Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 40: dead? repent? It's none of my business!


After the dull sound, Nusti fell to the ground, and the Tianling cover collapsed. The brain mixed with blood flowed out; the surrounding Japanese glory was a glimpse of the ordinary people who were full of hatred, and at this time, Several Japanese glory laughed at the same time, and then, the stone hit the up.

砰, 砰, 砰...

The continuous silence is like the sullen thunder under the dark clouds. It makes people feel flustered and depressed. The remaining celestial bodies look at the fallen bodies. They smiled awkwardly, and several stood up and ran into the stone. Going up, the body also fell on the ground.


The desert of the clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, a huge flash of lightning, the huge body in the middle, and then the dead bodies were turned into a scorched earth.

Then, with the wind, there is no trace.

Everything was done in an instant. When the raindrops fell, the people around them reacted. The ordinary people were at a loss, just staring at the sky. It was raining in the desert. It was worth it. Congratulations, but they are not happy at all, even with a hint of empty space.

When the hatred disappears, the remaining holes will make you more empty... and, at a loss.

And those remaining less than five days of glory, it is shrinking in place, moving and not dare to move, it is like a frightened cockroach, ridiculous at the same time, more and more hateful.

I dare not face my own mistakes, or simply go on the road, and the guy who is only standing in the same place is destined to be eliminated and abandoned.


On the empty land, a deep starry sky, a huge statue that seems to fill the whole world sits on a seat with endless golden light. It overlooks everything in the world, and brings infinite light to time. Its eyes are dull, calm, not merciful, nor harsh, but they look at everything.

Nusti. And twelve days of glory, standing in this void, they frowned. Then I looked at the huge idol.

"Do you want to confess your sins?"

The majestic voice is filled with the ears of thirteen people.

The thirteen nodded, without any hesitation, they now examined themselves in an inexplicable state, watching their own life, or repenting, or anger, or happy, or crying... but no fear - mortal After one time, they are reborn in ways that they can't understand.

"So. Are you willing to dedicate your loyalty to the man who has suffered you?"

The majestic voice continued to ask.

And this time. The thirteen did not immediately nod. They are thinking - although the current state is very special, it does not prevent them from understanding who is talking about this great existence.

Ye Qi, the man who knocked them down from the high clouds and fell into the quagmire.

"I am willing!" Nusti stood up first. He looked serious and said seriously, "I am willing to dedicate my loyalty to Master Ye Qi - to give me a "new birth"!"

The words of Nusti. Let the remaining twelve people shake their bodies and immediately think of the previous encounters. They seem to have seen the unsuccessful ones once again suffered the kind of sadness and pain; such back and pain, they never want to experience again. Therefore, these people have said one after another.

"I am willing too!"

"I am willing too!"


Twelve people expressed their will; then, they suddenly found themselves involuntarily squatting down, kneeling on the ground, an unknown armor appeared in front of themselves, with the emergence of these armor, there is a banner It fell out of thin air and was inserted in front of it - a black and white swallowtail flag, a gray dragon coat was imprinted on it, like the mark on their left cheek.

"Under the testimony of the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars, you become a member of the Knights of the Dragons - you will follow the footsteps of the Holy Dragon, become his shield, his gun, in the place where his long knife is pointing, It is your land of glory and glory!"

"Under the testimony of the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars, we become a member of the Knights of the Dragons - will follow the footsteps of the Holy Dragon, become his shield, his gun, in the place where his long knife is pointing, It is our land of glory and glory!"

"You swear, you won't kill innocents!"

"We swear, we won't kill innocents!"

"You remember, there is a heart of integrity!"

"We remember that there is a heart of integrity!"

"You are branded, weak is not the original sin, only for the strong cause!"

"We are branded, weak and not for the original sin, only for the strong cause!"


Following the majestic voice, the thirteen people uttered vows one sentence at a time, and with their vows, the worn burlap shirts were taken off one by one, and the armor in front of them took a burst of light, and the flashing light was placed on them. On the body, in just a moment, thirteen people have turned upside down. The pure white cloak is buckled on the silver-gray shoulder armor. The two dragon-clawed buttons are sharp and radiant, while the huge giant chest. The dragon dragon scale reliefs prove their brilliance.

Nusti held the helmet like a dragon's faucet on the left hand, and extended his right hand to pull out the swallowtail flag that was inserted on the ground. Twelve people stood behind him and waited quietly.

"Now, go to the Frostforest District, where you have your head... let it be returned to the group!"

The majestic voice said again.


Thirteen people nodded at the same time, and turned and walked toward the passage that suddenly appeared in the void.

