Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 81: hide

"Read memory? This should be very difficult... According to the mad woman, more control is on it, just like a cockroach, but it is even more disgusting!" The little man thought about it later. "But it can't be denied, maybe the guy found this way in these years!"

"And if you can't find it..."

After Ye Qi and the little one looked at each other, the two men shrugged their shoulders at the same time. The latter said: "It seems that our plan still needs to be changed. After all, the number of enemies is increasing!"

"The enemy has increased again?"

The big man asked inexplicably.

"Of course, if the speculations of me and Ye are real, then Quanshuicheng is probably also standing on our opposite!" The little man leaned his body on the table and sighed helplessly. "And, the one who is highly respected. Mr. Hack, is one of the people we should pay attention to!"

"After all, he is the real behind-the-scenes... In short, Kild is doing what he wants. Now that Kiel is dead, the wolf doctor is looking for it, or he is looking for a wolf doctor. With a more reasonable excuse, he started his premeditated plan!"

Looking at the still incomprehensible friends, the little man had to explain in more detail.

"You mean, that Mr. Hack has been pretending?"

The big man was surprised.

"Who knows? However, according to Ye’s death for Kire, it’s a gesture that seems to be a martyr... It’s very likely that I can’t think of any extraordinary legendary powerhouse. I am the general appearance of the victims, only those who are embarrassed!"

The little man shrugging his shoulders and raised his palm. An index finger was erected.

"And this is a very crucial point. After all. Any embarrassment, no matter what it looks like, needs a manipulator - a manipulator who can flexibly dance his fingers and achieve the corresponding effect!"

"For such operators, we certainly need to be careful!"

The little man swayed his index finger and leaned back in the chair again. The big man was thoughtfully nodding, after a while. Suddenly asked: "So Huck is also a member of the Holy See?"

"Who knows this? However, if everything is established, the possibility of our enemy is identifiable!"

As the little man said, he looked at Ye Qi and asked: "Ye, our plan, it seems that there is a big loophole!"

"Well, but if you make up now, you still have time!"

Ye Qi nodded. Said so.


In the depths of the desert, there is a small town known as the town of the other side.

This town is a small town that connects the buildings of Llorante and the other side. It is not much different from the towns in other parts of Llorante. If it is not a building such as a square or a clock tower that should exist in the middle of the town, it becomes a stone pillar pavilion. Everything is so ordinary.

This stone pillar pavilion is not only firmly blocked by the iron gate, but also there are four guards around this special stone pillar pavilion. The slightly exposed atmosphere makes the ordinary people dare not approach it - these four The guards are not the people of the other side of the town, but the bridge from the other side.

Their white linen robes represent that they are from the same organization, St. De Ge.

In fact, after Kosika returned to the place, the transmission of the similarity of the threshold of God, which was originally guarded by the other side of the town and the bridge of the other side, was taken over by the people of St. De Ge. In this regard, the people in the other towns will naturally have no opinions.

In the face of the bridge on the other side, the people in the other side of the town, like a sheep.

Of course, not everyone is like this -

"These guys are really jerk, so they have deprived us of our work!"

A young, strong man, shouting loudly in the basement of a house, and by his side, there are also a lot of young, strong men, each of whom is awkward and arrogant. Wearing a uniform leather armor with the same weapon.

Obviously, these are enough to prove their identity - the guards who originally guarded the transmission array.

"Quiet, do you want people in the town on the other side to hear your dissatisfaction?" Another young man sipped low. "You know there are a lot of guys in the town, ready to be a loyal dog." !"

"Those guys are things that are not even good for dogs!"

The man who spoke first, cold and cold, shouted.

"But they are as good as they are, and they are proud of it!"

A man in the crowd commented like this, and all the people present showed a disdainful look - for those who only wanted to enter the other side of the bridge by other means, they looked down from the bottom of their hearts.

"Although they are shameful to do so, what should we do now?"

Another man spoke, and such a discourse made the twenty young men secretly gathered in the basement converge on their own disdain and became frowning; then, subconsciously, they looked at the first Two talking men - no doubt, this is the most prestigious of them, who can convince everyone.

"This time the blockade of the other side of the town is because of one person!"

"I know, that Hortilel!"

The man’s words just fell, and the man who spoke first said aloud.

