Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 45: When the treasure is in progress I

The reborn demon hunter through train m/k/1751791.aspx When the tents beside the tree house were put up, three campfires appeared there, and the food brought by Wald and his party was placed on the campfire. With the collision of grease and flame, the sounds of cockroaches and cockroaches rang incessantly, and at the same time there was aroma that was completely barbecued.

When Wald picked up a hind leg that should belong to the elk and was ready to go to Ye Qi, he was stopped by Riester. The glasses man whispered, "I still come, I think we should collect more each other. The news; after all, apart from the name, we don’t know anything about each other!"

Wald didn't have any doubts. He handed the baked elk's hind legs to his friends and said with a smile: "This is your best hand and handed it to you!"

The glasses man was very solemn and nodded: "Do not worry!" Then, two steps forward, as if thinking of something, said: "Don't forget the Glottel!"

Wald laughed and nodded: "Of course, I will never forget this! And, I have to ask the guy, what is going on!"

"Who knows? Maybe it’s lazy and guilty!"

The glasses man shrugged his shoulders and walked toward Ye Qi, and Wald behind him whispered a few words, then picked up another whole elk and walked toward the gate of the city; With the departure of Wald, the glasses man made a gesture to his subordinates in a quiet manner, and then he officially went to Ye Qi.

"Hello, please try our food on the other side of the bridge - although it is just a general barbecue, but the elk is raised in a special half-face, the meat is very delicious!" came to Ye Qi, glasses The male directly put a huge cactus-like leaf on the ground, put the baked elk back straight, and then took a palm-sized bottle from the waist pocket and placed it. Next to it.

The glasses man explained: "This is the wine in the bridge on the other side, a kind of fruit fermented and brewed... you taste it, it is thirsty!"

Ye Qi looked at the incomparable glasses man in front of him, and said quietly: "I don't drink!"

"Yes? I don't like alcoholic drinks too!" The glasses man did not show the shackles after being rejected. Instead, he took a look of surprise. "It is great to be able to meet people who don't drink the same, I I am also worried about how you should swear if you invite me to drink!"

The glasses man said as he said, and he smiled awkwardly.

Without the slightest falsification, everything seems to be sincere, even the smile on the face and the look in the eyes are the same, especially the appropriate shortcomings of the same, it is a good feeling; it can be said that If it is not the first time to suspect the other party, then Ye Qi is also difficult to find out the flaws.

However, once the suspicion of the heart, some things will naturally become simple; just like the glasses man in front, although there is no falsification, but there is an inexplicable deliberate; just like a person is like a smile, like that The smile is of course uncomfortable and careful.

Although the glasses man did not reach such a level of care, but in the eyes of Ye Qi, everything is revealed.

As for the initial suspicion?

From the conversation with the Hart brothers, it appeared. Of course, it was not sure who it was at the time, but there was a suspicion in the heart; after all, according to the Hart brothers’s description of the manor in the outskirts of Dude, Hotrell was a relatively The careful person, and then using his layout, proves that the other party is not the kind of muscle that is full of muscles in his mind, but has considerable wisdom.

Obviously, cautious and quite intelligent, but because a thing falls to the point of being seriously injured and being chased, it is naturally a very different situation; and thinking about it, Ye Qi thinks that the biggest possibility is to appear. 'Inner rape' - and is a traitor who is very familiar with Hotrell and does not doubt.

Of course, when the original wanderer Palder appeared, Ye Qi had doubts, but after the message Crystal sent by Pard, he dismissed such speculation.

Today, the appearance of Wald and his party, although somewhat out of Ye Qi’s expectations, is not without gains. As the deputy city owner of the Spring City, Kirk is likely to have a relationship with the hustle and bustle, or even itself. From St. De Ge, then other compelling forces will naturally not let go.

Although the difficulty of the Blood Alliance Tower is a little bigger, Ye Qi believes that there is a way for the other party.

And like this small organization and small group in front of you, it is naturally more important, and it is almost no different from the hand-to-handy--the blessing of the harsh system of the bridge of the Tobyan, so that all changes are simple, whether it is It’s the same as burying a 'in-law' or buying a person.

After all, strong strength is the biggest card.

Take this small organization in front of you. If it is Kire’s appearance, Ye Qi is sure that more than 50% of the people will not hesitate to invest in the other side, and the remaining 40% will consider it. After that, they will still invest in each other's knees, and only the other 10% will continue to adhere to their own views.

