Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 75: Go hand in hand

In the darkness, Monte, the white dragon dragon, quietly retreats - although there is no outstanding strength, but because of this, Monte can survive in Long Island must have other abilities, the understanding and use of alchemy is One side, and the other side is the ability to sneak and hide.

In fact, before Red Dragon King discovered his alchemy talent, Monte was able to survive in the battle of many dragons, the latter is his real dependence.

Therefore, Monte is confident in his ability to sneak and hide.

Therefore, after discovering the intruder again, the white dragon dragon did not escape in the first place, but quickly collected his alchemy instrument, and then began to choose to leave.

However, it is clear that this time the White Dragon Dragon has made a fundamental mistake -

Definitely tempted!

The white dragon dragon listened to Ye Qi's words, but his heart was shocked, but he did not come out at the moment. On the contrary, the looming breath became more and more slight.

The self-confidence of self-stalking and hiding ability makes the Bailong dragons not believe that they are seen by the other party at a glance, only as a tactic and means of Ye Qi; on Long Island, the dragons who use such tactics and means do not know. How many, the White Dragon Dragons themselves do not know how many times they have experienced.

Therefore, he is not surprised, of course, it is impossible to show his figure.

However, as time went by, when the white dragon dragon looked at Ye Qi’s eyes and kept staring here, even when he bite his teeth and moved slightly to the figure, the other’s eyes followed, and the sweat from the white dragon’s forehead The back is oozing out.

He can really see me! !

The white dragon dragon was shocked at the bottom of his heart, and because of such a surprise, the rapid breathing brought by him was completely exposed to his body shape.

"Hello, I am not malicious!"

The white dragon, who was exposed, raised his hands and stood up - for Monte. Fighting is definitely not his long term. He relies on stealth and hiding. Once he is discovered, there is really no means to confront the enemy. There is no better choice than the active surrender.

After all, take the initiative to surrender. He is also able to get some opportunities to speak, and wait until the other party to shoot... that is the rhythm of everything is over.

"Hello, you see... I am physically weak and talented. There is no way to hide."

The white dragon dragon stood in front of Ye Qi and held his hands high. After making myself look even more harmless, this is what I said to Ye Qi.

Ye Qi did not immediately speak, he looked up and down, and compared with the memory in his mind, he quickly got the other party's information - Monte, white dragon, low strength. But the mind is smart, good at the skills that many dragons are not good at.

For example: Alchemy!


Ye Qi asked like this.

"Yes, sir! My strength is not worth mentioning for you, please let me go!"

Monte nodded and did not deny that his character was too well recognized, and because of the Red Dragon King, he was known to the dragons on Long Island. Both the central island and the left island know his existence, but this kind of knowledge eventually becomes a disdain.

Long Island, alchemy and other techniques based on blood and strength are obviously not valued.

This is not a concern for this. Because he is very clear, the weaker the strength, the more secure he is to some extent; for example, at this moment, Monte puts down his dignity directly. Pray to the invaders in front of them - as for the so-called dignity? As long as it has been exhausted for so many years, it has been exhausted.

Simply put, the white dragons do not care about the so-called dignity.

As long as you can survive safely, after all, dignity has no way to make him survive.

“Before, what is the thing here?”

Ye Qi pointed to the open space not far from the throne - in the obvious gray traces around, the relatively clean, square-shaped trace is obviously obvious, and even if Ye Qi wants to pay attention, it is difficult.

"This this……"

The white dragon dragon immediately stuttered and did not say a complete vocabulary for a long time.

For the white dragon dragon, the accidental discovery of the alchemy instrument is undoubtedly his greatest reliance, whether it is to live better or live dignity, it is his emboldened, after all, the red dragon king Attention is the greatest evidence, if it is lost...

The hesitation in the heart made the words of the White Dragon Dragons hesitate.

However, in the face of such hesitation, Ye Qi is quite direct -


A faint dragon appeared on the head of the white dragon dragon. Then, the white dragon that was hesitating was suddenly thundered, and the whole body shuddered. He fell straight on the ground, pale, and looked up in front of him. The man, the indifferent eyes of the other side, contains the killing intention, obviously not a joke.

"Being, under the throne of the Dragon King!"

The Bailong Dragon was almost at the next moment, and said Zhangkou.

To live better, live with dignity, there must be a premise - that is to live!


Ye Qi's hand knife hit the neck side of the white dragon dragon, and the other side fell down. Ye Qi's strength was quite in place, and did not hurt too much, just stunned it.

It is rare to be good at alchemy and even use alchemy instruments to find the dragons in the astral world.

In fact, don't say it is a dragon.

Even a wizard, there are only a few who can have such ability, and it still includes the old wizard.

Therefore, if you can, Ye Qi is definitely not a real harm to this special white dragon dragon.

As to whether there will be a problem?

