Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 41: Shock on

Under a sand dune, a team of about fifty people is searching for progress. Each of them has a strong atmosphere. Anyone who sees the mysterious side of Lorante will be shocked; because, in those mysteries From the side's point of view, the Japanese glory is already an absolute force.

But there are fifty here!

Although the team of 50 people seems to be in a team, but the careful look is clear, and several of them are also faintly guarded... even the enemy.

However, such an atmosphere is very subtly controlled within a controllable range, at most, only after a few cold-sounding, mutual defense, the opponents will once again do their own work.

On a sand dune not far away, there are four people standing. Like the team below, these four people are equally clear and stand together, but they are guarded and hostile.

One of the shortest standing men on the far left, like a gnome-like man, glanced at the following, very dissatisfied and said: "We should add more coolies to it. After all, those people are just becoming Mullett there. The toys are gone; it is better to give us more to make a contribution before they die!"

Standing on the opposite side of this gnome, a tall, strong, middle-aged man who is not angry and self-defeating is frowning: "The life of ordinary people is also life, we should not ignore it!"

The gnome-like man immediately sneered: "Killy, if you say such a discourse, don't you feel guilty? Hey, where Nusti went, I am clear!"

The deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng. His face said unchanged: "There is Nusti there to contain Mullett. It will not let the lawless guy make those inhumane things!"

Standing on the far left, wearing a white linen robes. As if it were a monk-old man, he nodded: "God, tell us that good deeds are the foundation of everything!"

The last man who didn't speak, heard this again, didn't whisper, and then moved to the side. The three men who were present opened the distance; the gnome-like man stared at the man who hid his body under the black cloak without a trace, and then turned around and used his lips to make two words: Hybrid!

The old man, a monk-like monk, bowed his head as if he had not looked at it. He silently prayed; the deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng looked at the search below calmly, and the same was not seen.

However, the legendary strongmen who stood in the cloak quickly turned around, and in the distance from their sight, the two figures were approaching quickly.

The deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng said directly: "I am my person!"

The gnome-like man sneer again and again: "Reassured. The people in our shackles will not be free to shoot... but the other two guys are not necessarily!"

The old monk who represented St. Dege shook his head and did not speak again; the legendary strongman standing in the cloak was low and shouted: "Do you want to smear our blood alliance tower?"

Chedel, a gnome-like man, seems to have heard a joke and laughed loudly: "Is it filthy? Are you still filthy? It’s a bunch of dirty..."


A fierce flame rushed from the sand where Cheddar stood, and the hot temperature caused the screams that were not far away to look around, and they just saw Cheddar as a gnome. The average man showed his figure from behind the legendary strongman of the Blood Alliance Tower. He had a green dagger in his hand and touched the other's neck.


A scimitar with a curvature like the first quarter flew out of the cloak, and the green dagger collided with it, and more of the flames were gathering toward the sand dunes - the smell of thick sulphur, It seems that people are in the vicinity of the volcano, and it is still the kind of volcano that is about to erupt.

The old monk, the old man, stepped forward in front of the two, the milky white shrouded in the sand dunes, the thick sulphur breath in the face of these milky white light, it seems to encounter the natural enemies, with Deep roar, retreating in a struggling posture.

The legendary strongman of the Blood Alliance Tower, looking coldly at the old man of St. De Ge, asked in a low voice: "Smooy, are you ready to join forces with Cheddar?"

The old man of St. Dege shook his head and said with a kind smile: "St. Deco has always been neutral, we will not favor any one person... Lord Kirgh, your person has arrived, don't mind if Can we listen? I am still worried about what Mr. Mullett has done!"

As I said, the face of this monk-like old man emerged with a sad look.

Let the two legendary powers who represent the shackles of the meditation and the blood alliance tower simultaneously send out a disdainful coldness in the bottom of their hearts--as a few forces on the other side of the bridge, they are too clear that this looks like this. The kindly old man, under the kindness of the appearance, what kind of cruelty they are, they are all clear.

To describe the other person as a hangman is an insult to the professional ethics of the executioner.

Compared with the other side, Mullett is a child who just learned to walk. In that year, in Lorant, the head of the Inquisition, Smoj, was famous.

A pagan who burns thousands of people at a time is as simple as three meals a day.

The deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng smiled and nodded: "Of course there is no problem!"


