Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 82: joke

At the moment before dawn, Ye Qi woke up from his sleep. After entering the extraordinary situation, Ye Qi had very little sleep, and became more and more rare. Basically, it only took two to three hours a week. The sleep is enough to support his energetic vitality; and like the special creatures of the lich, it takes only one to two hours of rest in a month.

However, Ye Qi is not the same as the legendary powerhouses of the rest of the world; as long as time permits, he will maintain a normal sleep.

Of course, this is normal for him.

After all, for ordinary people, just one hour of sleep after midnight is definitely too much to eat.

Wake up after Ye Qi, sitting cross-legged on the ground covered with wool felt, he did not immediately enter the cultivation of [nameless skills], or continue to perceive the void, but put the knives across the knees On the top, take out a piece of wet flannel that is placed in the [Dimensional Bag] and gently wipe it up - it is a flannel soaked in a special liquid, which is quite beneficial for any metal.

To put it simply, it is the essential thing to maintain the knives - although the sorcerer as a saint does not need to do this at all, but this does not prevent Ye Qi from doing so.

After waking up, about three to five minutes, the care of the 阎 阎 knife is basically the beginning of the normal day of Ye Qi - from the scabbard to the blade, the handle to the bell, each is a thin wipe, then Then carefully rub the more and more marks on the scabbard, and repair it with the best efforts of yourself.

Although there is no problem with the knives themselves, the scabbard is not a sacrament, and there is no immortal character. Even if it is made of fine gold. After years of fighting. There will also be damage, but also some repairs; not to mention, this scabbard is only involved in some fine gold, more is just fine iron.

As for the shark skin covered by the scabbard?

I can't fix it anymore. Ye Qi's needlework is not good. I can't fix it layer by layer. Although I thought about replacing it, I still gave up.

Because, even the best leather. It is also impossible to deal with his next battle.

At the very least, within ten years, his battle is an impossible situation to avoid.


The blade of the knives slowly fell into the scabbard, the crisp sound, the blue light disappeared from the basement, and some small traces on the scabbard disappeared - not Ye Qi has such excellent The repairing technique, but the material given by the lord of the sacred tower is excellent.

A liquid material that is exactly the same as the scabbard of the scorpion, stored in a special bottle so that it does not solidify when needed. Just take a little touch on it, after a while. It will be as refreshing as new - simple, practical, and very convenient, even the layman can be skilled.

Therefore, Ye Qi is an extraordinary admiration for the creation and repair of the sacred tower tower.

Just when Ye Qi is preparing to habitually carry out the necessary cultivation with the [nameless technique], at the end of his "blind bucket perception", on the edge of the limit, there is a wave of volatility. The fluctuations covered by the town of chaos – no doubt, the kind of strong embarrassment, only the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world can have.

Moreover, this is more powerful than the legendary powerhouse of the ordinary extraordinary world.

The speed of the other party is not fast, there is no running, galloping, but moving at a constant speed, about the speed of walking with ordinary people, and straight toward this place - although there is no more conclusions, but the other side Such a 'bright and honest' is obviously not malicious.

However, due to the caution, Ye Qi did not let go.

His perception has been moving with the movement of the other side, and when the other person stops at the door of the sandstorm bar, his brow wrinkles - at this moment, even if he does not need [blind bucket perception], his keen hearing can listen. To the other party and say hello to Libes.

Moreover, it is clear that this legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world is a regular customer here.

After that, Ye Qi was ready to give up his perception of the other side and continue his own life. Libes came to the basement.

"Instructor, the lady has just arrived!"

Upon entering the basement, Libes reported straight to Ye Qi.

'The lady' is the third very mysterious goal listed in the search for Hughman - although Hughman has found it, but for this third very mysterious goal, Ye Qi is still quite curious And after learning about the other party's extremely regular patronage in the town of Lizhi, he deliberately licked Libes and Sodick, and told him when the other party came.

Of course, Ye Qi did not expect that the other party would be an legendary strongman in an extraordinary situation. In the original estimate, the other party was at most the Japanese-level, or the lower-level moon-high peak.

And his identity should also be the inhabitants of the other towns - this is Ye Qi's original speculation. After all, the boys and girls have an adventurous heart in their hearts. They are far away from their homes and go to a strange place to take risks. It is really normal.

However, it is obviously impossible for the identity of the other party to be like this.

After all, an legendary powerhouse with an extraordinary situation, even if it is an adventure, will not come to the town of Liaozhi; Lorante has a more suitable place than here, whether it is the Qiangqu area or the Hailin area, or The depths of this Huangsha area are a good choice.

