Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 77: In the Battle of the Dragon King

Red Dragon, the most powerful dragon among the five-color dragons.

Among all the five-color dragons, the red dragons are extremely confident, so they rarely suspend their actions by measuring and detecting their opponents; once they find the target, they immediately decide whether to launch an attack and immediately choose a tactic - Red Dragon Club Use its claws and bite attacks instead of spitting weapons to deal with small and weak creatures, so that the treasures they may carry are not destroyed.

Resadide, who inherited the red dragon blood, obviously has the same characteristics.

Greedy and powerful!

And, there is an extraordinary fighting intuition - therefore, Ye Qi believes that the other party has begun to change the battle strategy; after all, although the flames derived from the flame field of the other side are very powerful, they can occupy in this boundless sea. The advantage is him, not the other side.

Ye Qi knows this kind of thing, and the other party is quite clear, and looks for the change of such disadvantage.

At the moment, there are not many ways to change the disadvantages at this moment.

In fact, in Ye Qi's opinion, there is nothing more than a melee!

Abandoning the burning and burning of the flame field and changing the original way of fighting - Ye Qi naturally wants it; therefore, he needs to give the opposite Red Dragon King a message that must be 'melee can change the situation.'

And this is not very difficult for Ye Qi -

哗, 哗, 哗...

The sea is moving without wind, from one foot high to ten feet high to twenty or thirty feet, there seems to be no stopping at all, but the scope is far beyond any of them. The seawater within a dozen kilometers of the square has been added to it. Let the dragons who had been in the battle go back.

even. Even the two sides who fought with each other had to abandon their opponents and return to their own queues.

In front of us, this violent sea is simply not suitable for continued fighting.

“Can the time dragons manipulate the sea?”

The Emerald Dragon looked at the Huangyu Dragon who was beside him.

"The record has not appeared!"

The Huangyu Dragons searched for the record of the Time Dragons in their minds - but, unfortunately, there were no other records at all except for the dragon martial arts related to the Time Dragon.

"This is not the power of Time Dragon!" The bronze dragons on the side said very calmly. "The power of time dragons comes from time, not sea water - it can't be changed!"


The Emerald Dragon and the Topaz were frowning and looking at the sea in front of them.

"This should be the power of Lord Ye Qi, self-understanding!"

Apparently, the bronze dragons knew what the two subordinates were in front of them, and immediately replied, "I have to say that the talent of Ye Qi is the best I have ever seen... not only can I easily use my blood. The power of the power can also comprehend other forces. Is this the so-called genius?"

The bronze dragons sighed involuntarily.

For such a sigh, there is nothing about the Emerald Dragon. It’s just as surprised to nod, and the Huangyu Dragon on the side is an indignant scorn: “Genius. It’s also a hard work!”

"Don't you know that ninety-nine drops of sweat are not as flashy as that moment?" The red-breasted dragon girl's eyes swept to the topaz, and the grinning retorted, "only know the hard-working dragons. What is the difference between farming and cattle in the field? Of course, I did not despise the meaning of farming cattle!"

Did not despise the meaning of farming cattle, as to despise who, the dragons present are of course clear.

"Are you provoking me?"

Huang Yulong is staring at the red-breasted dragon girl.

"I am just stating some facts! When others fight for themselves, they don't silently send blessings. They are still ridiculously ridiculed here... Hey, really very graceful!"

The red-breasted dragon girl looked back at the other party without retreat. At the same time, she said again: "Don’t say that I didn’t force him to fight for us. If you really said that, I would feel like talking to you. It’s a shame!

In the rapid breathing, the tops of the topaz of the Huangyu Dragons undulate up and down. Obviously, the dragon has completely fallen into anger.

However, before she retorted, the roar of the sea interrupted her -


In the sound of the sea water flowing, the sea water of more than ten kilometers rises into the sky and forms a huge water column. Looking at such a huge water column, all the dragons are dumbfounded, even if the topaz is forgotten to retort Copper dragon girls, they are so eager to see such a water column.

Dragons have never felt such a small size - a diameter of more than ten kilometers, plus the height of hundreds of yards, enough to make any normal height of six feet or so feel their own small, even if it is legendary, The strongest of the Japanese glory, this time is the same.

Even their hearts are more clearly understood, and once they enter such waves, they will face what kind of end.

It’s not too much to break the bones.

After all, sea water is also heavy!

This is especially true under the control of an immortal level.

The feelings of the dragons below are far less than the true feelings of the Red Dragon King who fought in it. When he faced the invasion of the huge water column, he immediately knew that if he was still indifferent and hard to consume, the other would face What is the disadvantage - the power of the flame field will also change with the changes in the environment.

Just like on the bottom of the sea, even the strong flame field will be suppressed unless all the sea water is evaporated.

