Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 76: On the battle of the Dragon King


The Red Dragon King drank, and his other palm, which was wrapped in scales, grabbed the slender, powerful palm that suddenly appeared.


However, this palm is faster than he imagined. When his other palm just touched the palm, the other party had already caught his other palm.

Suddenly, a cold, sturdy gray spread out in the position where the palms of both sides touched.

The space that had been distorted by the high temperature suddenly fell into the cold silence at this time. Although there was only one moment, it was enough for Ye Qi.

His other hand, a palm of his hand, slashed the throat of the Red Dragon King.

Not only power, but also fast!

Although it is only the palm of the hand, the palm of the immortal level is not inferior to the ordinary sacristy. The only difference is that it cannot achieve the immortality in the true sense. Simply put, there is still an alternation of life and death.

Therefore, in the face of such a sudden ups and downs, especially when the ice is cold, the Red Dragon King goes straight. However, the red dragon king grasped the palm of the bronze dragon's neck but did not loosen it.

For this sudden appearance of the Dragon, the Red Dragon King certainly understands what it is for - he does not care about the re-emergence of the battle, but will never give up his victory.

The bronze dragon is undoubtedly one of the fruits of this victory.

Therefore, with the retreat of the Red Dragon King, the flame boiled again, and the red flame became more and more intense, and once again turned toward the blood flame.

Obviously, the Red Dragon King wants to burn the bronze dragon.

The upturned corner of the mouth, containing the joy and joy, both show that the Red Dragon King can't wait to get it.

As for the sudden dragon?

Even if you walk freely in the field of his flames, it does not mean that you can walk through the blood, you know. This is two different concepts.

The existence of any of the former immortal levels can be done.

And the latter?

The existence of the immortal level that can be done, the Red Dragon King has not seen it.

Therefore, he is confident and able to burn his bronze dragons in the face of his new enemy - for any new, powerful enemy worthy of his shot. The Red Dragon King always has a good opinion.

But the next moment, the joy of the red dragon king's mouth became sluggish, or it was 'frozen' - the gray frost formed earlier than the blood flame, just as the red flame began to transform. At the time, the cold appeared again and it continued.

And for this. The five fingers of Ye Qi’s left hand are like shaking the violin.


A glimpse of the wind, with special expertise [secondary frost interest], frozen the field of flames.

Even, because of this sudden freezing, the bronze dragons easily escaped in the hands of the Red Dragon King - the former dying bronze dragon has recovered more than half of the time, although his face is still ugly. But when floating in midair, there is no feeling of crumbling.

Undoubtedly, the recovery of the immortal level is powerful - when it is impossible to achieve a fatal blow, only need to take a breather, you can recover more than half.

Of course, more often, they have no such opportunity.

Because their opponents are also strong in the immortal level. Nature is aware of such things - therefore, it will not leave such an opportunity for its opponents.

The gods will fall, let alone the existence of the immortal level after the weakening?

Even if it is crowned with immortality, it is only a general term. In the face of enemy attacks, disasters that cannot be stopped, immortality cannot be truly immortal.

Of course, this is the case. Ordinary people don't know.

In the eyes of most ordinary people, or legendary, Japanese-level powerhouses, immortality is already literally meaning; after all, the degree of strength. They simply cannot see more distant scenes.

It may seem ignorant, but it is more real.

Because, without such hope, they simply don't know how to move forward.

However, the dragons obviously do not have such doubts - the inheritance of the blood, the ancient records, so that they know more than the imagination.

At the very least, they won't be surprised by the fall of immortality.

However, this is not a big deal, they will not care about their leader -


The bronze dragons waved their hands at the jade and the topaz, blocking the other's proximity, and then looked at Ye Qi, who was next to him, "Resadide..."

"It just stopped him for a while, and the battle has just begun!"

Ye Qi certainly knows what the bronze dragon wants to say, and shrugs and shouts.

The characteristics of [Second Frosty] are different and powerful. This is undoubted. If there is no immortality or legend in the field, Ye Qi can confirm the other's commandments at this moment, but in the face of a true immortal level. The different characteristics of [Sub-Frost] can be maximized.

But powerful itself?

This is obviously impossible.

After the comparison of the level of power, there is a considerable gap between the two sides. If [the interest of the secondary frost] goes further, Ye Qi still has such a grasp, as for now? As he said, it only temporarily stopped the Red Dragon King.

The use of [secondary frost interest] only needs to attack the trigger method that brings out the 'strength wind', and a temporary block is made after the number of non-stop superpositions.

Of course, such an overlay can last forever.