After leaving Te Tucheng, Katwi and Cyans did not dare to stay for a long time. They were like chasing after the wolves, madly running towards the 'relics' with hidden treasures, even more than Ye Qi’s estimate. Faster by a third, I rushed back to the place where I left in the morning.

"Kirly, Lord Cheddell, Lord Ziljan, Lord Smoi!"

After stopping, Katwi and Cyanans greeted the four people in front of them.

As the deputy city lord of Quanshuicheng, Kildley waved his hand and asked straight: "What happened there? Nusti?"

"Nu, Nusti adults. He, he..."

Although on the way back. Carter and Cyans thought that they would encounter such a question. The two had even practiced no less than a hundred times in their minds, but when they really started, they were still dry and dry, and they did not care for the smoothness.

Looking at the two people who said that they were incomplete, Cheder could not help but sneered: "Killy needs me to train you to help me? Look at their appearance... really too It’s shameful!”

"I think that people in our Quanshui City don't need people from the top of the domain to help!"

Kire was very rude, but the bottom of his eyes flashed a trace of unknowns - both to Cheddar and to Katwi and Cyans; however. On the face, the deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng said with a gentle smile: "Don't worry, what happened? Slowly say it!"

"Yes, adults!"

Katwi and Cyans were full of respectful nods, and then slowly said: "The Nustis adults were imprisoned..."

"What?! Is that guy from Murret doing it?"

Even Kire, at this time, could not help but change his face, he asked; and when he spoke out of Murret, Kire’s face flashed a bit of killing - for this rogue guy . If it is not something, it really needs the other party to complete it. He has already killed each other.

However, if the other party takes his tolerance as a patience, then he does not mind giving the other person a reminder of what attitude he should face.

Of course, he will not give the other party a chance to correct.

It’s not just Kildish, even Cheddar and Smoj’s face changed, and the two men indulged together; while Zilyan couldn’t see his face, but the shape of the body was stiff for a moment, but it was enough to explain the problem. It is.

Looking at the front four, they can not look directly at the legendary strong, Cartaway and Cylans heart and bitter smile; but the two did not dare to pause, but truthfully said: "Not Lord Murrett, Mullett, Lord Murret is dead... The skull has also been hung in the gate of the city of Tucheng; and the Nustis is, then..."

Kiel, who heard the news of Mulet’s death, was shocked. He heard that the other’s head was hung in the gate of the city, but there was no more feelings. He was more concerned with Nusti, so he repeatedly asked: "How is Nusti?"

Katwi and Cyans gnawed their teeth and said: "The face is branded, used as a slave, and carrying wood!"

The face is branded? !

Being treated as a slave, carrying wood? !

The top of the four forces that represented the strongest bridge on the other side of the bridge was completely stunned at this time. They subconsciously looked at each other. Chedel asked with disbelief and couldn’t help but ask: "What are you talking about? ”

Katwi and Cyans nodded with a smile: "This is what we see with our own eyes!"

After confirming again, the atmosphere on this sand dune seemed to be solidified instantly. Even the Japanese yao who were looking for treasures not far from the distance felt the difference here, but they did not even get the exact order. Will act arbitrarily, still do what you should do with curiosity.

Killy, the deputy city owner of Spring Water City, first responded. He asked: "How many people are there? Why do you want to do this?"

Such an inquiry immediately attracted the attention of the other three high-level forces; they did not feel that there was anything wrong with such a question; after all, they were able to kill Murret and imprison Nulti Even if they are legendary powerhouses, there will never be less than three.

After all, Mullett and Nusti are legendary powerhouses in an extraordinary world. They are definitely not as effective as ordinary people. In particular, Muller is almost equal in the desert because of his talented ability. It is also necessary to have a strong score, and the general legendary strongman is also such a strength.

As for Nusti?

Although slightly worse than the Mullett in the desert, it is not so easy to imprison him so simply.

Therefore, the four people are estimating the minimum number of people in the bottom of their hearts.

Three people!

Moreover, it must be all extraordinary, and if you have passed the word "new", the real legendary strong will do.

So, when Katwi and Cyans reported that there was only one person in the other party. And it is also time for the treasure. The four people who have a considerable position on the other side of the bridge are completely shocked. They look at each other and naturally throw the words of 'for the treasure' to the side, just thinking about the problem of 'there is only one person.'

If it is a person, if you want to do something like this, it seems that only...

Obviously, the four seniors present at the scene saw the same answer from their own expressions and actions.