In this regard, Ye Qi is not worried - because he is very clear about what this white dragon dragon wants to be; being bullied by the same family, and being valued by the Red Dragon King has already changed the initial mentality of the other party.

A highly oppressed person, once he is respected.

That is simply more obsessive than seeing some of the **** addicts.

Ye Qi only needs to give this to the other party. The white dragon dragon will really choose to obey because the other party has no choice.

After all, the Red Dragon King who can value him is already dead!

[s-level mission: dragon and dragon; Red Dragon King has long been eager to find an opponent that will make him happy to leave Long Island, or with all the opponents of Long Island; Rezadid: 0/1.]

This is the task that Ye Qi appeared when he left the left island.

The number of tasks is unexpectedly small. It’s also unexpectedly a lot higher on the level – according to Ye Qi’s guess, the task triggered by Longdao should be three to four, and the level of the task obviously cannot exceed the [s-] level. This is based on what happened, as well as an inference about the strength of the opponent and its own strength.

However, it is clear that it is not as true as Ye Qi imagined.

First of all. He suspected that the task of fighting between the two sides, and then related to rescue, retreat, etc., was not identified as a task by the system.

The reason for this is undoubtedly that the system has determined that his strength is a breeze to complete these tasks, so even [e] level tasks will not appear.

Second. It is the strength of the Red Dragon King!

In fact, this is what makes Ye Qi really surprised - with his current immortal level of strength, even because the [cold weapon] skills have not entered the immortality, lowering the overall evaluation, but facing The same level of power, [a] to [s-] is the normal level, and once this level is exceeded, it is obvious that the other side has beyond his imagination.

Of course. This is the way Ye Qi is very happy to get a higher level of mission and gain more experience – as for strength? With the characteristics of [sub-killing and direct attack] and 阎 magic knife [阎魔极斩], Ye Qi does not worry that his strength will be weaker than other immortal strong.

As for the category below?

That is definitely the performance of the outside strong.

"More powerful than I thought!"

Ye Qi admired while pushing the throne - although the bronze dragon was frank before he was not the opponent of the Red Dragon King, but Ye Qi was not surprised; after all, the bronze dragons inherited the kindness of the bronze dragon blood, let it be itself In a lot of time, it’s a bunch of hands, and the evil of the red dragon is not the same.

and so. Ye Qi is not surprised, even think it is reasonable.

However, when this [s] task level appeared, Ye Qi understood that the gap between the bronze dragon and the red dragon king is definitely not because of the continuation of personality.

Therefore, Ye Qicai accelerated the original plan -


The organs on the throne are very ordinary. It is a hidden door composed of a reed and a gear. It only needs to push the back of the seat to reveal the entrance of the underground corridor. The dark room under the throne is not very big, and you can see the margin at a glance; When the instrument is placed in it. The whole person could not help but glimpse.

Astrology? !

Ye Qi exclaimed in the bottom of his heart, although it was much smaller than the astrology he had seen in the hands of the wizard, but the twisted test tube and celestial model were the same as the astrology.

Almost instinctive, Ye Qi thought of the old wizard who once mentioned the incompleteness of the ‘Astrology’.

It seems that the missing part is in front of you...

The idea of ​​the bottom of my heart made Ye Qi not stop at all, and straightened the instrument in front of it into the [Advanced Dimensional Bag]. For this reason, he had to pour the contents of the original [Advanced Dimensional Bag] into the [Dimensional Bag]. Inside, and some less important items, they chose to give up.

After all, Ye Qi is quite good at the choices that are light and heavy.

Out of the dark room under the throne, Ye Qi picked up the white dragon dragon, and straight out of the unfinished palace, galloping toward the sea in the direction of the left island.



The collision between the field and the field is more straightforward than any other fighting methods and techniques. It is like two singers, and there is no fancy competition.

Who is strong and who is weak, naturally after the test is clear at a glance.

At this moment, the cheers of the Central Island Dragons naturally explain all the problems -

With a rush of gasping, the bronze dragon's body shape retreated several times in a row, and then stopped in midair, and the red dragon king was suspended in midair without even changing color, and even the body was not trembled. a bit.

"Carrie, you are not my opponent!"

The tone of the Red Dragon King is understated, but it is telling an unquestionable fact.

Faced with the fact that the bronze dragons naturally know, after all. The two sides are not the first to fight.

In fact, since she started a few years ago, her fight with each other broke out every once in a while, and then every time it ended in failure.

Naturally, the cost of failure is heavy.

The upper island, the right island, the lower right island, and the lower left island are all after the failure. The most bitter bitter fruit, the Bronze Dragons have some memories that they don't want anyway.

However, it is because of such memories that she can persist in her present.

In pain, there is also power.

Because, she does not want the tragedy to appear again; so. From the peak of immortality, she became the immortal of the 'newcoming', and from the immortality of ‘newly’, it became truly immortal.

