his companion, he couldn’t help but smile: "What? Still worried?"

This companion of Cyans is a low-ranking fat man named Katwei. They joined Quanshui City and even went to the bridge on the other side to be friends. They once traveled together to travel through the whole of Lorante, including in endless. It sailed for two years at sea - but it was because of this voyage that they gave up their plans to continue their journey, but went to the bridge on the other side.

Countless waves and unbelievable beasts on the seabed have made them understand the deficiencies of the Japanese glory. Therefore, they want to make another promotion and become a legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world, and want to become extraordinary in Lorante. The legendary powerhouses in the realm are too difficult, so they came to the bridge on the other side.

However, the bridge on the other side is not so easy.

But compared with those unlucky ones, they joined the Spring Water City and were lucky enough.

Although Carter is not tall, he has the characteristics of all the fat people - the heart is wide and fat, and he will have an optimistic attitude at any time; therefore, when he sees a frowning friend, he immediately said: "Nus When the big man is there, even if the Mullett is cruel, it will converge!"

Cyans shook his head and said: "It's not Mullett's relationship, but something else... I can't say it, but it's not so good!"

Katwe looked at his friend's serious look, and couldn't help but feel a hunch for his friends. Cylans is very recognized. In fact, it is because of this hunch that they can sail for two years in the endless sea and then return safely. If there is no such hunch, they have already died in the belly.

Therefore, Katwe converges with a smile and looks at the distance cautiously: "Is it really bad feeling?"

Cyans nodded affirmatively and said: "Very bad, even more than the worst... I think we are in trouble!"

Katwi turned two laps in the same place and proposed: "If we are..."

The words have not been finished, and Katwe has stopped himself. And Ceylon's smile on the face--the spring water city is not a strict organization, but the strict organization is still the organization; therefore, some rules should be less, although the rules of Quanshuicheng are very Loose, but one must be observed.

That is: once you receive the task, you need to bear the risk of the task failure.

In other words, the reward is completed. If you fail, you need to face punishment!

of course. The task is not mandatory, and you can pick it up at will or not – and this is the origin of Spring City's 'loose'.

However, such 'looseness' does not exist for those who have failed to receive the mission; even, compared to several other organizations with similar levels of Spring Water City, the punishment for failure is not light - expulsion or Deprivation of property, such punishment conditions. It is simply the heaviest penalty outside the death penalty.

Carter looked at his friend with apologies, saying: "Sorry, I blame I want to get some magic tricks to buy some magic..."

Cyans immediately waved: "Nothing, those skills are what I want... We now seem to have only one way to go!"

Katwi smiled bitterly: "Yes, I have no choice!"

After looking at each other again, they walked toward Tucheng; and as the distance approached. They saw the first level hanging at the gate of the city - they were not surprised by this. After all, Mulet was known for being brutal in the rumors, even his original name directly represented the brutal two. word.

Therefore, the two continued to move forward.

But as the distance approached, when the two saw the face of the first level hanging on the gate, they stood in the same place.

Cyans stuttered: "That, that is..."

Katwi has grown up directly, and the sounds of '呃, 呃' are simply speechless; for ten minutes, two daisy-levels stand under the gate and stare at the city. The first level on the door, and with such a long gaze, the two can be sure that this is the Muller that is known for its brutality and the bridge across the other side - in fact, when you first see each other's faces The two can be sure, but the inner shock, but two people still can not believe.

Therefore, they worked hard to make their eyes penetrate the barriers of the stains to identify the first level; then, they came to the result of their shock.

That is really the first level of Mullett.

Katwie and Cylans face each other, and both of them saw horror and incredulity from the sight of both sides. The reason why Murret, known for its brutality, can be rampant on the bridge of the other side of the jungle, is naturally because of its power. Wherever, even the legendary strong adults in the similar level of organizations such as Quanshuicheng are not willing to fight against each other.

However, now the other party has died here, and it is still in the first two places. The first level is hung here to show the crowd...

Who did it?

Who did it?

The hearts of Katwi and Cyans did not think of the goal of their trip: the Nustis adults; but, in their hearts, they did not think that Nustis was the opponent of Mullett, and at most it was the end of the tie. Even at this moment, it is even worse; after all, the strength of Mullett is like a duck in the desert.