"No, although the adult of Hortelli is indeed the cause of the incident, but the result is the adult who is called the dragon of Shak!"

"Shack's Dragon??"

"Who is that??"

Obviously, for Ye Qi, people who stayed in the town on the other side for a long time did not know; but, fortunately, the leading man knew quite well about Ye Qi’s news; and these young men, When I heard some of Ye Qi’s deeds, I immediately became excited.

"Don't kill Smooy of St. De Ge?"


"Let's go to that adult!"

The young men began to talk, and the leading man listened to the opinions of the people around him. Until a moment later. All the excited emotions of the people have retreated. After stopping the discussion, the leading man said again: "The Shack Dragon is worthy of follow-up, but we don't have the strength to make that adult look... I know that the moon celebration only lasts for a week. Time is up!"

"At that time, there will inevitably be a big battle. In such a battle, the Shack Dragon is not enough to guarantee our safety... or the Shack Dragon, even his own safety can not be guaranteed; after all. It is the full force of St. De Ge, Spring Water City and the meditation of the meditation!"

"This, what does it mean, you won't know?"

The leading man took a deep breath and asked slowly.

After seeing the people in the room remain silent, he nodded with satisfaction and said: "So, we need a safer follower, one that can change our current state, and will not let us die. Followers!"

"Captain, who is this person?"

"Yes. Who is this person?"

"Come on, Captain!"

The guards in the room rushed. And the timing is almost the same, the young captain, slowly said: "Hotril adults!"

"Hotley adults?"

The guards in the room are all a glimpse, and obviously this answer is somewhat unexpected.

"Yes, it's Hurricane! Compared to the Sharjah dragon who we just heard, we are more familiar with the master of Hortil, knowing the kindness and kindness of this adult. Adults are our best choice!"

"But, Hultril is not seriously injured, and is it being chased? If we..."

A guard said with a slight hesitation.

"It is precisely because of this that we should go to the Huttell adults! This is our best opportunity. If you miss it, do you think that you have changed the situation? How will the Huttell adults agree with our trust? "The guard captain said, "Not to mention, compared with the situation of the Sharjah Dragon Master, Hotrell is definitely a lot better - at least, Lord Hortil is safe now!"

The guard captain’s words made the guards’ appearances loose.

The guard captain who took everything into the eye, immediately, said with enthusiasm: "And, as far as I know, many people who have been favored by the Lord Hortilly are gathering with the Lord Hortil, not just the day. There are also a lot of legendary powerhouses in the glory and extraordinary world!"

When referring to the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world, many guards nodded immediately.

"Okay, let's go to the Hortel!"

"That is, always better than staying here, and prisoners!"

In general, this sentence gives a firm look to the eyes of other hesitant guards.


After about ten minutes, the guards dispersed.

Only the guard captain left, he stood there waiting quietly, and after a slight noise on a wall in the local lower room, he immediately ran over and opened the organ.

Groot's embarrassed swordsman came out of the secret passage.


The guard captain immediately respectfully bowed.

"How is it going?"

The swordsman waved his hand and asked.

"Everyone is willing to follow Lord Hortil!"

The guard captain said truthfully.

"Good, then you are back in the room now - I will inform you of the action when the right time is right!"

After the swordsman nodded with satisfaction, he gave the next step.

"Yes, adults!"

After the guard’s very respectful nod, he turned and walked to the ground room—this room was not his room, but the only restaurant in the town on the other side, offering some delicious food and less Some wines; of course, the owner of this restaurant is also theirs.

Just after the guard captain left for a moment, the wall with the secret passage rang again.

When the swordsman opened the secret road, a tall, middle-aged man came in. This is a man with long brown hair. Although his face is pale, he has a pair of sharp, eagle-like eye. What is more noticeable is his hands. Slender, white hands.

It is different from the paleness of the face. His hands are a very healthy and powerful white.

As he walked around, a sharp sense of only a long sword began to spread throughout the basement.

Anyone who has stayed at the bridge on the other side will be familiar with this middle-aged man, because he has a rather loud name - ‘polar blade’!

That's right, this middle-aged man is the cause of a few things, so that the forces on the other side of the bridge are struggling to find the ‘polar blade’ Horterel.

but. At this time, Horterel’s face and body were full of a sense of exhaustion, which was thicker than the sword’s sharpness—it was like a sharp sword because of the lack of time. Maintenance, and rusting in general.


