Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 19: Time limit

Countless filaments are shot from a small body and half body. The next moment, it is like a legendary corpse next to it. It is almost at the moment of piercing. The small body disappears from the body and begins to fly rapidly. It was restored, when Iyeta turned again, the little man had completely recovered.

Or, let's be stronger.

"The ants are the ants, and the powerful ants are also ants!"

Ieta said, and did not pay attention to Modred, who was repulsed by a blow, but still looked at the little man - obviously, the small form of the present is very much a sense of the current pope. interest.

However, this kind of interest is still killing.


The dark golden light circulates, and the body that the little man has just recovered is crushed again.

Just like the literal meaning, it is not a so-called puncture or cutting, but it is crushed like a meat stuffing; however, this is obviously no problem for a small body that has been transformed, he Once restored to normal, and the legendary corpse next to it is one less.

"Ghoul-like guy! I will drop these bodies and see what you do?"

According to Yeta, the dark golden light is great.

The remaining eight legendary bodies, spurred their own power to resist the sudden attack of Iyeta - in fact, these legendary bodies retain the strength and ability in front of them, but because they are transformed into undead, undead creatures The overall strength will always have some decline.

Even if it is not obvious, it is also a fact.

Even in the heyday, they will not be opponents in the face of Iyeta, let alone the current state; therefore. Even under the control of the Green Knight, he resisted, but the effect was extremely limited; therefore, the little man rushed up again.

This time, he is the most suitable candidate.

The Green Knight controls these legendary bodies outside the protective cover.

Modred was beaten back before. I was subjected to a light internal injury and was quickly recovering with the help of the green plants of Ava. It is not the time to take it.

Therefore, there is only a small man left - even if I know that Ieta wants to attract him close, the little man must be close; otherwise, wait until the eight bodies are all finished. He will be finished like that.

Of course, sitting still is not a small style.

As he rushed to Iyeta, his back shot eight filaments, which were inserted into the eight legendary bodies.


At the same time, the speed of the little man has accelerated to a limit, the dagger in the hand. It was also once again the smog, and as the dagger waved, it drifted to Iyeta.

Faced with these poisonous fogs, Iyeta made a cold cry, indicating his disdain, and the narrow-edged sword in his hand punctured the little man again - not a small man who didn't want to dodge, but It is completely dodging. Even if the little man did his best, it was so futile.

"The gap in strength is too great, unless..."

The little man was thinking about it, he still had a bit of hesitation, but then he felt the power of the narrow-blade sword in his body, and the little man suddenly did not hesitate.


It is as if the explosives are exploding in the body. The small ones are torn apart and flesh and blood.

And the dagger in his hand, at the last moment. It is indeed the body of Iyeta, but this kind of stroke is just a white mark left, even the oil skin is rubbed.

"Prohibition. Two thousand percent!"

In the flesh and blood, such shouts suddenly appeared. Among the scattered flesh and blood, the figure of the little man began to looming, and the eight legendary bodies quickly merged into it; suddenly, the breath of the little man began to rise rapidly, and the legendary high section only slightly consolidated. After that, it directly entered the legendary peak, and then, it was immortal.

The immortality of the new, flashing past, has become a real immortal.

The kind of tumbling is like the summer rainstorm, the clouds in the sky rolling, the thundering and scent of the thunder, representing the immortal power, and then this power is still increasing, but this increase speed has begun to slow down, at the same time, The figure of the little man is also clear.

The little man at this time, peacetime is no different, just in the wrist and ankle where there is a stock like a fish, two on the left and right wrists, and on the ankles Four each.

"Little trick! You..."

Iyeta still expressed his disdain, but the words were not finished, and they were suddenly attacked and interrupted their own words.


Iyerta raised his right arm and blocked a small side kick. However, the tentacles on the top of the fish seemed to grow at a rapid speed, just like the tentacles of the octopus, which quickly expanded and entangled. Iyeta's right arm is firmly entangled and spreads toward the whole body.

In the place where the two people are in contact with the skin, a liquid of liquid like ink begins to flow out.

The stench and decaying atmosphere indicates the poisonous ingredients of these liquids. Of course, this is not really what Iyeta cares. What he cares more about is that under the tentacles of the octopus tentacles, there is nothing like it. The general tooth of the knife is constantly licking his body.

Those black liquids like ink are just the saliva secreted by these teeth, just like the saliva in your mouth.

"Do you think it is useful?"