Growing up to a level that is hard to imagine.


The growth of the Red Dragon King is not slower than her, and even faster. Therefore, every time she faces the bitter fruit of failure.

However, this time... is different!

I thought of the agreement with Ye Qi before. The bronze dragon, quickly adjusted his state, the electric light around the body became brighter and brighter, and even the ordinary people could not look directly at it. On the flowing current slurry, the arcs flew up and joined together.

Oh, oh...

In the sound of arc collision and annihilation, the current slurry stops flowing. Then, hurriedly rolled up, attracting something -


The black clouds suddenly thundered and thundered, and the lightning flashed down, aiming at the bronze dragon.

In the field of lightning, it has not grown bigger again.

The radius is ten feet. It is a limit of immortality that cannot be broken, but it does not mean that there is no change in other places.

A heavy feeling appeared on these current slurries as if it were not lightning. It is like a mountain peak, and then it brings destruction.

The current slurry, like a meteor in the sky, goes to the red dragon king.

The Red Dragon King, who had been allowed to prepare for the bronze dragon, until this time, the plain look changed slightly, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly. A burst of laughter then blurted out: "Carriep gave me another surprise. Good, good, but not enough!"

The Red Dragon King laughed and did not have any dodge, letting the current slurry like a meteor come straight.

In the field of flames, the flames tumbling, and a stream of current like a meteor rushed into it. The thick, devastating breath suddenly broke out, letting the flames burst, but it did not go out, but the burning Exuberant, in the end, the current slurry is completely swallowed!

The flame that swallowed these current slurries became stronger and stronger. The red-red flame became blood red at the moment, and it continued to rise and erupt, as if it had become a volcano. In this **** flame, it was the Red Dragon King. Laughter -

"Come, be a little stronger!"

It seems that I am telling something interesting. At this time, the tone of the Red Dragon King contains a glimmer of expectation.

He is expecting his opponent to be strong.

If it is just a chicken-like dog-like opponent, how can he be a farewell to leave Long Island?

The bronze dragons, even if the Red Dragon King did not say this, she is also preparing for a more powerful attack - the lightning in the dark clouds is falling at a faster speed, and even later, it is like rain, even if the bronze dragon has a lightning field. Under such lightning wash, it has already exceeded its own load.

The pale face was paler and paler, and the blood could not be suppressed from vomiting from the mouth.

However, such a price is worth it -

The spherical lightning bolt with a diameter of more than 20 yards is lifted by the bronze dragons. The blazing color evokes the surrounding darkness, and the pressure from the above is even more so that the dragons who are fighting around each other face each other. They have been subconsciously evacuated to the surrounding and distant places.

Every dragon is very clear, and once they get involved in such a battle, what is their end.

I don’t believe that the Dragons of this kind have already disappeared with the disappearance of the Upper Island, the Right Island, the Lower Right Island, and the Lower Left Island. Although the first four times were the Red Dragon King’s shot, this time it was a bronze dragon. Descent.

However, the final result, the dragons naturally have speculation.


With a **** vomiting, the huge spherical lightning in the hands of the bronze dragons suddenly ignited, causing the surrounding dragons to raise their hands or instinct to close their eyes.

Then there was a roar of the world!


Where the Red Dragon King is located, a radius of more than a thousand yards of blazing white, a strong current, brought the sea water toss, the hot wind swept away with this collision, some low-powered dragons in The first time was blown away, even the Japanese-level dragons, just to support themselves not to be blown away.

All the dragons stopped and they looked up and looked at the air, waiting for the final result.

Who's winning?

This is the most wanted to know every dragon.

When a red color appeared in the blazing white, all the central island dragons began to cheer.


With a layer of flame, the Red Dragon King wore out the huge blazing lightning area, and one of the necks of the bronze dragon who was swaying because of such a blow, the palm of his hand was slightly tightened, and he lifted it up. And the flame attached to the palm of the hand is further aggravating the injury of the bronze dragon.

"Carrie, you are still not strong enough!"

In the flame, the unmistakable Red Dragon King said this.

And the weak bronze dragon, want to say something, but looking at the unscathed opponent, but can't say anything, just vomit a blood useless, accept Have you died? ”

The Red Dragon King said disdainfully, his palms began to tighten.

" one wants to accept it!"

A dull, cold sound suddenly sounded, and with such a sound, a slender, powerful palm penetrated the layers of flame.

Ps 颓 回来 回来 回来 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

Double monthly ticket~ Everyone has to give it a decadent vote~ There are also subscriptions and rewards, but not too much~

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward (1w2 reminder is really powerless...), the prodigal son of the wandering sea, the jarvet200 starting point of the reward, x, the card activity, the lost heart of the 100 heart of the starting point ~~~Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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