Otherwise, the end result is suppressed.

The thoughts in my heart made the Red Dragon King go straight to action -


The flame exploded again, and his figure suddenly accelerated in the explosion, and it instantly penetrated into the thick fog, and the next moment appeared in front of Ye Qi.

The claws of the red scales flashed a demon red light in the dense fog, aiming at the face of Ye Qi.

Look at the expected attack. Ye Qi did not have the slightest expression - whether it was an unexpected smile. Still disdain. None of them appeared on his face, even for the later attack, Ye Qi also had to control his facial expression, not to be discovered by the opponent.

After all, the red dragon's blackmail is what Ye Qi experienced personally - although it is in a illusion, but this does not prevent Ye Qi's care and caution -

Just like the breeze, Ye Qi raised his left fist. The right paw facing the Red Dragon King is a punch.

Looking at such a rush of punches, the ridiculous laughter of the Red Dragon King’s mouth appeared again, and he couldn’t wait to hear the cross talk of the other’s arm.

For his own strength, the Red Dragon King has considerable confidence, not to mention the acceleration of this distance attack, his strength has clearly reached a peak state, and the opponent?

It’s just a hasty rush to meet the enemy!

This kind of matchup is basically a high decision!

In particular, when I thought of the other side manipulating the sea water, I was beaten by myself and reversed the situation. The excitement of the Red Dragon King could not help but make a big noise.

However, very soon. When the paws of the Red Dragon King and Ye Qi’s fists touched each other, they were full of excitement and were replaced by surprise.

The rock-solid power, no one can see that it is rushing to meet the enemy, on the contrary...

A bad guess appeared in the heart of the Red Dragon King, and with the sound of a long knife, this speculation was confirmed by him.



In the faint blue light that the sorcerer brought, a red flashed over, and the body of the Red Dragon King slammed into the same train, and quickly ran away.

Ye Qi did not pursue, he frowned and looked at the red dragon king who was quickly retreating. When he shakes the knives in his hand, the blood on the top is immediately smashed out - using [the barrier] to become a sharp spear attack. Did not achieve the effect of Ye Qi's expectations, although the other side has been subjected to a light attack, but it does not seem to be such a serious retreat.

In fact, this kind of rapid retreat has nothing to do with Ye Qi’s sniper. More is the Red Dragon King’s own retreat.

Even the Red Dragon King is ready to fight back.

However, Ye Qi, who did not catch up, made the Red Dragon King’s counterattack fall to the point where he was stunned. After he opened it for quite a while, he stopped and looked at the waist that was nearly cut off halfway. There was a sneer.

The Red Dragon King can be sure that if he did not realize that he was wrong, he had an dodge action in advance, even if the blood of the dragon was extremely special, he had already been cut off at the moment.

Hey guy!

The Red Dragon King commented on Ye Qi - if he did not guess now, the scene before Ye Qi was trying to force him to fight with him, then he would not be called the Red Dragon King.

Bloody, dripping from the air.

However, the Red Dragon King did not care about this at all. He just looked at Ye Qi, who stood opposite the knife with a vacant look.

At this time, the flames and seawater have already receded. The fog has also disappeared quickly after the lack of the final source. Everything in midair has been revealed in the eyes of the dragons below.

Then there is the burst of cheers -

"Upward, superior!"

"Yeki has the upper hand!"

"We will win!"


After seeing the situation in midair, the left-wingers of the left island immediately issued a series of cheers; for the dragons on the left side of the island, they waited for this scene for too long, and the island was destroyed. I have been waiting for it; this time, I finally waited!

On the contrary, the dragons of the Central Island were all stunned and looked at the air. Obviously, they could not accept that the invincible leader in their eyes had fallen into a disadvantage.

"Ha ha ha..."

A loud laugh came from the mouth of the Red Dragon King and suppressed the voices of the dragons below. He looked down at the dragons on the left island, including the bronze dragons with smiles. A few high-level, then, looked up at Ye Qi, "You are the dragon who had released Longwei in the left island before?"

"The one that supports these weak guys... the fulcrum?"

The Red Dragon King did not wait for Ye Qi’s answer. In the sarcasm, he once again looked at the dragons on the left island below. The voice passed down clearly: "The weak guys. Do you think I lost?"

Facing the question of the Red Dragon King. The dragons on the left side of the island had a glimpse. No one dared to stand up and answer. Even the bronze dragon had a slight tremor on his lips. In the end, nothing was said - although the words of the Red Dragon King were unusually arrogant, In view of the unbeaten record of the other side, before the final conclusion is reached, the gentle personality of Carriepo naturally cannot stand up with a more intensive attitude.

However, this one. Absolutely does not include the red dragon girl -

"Resadide, you lost!"

