Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 44: outpost? under

Reborn Demon Hunter through train m/k/1751791.aspx "We just go in like this, I am afraid it will make the owner unhappy!"

When I arrived at the gate of the city of Tucheng, the swordsman looked at the head of the head hanging above, suddenly said this way; the people around the preparations were all glimpsed, and then they saw it again along the eyes of the swordsman. Those first-level, instinctive necks - although the discerning disciple of Lord Hortil, but it seems that the other party is not a kind person.

Wald straightened his burly body and pointed to the hole in the hole in front of the city. He asked: "So, do we need to press the doorbell or knock on the door? Well, this is the basic etiquette, I am very Clear, but can you tell me... the door, where?"

Rist pushed his glasses, didn't talk, just put his eyes on the swordsman... It seems that the other person has something that is of interest to him.

However, the swordsman seemed to be leaning against the wall next to Tucheng, and after stretching a lazy waist, said: "Since there is no way to knock on the door, then we might as well wait... here is A small oasis is much better than the place we stayed before!"

Then, the swordsman sat down against the wall, and even closed his eyes for the next moment. After the three or five people standing in the crowd met each other, they naturally walked to the side of the swordsman. Sit down - although they have a good relationship with other people, but who is their boss, they know it clearly.

Wald turned his burly body, frowned, and shouted: "Glotel, what are you doing?"

The swordsman did not even open his eyes and replied: "Suddenly tired, I think I have to take a break... Wald, don't you need a break?"

"Yeah, rest, I should take a break..." With the words of the swordsman, Wald said in a confused way, but the next moment was awake by Rist; the Wall that immediately responded De, screamed loudly: "Glotel, you bastard, actually hypnotized me!"

The huge fist clenched subconsciously, but was stopped by Riester. Rist pushed the glasses and said, "Don't be ruined by anger, don't forget what we need to do now!"

Wald snorted and immediately nodded: "Yes, Riester, you are right, we have more important things to do!" Then he slammed the swordsman and gave a low voice: "Come back. Look for your account!"

After that, with a wave of hand, Wald first walked toward Tucheng, and about twenty people who followed him were also followed in, leaving the swordsman who walked at the gate of the city. .

One of the men looked at the other person's departure and couldn't help but ask: "Hey, they all went in! Are we waiting here?"

The swordsman turned over and said nothing: "If you don't wait, do you still want to follow everything?"

The man couldn’t help but say, "But they all went in!"

The swordsman did not answer. On the contrary, a snoring sound rang out; several of the people around him couldn’t help but look at each other. I don’t know what to do. However, even though they are puzzled, these people are fundamentally I didn't get up and left, so I sat next to my head and waited for the other person to wake up.

As for the person who left?

Although they really want to be together, but their own head is here, they are of course to follow their own heads; this is not only trust, but also respect; even the latter is more important; after all, it is life-saving Yep.


"What exactly is Glottel doing?"

Wald walked toward the inside and asked to his friends. And Riester shook his head slightly, saying: "Glottel was originally an elusive person, this time joining us. The true purpose of the team is also, if he stays outside, it is not all bad things; at the very least, our people don't need to be careful to guard them!"

Under such words, many of the surrounding glory days are lightly laughing; obviously, they are those who have special stalking tasks.

Wald frowned and said: "Isn't this a bit too good... Glottel shouldn't just give up with us because of this kind of thing?"

Lister nodded indulgingly. "It is possible, after all, Glottel has a very keen observation, and our arrangement is hard to beat him, but..." said, the glasses man showed a bitter smile. "What are we going to do? The rules of the bridge on the other side are like this. Before there is not enough power, we can only survive under such rules, and some insects; and once we do not resist ourselves, Even the current crack will be lost, directly crushed to death!"

The words of the glasses man made the group around them fall into silence, and the atmosphere became dignified. Even Wald was a heavy face—in fact, as the leader of this group, he has A more intuitive feeling, the harsh rules of the bridge on the other side is completely the exploitation of the weak and powerful, and it is very thorough, and it cannot be violated.

Once there is a violation, then it is the end of the dead place.

It is precisely because of this that Hortill, who has been helping them, has received such respect; therefore, the missing of Horter, the most anxious is them; not only for kindness, but also for the guarantee of survival afterwards; perhaps Say, it seems to be divided, but the fact is that.

