Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 20: Time limit

At the moment, the top of Mount Kinabalu has been completely occupied by emerald green and bright red.

Emerald green is a plant controlled by Ava.

And the bright red is the flesh and blood of the clergyman who was smashed by a big man with his fist!

It’s like making a pie stuffing. The clergy faced by the clergy in front of the big man [the chariot. Infinite artillery] is really like being hit by the artillery of the chariot; The light flickers, or the armor is clear. Once it is hit, there is only one end: the body is broken.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the artillery shot by the fists completely covered up the other sounds, even if the prayers were so pale and powerless.

However, this does not represent the retreat of these clergy!

On the contrary, they are still so eager to die for the big man and Ava, one or two... just like the waves of the lake, and the big man and Ava are the most solid dam. The embankment made these people's offenses unsuccessful; neither of them retreated. After all, behind them was the stunned Tozan, and the lady who was like the tower of wisdom - to break that The protective cover, big man and Ava flew a lot of strength.

It is for this reason that they lost the best time to retreat.

According to the plan made by the small man, they should be in one place at the moment.

However, any plan will have errors or accidents. Therefore, after the plan changes, the big man and Ava directly chose the preparatory plan: stick to it.

Wait for the support below, or find a more appropriate opportunity to retreat.

From the current situation, the latter is undoubtedly more suitable - although it has been entangled in this battle. But the perception of the two. However, the battle at the foot of the mountain is 'undertake'. The two are naturally clear about what happened below. They felt pain and anger at the injuries of their partners, and they were equally astonished by the power of Ieta.

Nearly Ye Qi is generally powerful!

This is the conclusion that the big man and Ava have seen the strength of Iyeta at the same time - the little man, the big man and the Ava three are not unaware of the strength of Ye Qi, on the contrary, because of the relationship between the four . They often learn from each other; however, after Ye Qi’s real entry into immortality, such a discussion ceases.

The kind of attack that was defeated by one blow obviously did not achieve the proper effect except the confidence to destroy others.

For the power of the immortal level, the three friends beside Ye Qi are clear, but the discussion is still a matter of learning, but the actual combat is actual combat.

When I faced Ieta, they discovered that Ye Qi should have converged his strength.

In this regard, the big man and Ava look at each other's smiles - they can't blame their friends. After all, the intention of a friend. They are very clear.

It’s just that powerful...

But it made them somewhat unprepared!

Of course, even if it’s caught off guard, something can happen once it happens.


Feeling the posture of Iyeta flying, the big man did not hesitate, suddenly gave a roar, his body began to swell up suddenly, and he was usually suppressed by ordinary people, but it was still acceptable. The height began to let go of the constant suppression.

Ten feet!

Twenty feet!

Thirty feet!


It’s like blowing a balloon. It’s a full body of 80 feet, and it’s strong in conformity with such a body. It’s on the top of the mountain, it’s so striking; not only the rushing Iyer, but even the pursuit. The green knights were all stunned. Obviously, they were shocked by such a huge, majestic body.

Others were shocked, and the big man couldn’t be shocked. He felt the power of the powerful body in his body and suddenly looked at the clergy in front of him.


There was a layer of layers and a translucent scorpion in the air. All the clerics in this shackle, all the low-powered ones were shattered, flesh and blood fluttering, and the powerful body was shaking, like drunk. , 踉踉跄跄 standing on the ground in an unstable position.

Then they were crushed into meat under the foot of a bus.


The big man ignored the fact that he was trampled to death, and the clerics who continued to rush out of the cathedral. His two huge palms grasped the highest point of the cathedral - a wizard-like building. The general minaret, then, suddenly, with a force, the spire was pulled out with the girders connected to the main building under the spire.

The cathedral on the mountain of God, as the headquarters of the Holy See, has undergone countless renovations of the sacred times. It is magnificent and magnificent, just the height of nearly a hundred feet, enough to make other buildings feel awkward, and that The paintings of a famous master and masters have brought it to a peak.

Even in the days of freedom, the highest government office buildings could not reach such heights.

After all, the architecture is bigger and taller, and you can't let the artists who have made a name for themselves in the history of Lorante once again decorate your building.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the cathedral on the mountain of God is unique.


Such a unique building suffered a tough day today. The spires at the highest point store the spires of those precious items. Even the beams of the main building were taken out. The layered magic that was given did not seem to have any effect at all. It is not as good as white paper.


