Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 70: Sword and sheath

Void, in a place where all mortals cannot see, farther away from the other side of the land, on a stone altar, a quaint, colorless scabbard begins to violently shake, one root is invisible but powerful The chain of chains is bound to the scabbard.

But the frequency of the jitter is really too big!

Also, it is too powerful.

Hey! Hey!

The chain of the root began to collapse - yes, it was broken, not broken; it was like the root chain, which was destroyed by the destruction of the next moment, completely broken.

The texture of the metal, when it is floating in the air, begins to dissipate and turns into a spot.

However, this does not represent a decisive factor, because, in the next moment, more white light from the altar began to spurt out, turning into a new chain, bound the scabbard.

And the scabbard's jitter did not stop, even more intense.

哗 哗, 哗 .........

The shaking of the scabbard led to the dancing of the chain, and made a special noise in the void; then, it caught the attention of some people.

To be precise, it should be the attention of forty-seven people.

Among the endless brilliance, forty-seven people who were suffering from madness and full of devastating energy beams all the time turned their heads.


A person can't believe in himself.

"Well, it’s broken!"

Another person gave the answer.

The remaining forty-five people were silent, but their eyes were firmly staring at the scabbard that was about to be bound again; I don’t know who it started, a transparent ripple appeared in the palm of your hand, and then Throwed to the scabbard; after that, a transparent ripple followed.

砰, 砰, 砰...

That new chain is hit by such transparent ripples. Suddenly, the sound of silence, and then, is the intense shaking.

The scabbard itself is an inexplicable radiance that rushes to the Quartet.

It is not white, nor gold. It's not black, it even makes you unable to confirm which color it is, but it is endlessly strong and warm.

A layer of shield that could not be destroyed at all was suddenly shrouded in the bruised forty-seven people, and their dilapidated silver armor was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. The cloak that had been broken was once again floating, especially the wounds on them, and it began to recover.

"Thank you for my ally, your sincerity, we will never forget!"

Forty-seven people shook open the re-appearing cloak, and then. One knee on the ground - they are not worshipping, and thanks are more in mind.

As for why?

The embarrassment that began to emerge in the void has given the final answer -

The female cavalry opened her eyes, and then she quickly scanned the surroundings, whether it was the kind of scent, or the top of the head... or the surrounding stars, telling her. She is not standing on the outside of the original six-tower land.

Before, the inexplicable breath appeared in the distance, and the sword at the waist made a cry, so she could not help but follow up, and then... she came here.

She saw the scabbard bound in the distance and the other seventy-seven people on one knee.

Similarly, the forty-seven people also saw her.

However, the forty-seven people did not say anything, but from their expressions, the other party is friendly; at least. Have enough goodwill.

The female cavalry officer wanted to move her body, but found that the abnormality of the whole body seemed to be crushed on a mountain, even if she wanted to move a finger. It’s all that hard.

However, it is not impossible.

Therefore, she walked very naturally toward the altar - seemingly less than fifteen yards away, but it seems to be far away from the ends of the earth; after all, every step requires her to move with strength, and then, persistence After moving the steps, they are not crushed by the increasing pressure on the body.

To put it simply, every step of the movement, the female cavalry chief feels that she is completing a doubling training beyond the routine - such training, only in that sad memory.

After her father died, she used this way to paralyze herself.

It lasted for a long time, but it was forgotten afterwards - because, after meeting with Ye Qi, in her mind when she was free, she always had a happy time with Ye Qi.

Pain, in such a happy time, was unconsciously diluted.

"Forget the pain, but remember the happiness?"

Feeling the painful female cavalry again, she whispered, she frowned, and her face barely and again emerged.

"Pain will not be forgotten, but happiness also exists. And, if I understand the pain, I should cherish more happiness - even if it is just for the one who brings me happiness!"

Such words are very low and weak, like mosquitoes and flies, but they are firm enough.

Let the female cavalry commander become more determined - but this will not shorten the distance between her and the scabbard.

Fifteen yards, still fifteen yards, will not become ten yards, five yards, or more distance!

It takes the female cavalry to walk step by step—and now, how much time does she move every step of her footsteps? Not one inch.

If, to be serious, it is between cm and millimeters.

But this is already the greatest effort of the female cavalry chief - although small, but it will persist, just as she barely looks like her face at the moment.