They did not say these things, but every one of them understood.

Even this time, even the disciples who came to find Hortel have a certain purpose; however, such a purpose, when seeing the head of the city gate, is a little bit involuntary. Subtle, not to the extent of their expected changes.

Riester once again pushed his glasses and said slowly: "The strong can survive independently, while the weak face to survive, but they have to rely on the strong... This is the same since ancient times!"

The sound is not high or low, but everyone can hear it clearly, and... except for the struggling expression on Wald's face, the rest of the people did not have a rebuttal, and they all looked like they were willing to accept; Even Wald did not say anything at all.

Then, about a ten-minute walk, Wald and his party seemed to have no interest. They didn’t say a word, and walked straight toward the center of Tucheng; until they saw the shore of the lake. On the figure, they stopped and looked at the figure with a strange look.


This is the first impression of their group, the face of the other party is definitely young, although a sturdy temperament makes it look mature, but the breath of young people in the corner of the eye is obvious.

Can such a young man kill Murat?

Many people have such thoughts in their hearts, especially when the other person's legs are soaked in the lake, and the upper body is lying on the meadow. There is no strong demeanor. How to look at it is not like an extraordinary one. The legendary powerhouse of the world is actually like a child boy next to the child.

Of course, the horse in the distance is good!

After looking at Ye Qi, many people saw Gronin playing in the lakeside water, all subconsciously nodded - whether they know the horse, see the Pentium, the strong posture, there will be This feeling.

Wald stood at a distance of about a dozen yards from the shore of the lake, and stopped standing. He subconsciously looked at his friends, and Rist stood still with a hint of hesitation. Ye Qi’s performance at this time was somewhat out of their expectations, and the words they had originally prepared could not be said at all.

The two leaders did not speak, and the followers behind them would naturally not scream, but Ye Qi did not seem to feel the closeness of these people at all, still maintaining the original posture, resting his arms behind his head, lying On the meadow, staring at the sky, as if there is something fascinating.

"Please, please... are you a disciple of Lord Hortel?"

After hesitating for a moment, Wald stood up and asked.


Ye Qi’s answer was crisp and neat, without hesitation, let Wald glimpse, and the people behind him were also a glimpse.

"I am talking about Lord Hortel!"

Wald couldn't help but reiterate, and very intentionally increased the pronunciation of the name of the 'polar blade'.

"do not know!"

Ye Qi’s answer is still crisp and neat.

Wald and his followers couldn't help but look at each other, then subconsciously looked at Lister with an enquiry in his eyes.

The glasses man nodded and signaled that his information would never be a problem. He then walked out and asked Ye Qi: "This lord, have you heard of Lord Hortel?"

"heard about it!"

For this, Ye Qi does not hide.

"So, where did you hear about Lord Hortel?"

The glasses man continued to question, and such a questioning gave the next Wald and the followers a glimpse, followed by a hi--they apparently thought of the rumor: Lord Hortel did not see the disciple. However, it was passed down in a very special way.

If this is the case, it is of course impossible for the other party to see or know Lord Horter!

Thinking of this, Wald, who was still a bit puzzled, immediately turned his eyes and looked at Ye Qi’s gaze again. The followers behind him obviously wanted to understand the key points. Also staring at Ye Qi with a double eye.

As the wish is, it will reach the general.

However, the answer to Ye Qi’s next question left their thoughts empty.

"Hart Brothers!"

The reason why there is no concealment, it is completely unrelated to such a problem, Ye Qi throws out the answer that has already been prepared.

"Is it Tony Hart and the Tel Hart brothers?"

The glasses man glimpsed, apparently he did not expect to have such an answer; however, the glasses man who responded extremely quickly, immediately asked.

"If there is no other Hart brother on the other side of the bridge, then they are!" Ye Qi replied, with a hint of impatience in his tone. "If there is nothing, please don't bother me. What I need now is rest. Instead of talking!"

"Okay, sir!"

When the glasses man succumbed to his body, he returned to Wald's side, and the two exchanged their eyes and exchanged their eyes.

"The other party actually knows the bridge on the other side?!"

Wald was very surprised.

"With the strength of the other side, it is not strange to know the bridge on the other side! Just, the Hart brothers..."