The crossbeam was interrupted and the central hall of the entire Shenshan Cathedral suddenly collapsed.

Looking at the collapse of a third of the cathedral, the clergy on the mountain of God were crazy, they were red-eyed, and they rushed to the monster in front of them.

However, the big man does not care at all.

He had only subconsciously searched for a weapon that was a hand--and in his perception, the spire and the beam connected to it were strong enough to be a weapon.

That's it.

As for destroying the Cathedral of Mount Kinabalu?

The big man is absolutely unconscious; of course, even if you know it. The big man doesn't care either. It is a hostile battle. Do you still need to think about other things?

It’s all about eating apple pie, and then a bottle of cider.

By the way.


Waving the huge ‘weapons’ that can only be wielded by the huge existence of that body, the big man did not pay any attention to the attacks of the clergy.

The attacks of these clergymen fell on him, which was inferior to the ants.

At most, it can only be regarded as a breeze.

This is still the feeling brought by those swords, as for the so-called holy light, holy fire? Still the so-called magic?

The big man doesn't have the slightest feeling that those things can't hurt it at all, and there is even a feeling that seems to give him some power.

but. Very small, almost negligible.

Coupled with the flight of Iyeta, the big man is very natural to ignore.


The huge 'weapon' in his hand was swung in the true sense. It was not the kind of tentative wave that was used before. Therefore, the overwhelming wind rang, just like the 12-level wind that suddenly appeared on the ground. The huge 'weapon' waved and wrapped the entire range of one hundred and eighty degrees in front of the big man.

Among them, naturally include Iyeta and Green Knight.

The speed of the two men’s flight was once again lag, especially the Green Knight, and even began to retreat again and again. For such a situation, the Qing Knight did not complain. Because, he is very clear, under such an attack, even if it is replaced by other people, it is the same effect.

After all, this situation is too difficult to control.

The huge body represents a huge force, and if a huge weapon is added, such a force is sent out by weapons, and qualitative changes will inevitably occur.

For example, at this moment, after the scattered and violent airflow passed, it was like the ‘wind’ after the actual compression, and it began to form on the huge ‘weapon’.

It is not a special skill, it is entirely caused by brute force.

But because of this, it is even more difficult to crack.

The Green Knight thought he couldn't crack it, so he quickly retreated.

And Ieta did not give in - although his body is very bad at the moment, because of the wrong estimate, and fell into such a situation, but his brain is not withered, he is very clear, once he retired, Then it will really fall into the point of being overwhelmed.

Must, drink the rest of the medicine!

Even if it has not reached the point of complete maturity, it is enough to suppress the current state!

With such an idea, Iyeta did not retreat. The chaotic golden and dark colors of his whole body lit up again. Although there was no dark gold squat, it was enough to be dazzling.



In the buzzing sound of the sky, the 'weapons' that the big man had just found collapsed like this, and the big man’s body began to shrink rapidly, until after the usual state, he began. Quickly gasping, and Ava, who was preparing for a long time, immediately put the two ripened fruits into the mouth of the big man.

There must be something wrong!

Huge body, although powerful, but every change will bring a considerable burden to the big man - hunger, pain are not the same.

The muscles are hard to expand and change a hundred times and thousands of times. If the big man has the iron will to surpass the ordinary people, he has already fainted.

However, even if you can endure the pain, the big man can't stand hunger!

Faced with his own big stomach, the big man erected the white flag very easily - so most of the time, the big man would never easily change his body, because that means he needs a whole Sitting at the table, I kept eating.

This situation was further alleviated until Awa cultivated a need for a 'breadfruit' that was common to people who had five or six people to eat and could satisfy the fruits needed for two days.

"Your previous body is a little bigger!"

Ava looked up at the yeta, who was being shot, and said to the big man.

"This, this, I may still be developing!"

The big man scratched his head, and the answer was - for some people. The changes in developmental stages are huge and delightful. And for the big man. Although it is the same, it is also accompanied by trouble; at the very least, when the body changes, the big man does not feel too hungry.

Simply put, the change in the body means that his stomach has grown bigger again.

The only lucky thing is that there is a friend like Ava who can use the plant's miscellaneous to produce that magical fruit.


The big man still scratches his head, just asks subconsciously - before. He can be sure that he has hit the other side and the other side has been shot.