"I want to meet this lady!"

The curiosity in my heart made Ye Qi say this.

"Okay, instructor!"

Libes was not surprised - when Ye Qi told him to pay more attention, such a meeting seemed to have been settled, and it was the kind that went with the flow.

So, Libes nodded again and returned to the bar.

At dawn, there are not many people in the bar, and after leaving the relevant personnel in the bar, the only one who is a mysterious lady can be called a guest.

Holding a cup of mead with blueberries, Libes glanced at Sodick and nodded in the latter. Just went up -

"This lady. If you don't mind, please try this... although it's not a wine, but it tastes good!"

Libes had a gentlemanly manner to put down the glass and said slowly.

The mysterious lady gave a sigh of relief, and the transparent bar swayed in front of the smooth chin, giving off a strange light, so that the whole face was hidden behind the cloak, and the more and more one said Unbelievable beauty - mysterious, always with a trace of chasing that people can't give up.

However, whether it is Libes or Sodick. I know what I should do, but I won’t be confused by such mystery.

Or, the mystery of the demon hunters themselves, so that they have a certain immunity.

As for the two very different waiters?

They understand in the rich life experience of the town, the mystery brings, the temptation, the temptation, always accompanied by danger, so they stay away from it.

"Some sour, the concentration of mead is not enough!"

A clear, yellow-like female voice rang under the cloak, and people couldn't help but pick up their eyes - a nice voice. A good-looking appearance is like a beautiful scenery. It is always fascinating to go back; the mysterious lady in front of me, the voice that is displayed, gives people a look that they want to see what they look like, and they can deserve such a look.

However, fortunately, the people present have their own insistence.

Did not take the initiative to make such a move.

"Do you close the store today?"

The mysterious lady, after looking at the exited Sodick and the two waiters, could not help but ask.

"No, there is only one who wants to see you..." Libes stood by the lady and explained everything. "Of course, please don't misunderstand, this lord has a high quality, he does not have any Malicious, will not be embarrassing you, just a little curious!"

"If I don't want to see it?"

The mysterious lady, the tone suddenly became unhappy.

"Of course, we won't force you!"

Libes replied with a compliment.

Libes did not deceive the lady's meaning, but the fact that the demon hunter, most of the time, will not force others, especially when it comes to curiosity.

After all, not dark creatures, they can't be too hearty.

What's more, the other party will stay here for a while. If you want to happen, there are many opportunities. The reason is that the invitation is only because Ye Qi does not want to appear awkwardly - according to Libes, the other party is not what Good temper.

After Libes finished speaking, he felt a sharp gaze on his body. Although he could not see the other person’s eyes, he could be sure that the gaze came from the cloak and belonged to that person. The mysterious lady - although he has previously admitted that he is not the opponent of the opponent, but when this sharp gaze falls on him, he can't move, Libes understands the gap between the two sides.

The sweat can't be suppressed from the forehead and back.

Just as the sweat along the bridge of the nose was about to fall into the eye, the sharp gaze disappeared, and Libes regained his mobility. He subconsciously wiped the sweat in front of his forehead, and said with a smile: "We Really nothing malicious!"

"If you are malicious, you are already dead!"

The mysterious lady said as she said.

“Thank you for your mercy!”

Libes said helplessly, and when he saw Ye Qi coming in, he immediately went outside the bar - in fact, if he could, Libes wanted to leave before, as if standing on one end The feeling beside the tiger is really too difficult.

No, it should be more terrible than a tiger!

After all, even if it is a real tiger, he will not be scared.


Ye Qi walked into the bar and looked at the small round table with only one person. He walked straight.

Hey, hey!

I didn't sit down immediately, but gently tapped the table and said, "Can I sit down and say it? After all, standing, I always feel that I have returned to some unpleasant working hours!"

The mysterious lady nodded: "Yes!"

"Thank you!"

Ye Qi smiled a dagger and sat opposite each other.

After that, the two did not open their mouths again, but looked at each other. Both sides have a sharp eye that is unimaginable to ordinary people. It’s like a sword, you come to me; just. Ye Qi has a little bit of a loss - it's not about the strength, but the other's cloak.

That should be a very high-level magical item, not only blocking Ye Qi’s line of sight, but also blocking Ye Qi’s perception, so that Ye Qi could not find out the other’s appearance; and he was an apostle windbreaker, not in the hood. When he was put on, his appearance was unobstructed.