When all the thirteen people disappeared, the void suddenly shattered and turned into the bluestone ground, the seal hall of the fire column, and the grotesque wolf couldn’t help but grow a sigh of relief: "Hey, pull in at once." Personal, there is an extraordinary, it really takes a lot of effort! But... oh!"

In the self-talk, the wolf is proud of it. It looks up: "Is it possible to successfully accept such a group of assistants, even if it costs a little effort? But it is a pity that these guys are against the stinky boy. The impression is too deep. If it is my shot, how good should I be allegiance?"

The grotesque wolf couldn’t help but sigh softly, and then drilled into Ye Qi’s heart.

In the usual lazy tone: "How, my practice is more than a few times stronger than you?"

Ye Qi, who was sitting in the wooden house and talking to Katwie and Cirrus in the spring city, couldn’t help but frown. In his mind, the 13th Nurtus was "conquered" before, and he replied: "If you use such a magical means, your proposal will never be accepted by me... even. I I have regretted it now!"

The wolf said in disappointment: "We only look at the results, we don't need to look at the process, let alone this is simply a matter of killing each other - that is, according to your thoughts, let them die, and according to my proposal, increase their own The forces are simply two birds!"

Ye Qi smiled coldly: "The legendary strongman in the extraordinary world smashed into the stone and died? Such a thing. No one can believe it! Even if it is the strength of the Japanese-level body. It is harder than a stone!" Do you think such a illusion trick. Who can lie?"

The wolf stunned and snorted. "Would you like to lie to anyone? I have no plans to lie to anyone. Can you say that the thirteen guys who are dying are fake?"

Ye Qi frowned, did not answer - the kind of heart of death, he can feel this is a fact; and facing the facts, Ye Qi will never refute.

The blame wolf wins the pursuit of chasing: "Since it is not fake. Then it is true... then they are equivalent to dead, now is a new life!"

Ye Qi asked faintly: "Do you want to make them atonement?"

The strange wolf nodded: "Of course!"

Ye Qi turned to cold and asked: "Even if you are atonement, will those who die will be resurrected?"

Obviously, the wolf knows what his contractor wants to say. He has already prepared it and immediately laughed: "It is not impossible to resurrect!"

Ye Qiyi: "Can you be resurrected?"

The wolf said: "Don't forget who I am... maybe my strength has not recovered, but my knowledge is still there, and they will definitely live better than ever; just, it can't be implemented now, it needs some steps. After all, my strength is still lacking!"

Ye Qiqi started his eyes and said: "The empty check... is definitely an annoying thing!"

The weird wolf smiled and said: "How can it be a bad check? This is just a late agreement - you can wait and see!"

Ye Qi nodded and said: "I will see it with my own eyes! And, I really want to see those people who are resurrected, what kind of reaction will they face in the face of killing their enemies?"

"Maybe, will they let go of those people generously? Or those people willingly die?"

The wolf stressed: "This is of course a trouble, but it is not a big problem - and those people are your knights, you should think for them!"

Ye Qi smiled coldly: "I have never received their allegiance, and I have never thought of this; everything... everything is your arrangement, and the vows are also spoken from your mouth... Holy Dragon? I really laughed at me. However, although I really have the blood of the dragon, it is also the title of a smile!"

The wolf looked at the contractor who was stubborn to stubborn. He shrugged and said: "Under the contract, the words I spoke, and the words you spoke, are in the same sense. ... need to be as clear as separate?"

Ye Qi coldly said: "One day, I will get out of this contract!"

The strange wolf smiled and said: "I can't help it! I don't want to face you like a guy who doesn't know how to adapt!"

Just as Ye Qi and the strange wolf talked, Katwi and Cyans were in the face of Ye Qi, who looked at Ye Qi or frowned or cold, and the sweat on his forehead and back could not help. The flow of the two; the two eyes with each other, with a thick smile.

It is true that, as Mr. Nusti said, the other party’s appearance is not a very difficult person to get along with, even quite good, even though it is somewhat indifferent, it is definitely not a arrogant person or a kind of killing or cruel person; They thought that everything would go on like this smoothly, but the other party suddenly stopped talking.

This caused the two people's hearts to instantly knock on the drums, especially when they saw Ye Qi's frowning appearance, the two men could not help but tremble - the slaves outside the day, even the Nustia adults could not The appearance of resistance, the two are naturally impossible to resist.

However, once they have become such a presence, the two think that it is better to die. At the very least, some dignity can die if you die.

The two were uneasy, and fortunately, this situation did not last long.

Ye Qi glanced at the expressions of the two men and said faintly: "Think of a **** doing something that makes me unhappy; let's continue!"

Katwi nodded and said, "Okay, good, adult!"

