Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 69: Sword and sheath

"Meal, rice... I want rice, I want to eat..."

This is continuous, more coherent and louder than the whisper, and in the next hour and a half, it became the main melody of the entire Ranger camp.

Natalie took the wooden sword in her hand and almost madly attacked the hanged Kay. The swords of the road were almost one piece.

However, there is still no gain.

Although Natalie has used all the strengths, but with Kaby, it is really too much, even if it is a hanging Kaby, it is not much to know.

It is like a flexible water snake. Kay relies on the strength of his waist, dexterously avoiding Natalie's wooden sword, and from time to time will open his mouth and count the sounds, which makes Natalie's attack more fierce; However, Lancelot, standing aside, shook his head.

Natalie’s attack seems to be fierce, but there is no rule at all, even the rhythm is chaotic, completely falling into the mastery of Kay, so that if it is one day, the other party will not get anything. !

After a moment of indulging, Lancelot glanced at the rest of the trainers who completed the basic training. They said coldly: "What are you looking at? Do you want to eat lunch and dinner?"

"My previous words are still valid, your goal is still Natalie!"

Such a discourse allows the trainers of the trainers who stand around to watch the battle, and then, they don’t know what to do.

Is it really going to play with Natalie?

Many trainees have thought of this in their hearts; however, they have not waited until they think about what to do, and Lancelot has helped them make choices.

"Natalie. Your goal is more than one. The guys around are also - even if you hit Kay. But if you are knocked down by these guys, you still have no lunch or dinner!"

Obviously, Lancelot, who has completely taken my Natalie weakness, has been used mercilessly.

The effect is also remarkable.

Just after a slight glimpse, Natalie squatted down the Kay with a wooden sword and rushed to a female ranger who was also a trainee, knocking the other side down.

Even hit it. However, there was no lunch or dinner when they were knocked down. Under such a premise, the surrounding trainee cavalry was clearly listed as the primary target of Natalie's instinct.

"After knocking these people down, you should be able to wake up!"

With such an idea, Lancelot left the training ground - there is Kay here, she does not think that there will be any problems, although this embarrassing guy is tied.

"Are you very fond of this girl named Natalie?"

In a courtesy greeting from the Rangers, Graheed, a standard warrior suit, walked to Lancelot and asked with a smile.

"Well, she has potential, and... this is the command of my older sister!"

Lancelot replied with a head. In the face of Gerhard, she did not hide.

"Sister of the older sister?"

Graehead faced a slight surprise with this answer. She asked: "Is the older lady very optimistic about this girl?"

"It seems that he is pleased by Mr. Jacob... The older sister refused to face it, but privately took care of the girl!" Lancelot frowned and continued: "Just, the order of the older sister is a bit strange - - Take care of this girl, but in the most rigorous way..."

Graheed chuckled: "Sister, naturally, has her considerations. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Training the other party in the most rigorous way is both a response to Mr. Jacob's request and no violation. Your own inner choice; although it will be hard for that girl, but the hard work at this time is not for the future growth?"

"Growth? We have been growing!"

Lancelot shook his head and made a sigh that only appeared in front of his friends.

"Isn't the older sister the same? After the battle in the Four Seasons, the older sister is more mature!"

Graheed chuckled and looked at the big account at the center of the camp. At the top of the big account, the blue-bottomed Pegasus flag was still flying in the wind, if they had just arrived.

Moreover, in the future, it will inevitably continue to fly.

Until a long time.

Just like their older sister, the most beautiful one is the banner that dances with the wind.

Or... more fluttering.

After all, at this moment, there is a maturity in it, and after the original immature point of view, the mature knight's way - the intertwining of kindness and benevolence, far exceeds the stereotype.

Perhaps there is still some incomprehensible stubbornness, but there are some more understandable behaviors.

Because, before the action, the girl who is adhering to the knight's way has become a woman, not only the growth of age, but also the soul. She has learned to think - to learn to remove the point of standing outside her duties. Thinking.

Of course, such thinking will certainly bring more sorrow.

However, after experiencing such sorrow, is it not extra growth?

Things don't always go smoothly, because we are always on the counter!

At this moment, the female cavalry chief began to dance the sculls of her own ships, and began the most difficult moment. The front is the endless waves brought by the waves of the waves, and she is riding a boat, which seems to be able to rely on. It’s only her own – this long-lost feeling makes her very uncomfortable.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Gao Wen, who was walking in the land of the Six Pagodas, closely followed the female cavalry chief, looked at the inexplicable pause of the female cavalry, and she couldn’t help but ask.