Looking at the high-level hanging head, even the optimistic Katwi, can not laugh at this time, he gestured to his friends.

Cyans just hesitated for a moment and nodded quickly.

Then, the two are ready to turn around and leave – the legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world are all here, what do they have in the two days?

Even if you go back to the mission and accept the punishment, it is better to throw away the little life here.

However, when the two talents were ready to turn around, they saw several figures appearing near the gates of the city, shouting loudly to them: "Wait, wait!"

At the same time. A horrible atmosphere enveloped them, making them unable to move at all.

Katwi and Cyans couldn't help but look at each other and then stood up and watched the closeness of these figures, from the other side's dark skin. The people who look like a strong figure are all locals, and they don’t have any breath. They should be just ordinary people who are strong and strong.

However, these people's expressions are a bit strange, as if... have hatred against them?

Katwi and Cyans are inexplicably frowning - the two can be sure that these locals, they are the first to see; since it is the first time to see, then naturally there is no relationship.

Is there any misunderstanding?

The two thought involuntarily.

And while Cartway and Cyans are still thinking. The few locals who are willing to stay have already rushed to them, in a very unkind tone: "The adults are waiting for you, let us come!"

Speaking of the first two, the two were sandwiched in the middle of the city and walked toward Tucheng; this kind of obviously unfriendly, with the 'kidnapping' nature of the invitation, if it is usually in peace, even if the two will not I am angry and murder. I will definitely give a good lesson to these people who don’t know how to be good, but now. The two people did not dare to say a word, quietly followed behind each other and walked inward.

The breath is just a fleeting moment, but the horrible sense of oppression has told them to wait for them to be an legendary powerhouse in an extraordinary world.

In the face of legendary powerhouses, they are naturally respectful and respectful.

After passing through a slightly lower, more than two feet taller than the ordinary people, the eyes suddenly opened up, and a touch of green appeared in front of Katwi and Cyans. The lake reflected in the distance by the sun light makes the two people involuntarily take a long breath, as if to feel the difference.

Especially Katwi, even more laughs - the ability to meet an oasis in the desert is really a happy thing.

However, immediately such a smile turned into a smile. He thought of the situation of himself and his friends.

Not optimistic!

The four words have already made a clear statement of everything they have at the moment. Facing the legendary strong, they have two days of glory. They simply don’t have the slightest effort to fight. They only hope that the other side will look at the face of Quanshuicheng and let go. They; don't kill them...

Katwi, who was thinking about it, suddenly felt the friend’s drag.

With many years of tacit understanding, Katwi did not go to see his friends dragging his hand, but looked at his friends' eyes, and this time, suddenly, let Katwei stay sloppy.

Several people wearing flip-flops and worn burlap shirts are carrying stones there.

Of course, this is not the point, the focus is on the identity of the other party.

The Japanese glory, all of them are the Japanese glory, especially a few of them. Katwi has also seen that the other side was behind Mullett, who had walked in front of him. At that time, the other party was against him. The disdain shown, Carter still remembers clearly.

But now the other party is...

"This, how is this... Oh, my God, what is it!"

Carter’s subconscious mind wanted to say something, but when he saw the branding on the other’s left cheek, he immediately exclaimed.

Slave branding!

This is something that has been seen many times in the book. Although the pattern is slightly different from the pattern he has read through the book, the nature is really the same.

Such exclamations apparently made the locals who led the way feel dissatisfied. They turned their heads and looked at Katwei and looked forward. They continued to move forward. Katwei’s smile was awkward and immediately turned to look at his friends. He saw the shock on his friend's face and was unbelievable.

"It’s worse than we expected!"

"I hope that the grown-up will not be a bad-tempered person!"

"From the current situation, there are some difficulties!"


The two men gestured without any traces - although the four locals have worked very hard to complete their work, they are still not enough to see in front of the day, especially if they are wide-eyed, two It’s not too difficult for a Japanese glory to deceive them.

And such exchanges began from the beginning of the city gate, to the center of the oasis, that is, the center of Tucheng, and did not stop - Katwi and Cyans. I feel that they have to find something to do. Otherwise, it is really difficult to accept everything that we have just seen.