Iyeta feels the firmness of his skin, and the 'sharpness' of that tooth is immediately a smile; and the same, the little man laughs too: "Try not know... banned. Percent Three thousand!"

As the words fell, the little man completely lost the human shape.

The limbs, torso, and head are like a stream of liquid flowing. If the image is a little, it is more like a jelly; and Yieta is firmly wrapped in it.


A snoring appeared, with a trace of pain.

From the beginning of the war, Ieta’s other expressions on his face—the wrinkled eyebrows and the painful flashes in his eyes—are showing that Ieta is not right at this time; however. In the next moment, these disappeared into the depths of Iyeta's eyes.

Once again, the incumbent Pope, restored the indifferent.

And the ‘small man’ wrapped in Iyeta, this time began a disturbing change – just like the water has reached the boiling point after the tumbling. The ‘small man’ at this time seemed to be in this state, but in the colloidal material that was originally translucent, a touch of bright red began to appear.

Blood is red in general.

And, very quickly, this bright red quickly began to fill the entire gel.

Everyone present is instinctively aware that once this situation continues. What will happen: death will be inevitable!


Modred yelled, the blue color of his eyes appeared again, and even the corners of his eyes were split, and a trace of blood began to appear; however, this. Modred has nothing to gain, his ability [mind] a different ability from [Nianli] but somewhat similar to this time has entered an overloaded operation.

Under such overloaded operation, the rubber material wrapped in Iyeta finally separated from it, and fell outside the protective cover, quickly restored to the original appearance of the small man - but this time Small man, but enough miserable. The whole body is wounded and not said, and the bones are broken seven or eight, even if it is under the treatment of Ava green plants, there is still the power of breathing, and it is impossible to move.


In the moment when the little man was rescued, Modred was a spurt of blood, and with the spurting of this blood, the thorny tower lord fell, although there was no small miserable appearance, but That pale face. And the appearance of less air and less air, apparently caught in a coma.

For a moment, the little man and the tower of the thorns lost their fighting power.

The rest of the Green Knight stood up without hesitation, and the blue gunpowder wrapped him into the protective cover - this time. Except for him, the rest of the people did not even have the qualification to block Iyerta; and even if he was, I am afraid that it was only a car.

However, the Green Knight did not fear or hesitate.

In fact, after he experienced a death and the holy mark was inspired, he was not afraid of any death.

Faced with the incomparably powerful Iyeta, but it is only once again dead, what is he afraid of?

Without fear of life and death, it is the belief and pillar of his participation in the Knights of the Dragon.

"It’s another guy like Moran who is not a ghost!"

Ieta's scornful finger, the blue flame that shrouded him, was dispelled, and there was a crack in the armor of the blue knight.

"Let me see your true face!"

Said, Ieta is another finger.


With the muffled sound, the blue knight's armor began to completely collapse, revealing the original face of the blue knight - although the eyes are sparkling with a blue-blue soul fire, but the rest of the body is no different from humans. There is no temperature, and the skin color is pale; this is a change that occurs after entering an extraordinary situation.

Even Ye Qi once speculated that once the Qing Knight reached immortality, it would be more human-like.

It is precisely because of this speculation that the Qing Knight no longer resists his own strength, and begins to adapt to this instinctual power and rapidly increases his own strength.

However, these and the current battle do not have much to do -

"Learns Havel?"

When Ieta saw the pale face, he suddenly screamed and shouted out the original name of the blue knight. Then he fell into meditation - for Ieta, of course, it is impossible to know each of the holy forests. One person, and the reason for knowing the insignificant little character of Lions Havel, is because Lions Havel had had some involvement with Lyman and Constance.

Especially Lehman, the knight who he began to reuse.

Before the reuse, Iytacher thoroughly investigated this perfect and stubborn character.

I have to say that the other party is qualified to be respected and even admired, but Ieta still found something that made him curious in the investigation.

However, because his plan was launched soon, he did not have the extra energy to investigate such things.

but. It was because of this discovery that he ignored Lehman’s 'life and death' - it was not deliberate, but a natural disregard; or simply, in order to complete his plan, Iyeta did not Mind to sacrifice more people; even. It seems to him that these people have become the ‘help’ of his embarrassment. It’s the honour of these people.

And this does not mean that Iyeta will also ignore the hustle and bustle.

For example: Lions Havel in front of you!

In the information he got, the other party should have died.

And a dying knight who is only a little stronger than the average person, who is a trainee, is resurrected at this time. Standing in front of him in a legendary gesture.