Immediately after the ceremony, the swordsman moved the only chair in the basement to the middle-aged man. Looking at the chair in front of him, Hortel frowned at the disappointment and said, "I Still not weak to such a point!"

Although distracted in the discourse, but under the watchful eyes of the swordsman. Hortelli eventually chose to do it because he knew the rejection of his disciples. If you want to keep the conversation going, he'd better follow the advice of his disciples.

Is it shameful or not?

Hotrell didn't care very much. For him, like a dog who lost his family at this moment, the dignity has long been lost.

In such a situation, there is also someone who really cares about him and cares about him. For Hotrell, this is really lucky.

In fact, it is because of this kind of luck that he has the intention of the present.

A plan that used to come to mind, but never dared to implement it - now, he is going to do it!

"Teacher, we have now contacted about 30 Sun Yat-Sen, and four legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world!" After seeing Hortelli sitting down, the swordsman continued to say: "Although We still have some gaps in our estimates, but we are enough to carry out the original plan!"

Hotley nodded and hesitated. He asked, "Is there a message from Pard?"

Obviously, such hesitation is not hesitant, but rather worried - for Hortel here, any person associated with him, because he died, is an unbearable blow to him; Before that, this kind of blow was enough, he didn't want to come again.

Fortunately, the answer given by the swordsman made him feel relieved.

"Not yet, but you can confirm that Pard has escaped the hunt!"

"That's good! That's good!"

There was a touch of joy on Hortel's pale face.

"The Hart brothers have been in contact, but they don't want to be involved in us!"

The swordsman spoke of a bad news; however, it is clear that for this bad news, Hotrell did not care at all, he waved: "The Hart brothers themselves are not suitable for such a plan, and their choice is for For us, it is already a kind of support!"

The swordsman frowned. Obviously, she did not agree with her teacher’s words. However, she did not express her opinion, but continued to say: "There is also the Shak Dragon, Ye Qi, who also came to the other side. Near the bridge!"

"Oh, is he coming too?"

After a brief glimpse, Hortel immediately said with apologetic: "It is much faster than we expected. Does he need any help? If you can, help him!"

"Help? I think that adult is absolutely not needed!"

The swordsman did not restrain his emotions this time, and replied coldly.

"what happened?"

Hortel looked at the disciples who were not in the right mood and asked quickly.

"Hey, that guy..."

With a cold sigh, the swordsman began to convey to his teacher what he saw – even though he had resentment in his heart, but the swordsman did not deliberately degrade and smear Ye Qi, but said it very objectively; Of course, this does not mean that the swordsman forgave Ye Qi’s 'insults' to her in that tone.

"The legendary peak?"

After the description of his own ideas, Hotter quietly whispered; after a few seconds, Hotrell suddenly made a long laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"

The swordsman looked at his teacher inexplicably.

"I am laughing at myself! I seem to have lost again... oh, that guy is always so desperate!"

Hortel said the words that the swordsman did not understand. Then, he suddenly remembered something and asked his disciple: "You mean, will Ye Qi come here a week later?"

"Yes, he will come here and fight with the little Wolf King!"

The swordsman nodded.

"Yes? Great!"

Hotrell laughed at and knows his teacher's temperament, but he immediately stopped his teacher's dangerous thought: "Unable teacher! Before our plan is completed, You can't be in the public's field of vision, let alone the ruthless guy, who doesn't have any good feelings for you, and even thinks you are using him!"

"In a way, he is right! So, I have to see him more, and apologize to him in person!" Houtlier stood up from the chair and walked toward the secret road: " I will go back first. If I leave too long, I will be suspected!"

"Teacher, you..."

The swordsman also wants to discourage his teacher, but the words have not been finished, and the figure of Hortel disappeared into the secret passage.

Ps second more ~~~

The head is still a faint pain, finishing this chapter, decadent and ready to go to sleep ... can not help, all kinds of uncomfortable! !

Thanks to the prodigal wandering of the 200 seas, the starting point of the 200, the sn, the x, the wind and the dust, the Tangmen Xiaohao, the April day of the sea, the Liu Jinzhen 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for all support for decadence Brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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