The red-breasted dragon girl stood in the left island of the dragon, shouting loudly.

Suddenly, the repressed suffocation between the left islands and the dragons was broken.

"The legendary red bronze dragon? Interesting... I remember that the legendary red bronze dragon had already died all over ten years ago?" Red Dragon King looked at the red dragon girl and asked. "And there was a fish that slipped through the net and was sent to Lorante... Are you the fish that slipped through the net?"

"Heechul, such a fish that slips through the net just happens to be your opponent!"

Red Dragon King looked at the resentment on the face of the bronze dragon girl, and immediately confirmed his own guess, he did not even wait until the answer of the red dragon girl. Just telling his own men.


The blue dragon dragon, which was valued by the Red Dragon King, sneaked out after a cold sigh - starting from the battle between the two sides. The dragon has been standing aside, as if it was something that is not his own, so he looked at it, but no one can underestimate the power of the blue dragon.

"Heechul, are you going to be a running dog of Reshard?"

The bronze dragon's brow wrinkled and looked at the blue dragon dragon who went to the battlefield. The latter did not answer at all. The lightning that was raised by the hand was the clearest answer.

"Jia, be careful!"

In the face of the reminder of the bronze dragon, the bronze dragon girl did not care, she shouted loudly: "He is my opponent, no one should intervene!"

Suddenly, when the lightning appeared, a puff of special gas appeared around.

In this range of dragons, the speed is not consciously slowed down.

Of course, it also includes the blue dragon dragon named Heechul, feeling his speed. Then, looking at the red-breasted dragon girl who is approaching him quickly, he frowned a little, but did not dodge. Meaning, just standing in the same place, raised his arm and blocked the attack route of the red-breasted dragon girl's fist.


In the muffled sound, the Blue Dragon Dragon took a step back, but the other fist that was covered by lightning was hitting a young girl who was close to the Red Dragon.

Even if the speed is slow, but because of the speed of the distance, this boxing red dragon girl can only be hard.


The fist with lightning made the red-breasted dragon girl unconsciously take a step back.

One step at a time, a situation that seems to be a tie, but a few powerful dragons present at the scene understand that the red dragon girl is worse than the blue dragon dragon.

After all, they are in the dragon's unique dragon's interest, the speed of the other side is unconsciously slowed down, such a tie has already explained the problem.

And once the slow gas disappears, the result is naturally self-evident.

Therefore, the bronze dragons and other faces have raised their worries. Even the Huangyu Dragon, who has a squabble with Zhu Ya, is frowning at this time.

Of course, the Huangyu Dragon is not really worried about Zhu Ya's comfort, but worried that the battle of the Red Dragon Dragon Girl will affect the fight between Ye Qi and the Red Dragon King in midair!

You know, the red dragon girl and Ye Qi are together!

In fact, the Red Dragon King is trying to achieve such an effect. He looks at his own hands and the situation of the red-breasted dragon girl, and unconsciously emerges a smile, especially when turning his head to look at Ye Qi, this wipe The smile began to expand -

"Don't worry about your companion?"

The red dragon Wang Mingzhi asked.


Ye Qi looked dull and nodded, and did not see the look of worry.

Because Ye Qi is very clear, what is the attention of the Red Dragon King in front of him - using the red bronze dragon girl to distract him.

In this way, in the eyes of some people who practice the Knights' Rules, nature is despicable, but what about the Red Dragon Dragons?

Even for the demon hunter, it is not a thing!

The former is because of the chaos in nature, so that he does not care at all.

The latter is because of the random strain in the face of the enemy, so that they understand how to fight, not rigid, rigid, basically the way of hunting the devil.

"Although I am worried, I am indifferent... Your opponent is really worthy of my expectations!"

The Red Dragon King said as he stretched out his palm and placed it on the wound in his waist. The flame spread in the palm of his hand. The huge wound at the waist quickly recovered with the movement of the flame, just a few breaths. Time, the wound at the waist returned to normal.

"Strong resilience!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Qi, it is natural to say that even if he knows that the other party is exerting pressure on him again.

"Of course, I am the Dragon King - Resadide!"

Red Dragon King looks up with a proud tone, and the next moment, looking at Ye Qi's eyes flashing almost magma-like luster, "Do you want to hurt, think How do you redeem your sins?"

"Kill you!"

Ye Qi did not care about shrugging his shoulders. The natural words once again angered the Red Dragon King. He once again screamed with a growl.


The ps chapter is timed, it is estimated that this decadent is still outside...

On the last day of April, I will ask for the next month’s ticket again. If you don’t have a ticket, you should be invalid! ! !

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the seaborne wandering prodigal son, the turtle0920200 starting point of the reward, x, the card activity, the loss of the heart of the 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brother Sisters~~~To be continued

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