Among those who insist on their own views, there is still the possibility of thinking about halfway.

Therefore, among the one hundred people, they can persist until the end, and maybe even five people are not there; after all, it is too painful!

Especially after the comparison has emerged - the contrast of everything, good will make your heart unwilling, frustrated, bad, it will make you proud and self-sufficient.

Sometimes, you only have to follow your own point of view. No matter how the outside world is discussed or even accused, you just have to go on and go step by step.

Ye Qi did just that. Although he is more adept at guiding some viewpoints and letting himself stand in a more favorable position, the ultimate essence will not change.

Of course, Ye Qi is definitely the spectator in front of him, and there is no direct relationship with such quality. It is just a very simple approach. On Catvey and Cyans, he put some special similar and tracking powder. These things are spread as long as they are contacted. The persistent powder comes from Ava. The raw material is a kind of berry in the bush. It tastes like sweat after drying, so it is difficult to find.

More importantly, if it matches with its own branches and leaves, a sweet taste will appear.

At the moment, Ye Qi's nose tip touched some of the freshly squeezed liquid from the leaves, and the smell on the opposite glasses was a sweet smell.

Everything is natural and self-evident.

Regardless of whether Carter and Cylans know the true face of Kildare, it is beyond doubt that both of them are members of the city, and at this moment they are directly obeying Kirk, and, of course, more importantly, Both of them returned with the most important news.

As long as Kire is not an idiot, naturally, after getting the news he wants, the two people will be strictly controlled in their own hands. In this case, they will be able to reach the two and bring them. Such a smell is naturally a person of Kildish.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the other party can leave Kyle away and direct contact.

This is very possible, even one of the biggest possibilities.

However, it is clear that this may be based on a foundation - strength!

If there is no extraordinary strength, such a thing can't happen at all. Even if it is a strong day, it is not a legend. This is a fact that everyone recognizes, not to mention that the other party has completely chosen the path of the wizard. ', relying on their own talent to fight people.

Such existence is more in line with such a law.

However, in the strength is not as good as Kire, but can be contacted by the people who are closely guarded by Kire, and Hotrell unexpectedly got the secret to be hidden by the outside world, it seems that everything can be said.

Or, there are other possibilities, but it is not Ye Qi's attention at the moment.

Ye Qi picked up the hind legs of the elk and reached out and pulled a piece of meat into the mouth. Although the identity of the other party is already certain, Ye Qi still has no worries; Poisoning in food may not only be a question of success rate, but more of a concern that he is unable to resist after being discovered.

The other party is definitely not a 'inner traitor' who is dying. On the contrary, he is very cherished for his life. Looking at the other person's hands in the food of everyone, Ye Qi can be sure of the other's thoughts - nothing more than support Before the arrival, better control the situation; or ... simply in front of Kiel, showing his ability.

No matter which one is built, it is based on the premise that you have to make your life worry-free.

Of course, Ye Qi carefully observed the other side, confirming that this barbecue is no problem and the most direct point.

"not bad!"

Ye Qi chewed, feeling the juicy and crisp taste, not a little nod; as the other said, such meat is extraordinary, if there is no such material, even if it is good cooking, do not To the same extent.

The glasses man is very happy with such praise. He said again and again: "The meat was specially exchanged after I completed several tasks in that half-plane. If it is divided according to the level, it is also higher; how? Compared with the meat in your hometown, it is obviously even better, right?"

This seems to be a chat, but with a check-in nature, Ye Qi is not interested; however, in order to be able to smoothly lead the Kire force, he has to perfuse the other side: "Yes, we are there. The barbecue is very general, but it is not a problem of cooking, but a problem of raw materials!"

"Of course, of course, this is natural... What is your food in your hometown?"

The glasses man smiled and nodded, not asking for traces, just like a real foodie; unfortunately, for a real food, this performance is slightly dull, Ye Qi may not be eating, but friends However, there is no shortage of food, and the kind of delicious food that looks good and looks flushed. He has seen it countless times.

Therefore, at this time, the other side is even more flawed.

The next conversation was even more boring, and Ye Qi was almost accompanying the other person acting; however, Lister did not know that the glasses man was excited when he left, and Ye Qi subconsciously snorted. ——The feeling of winning the martial arts is born, but Ye Qi hopes that the next opponent can make him feel the same.