However, wherever he flies, the big man does not know.

"Leans goes..."

What did Ava just say, when the words were not finished, there was a black spot on the horizon that quickly appeared - unable to see the other's face, but the breath was almost unrecognizable.

It is Ieta!

"Isn't it being blown up?"

Ava is extremely surprised - know that even if the big ones of their friends are transformed, even the strongest of them, Ye Qi, dare not face such a blow.

‘If I take it, I will definitely be blasted! ’

This is the original words of Ye Qi.

but. At this time, Ieta was hard to come down with this blow. It was not blasted; even, from the speed of the flight, it seemed that even the wounds were not affected.

How can this be? !

Ava obviously can't understand what happened, but if she doesn't understand it, it doesn't mean how much Ava's speed will slow down - a grain of green and red light is thrown in front of Ava, suddenly, in Under the birth of natural forces, these seeds instantly germinate, produce, and mature.

Hey, hey, hey!

The fruit resembling a hive is high and high, and in a small gap, a black shadow is saved.

Hey, hey, hey!

The sound of the air that the wings are shaking, at this sunset, is like a black cloud, covering the sun's only glory!

Bees, endless, can almost be regarded as bees that cover the sky.

Such an arrow, like an arrow, flew toward the Yeta in the distant sky, with the cruelty that the bees did not have, and the bee was stabbed to the target.

A line of Mars appeared at the tip of this bee sting.

Then, such Mars began to grow bigger and eventually turned into a flame.

When the flame hit the target, the explosion appeared, with a blossoming flame flower, in the dark sunset, the sky was dyed red.

One such attack is certainly not a problem for Iyeta. Even any apostle will not care; but when this time has become 10,000 times, 100,000 times, or millions of times?

Legendary level will inevitably fall!

Immortal must also avoid the edge!

Even if it is as special as Imeta, it needs to consider its own situation, especially after such a fierce blow. The previous blow not only shattered most of his body. The bones are even more difficult to suppress his internal organs.

Even if it is his resilience at the moment, there is some powerlessness to continue!

Therefore, Ieta gave another tooth, and in his original opinion, the decision that would not appear at all -

The robes have already been turned into fly ash in the previous hit.

Under the impact of such a continuous fire bee, his body began to have new changes, while the muscles were still filling, while the other side was quickly dried up, just like a hundred years of dry corpse.

Then, with this change, the cycle begins -

The last moment was still the human body, and the next moment became a dead body.

After three consecutive cycles, this change stopped!

Ieta was floating in midair like this, but it returned to normal appearance but there was a slight sluggishness, especially under the impact of fire bees. This appearance soon changed.

Black and decayed by the flames, like the bodies that are to be burnt.

However, in the next moment, a palm appeared on the chest of the corpse, not by an outsider or an external force, but by an internal extension.

Then, it seems as if you have taken off a coat.

The other palm is equally extended, and then it is supported!

Suddenly, a brand-new Iyeta appeared in the sight of everyone - his original physical injury disappeared at this moment, and the dark golden light once again changed on this body. With that unique squat, and a hint of dark and difficult atmosphere.

However, it was originally the face of a young man, but at this time it became a middle-aged!

"You all **** it!"

Ieta said, but there is no more move, that is, the speed is not diminished in the dark golden light, Iyeta simply ignores the impact of these fire bees, so rushing toward his own secret room .

"Block him! He didn't really get rid of it!"

The little man who can sit up at the foot of the mountain yelling loudly.

Suddenly, the green knight and the big man who were able to act jumped up; while Ava, who guarded Tozan and the lady, took out more seeds and threw them out.

Ps second more ~~~

A friend who had not seen it in the afternoon for a few years suddenly called the decadent call... Yes, everyone guessed it, this goods are getting married!

In this regard, decadence shows all kinds of helplessness - in May, marriage, child full moon, etc., add up, decadence is basically unable to make ends meet; originally eaten two bowls of noodles, now only eat a bowl of noodles, then to The boss begged for the soup of the bowl...

Life is hard, always tears!

Desperate and crying, I want to protect everyone~ You have the ability to subscribe to the genuine ~~

Thanks to the prodigal sons of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the lost heart, the wind and the dust, the 100 coins of the starting point, and the rewards of the starting point of the 100% starting point. Thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.) )

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