However, it is clear that they feel that the shock in their hearts has slightly subsided. The scene that surprised them even more appeared - not far away, a few people who had seen the same wearing, but also with their ankles, branding the slave imprint, carrying the wood and building the house.

With the previous situation of carrying stones, this situation should not be strange.

However, when they saw the face of one of them, they were as if they were struck by lightning.

Katwigan said: "Nu, Nusti, adults?!"

The sound is not only trembling, but also full of uncertainty.

The legendary strongman of Quanshuicheng is from dawn. I was taken away from all the items in the body, and then I put on the most worn out clothes that belonged to the locals. Then, with the pedals of the locals, I was driven several times. Do the work that has long been forgotten.

His power is limited and cannot be used at all. And more importantly, the pain that comes from all the time makes him feel like a piece of meat with a knife. It is painful to continue to scrape the bones; however, compared with the pain in the body, the pain in my heart is even stronger.

He, Nusti, the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world, the high-rise in the bridge spring water city on the other side, standing on the existence of countless people in Lorante, turned into a slave at this moment.

humble. A slave who is bought and sold as a commodity.

What is it because of what is happening?

The legendary strongman of Quanshuicheng has been thinking about this problem. His heart has been asking himself: "Why, why, I will encounter such unfair things!"

Immediately, a colder voice will appear in the bottom of my heart, answering: "You are also ordinary people in my eyes! What you have done on ordinary people, I just did it all the time... ...even. I am already kind enough - at the very least, I have not deprived you of your life... Of course, if you think that you are not humiliated, you can do it yourself, I will give you a decent funeral, and the coffin and tombstone will not be lacking. !"

Such an answer made him completely lose the last trace of courage.

He, don't want to die.

Live and live, as long as you live, everything will be possible, even, you can...

The last thought flashed through his mind, and then became the driving force for his survival. Even he could feel that the surrounding Sun Yat-sen was such an idea.

Everyone knows this.

Nusti believes that he will successfully get out of here and take revenge after he has been burdened with humiliation for a period of time; after all, he is not alone, there is Keerli behind him, and the whole spring city!

However, when he saw the presence of two spring waters in front of himself and shouted his own name, the first reaction was not a joy, but a shame, a thick shyness that could not be resolved at all. After ignoring the dignity of the body, the last piece of figurine was pulled down, and then the loud laughter came.

Nusti lowered his head and his face was flushed. Even he hated himself so much that he had to wash his face when he was carrying the wood.

If you are so dirty, if they can't see it, everything will be fine!

Yes, everything will be fine!


Nushti deceived himself and speculated on other people's ideas with reasons that he could not persuade; obviously, such an approach was ineffective at all.

Really... will it be okay?

A bitter smile came to the corner of Nushti. At this moment, he found something in his life that he had done in his life. A scene, a picture... Many things that have long been forgotten, can’t remember, all come to the fore In my mind, at this time, Nusti suddenly discovered that the original self from the belief that there is a principle and a bottom line has done so many things that are not even human.

At first, he just wanted to live a little better and let his family have more protection.

But now?

I have lived very well, but my family has already disappeared into my memory...

Father, mother, wife, and... own children!

I am afraid they have already passed away?

But they don't even know where their purpose is!


With a long sigh, Nusti raised his head. He looked at the two people in front of him. He couldn’t tell the unclear smile: "Katwi, Cylans go, the adult here is not so bad. Don't try to violate the will of the grown-up, he is not malicious to good people!"

Carter pointed to Nustus: "Yes, but Nustis, you, you..."

Nusti waved his hand and said, "I made a go in!"

After did not say anything any more, just watching Cartaway and Cyans disappear behind the door of the room, then he looked up at the bright sky and said lowly: The blue sky has not been seen for a long time..."

Then, the legendary strongman, bowed his head and tried his best to hit the whole piece of huge rock.

Second more~~

In other words, the decadence just ran out to eat the fat intestines, met a fierce man, the day of the next fifteen or six degrees, wearing a single coat, holding a fat intestines and screaming at the door of the store to eat... At that time, decadence Sparta!

Decadence believes that this is definitely the rhythm of death!

However, my heart is quite admired - after all, he did things that he did not dare to do.

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200 coins, the sn100 starting point, the x100 starting point, the wind, the dust, the 100, the starting point, the reward, the ~~~ decadence, thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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