Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 83: Red dragon

In the place that is more than ten kilometers away from the town of Chaozhi, it is about to enter the vicinity of the entrance to the desert. The mysterious lady stopped her footsteps. Then, she did not say hello at all. She went straight to the front of Ye Qi, right. With Ye Qi’s abdomen, waving is a punch.

The boxing spirit is so strong that it is obvious that the other party does not have the meaning of learning, but it is completely wanted to give Ye Qi a punch.


The right arm is in front of the opponent's fist, the wrist is in contact with the other's wrist, and the mysterious lady's body violates the power of the muffled sound, so that the volley rises, two slender legs With a more powerful force, with a piece of leg shadow, draw down Ye Qi.

Hey, hey, hey!

Ye Qi stretched out his right hand and quickly parried. The left hand was placed on the handle of the knives. It didn't mean to use it. In fact, the opponent's attack seemed to be extremely fierce, but there was no real killing. Among them; obviously, the other party just wants to teach him something.

However, that force is a bit big.

In a gap, the other person turned over and landed in the beautiful tumbling posture in the midair with a length of ten yards, and then fell on the ground, while Ye Qi shook a little numb. Wrist, said: "Is it ok now? I think I can leave!"

The mysterious lady answered him with the most direct action.

The shape of the rapid forward, so that the upper body is almost parallel to the ground, the speed is almost doubled in a sudden, and the force is driven by the speed, the same doubled - a straight The side kicked, facing Ye Qi's chest. With the wind. It is like a long gun. Straight.

The shaking on the toes of the opponent made Ye Qi have no choice, and again parry; of course, there is no direct retreat - after all, whether it is parry or retreat, it will fall into the next series of attacks of the other party, just like the other side seems to look like Simple, straightforward punches.

It's all like this with a continuous follow-up attack.

Ye Qi’s figure jumped back, when the other party was about to pursue. The sole of the foot pressed down, and the foot was stepped on the other's ankle that had just changed direction; the power from the foot of Ye Qi’s foot made the other person involuntarily stop the pursuit of the footsteps, even the body with a trace of staggering.

"I think we can end this communication!"

Ye Qi raised his hands and said that he didn't want to fight again. This kind of battle is very meaningless in Ye Qi's view, and even its own starting point is wrong; for this, he complains about his curiosity, and Remember to prevent yourself from making such mistakes again.

As he said, Ye Qi held his hands and retreated.

And the mysterious lady did not pursue it immediately. Obviously, there is a slight scruples about Ye Qi’s unexpected strength, but the blood is stubborn. But it was impossible for her to let Ye Qi leave. She stood in the same place and shook the cloak that had been wrinkled by the battle. Then, it disappeared in the same place.

Perceived the fluctuations in the soles of the feet, Ye Qi jumped again.

rub! rub! rub!

And just as Ye Qi’s feet just left the ground, the three stone spears appeared in the place where he stood before; not only the stone spear, the underground overlooking Ye Qi, the half is the Gobi, and the half is the sand. The landform became a mud-like shape in an instant, and the mud pool was more than two hundred yards in diameter.

Whirlpools and bubbles begin to appear in the mire.

Then, an arrow made up of mud, so volley toward Ye Qi - do not doubt their sharp, that quickly solidified mud, or simply say that the stone becomes more accurate, even if and Compared with the metal, it is not fast.

How many more than one foot long mud arrows can emerge in a quagmire with a diameter of more than two hundred yards?

Even if you stand by your side and have good eyesight, I am afraid it will be countless.

In fact, Ye Qi, who floated in the air, looked at the dense, tens of thousands of arrows, and the scalp was numb.


The slow, deep inhalation sound began to appear - this should be a very small sound, but at the moment it is like thunder, ringing in Ye Qi's ear.

Huh? !

The familiar feeling made Ye Qi, who was attached to the air in the air, involuntarily stop the tall figure.


After inhalation, it is a slow exhalation sound, just like people do when they breathe normally, but in the conical area where Ye Qi floats, a heavy feeling is spontaneous.

Dragon interest!

However, Ye Qi was not attracted by the heavy feeling of his body. He was concerned with other aspects - if the former familiarity surprised him, then Ye Qi at the moment was seen by himself and experienced. Everything was amazed.

Ye Qi, who is in the middle of it, can be sure that the other party is using the dragon!

And a human being able to use the dragon's interest, no doubt, naturally has the blood of the dragon -

‘In the depths of the dry forest, I have felt the same breath and pressure! ’

The words of the elders who surrendered to him, naturally emerged in the heart of Ye Qi, and at the same time there are some memories of the dragons in the inheritance of the dragon - love mischief, tell jokes, will Hey, you can use the spells from the chaos, earth and scorpion fields at will, the linear acid and the slowness of the cone...