However, the end result is unchangeable - because the opponent's field is suppressed, [Secondary Frosty] can't trigger the cutting effect, nor can it trigger frostbite, necrosis, and complete freezing, and naturally the final freezing option is not possible.

Therefore, even after continuous superposition, the Red Dragon King is only temporarily frozen.

The purpose of Ye Qi itself is to save the bronze dragon.

Now that the goal has been achieved, he is naturally a 'stopping hand'. Through the induction of [blind bucket perception], the violent fluctuations from the Red Dragon King made Ye Qi give up his intention to pursue the victory after a slight frown.

As if to confirm the correct choice of Ye Qi, the next moment, in the gray frost. The flame began to boil and caused a bigger explosion -


In the explosion, there was no trace of ice and water droplets, and they were evaporated in the first time.

The tumbling flame rushed to a height of tens of yards, just like a volcano erupted in general, the flame went straight into the sky, and in it was the red dragon king's continuous roar.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Three consecutive roars. The vibration of the surrounding air appeared to be awkward enough to show the anger of the Red Dragon King.

"Be careful, angry Resadide is the most terrible!"

Bronze dragons reminded Ye Qi.

"The horror of people or dragons is not because of emotions, but by themselves!"

Ye Qi side gestured for the bronze dragon to retreat while slowly moving forward. Shortened the distance from the Red Dragon King, and escaped a few scattered fireballs - these fireballs are not really attacks, just because of the flames that appear unconsciously in the face of the Red Dragon King.

However, even then, the burning sensation made Ye Qi express surprises - although there is a gap with Sun Jinyan. But it is very close to the sun's fire, and this temperature is still changing.

"Flame field..."

Ye Qi silently recited this title - the field, after choosing the "Witch Path", a special power that the immortal level can possess can completely transform its own strength and form a stronger Attack, defense, or auxiliary gestures.

Just like the flame of the Red Dragon King and the lightning of the bronze dragon!

Although there is no personal coaching for the latter, the fluctuations in his previous "blind bucket perception" make Ye Qi understand how powerful it is.

If other dragons are standing on the attack route of the bronze dragon. Without any precautions, there is no other possibility except for serious injuries and deaths.

Once a certain critical point is reached, it is not impossible to completely turn it into ash in lightning and thunder.

The reason why the Red Dragon King has nothing is nothing but the defense and offset in the field of its own flames - just as Ye Qi also has the field of the sun, the attack increases by 100% and the defense increases by 100% is the most fundamental change in the field. And it is precisely because of the changes in the field. The defense of the Red Dragon King became a reality.

Otherwise, even the immortal level of physique, directly facing the field of attack, it is unbearable.

but. There are also some special examples -

Baptized by the power of the stars, Ye Qi, who possesses the "Solar of the Sun" [Glory of the Sun], has an unusual way of coping with such a field.

After all, the choice of the 'Warrior Road' is the most fundamental.

Call, call, call...

A red-red flame erupted from the flame field around the Red Dragon King, rotating, and slamming around Ye Qi, flames, and squally winds, covering the entire battlefield in an instant; so that the surrounding dragons could not Not back again, even bronze dragons are no exception.

The injury on her body obviously needs special healing. It is obviously not enough to recover the body itself.

"In the flames, turn it into ashes!"

The shout of the Red Dragon King was clearly revealed from the flames and the wind.

boom! boom! boom!

With the shout of the Red Dragon King, the explosions of the successive ones continued to spread, but because of the flame blocking, the dragons on the sea could not see the situation.

What they can see is just a thicker and stronger flame.

The flames of the air are not only thickened, but also more aggressive, and even from time to time release their own burning heat to these two sides fighting on the sea.


The Huangyu Dragons escaped a flame that struck her, letting the other party fall into the sea, and the sound of the squeaking sound brought a burst of water vapor, and could not help but coldly said: "Like your exhibitors, It’s all that aggressive!”

It’s not just the one of the Huangyu Dragons who made such a sigh. The dragons present were thinking like this.

However, as more and more sparks fell, whether it was the Dragon Island of the Left Island or the Dragon Island of the Central Island, they had to retreat a distance again; and with this retreat, the left island The dragons began to become worried - because they saw only the flames, the flames of the Red Dragon King. Without the slightest concern about Ye Qi, even a little bit of counterattack power did not show up.

Even the face of the bronze dragon, there are concerns.

Although she knew and learned the power of Ye Qi, the power of the Red Dragon King is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially before she tried her best and did not cause any harm to the other side. It is even more so that she has involuntarily appeared a shadow of the Red Dragon King. For such a shadow, the bronze dragon is very clear that it should not exist, but in a short time, it is bound to cover her.