Cylans is connected to the previous words: "We are here on behalf of Spring Water City. We express our respect to you, and also want to ask you to show your intentions!"

The last sentence is not the one that Cyans himself added, but the explanation of the task. The specificity of this task is to find out that Nushti is to convey the message. If there is an accident, it is necessary to investigate. What happened to the accident; of course. if the latter one. The nature of the task is naturally different, and the reward can be increased accordingly.

In fact, if you can, Carter and Cyans would rather not raise the rewards, but just want to simply complete the task of conveying the message; after all, in the face of such a legendary strong, it is They are exhausted. Even if they are now meeting each other for only ten minutes.

But that kind of every minute is spent in a frightening battle, it is simply a feeling of suffering.

Therefore, if they can, they certainly hope to end soon - provided that they must be safe.

Ye Qi stretched out his right index finger and tapped on the back of the chair gently, as if talking to himself: "Please show me what you mean?"

The cold sweats of Katwi and Ceylon flowed down instantly, but Cyans bite his teeth and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, yes!"

After saying this, Katwi and Cyans looked at each other and then sighed involuntarily. In the hearts of both of them, they all had the same thought: "Death is dead, it is always stronger than this." !"

However, just as the two were ready to face the death of Ye Qi, they went to face death. The next moment was beyond their expectation. Ye Qi did not look irritated, but whispered: " My intentions? Of course it is for that treasure! Just, I have encountered some things that make me look at my eyes, so I can’t help but intervene!"

"Just, that's it?!"

Katwi and Cyans asked.

"That's it, or else, what do you think?"

Ye Qi looked at the two people with a smile and laughed. Suddenly, the two men bowed their heads and said respectfully: "Yes, yes, that's it, the adults say this!"

Katwi and Cyans naturally understand that the other party does not intend to anger and murder, and even, there is no anger at all; and if this time to anger the other party, it is obviously unwise.

Looking at the two people nodding nodly, Ye Qi, who needs two people to pass the message, did not continue to talk about it. He asked: "Do you have anything else?"

"No, of course not!"

After hearing Ye Qi let the two leave, Katwi and Cyans immediately walked toward the door and said respectfully, "Well, then we will leave?"


Ye Qi's faint words, the two men retreat toward the outside like a big man.

Looking at the door closed again, Ye Qi’s eyes were slightly glimpsed—obviously, the news of the two people could be passed to the top of Quanshui City in about an hour.

Next, it is natural to face the reaction of Spring Water City, or more.

After all, from the news that was obtained, the deputy city owner of Kiel, but it is not easy!

Ye Qi stood up and walked toward the door. He needed to finish the things that had not been done before the enemy arrived.

Although, because of the strange wolf's intervention, those people have been 'escaped' a lot.

But isn't there still someone there?

Since he can't do it, then he can only help him!

There is only one Mullett head at the gate of the city. As a welcoming ceremony, it is too thin!

First more ~~~ Timing~~~

Character card, continue to update -

Expertise: Beast Instinct; Vampire Touch, Battle Casting, Robust, Blind, Tough, Tenacious, Solid, Mountain, Diamond Body

Blood vein expertise: Long Wei (Upper Ancient Dragon), Dragon Scale (Upper Ancient Dragon), Dragon Power (Adult), Dragon Breath (Upper Ancient Dragon), Dragon's Physique (Upper Ancient Dragon), Humanoid Dragon, Time Cooked, Dragon Language Hey, the whisper of the time dragon;

Special expertise: natural consciousness, natural aid, charm creature, lightning damage, lightning enhancement, secondary avatar, extraction darkness, gravity sanctions, secondary illusion control, secondary sun tribute, secondary sky pillar, secondary The sharpness of the wind, the power of the water, the punishment of Lei.

No selection of expertise: 0

Skills: Valuation 5, Cheat 5, Focus 10, Trap Production 4, Medical 2, Hidden 18, Listening 15, Rumor 2, Unlocking 10, Plagiarism 2, Search 10, Gunpowder Weapons Master 22, Cold Weapon Legend 23, Spell Identification 10 , mysterious knowledge master 5, freehand fighting expert ~ ~ climbing 8, riding proficient 1, mechanical transformation proficiency 2, alchemy expert 3

Unassigned skill points: 105

Zero-level unallocated spells: 1

Level 1 Unallocated Spells: 1

Secondary unallocated spells: 1

Level 3 unallocated spells: 1

Level 4 unallocated spells: 1

Five levels of unallocated spells: 1

Level 6 unallocated spells: 1

Level 7 unallocated spells: 1

Eight levels of unallocated spells: 0

Nine levels of unallocated spells: 0

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