Isn't this the red copper dragon?

Of course, according to the memory of his heritage, the Red Copper Dragon appreciates wit and fun, and usually does not harm creatures that can tell jokes, interesting stories or puzzles they have never heard before; Red Copper Dragons can't understand it. The joke or the creature that can't accept its humorous tricks will quickly get angry!

They like to laugh at and tease these opponents to surrender or make stupid moves - angry copper dragons like to use fossils for mud to get their opponents in trouble!

Obviously, it is at the moment!

However, one thing is slightly different - the woman who has the blood of the red dragon in front. Its character is more stringent than the memory of the dragon's inheritance.

Or. It is the extent to which his jokes are disgusted. More serious?

Ye Qi wants to open his mouth to show his identity, but he doesn't have to wait for anything to say, even when there is any expression, the tens of thousands of quickly solidified mud arrows, or seriously point to stone arrows, just like this Shot it up.

Millions of arrows are sent!

Will Ye Qi all retreat, before and after. Completely sealed.

As for the up?

Seeing the speed of the arrow, which is faster than the shot, Ye Qi is wise to choose to give up - although in the extraordinary situation, become a legendary strong, you can get rid of the **** of the earth, but This does not mean that any legendary powerhouse can be in the sky and on the ground.

Those abilities do not involve the legendary powerhouses in the sky. Even if they can fly, their speed and dexterity are far less strong than those on the ground.

If it is on the ground. The speed of these arrows, Ye Qi will not be in the eyes. But in the air, Ye Qi has no more choices.


Two gray fingers pointed at the arrow in front of him in the front and back of Ye Qi, and in the blessing of [Second Wind and Gale], the wind instantly became two before and after. And the opening of the [secondary sun's radiance] makes Ye Qi's attack directly trigger the characteristics of [Sun's tribute. Yang Yan].

Immediately, in the night sky, a white flame bloomed like this.

Although the fire of the sun after the trigger is only three seconds, within that three seconds, the 10,000 arrows are burned out. Obviously, the essence is still the arrow of the stone, but it is special. Driven by power, without special forces, it is impossible to resist the burning of the sun's fire.

And this situation is undoubtedly something unexpected to the lady who also has the dragon's blood.

However, obviously, she did not stop to plan to stand on the sand again. At the moment when she raised her hand slightly, the larger and wider mud landform spread like this in all directions, and more stone arrows Then they came out from these quagmire and pointed to Ye Qi.

"Wait for me……"


The spurt of the dense arrows interrupted the words Ye Qi wanted to explain, and the persecuted Ye Qi had to re-destroy these numerous countless arrows again; and asked [the sub-sun ritual. Yang The characteristics of inflammation, such 'destruction' work is not very difficult.

However, such a relaxed, but the lady standing below feels a little unhappy.

Therefore, more and faster stone arrows appear from the quagmire and fly to Ye Qi in the air; and for the interpretation of Ye Qi, they have to solve these arrows and say their own. Discourse; therefore, in the next ten or so minutes, there was a very strange scene.

While raising his hand, the arrow flew out and waved his hand to destroy it.

Both sides seem to be faster in the competition!

After another wave of arrows disappeared, the woman with the dragon's blood did not raise her hand again to call the arrow - because she found that no matter how many arrows, it would be endlessly flamed by the other side. Burning; and, more importantly, the other party burned her arrows, the flames used were definitely less than her consumption.

After all, the other side has never changed color from beginning to end, but she has already felt a bit of asthma.

As for Ye Qi’s strength is stronger than her?

She wouldn't think that such a guy who couldn't understand even the most basic jokes would have such a strong strength; not to mention, the breath of the other party is just as good as that of her.

This kind of large-scale competition, I will be very disadvantaged, we must close the distance...

The woman with the dragon's blood is secretly thinking.

Ye Qike would not know what the lady below was thinking. He saw the other party’s attack temporarily stopped. Immediately, he opened his mouth and said, “This lady, you see, we have some misunderstandings; and your identity Let me understand how such misunderstandings are unnecessary between us..."

"What do you want to say?"

The woman who has the dragon's blood, asks this way.

"I want to apologize to you and clarify the misunderstanding!"

Ye Qi said with great certainty - the same blood, so that Ye Qi thinks that the other party can stand in the same camp as himself; after all, according to the memory of the dragon. The blood of the other party is not from the evil side. It is a party that is partial to goodness. Although there is a slight confusion, the good heart is true.

"A high level of yours is the way to apologize?"

The lady standing on the ground said this.

"Sorry! This is my negligence..."

Ye Qi stunned, then immediately fell and walked toward the other side.