In this case, Ieta will of course be curious and alert.

Because, he thought of Lehman, who is involved in the other side, this man with the perfect knight title.

Of course, there is also the other party who seems to be the head of the Knights of Ye Qi.

So, Ye Qi and Lehman?

The idea of ​​turning the bottom of my heart. Iyeta picked up his eyes.


According to Yeta, the narrow-edged sword in his hand stabbed the head of the blue knight. For the undead, undead creatures, the weaknesses in the body have all been covered up, except for their own souls. Outside the fire, there is no such thing as a critical point.

Therefore, I want to kill an undead, undead creature. Must start with the fire of their souls.


The narrow-edged sword was blocked, and the long sword in the hands of Lions Havel stood in front of him, and the blade blocked the attack of Ieta.

However, for a moment, the sword was broken.


Nusti shouted loudly, and the rest of the members of the Knights of the Holy Dragon shouted nervously.

And the ones who responded to them were the sneer of Iyerta's high gaze, and the slap in the face of Lions Havel's death--a ignoring the sword that pointed at the fire of the soul, the blue flame was actually made. The two-handed sword appeared in the hands of the blue knight, and he waved his sword to Yeta.

In this regard, Ieta held a disdainful look.

Almost at the same time. In the hands of Iyerta, the narrow-edged sword stabbed into the forehead of the Blue Knight, and the Knight’s two-handed sword, composed of the blue flame, also passed through the body of Iyeta.

Then, the cyan flame instantly collapsed.

"Just ignorant, knowing...hey!"

Holding a long sword, Ialta, who controls the life and death of the Green Knight, wants to say something. But after the words were not finished, they suddenly stopped.

The dark golden light lit up together.

After a while, the golden color took the upper hand, and the dark color took the upper hand for a while, just like the neon of the lanterns alternated back and forth.


This state, together with the direct explanation of the small man, the young knight’s body leaned back slightly, and after the narrow-edged sword was completely avoided, the fist with a layer of blue flames turned to Yieta. Going around - in the face of such a rare opportunity, the Blue Knight will never let go.

Therefore, this pair of fists is completely infused with all his strength.

Especially the blue flame is a bit more intense than when the sword was condensed.

Hey, hey, hey!

In the endless muffled sound, Ieta, who was invincible before, was fattened like a sandbag. In the boxing style of the Qing Knight, there was no reaction at all.

However, as time went by, the action of the Qing Knight was hesitant.

Because his attack has no effect!

Although every time it was settled, the strong sense of percussion made him not think that he had any illusions, but he could also feel that the other party did not suffer the slightest damage.

"Nusti, sword!"

The green knight shouted like this - his own attack has no effect, naturally it needs other and more powerful ways; otherwise, if this continues, once the other party returns to normal, then they have no chance to turn over; The Sabre of the other members of the Dragon Knights is undoubtedly a good choice.

Perhaps their sabre is still a little different from the real sacristy.

However, the sharp edge is not differential.

This is unanimously recognized by the members of the Knights of the Dragon!

"Next, the head!"

Nusti threw his own sword without hesitation, and the green knight who took the sword directly slammed into Iyeta.


Crisp is like a metal cross, as if a long sword is not a flesh and blood, but a steel body; however, this stab is not without the slightest effect!

At the chest of Iyeta, there was a red touch!

The wound is not too big or too deep, or even the tip of the sword has pierced a little.

But even this is enough to make the Green Knight excited. He knows his choice is feasible.

Therefore, the next moment, the long sword in the waving of the blue knight, with layers of wind, will envelope Eyeta.


This continuous metal symphony is like a peerless master who is beating a dying warrior.

Qing Knight's swordsmanship is not a mystery, but relying on hard training, a one-on-one knight swordsmanship.

However, it is precisely because of such hard training and one-on-one look that the sword of the Qing Knight at this moment, with a super-imaginative attachment, a sword and another sword aimed at the wound pierced by him.

The wounds became bigger again, and the traces of blood gradually increased.

Until, Ieta suddenly slammed into the shield that trapped him, and everything changed again -

boom! boom! boom!

In the continuous muffled sound, the protective cover was broken by the crazy Iyeta, and he ran towards the top of the mountain.

"Block, stop him!"

Only the little man with the strength of his voice shouted.

In fact, before the export of the little man's words, the Qing Knight has already caught up.

PS first more ~ ​​(to be continued...)

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