"Nothing, just..."

Just what?

The female cavalry chief did not say anything because, some could not be said to say - everyone has their own secrets, which are sweet, sad, or simply ashamed.

And at the moment. The situation in the mind of the female cavalry chief is both.

but. In general, it is happy -

She thought of the order she received at the time. Lead a trainee apostle to the Ranger Camp.

That was her first meeting with Ye Qi.

In fact, she did not hope for such a trainee apostle; because the apprentices of previous years did not have 'completed, the order that should be completed', became a deserter, and she has always been shameless for deserters; At the thought of seeing another deserter, at that time, her temper was inexplicably broken.

And then. It is even more inexplicable - the other party is late.

Although the greetings are still quite good, the kind of lateness is obviously revealing the other side's sloppy.

Therefore, she wants to teach each other.

However, what I did not expect was that the other guy who was sloppy, actually tamed the most violent horse in the camp.

What surprised her even more was that the other party learned the speed of riding, and in a few days, it reached several months. It is even a year that can be achieved.

‘Beautiful lady, can you invite you to ride together? ’

That sentence. Once again, her heart emerged. When the other party said this, she could clearly see the slap in the corner of the other side; therefore, she refused the other party very rudely, and deliberately said quite The ugly words; however, the other party was not as angry as she expected, but instead shrugged her shoulders and there was no follow-up.

The other party is a person who loves to read. Even in the Rangers camp, they will regularly borrow books from the Tower of Wisdom. This makes the Rangers at that time very disdainful, thinking that this is a nerd; The accident made these people stunned.

Agile and powerful reach out, let Weiwen, who was arrogant at the time, suffer a big loss. Even after repeated attempts, the other side did not even have a chance to refute.

At that time, she felt a little different.

Very strange, with expectations.

Similarly, the other party also felt, she can be sure - the other side looked at her eyes with a little thought, which made her worry; because she had encountered such thoughts; and the result, not disappear, is Become crazy pursuit, and then follow the inexplicable disappearance.

She hates such thoughts very much, because she hates such results; both the former and the latter are very annoying, and even those people have become hated.

However, this time it was a bit more different.

And that guy didn't become annoying, still with his own character, standing in front of her, but there was a lot of good-will inquiries in it.

And she decided to give each other a chance - see what the other party is still insisting on.

‘My persistence will not be your burden, because it has already turned into a towering tree... and you sit under it and let it shelter you from the wind! ’

‘If it’s a thunderbolt? ’

‘That’s why I was killed first, then you are! ’

She clearly remembers that when she asked this sentence, the other party’s mouth twitched.

Although, at the time, the incomparable embarrassment, but it does not mean that it is a joke - serious, extremely serious, the other party, as he said, into a towering tree.

When the name of the Shack Dragon began to circulate in Lorante, he had already fulfilled his promise at the time.

Moreover, it is far beyond!

He did not change, still treated her like the original, and respected her choice, standing silently behind her.

She clearly remembers that when the Qiulin community faced her, she began to be cunning, and then she was obedient--because he stood behind her again.

She is convinced that she can do enough if she is not needed.

However, she was very hopeful that he could stand behind him at the time - and then he came and stood behind her.

Now, the big tree is still towering, but the thunder and lightning have to kneel down - in the previous meeting, with the appearance of the once pope, it caused a lot of exclamation; but, in the reputation of the Shak Dragon, Quickly recovered.

The Lord of the Six Towers believes in him and thinks he can do it.

The guards of the six towers also believed him and thought that he was the best.

The representatives of the local chapters also believed in him and thought that he could definitely do it.

she was. I should also believe that he is right -

but. She is worried about him!

‘That’s how I was killed first. After that is you! ’

So what should be done if the conversation that is lingering in memory is a reality?


The wind continues to blow, and the fall of the shack is still the spring green, but the wind is more than earlier.

Standing in such a wind, the sky-blue knight's suit on the female cavalry chief moved against the wind. Hunting, the rider behind him stopped behind her, and even Gao Wen retreated a few steps, worried about disturbing the thinking of the female cavalry chief.

Approaching the noon sunshine, sprinkled on the land of the six towers.

Not hot, just warm, just the right warmth.