However, Ye Qi’s words have not been finished, and the lady standing opposite has disappeared again. Feeling the fluctuations coming from behind, and the wind that ran on his ass, Ye Qi couldn't help but raise his brow, and his heart secretly said: "I really hate the chaotic goodness of mischief!"

The other party is obviously preparing to kick him in the mud in front of him, and then, after degrading him, he will accept the apology generously. If you are a red dragon, you can definitely do something like this; This lady is really planning to do this!

In the face, Ye Qi continued to apologize. And from the beginning to the end did not return to look like, she prepared adults have a lot of forgive each other; however. Before forgive again, a little revenge is needed - and the quagmire created by her is undoubtedly the best venue.

Looking at the other person as if it was a horror, and caught off guard, turned the half body look; this lady with the red dragon blood, is ready to sing: ‘mud, mud, you are a fool! ‘The little tune; however, just when her feet were in contact with the other’s buttocks, the man who had not been caught off guard suddenly grabbed her ankle and then took advantage of it.

He is pretending! !

At the moment when the ankle was caught, the woman with the blood of the red bronze dragon, the bottom of her heart immediately understood.

Yes, Ye Qi is pretending.

In order to make this farce that is full of mischievous nature come to a faster end, he has to pretend that -

The woman who had the blood of the red bronze dragon thrown out by him, did not fall into the mire like ordinary people. When the other mud fell, the sand quickly melted and waited until the other side landed. Then it turned into sand again.

Obviously, the control of the red copper dragon on the earth has prevented it from being embarrassed.

However, it is not completely avoided - after all, the sand standing on the body is quite embarrassing.

"you you……"

The woman with the red blood of the red dragon, the body just touched the sand, and turned over. Immediately, she jumped from the ground and rushed to Ye Qi again. However, facing a breath of Ye Qi, it was straight. Stayed stagnation.

Like her general breathing, but with the power of the special breath of the dragons.

Feeling the stagnation of the surrounding time, she looked at the Ye Qi in front of her with some suspicion - compared to the first kind of provocative look, this time is quite serious.

"You are also a dragon?!"

After the power of the time stagnation disappeared, the woman with the blood of the red bronze dragon exclaimed.

"Well, as you can see - though, I want to say that I am a human being!" Ye Qi shrugged helplessly. "However, in theory, we are the same!"

"You really are dragons?!"

Obviously, this lady has some disbelief.

"Dragon interest should not be deceivable?"

For this woman, who is obviously cautious in this occasion, Ye Qi’s words are helpless.

"You are from Long Island?"

When the lady asked this, her eyes kept staring at Ye Qi, and her figure was slightly retreating - obviously, for the place of Long Island, the lady who also has the dragon's blood, has quite a resist.

Although it is not clear what the other party's resistance is because of what happened, Ye Qi is naturally telling the truth: "For Long Island, I heard this name - my teacher escaped from there, but we don't know what it is. It’s going on... I grew up in the Tallinn district of Lorante!"

Directly with warning, even when I mentioned Longdao, the woman who was still full of resistance, this time suddenly revealed a hint of 'sympathy' - yes, just when Ye Qi’s words just fell, the other party I took off the hood that kept covering my face.

It is a cheek that is younger than Ye Qi’s imaginary family. It has a soft face and a thin nose. The eyes are like a turquoise glow. The reddish-brown half-length hair is loosely placed in front of the forehead. The eyebrows formed a bang of the sea, and the remaining hair was neatly tied up.

However, it is not a ponytail, but a number of backwards twists - a very unique, but full of girlish ties, which makes the other party look less old, and appears to be getting smaller.

In fact, before Ye Qi heard the voice of the other party, guessed that the other party's age would not be too big, but the face of the other party at the moment is similar to his female disciple, obviously It is beyond the expectation of Ye Qi; and the surprise of Ye Qi obviously makes the other party misunderstand.

"You really don't have the ‘blood kiss' that the dragons should have!”

The red-breasted dragon girl suddenly opened her own Qi Liuhai, and saw that on the forehead, a scale similar to her hair color was emitting a different brilliance.

Ps second more ~~

Although it’s a decadent and quick turn back to the codeword, it’s time for it! ! Almost delayed! !

And decadent feeling the shoulder hurts! Today, I really sat in front of the computer for a long time, but there was no more gains from the hardships - the squandering of the snow and the rolling of the comfort and protection!

Thanks to the yt stand 588 starting point of the reward, the seaborne wandering prodigal son, June snow 4, x, Tangmen Xiaohao 200 starting point of the reward, sn, the April day of the sea, the wind and dust no Jie 100 starting point of the coin Reward ~~~ Decadence again Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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