Abandoning such an idea did not appear in the minds of the female cavalry chief at the moment; because the words of the former tower of the tower of wisdom made her already remembered -

‘The Knight’s Way does not need such consideration at all; and your consideration is simply because of being honored and famous, it has confused your eyes! ’

That's right, she doesn't have to think about it at all, and the Cavaliers don't need this kind of consideration.

Just like she is at the moment, just need to move forward!

As for the rest?

Wait until you get the scabbard.


Forty-seven people did not watch the female cavalry chief. They are carrying a huge magical crystal, and then inlaid in a giant, jaw-dropping magical array - a magical array that is simply incalculable, where people's sights touch. It is the runes and engravings of this magical array.

The lines of the strip, and the energy of the shining arcanes, are filled with the void, attracting more beams of destructive power, hitting and destroying this huge magical array. .

And at this time, forty-seven people are like shields. Blocked in front of these ruined beams - in fact, they are themselves the targets of these beams, or more important targets.

A beam of light struck them, and the silver armor that had just been repaired quickly became dilapidated again. The cloak has already been turned into ashes, and they themselves are vomiting blood and faltering; but whenever a devastating beam hits the magic array, they will rush straight up and act as a shield.

In the past few years, they have done this, almost becoming instinct.

And apart from their ancestors. No one is paying attention to such useless actions, and even being ridiculed to be ridiculous – even with the help of allies, it has become minimal.

Therefore, when another warmth and sturdness appeared on them and made them look new again, they were all surprised.

They turned their heads and saw the lady standing in front of the altar and picking up the scabbard.

I don't know when, the lady who appeared here has completed her ‘destination-like mission’. Then, once again, they stood on their side.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Forty-seven people also bowed at the same time.


The female cavalry held the scabbard in her hand and slowly inserted the invisible sword into the scabbard. The encounter between the two seemed a little excited and inexplicable.

The female cavalry chief clearly felt the shaking of the invisible sword and scabbard in her hand. It’s like two old friends who haven’t met each other for many years, and they meet again by chance.

So lucky, it is so inevitable.

In fact, before she was in contact with the scabbard, she had already made the worst plan. After all, those chains seemed to have extraordinary solidity and... a hint of hostility.

This is a feeling that will appear when faced with a strong enemy.

Although it is very strange to appear on a chain, it is a matter of caution for the female cavalry officer at the moment.

After all, if it is strange, she is already very strange when she is standing here.

However, contrary to the expectations of the female cavalry chief, when her palm touched the scabbard, the unusually strong chains that had previously been shown collapsed in an instant, all of which were integrated into the surrounding void. From the little spot, it becomes abnormally bleak and eventually becomes nothing.

It seems that her most important tempering and test is to walk through the fifteen yards. The rest of the seemingly more difficult obstacles are nothing but ‘intimidation’.

However, this does not mean that the female cavalry chief is relaxed - in fact, for the fifteen yards of the road, the female cavalry chief is still in mind at the moment.

More and more pressure, even a painful torture, is like a knife, licking her flesh and blood, making her speed slower and slower.

So much now, even the female cavalry chief himself is wondering how many years he has used to go to the altar and pick up the scabbard!

ten years? Twenty years? Still longer?

The next moment, the thinking of the female cavalry chief was interrupted by the scabbard in her hand -

The scabbard that was out of **** fell directly into her hand as if it had been glued.

After that, it was a kind of indifferent familiarity - first from the invisible sword of the waist, then into the scabbard, and then returned to the invisible sword.

Then it was feedback to her heart.

Even without groping, the female cavalry chief is already familiar with the use of the scabbard in front of him, and the familiar one can no longer be familiar with it.

Moreover, for the use of invisible swords, there is also a little more, but contains the inheritance experience.

It was this experience that made her subconscious choices help the forty-seven people—although the experience ‘tell’ her. This is an ally that can be trusted, but more is her own will.

In the face of ‘uneven’, the Cavaliers’ way, how can you stand by and watch?

However, just as she is ready to help each other further. The other party refused -

“This is not where you should come – you need to go back to where you are!”

The leader of the forty-seven people explained it respectfully to the female cavalry chief, and did not seem to want the female cavalry chief to refute, but after a squat, the emptiness of the female cavalry chief appeared again in the void.

"What help do you need?"