Legendary peak!

Once such an answer appeared, the four people could not help but frown. They thought of a deeper place; for example, the establishment of a bridge on the other side.

The bridge on the other side, as the name suggests, is the bridge to the other side!

Those who can embark on this ‘bridge’, only the strongest of the legendary peaks, rely on the ‘special power’ to reach the other side, and achieve immortality!

In fact, in the time of the wizarding dynasty, the establishment of the bridge on the other side. Just for those who can get close to the ‘God’, go one step further. Become a true ‘God’.

Although the wizarding dynasty has long since disappeared in the long river of time, the bridge on the other side has stayed and has the 'bridge' that reaches the other side - even in the last millennium, no one has found this 'bridge'. But the people who come for this 'bridge' are still countless.

However, most people do not even have the qualification to enter the bridge on the other side. The rules for the entry and exit of the original are recognized. Most of them are for those who do not know how to be good but are better than the locusts. Several leaders of the bridge on the other side had to change the rules of the original bridge, only need to pay for the magic array to enter the bridge on the other side.

Of course, for those who are truly qualified, the people on the other side of the bridge must be welcomed with a welcome attitude; but it is a pity that in the millennium, such people are completely rare, and the most recent one has to be calculated. More than 20 years ago - for the Juggernaut, the bridge on the other side greeted each other with a grand ceremony. However, it is clear that the other party is not interested in such a welcoming ceremony. After all the wines are removed, The disappearance disappeared without a trace.

Did not go looking for the ‘bridge’!

And now, is there finally a legendary peak coming?

For such a situation, the four people present have different expressions, but one thing is certain - not welcome!

As time goes by, as the environment changes, people's hearts will change - some are called sublimation, others are called degeneration, and undoubtedly compared to the former, the latter More consistent with the term 'gravity', there is weight, naturally it is going down, isn't it?

At the moment, the bridge on the other side has already left Luland and is independent.

Therefore, some rules of the bridge on the other side have also changed.

And the Juggernaut’s move is something that other adherents have nothing to say, and the subsequent changes have made these insisters more and more shaken – cherished potions, countless magic crystals, number Unclear resources are all placed in front of you, and you can stick to it. There is absolutely no one.

The only remaining ones, in the past thirty years, have also fallen under the influence of 'gravity'. If they do not meet this characteristic, they disappear into the bridge on the other side - very thorough, forever, disappearing It is.

The dominators who made the bridge on the other side of the road, representing the four people of the four largest forces, naturally will not let the bridge on the other side of this time have any changes.

After all, it is losing their interests.

However, it is clear that it is not able to retreat tough - the strength of the legendary peaks, so that they have scruples; however, due to hostile considerations, there are information about the enemy, naturally the more detailed the better.

Therefore, Kirely, the deputy city owner of Quanshuicheng, asked: "What is the appearance of the other party, is there any specificity in the body?"

Katwi and Cyans nodded in a row and replied truthfully: "The other party is very young, should be less than 30 years old, dressed in ordinary clothes, but has a long knife... it should be a holy device!"

Holy device?

The four people frown again, and they are also legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world. They naturally understand that if they have the meaning of a sacristy in their hands.

Naturally, the dangerous level of the other party has once again improved!

Kirch continued to ask: "What else?"

After Carter and Cyans thought about it, Katwei’s fat man suddenly said: “The other’s long knife is slightly longer than the average knife, and, and there is a bell at the handle!”


The four asked in unison.

"Yes, it is a bell!"

Carter looked at the excited four people.

Looking at the three people excited around me, the Kirch force hovering over the news clearly found an inappropriate a beckoning against Katwi and Cyans: "Go, here is not talking Place, let's go over there!"

However, before the reaction between Katwi and Cyans, the three legendary strongmen who stood behind Kiel’s forces and represented their respective forces came to their side, surrounded by a triangle, and they were two Blocked in it.

Kiel looked at the three people in a bad look and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Chedel sneered and replied again and again: "What do you say?"

Ps second more ~~~

Mid-month! If you have a monthly pass in your hands, vote for it! Desperate the monthly ticket, ask for a reward, and seek various protections~~~

Thanks for the 300-currency no-speaking, the prodigal poems of the four seas, the 200-dollar reward, the sn100 coin reward, the x100 coin reward, the wind and the dust-free 100-dollar reward~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~ ~To be continued. .

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