On the former sand dunes, Killy, Cheddar, Zilyan and Smoj stood there waiting quietly, and the team not far from the search had stopped, not only not far away, but even Teams farther away have stopped searching and concentrated here.

The team of nearly 100 people is surrounded by four people, and the spring water city composed of many small organizations is undoubtedly the largest number, accounting for about 70% of them; and among the remaining 30%, Sheng. De Ge occupied half of the time, the top of the meditation area occupied 10%, and the blood alliance tower was only about half a mile.

However, no one will judge the strength of an organization because of the amount of money, although at the time a seemingly accurate data, but at some point it is the most ridiculous remarks.

After all, the soldiers are more expensive than expensive.

One hundred well-trained soldiers defeated a thousand farmers. This is not an incredible thing, but a truth.

At this moment, whether standing on the top of the four sides of the bridge on the sand dunes, or standing under the forces of the four sides of the bridge under the sand dunes, they are waiting quietly.

In fact, they started waiting like this one and a half hours ago.

Although the pungent sun in the Huangsha District, the hot high temperature is enough to make the ordinary people retreat, but in the face of the Japanese glory and the legendary strong, especially the latter, it is still not enough to see, even if it is like this one day, for the legendary The strong ones have no problems.

Although the strong people of the Japanese glory will feel uncomfortable, they are also in the category of endurance.

Therefore, when the hot wind brought a piece of sand and waves to them, the people of the four sides of the bridge on the other side stood like javelins, and no one even suspected if they If you are near the station, you can block this hot wind.


Another hot wind blows, with the yellow sand in the distance, it is like a thousand horses marching forward, but one of the black figures is particularly obvious.


Standing on the sand dunes, Kirch, Cheddar, Zilyan, and Smoi’s eyes brightened, and Cheddar took a step forward. For his subordinates, he did not perform so much; therefore, Kiel Force, Zilyan, and Smoi stood in the same place and did not move, but the attention of the three people was placed on the subordinates of this meditation.

There is no difference between the other people in the meditation domain. They are all wrapped in a dark cloak. The **** button in front of the neck becomes the brightest place. The badge of the meditation is like this. A **** button, of course, most people think it is more like an eye.

The subordinate of the meditation domain, very respectful, fell to the ground in front of Cheddar, saying: "Adult, the target person is confirmed!"

Chedel nodded, and then asked again, "Are you sure?"

Under the subordinates of the meditation domain, the tone is serious: "Can confirm!"

Chedel waved his hand, and the subordinate of the meditation domain disappeared into the sand immediately. The people around him turned a blind eye. Obviously, they were used to it, and Cheddar went to the front of the three people. : "Can you leave?"

While asking, I challenged Kirk with my gaze.

After all, it was Kyle's excessive caution that had been performing for a long time, and they waited for nearly five hours.

Kire seems to see Chedel's gaze at all, just shouting loudly: "Go!"

"set off!"

Following Kildare, Zilyan and Smoj also shouted loudly.

Chedel squinted at Kild, and waved his hand, and the subordinates behind him stalked up.

It is faster than the most trained and trained army. The team of more than 100 people will disappear without a trace, and the hot wind will blow. Except for the yellow sand, there is nothing. ...not There seems to be something else, a bump that appeared on the sand dunes after about half an hour, and then quickly became bigger.


In the dull sound, three figures burst out of the sand.

"Oh... I swear that I will not drill down to the bottom of the sand anymore. It is too painful. My ears seem to be sand, and even ‘Shasha’ is ringing!”

Even more, the man with the shortest figure said this, and quickly licked his ears and gestured to two friends, what he said was false; but, soon, he found nothing, Then immediately became a serious saying: "Dallan, Ava, we study the map, according to the above description, we are not far from the treasure!"

The big man's thick smile lumped up, and the silent Ava twitched his mouth and walked over.

PS second more ~~~

Silence in the decadence of weak willpower, just accidentally attracted by the L of a bear child! ! ! As for why the decadence will appear in Internet cafes... Keke, was dragged by a group of friends to the Internet cafe to recall childhood.

CS, Red Alert, Starcraft, Warcraft and Empire, no one has ever played! !

Well, definitely not playing!

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of 200 coins, the reward of sn 100 coins, the reward of x100 coins, the reward of the dust of the 100 coins, and the reward of the 100% of the money. Thank you again for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(unfinished To continue. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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