Rist responded to Wald's question, but there was a hint of indifference between them. There were not many people on the bridge on the other side of Hortil. If there was a group of waste in front of him, only Pai would be left. And the Hart brothers, where Pard is only a day of the glory, there is no need to worry too much, but the Hart brothers have to beware.

Although most of the superb legendary powers know the Hart brothers' ‘neutrality’, who knows what the specific situation will be like?

Especially when it comes to the "immortal key", don't say the Hart brothers, I am afraid that even the ordinary Japanese glory will not give up.

Is it... the ghost of the Hart brothers? !

The heart of the glasses man can't help thinking about it.

"Hart Brothers, these two lords and Lord Hortle have a good personal relationship...may help us!"

Wald apparently thinks differently.

"The Hart brothers, these two lords have always been ‘neutral’, I’m afraid it’s hard...”

Rist’s pretentious shook his head, but his heart was a cold smile—he knew very well that even if the Hart brothers were willing to help, it’s no big deal; after all, they are stronger than the Hart brothers. There are many people, the Hart brothers are not likely to pose any danger to the plan.

At most, there are more than two dead souls.

A wandering Wald suddenly turned his head: "This lord, you know the Hart brothers, where are the two lords?"

This time, Ye Qi did not answer, even the eyelids did not lift.

Wald groaned and asked again: "This lord, you know the Hart brothers, where are the two lords?"

In the same way, silence is the answer.

The way Ye Qi treated the question like this was to make the followers of Wald wrinkle every day. If there were two bad tempers, they wanted to come out and ask Ye Qi, but they were stopped by Wald. Although Ye Qi’s performance is no different from that of ordinary people, the first level hanging at the gate of the city is really a defense.

After blocking his followers, Wald asked his friend: "What should we do now?"

The glasses man glanced at the wooden house not far away and said slowly: "Have a rest here, then we will find another way!"

"It can only be like this now!" Wald sighed, then turned and said to Ye Qi: "This lord, we want to take a break here, can we?"

Naturally, Ye Qi did not answer.

And Wald repeatedly asked, until asked "If you don't answer, it is the default", when Ye Qi still did not answer, Wald led his subordinates to the wooden houses - - Of course, they did not live directly in the wooden house, but built several tents beside the wooden house.

They won't push in before they get an exact answer. Who knows what the consequences will be?

"These guys are really very persistent!" The wolf sighed and smiled. "But it doesn't work without it. After all, it's about life!"

Ye Qi responded indifferently: "People, more often, should rely on themselves!"

The strange wolf shrugged his shoulders and said: "But when it is convenient, it is not bad to rely on convenience!"

Ye Qi said inexplicably: "So... they have become what they are now - basically, they are not much different from the Hart brothers, and they all lost the hearts of the strong; of course, the Hart brothers are much better than them. At the very least, the two of them are already legendary powerhouses in an extraordinary world!"

A strange wolf, a keenly discovered the problem in Ye Qi's tone: "It seems that you mean something!"

Ye Qi naturally concealed: "It’s just a little sigh...because, I thought of you, if I have been relying on you, it is also like them!"

The strange wolf screamed: "How is this possible? How can I make my contractor become their kind of waste... At least the strength is much stronger than them!"

Ye Qi asked: "So what else?"

The wolf smiled twice and went straight to the topic: "Do you really want to pay attention to these people?"

Ye Qi nodded. "Of course, we don't have more relationships... What's more, isn't the example of Hotrell enough? You don't say that you didn't see some clues!"

The wolf naturally said: "Hey, the boy who wears glasses? The technique is very rough, that is, to lie to those who are blind and have no brains... You see, isn’t it the same thing that they are with them?"

Ye Qi nodded. "Yeah, if Hotrell really has such important things, how can such news be known to the outside world? Today, after seeing these people, I am not surprised at all..." Kild is doing very well, what do you think?"

The strange wolf said coldly: "It’s all the tricks that guys like!"

Ye Qi shrugged: "Even if it is a trick, it is a very good trick!"

PS first more ~~~ timing~~~

It’s a lonely, lonely weekend! ! ! Decadence continues to struggle at home code... Look at the crowds on the streets outside the window, this feeling of hardship is simply tears...

Desperate all the way to the monthly ticket, seek rewards, and seek protection~~~ Ask for everything that makes people feel warm~ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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