The female cavalry officer raised her head slightly, feeling the glare and warmth brought by the sun, and the struggle that lasted for a long time seemed to be getting tighter at this moment.

‘Your path. What should you do when you run counter to your lover? ’

This was the case with the thorny tower owner. Standing in the eyes, with a look of bitter smile, and talking to herself about something she could not at all, or ... do not want to touch.

At the moment, such a problem, inevitably emerged in her heart in an instant.

In fact, long ago, she was thinking about her own problem; but every time it was always at a critical point, she would evade giving up.

Until recently, when faced with the few women standing in front of him, such problems once again came to her heart.

She can see that the three women are wholeheartedly dedicating their own

This made her blame nothing at all.

Even a sigh of resentment is hidden in the depths of my heart—because the road she chooses really runs counter to her loved ones!

She chose to follow the path of the knight and stick to the camp in Shaq?

Or follow the support of the headquarters and go to the bridge on the other side?

The headquarters did not give any assignment of tasks, but asked her for advice, and such an inquiry forced her into an irresistible situation.

In the previous moment, she even hoped that she would not have to make such a choice. As long as she was assigned - yes, it was assigned, she would not violate the road she insisted on, and she could go to the bridge on the other side and help Ye Qi. It is.

The idea of ​​self-deception is almost awkward for a moment.

Weak, still exists on her body.


Behind the female cavalry commander, the female cavalrymen looked at each other and they did not know what had happened - as a representative of the Rangers, only the female cavalry commander, qualified to enter the tower of the moonlit night. In the study, they are waiting underneath.

However, now looking at the appearance of the female cavalry commander, the female tour cavalry can't wait for the time to turn. At that time, it was rushing and rushing.

Step on...

A series of slight, but unmasked footsteps rang, purple long black hair, emitting a strange luster in the sun; nine female rangers all covered in rituals, but the voice was sung by the tower of wisdom The Lord interrupted, and she went to the female cavalry with a slighter footstep than before.

Standing side by side with the female cavalry, the tower of wisdom towers over the head, looking at the original strong, hard face, the tangled and weak at the moment - so familiar, familiar with her frowning.

At the beginning, she seems to be the same!

Looking at the female cavalry commander at the moment, Pedernange seems to have seen a mirror.

However, if she can, she will definitely break the mirror like this, and then sing aloud in a loud voice -

"Repent, it's terrible - don't assume, what will happen to me? Because, you didn't do it at all!"

Turkic, Pedernange's cold sound sounded, and there was an old man in the peace that could not be concealed, but it was pleasing to the ear, and it was involuntarily obsessed with it.

"What is the road you are holding? Cavaliers? Then you know what the Cavaliers will do when they face difficulties in friends, relatives, and loved ones?"

"That's almost no need to think about it? But you are hesitating now, why are you hesitating?"

“Is it really for the knight?”

"No, no, your insistence at the moment is only because of the honor and reputation brought by the Knights, the sense of existence gained in a lack of light! Oh, just like they are at the moment!"

Pedernange pointed to the Rangers who stood behind the female cavalry. Then they turned their heads and looked at the pale female cavalry chief. They continued: "The Cavaliers do not need such consideration. And your consideration is simply because of being honored and famous, you have confused your eyes!"

"Responsibility? Please don't say such an excuse, it will make me look down on you - now, you touch your chest and ask aloud, is that really the case?"

"I, I am only confused by honor and fame, and shirking responsibility..."

The female cavalry whispered in a low voice, and with such a whisper, a special breath began to overflow from her body -


Hey, hey, hey!

On the stone platform has been tied to the chain of the scabbard and collapsed.

Ps second more ~~~

Minger is the New Year's Eve ah~~ Look at the decadence in order to continue to be more and more, today, we have to wait for the code of the day and night, everyone's reward, the monthly ticket is fierce ~~~

Even the decadent money! !

To tell the truth, let go of my mother, I haven’t received the lucky money for a long time! !

Desperately rolling for the lucky money of tomorrow! !

Thanks to the reward of Xuanyuan Yuhe 582 coins, the reward of 200 yuan for the prodigal son floating around the sea, the reward of 4200 coins for June snow, the reward for 200 coins, the reward for 200 coins against the sky, and the reward for sn100 coins. , the wind and dust without the 100 yuan of rewards ~~~ decadent again thank you all the support of decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued. .

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