Everything needs time to adjust.

The dragons on the left side of the island began to have a trace of uneasiness; however. The red-breasted dragon girl among the peers is definitely not in it. Zhu Ya has considerable confidence in Ye Qi’s strength.

"We just need to do ours, Ye Qi there... he won't let us down!"

Standing next to the bronze dragon, and not participating in the battle of the red bronze dragon girl, she said that it looks like turquoise eyes, with unparalleled confidence.

After seeing Ye Qi’s appearances in several battles, Zhu Ya knows exactly what kind of strength Ye Qi has – able to be in the legend. Faced with the same level of the strong, one-to-many without killing each other, and finally facing the immortal level of the 'new promotion' level, still killing each other, the strength of Ye Qi has long been deeply imprinted in the red dragon The heart of the girl.

Moreover, you must know that Ye Qi at that time was just a legend.

And now, but it is truly immortal!

Although the red-breasted dragon girl is not sure whether Ye Qi can replicate the astonishing record in the legend. But in the face of the same level of opponents, Ye Qi will definitely not lose!

The red-breasted dragon-female girl thinks this way – just as all the dragons show stubbornness and stubbornness when they look at one thing.

As if to prove the stubbornness and stubbornness of the Red Dragon Girl, some of the keenly aware dragons suddenly found something wrong.

"Look, the sea seems to be floating!"

"What happened, these sea waters seem to be alive!"

"Retraction, quick withdrawal!"


Then, in the exclamation of the third, the dragons looked at the sea in front of them with a stunned look and suddenly rose. The huge waves seemed to hit the sky. The inside was like a series of invisible big hands, hitting the invisible drums and heading to the battlefield - the flame in midair.


Sea water wrapped in it. Rushing into the sky, straight to the flame in the air.

Water and fire are repulsive in themselves - water can extinguish a fire, and fire can also burn water into a variety of water vapor!

What is the final result?

It is good to see the water and the fire itself. In the face of the fire that burned the roof, a basin of water is obviously not enough. Facing the flame in the fireplace, a basin of water becomes more than enough.

However, the flame in midair is definitely not the fire that only burned the roof, and the water under the control of Ye Qi [water power] is definitely not as simple as that basin of water - countless sea water, with Ye Qi The idea of ​​the sky rose into the sky, turned into a huge wave of the sky, and rushed to the flames in front and around.

Just like the system's explanation of the characteristics of the "water power" [tidal waves], in ample water environment, the formation of a huge wave like a tidal wave, continuous attack on the enemy - remember the anger of the sea god? In the sea, the invincible fleet, the great powerhouse, will be submerged by the sea, and will become a sacrifice to calm the sea gods!


In the sound of water and fire, the water vapor is more dense and dense, and it obscures the sight of the dragons. It is like a rare fog of a hundred years. Here, some dragons with insufficient strength, Subconsciously gathered toward their companions.

Even a lot of Japanese-level dragons have become cautious.

Of course, such cautiousness is definitely not for no reason; after all, the dragons who like to fight in the thick fog are not rare.

Whether it is the bronze dragon, or the emerald dragon is a good one.

At this moment, of course, they will not let such a good opportunity, began to attack again and again, regaining their own disadvantages - the gap in the number, so that the left island dragons have been at a disadvantage since the beginning of the war.

At the same time, they also watched the battle between water and fire.

In fact, the battle at the top of the head is what they really care about.

All the dragons understand that even if the battle below wins, it is the battle of the top that really can control the battlefield.

The raging sea water has become more and more fierce, from the original huge wave to two, three, and even more...

Ye Qi floated in midair, watching the opponents in the opposite fog and flames, and manipulating these huge waves with ease - before, Ye Qi did not manipulate so many huge waves in the same environment, it can be said This is the first time; however, compared to the training of the knife, such manipulation is not very difficult for Ye Qi.

It is even very simple.

After all, the attempt of [Water Power] is not the first time even if it has not been manipulated in such an 'advantage' environment, but because the environment has become 'advantageous', everything is for Ye Qilai Said, it is more relaxed and comfortable.

The kind of thing that used to be a part of the past on land, but here is the feeling of doing something very hard, so that Ye Qi has a very good feeling, it seems that it is natural to breathe that full of pure Oxygen air, and, with the increase in the number of manipulations, Ye Qi is more and more comfortable.

Feeling that the surrounding sea water moved with his own mind, Ye Qi could not help but raise his eyes and looked at the opponent behind the thick fog and flames - he was waiting... or seriously said, forcing his opponent to make Variety!

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