This one is clear at a glance, one can't see through. Nature is the difference between high and low.

After about three minutes, the mysterious lady took the lead in taking back her eyes. Obviously, she thought she got the advantage she deserved.

And Ye Qi is indifferent shrugging shoulders - such a fight, falling into the wind can not be anything; after all, they are not really hostile relations.

"Would you like to hear a joke?"

Suddenly, the mysterious lady asked Ye Qi like this.

"Okay! I like jokes very much!"

Ye Qi nodded unexpectedly, then adjusted a sitting position, waiting for the other party's opening--in the past Libes' introduction of the other party's habits. Ye Qi already knows clearly.

"There was a match in the past, it felt itchy. It ignited itself when scratching and scratching!"

The mysterious lady spoke very seriously and seriously, and Ye Qi was very solemnly listening, but when the other party opened the lecture, Ye Qi was a glimpse. Then, he subconsciously scratched his head - Ye Qihe I didn't find a real smile, but I felt a little cold.

Ye Qi, who felt that the other person was expecting his laughter, could not help but smile at the hand that scratched his head and said: "I should be glad that I am not the match?"

Cold field, hehe...

"I don't think we have anything to talk about!"

The mysterious lady said slowly.

"Well, I think we are communicating, there are quite a few problems!"

Ye Qi nodded, then stood up and was ready to leave - the purpose of his coming here was because of curiosity, but now that curiosity still exists, it has weakened to a dispensable level; therefore, leave Not a very good choice.

As for the rest?

It is enough to confirm that the other party is really not hostile.

"and many more!"

Just when Ye Qi just stood up, the mysterious lady suddenly spoke, and Ye Qi stopped and looked at each other.

"Are you laughing at my joke?"

The mysterious lady asked this way.

"Of course not, why do you think so?"

Ye Qi immediately denied it - Ye Qi did not forget the reminder of Libes; those who had laughed at the lady's jokes did not have a good end; and before the upcoming moon celebration, Ye Qi wanted more What you do is recharge your batteries, not to create unnecessary battles.

Or to establish an enemy that is not necessary.

Therefore, Ye Qi paused and began to explain: "Look, I just said that we have some problems in communication, not a joke. It has no problems in itself. It is just a communication problem. Let us have a problem. A misunderstanding, not big, is in the range we can accept!"

Ye Qi’s explanation, obviously, did not achieve the desired effect, the breath of the mysterious lady was changing rapidly, and the fluctuation of the churning, let Ye Qi, who possessed the [blind bucket perception], understand that his The explanation not only did not produce the corresponding effect, but it played a counter-productive role.

"The problem of communication? You mean that there is no problem with the joke itself. Just someone who talks about it, is there a problem?"

The understanding of the mysterious lady, inexplicably embarked on a ramp.

"You understand, I don't mean this!"

Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders.

"We have problems communicating. Do you think I can understand your explanation?"

The mysterious lady sneered.

"So, what do you think we should do now?"

Ye Qi asked the staller.

"Two choices - 1, you tell me a joke that makes me laugh; 2, take out your strength, we will "communicate" in a more direct way!"

The mysterious lady said very simply.

"I choose 1!"

Ye Qi also said directly.

Immediately, the mysterious lady made an eager gesture.

“A gentleman and a lady sleep in the same room, a bed, the lady draws a line on the bed – the animal is on the line; wake up to find that the gentleman really did not cross the line, the lady’s 狠I beat the gentleman and slap in the face: You are not even a beast!"

Ye Qi recalled not many jokes in his mind, and then he picked out a self-believing and told it.

"Is this a joke? I think that the gentleman should retaliate with the lady's slap in the face - why do you want to draw that line?" The mysterious lady commented, "The scorpion-like character!"

"Is it not funny?"

Ye Qi heard the other party's evaluation ~ ~ mouth twitching.

“It seems that our communication in the language is really a problem!”

After nodding, the mysterious lady stood up and walked outside the bar, and the voice came again: "I hope that we can communicate more directly and solve our language communication problems!"

"I hope so!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Ps first more ~~~

Looks like a post-holiday syndrome, sitting in front of the computer in the morning, all kinds of distractions, and constantly popping up some messy things in my mind; it’s only a little better until the afternoon, but after finishing the manuscript Table, the face is green! !

Because, there is still a chapter to say! ! !

The decadence speed rolls back to the second chapter of the code, and by the way: "Seeking a monthly ticket, seeking rewards, seeking protection!" (To be continued.)

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