Feeling the suction around, the female cavalry long frowned, and then. Asked loudly.

"Now you can't help us... But, in essence, your arrival is already the biggest help for us!"

Suddenly. Forty-seven people bowed at the same time.

"Thank you for your presence again!"

With such words, the female cavalry chief finally disappeared into the embarrassment, and even the last question was not asked, and the sound was submerged in the ripples of the void.

Forty-seven people watched the disappearance of the female cavalry chief. After a while, they returned to their mission again – and this time they had more confidence.

after all. The ‘destination’ has been broken!

As they said before, the appearance of the female cavalry chief is the greatest help for them - because the female cavalry chief proved to them that what they did was not useless.

And that's enough!


Once again, the female cavalry chief looked at the familiar scene and determined that she was back to the six towers again, and was under her side. There is also the back of the tower of the wisdom tower not far away, telling her that she seems to have an illusion.

But the touch between the palms is undoubtedly explaining to her that this is not an illusion. It's real!

"An instant, but it seems like a past few years... but happiness and pain, but keep it in my heart!"

The female cavalry officer raised her hand and touched her heart, then strode forward.

Behind him, the nine female rangers who had been guarding the female cavalry were slightly browed—because they found out that their captain and sister became different.

It seems that there is more than one point, but it makes them more liked.

"Hey, my sister's hair seems to have changed again!"

Careful Bedwell's low-sounding exclaimed, caught the attention of the remaining eight female rangers.

In the original restrained hair color, a dazzling golden color, in this sunshine, is emitting its own glory, not arrogant, but bright enough.

"It seems to be a little more than the last time! Why is this happening?"

After Gao Wen’s serious comparison, he asked.

"Why is it like this, how can it change, it is just our sisters and adults, we just need to follow behind the older sister!"

The petite Rama Rock, who did not care, said, and then the first one ran to the female cavalry chief, and the remaining few people looked at each other and immediately chased them up.

At the corner of the corridor behind him, Pedernange stood there quietly, listening to the distance of the female cavalry chief and his sigh.

"Sighs, not for you!"

The thorn tower tower slowly walked out of the shadow of standing.

"I thought you would always stand there and wouldn't come out!"

The tower of the tower of wisdom said coldly.

"It’s just curiosity, so I stood up. Originally, I thought I needed to help the little girl!" said the thorn tower tower, shrugged. "I didn't expect it, but you were preempted; but, Things are not like you can make it!"

"I just want to return to Ye Qi people!"

The tower of the Tower of Wisdom answers the unusual calmness.

However, the thorn tower tower owner obviously does not believe it. The tower owner with the appearance of young people, with a smile that is not scattered all the year round, leans on the stone wall of the corridor, and smiles and asks: So, what do you owe me?"

"When your life is gone... Or, are you going to meet with death now?"

The voice of the Tower of Wisdom is getting colder and colder, and the sudden burst of airflow, the killing sentiment, clearly proves that the tower owner is not joking.

"Just kidding, why bother!"

Standing on the shoulders, the thorny tower master made a position of surrender.

Then, quietly watching the distant tower of the tower of wisdom, with a deep disappointment in his eyes, and a smile of self-deprecating.

"Maudrad, you guys who don't even have problems with their own problems, how do you always act like such a 'consultant'?"

Turning around, the thorn tower tower owner followed the distant tower of the tower of wisdom, and went to the tower of the moon and night - their meeting still needs to continue, at this moment, it is not over.

Just look at the back of the same extreme.

The heart of the thorny tower tower, but involuntarily raised a bitter smile, he silently asked in the bottom of his heart -

" Where are you?"

The first chapter of ps New Year's Eve~~~

Today is New Year's Eve, decadent will be with my parents, and, but also to pack some things (necessary small chores, such as cutting hair, bathing in the bathhouse, although there is a shower at home), of course, mainly in the afternoon to help the old mother Dad packed up some Chinese New Year dishes, although the decadence is basically eating, but also need to go to help.

Therefore, this chapter represents the result of the decadent night, and it is updated in the morning~

As for the next chapter?

Of course, there will be only one chapter in the next chapter. The next chapter will also make a small half; however, the latter still needs to wait until the decadent bath comes back, all the finished, and then uploaded to everyone.

Well, let's first say to everyone in the early years (formal New Year's greetings, tonight at zero)~~ To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.

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