Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 21: Destroy 2 in 1

Not only the blue knight, the big man and the Ava.レ; thought path ♣ customer

On the farther side of the sky, a figure surrounded by white flames and hot flames is also rapidly approaching, and not far from this figure is the other two figures - the tower of the sacred object, the competition Tata Lord and Deides.

The three temporarily separated from the big forces and went to the extraordinary scene of the mountain. When they were still some distance away from the mountain, they felt the violent fluctuations from the mountain. Therefore, they accelerated the speed and just caught up. Iyeta's 'skin' finished to move toward his own secret room, when the little man shouted loudly.


The flames of the white sè formed a huge fireball with a diameter of more than thirty feet, holding a sly tail flame straight to the Yeta, and next to the fireball, it was invisible. However, it is a fierce and unusual wind blade. The wind blade that is no less inferior to any magical weapon combines the burning of the fireball. After the two are added together, the wind helps the fire, and the fire helps the wind. For a moment, the speed and power are on. A floor.

Not only did the two six-tower owners make a fierce attack, but the people who were able to attack were all directed at Eyeta to launch their most powerful attack.

Because they understand very well that if this incumbent pope is not stopped at this time, then when the other party completely recovers, it will be their bad luck - as the tower of the sacred object, the tower of the tower can guarantee In the prevailing situation, choose to put the other side of the horse, do not plunder each other's life, just into the tower of the thorns; but they can not guarantee that the other party can do the same.

What's more, Iaseta has always been the style.

Their end is definitely a place of death without a burial. and so. At this time, there is no possibility of staying at all. Even Didders, the strongest of the highest zhèngfǔ, just hesitated, and joined the siege - the name of the strongest seven in the world, always the strongest zhèngfǔ There is some hesitation; however, it is clear that even hesitating. He also understands how to be good.

The flame of white sè burst in the air, and the invisible wind blade exploded together. The long sword of the blue knight and the fist of the big man blocked the front and rear directions; on the ground, there were deliberate plants. It began to rise in the wind, plus Dides, who is constantly approaching, and the two mains of the six towers.

At this time, Ieta seems to have fallen into a desperate situation.

However, the scene that I saw the next moment made everyone look at it -

The light of the dark gold sè from the whole body of Iyeta overflows, the radius of the field of ten feet. It is like an indestructible fortress that generally protects Ieta.

Whether it is fireball, wind blade, or long sword, fist. None of them have brought any waves in this field.

"how is this possible?"

The tower of the athletic tower is obviously unbelievable.

"Quickly surround him!" The little man shouted and stood up awkwardly. He said loudly: "His field is divided into attack and defense. Now it is only the sacrifice of all attack power. Defensive power!"

"You are really damn!"

Ieta lowered his head and looked down at the little man who was striving to stand firm, word by word - and such words undoubtedly indicate the correct guess of the little man.

"Whoever died is not necessarily awkward!" The little man twitched and raised his right hand and extended a middle finger. "His state cannot be stabilized...siege him!"

As the voice of the little man just fell, the sky was overwhelmed by various attacks.

Iyerta’s roar, the sound of the explosion began to ring, and Lehman, standing somewhere in the mountain, couldn’t help but raise his eyes.

"Ieta did not kill the enemy in the state of stability before, and killed these evil enemies in his view... except that the time for this state is not long enough, more should be what is for him. The most important thing is where he wants to go; and this thing..."

"It should be able to completely suppress his current state!"

Almost quite easy, Lehmann had his own guess, and then he walked invisibly toward the cathedral, the extremely inconspicuous place to advance - although he did not want to participate in the siege of Iyeta But if you can quickly solve the battle in front of you, then Lehman will never mind.

After all, he didn't participate in the battle, just knowing that he was inside, and he was just powerless.

Lehmann is still very happy if he can help his own allies in other ways; not to mention, he is very clear that Ieta will put things there.

On the entire mountain of God, apart from the hidden holy prison, what is more secure than the church that only the pope can live, and must be approved by the pope himself?

Lehmann followed the sunset and intertwined the yīn shadow, and quickly came to the small church. He looked up and down and confirmed that there was no danger, then slowly entered, and then launched his own ability to narrow the scope of the search. - When Lehmann entered the secret room full of books and scrolls, he immediately found what he wanted.

Terrible things!

Lehmann looked at the flask on the square table, and when the tumbling black sè liquid came into view, suddenly there was a trembling in the bottom of his heart—just like in the wilderness night, unarmed, he was about to face a beast. Attack like.

It is a sense of crisis from the body instinct.

Therefore, Lehman, who just stepped up his legs, quickly retreated backwards!

And when Lehman retired, the black sè gas that was looming over the black sè liquid swept through the place where Lehmann stood.

However, after Lehman stepped out in advance, nothing was achieved.

A sly face appeared in the black gas, and a hoarse laughter was heard in the direction of Lehman; and with such laughter, the rich negative energy began to flow throughout the chamber. The eruption, the floor full of books and scrolls, began to freeze quickly, and the square table was the first to bear the brunt. Almost in a flash, it became a hail.

"What is this?"

After exiting the secret room. Lehman did not look back. Just ask like this.

"I don't know, I'm afraid I will only understand it!"

House, the archbishop who ruled the entire church, appeared behind Lehman, replied with a brow, and with a lingering sorrow on his face—if it wasn’t Lehman’s try it. Shoot, I am afraid he will be frozen; know that he does not have the kind of reaction that Lehman showed.

As for why he appeared here?

Of course, in order to be able to end the war ahead.

However, don't get me wrong - House is definitely not a saint who is sad and sorrowful. He just did not appear because of his loyalty. There is an indescribable fear in the bottom of my heart, and the person who belongs to the 'their side' has a considerable upper hand; therefore, very naturally, he does not want to reproduce any changes.

However, the scene in front of him was beyond his expectations.

"Is this the defense of your majesty?"

House asked a little uncertain.

"Absolutely not!"

Lehman answered quite affirmatively - although he couldn't understand what was in front of him, but from the instinct's feeling of instinct, it was definitely not able to rely on manpower to arrange it. It must be...


Lehman in thought, he once again looked at the black liquid in the secret room. Suddenly, I thought of something.

"Look for two bodies!"

Lehman said to House. The latter is strange, but there is no hesitation at all, and it ran outwards - if it is in peacetime, such a request is obviously somewhat difficult; although it is close to the Inquisition, but wants to bring it out of the Inquisition Two bodies, the difficulty is not that big.

After all, once you enter the Inquisition, countless pairs of eyes will stare at you, looking forward to what mistakes you made.

However, it can be different now.

Not to mention that most of the power in the Inquisition has been transferred, just the body, but in the square in front of the cathedral, how much is there.

Therefore, after a dozen seconds, House returned with two bodies.

"Align it, throw it in!"

Lehmann used his ability to confirm that he was correct and said straight to House. The latter did not hesitate to point the two bodies in his hand to the table.

Fast and awkward!

Although House, the archbishop is not a martial art school, but he has become an archbishop, and he has already explained his strength; not to mention two bodies, even if he is ten times more weight, he will not be on his mind; And when the body in House’s own hands could be turned over, he was stunned by the scene in front of him—

The black, tumbling liquid reacted more and more intensely, and when the corpse was less than a foot away from it, the flask collapsed straight, and the black sè liquid in the bottle seemed to live. The body was wrapped in it, and the sound of broken flesh and blood was emitted.

"How is this going?"

House heard this chewing sound, and at this time he finally understood why Lehman asked him to find two bodies instead of arbitrarily looking for something to throw in. It was clear that Lehman first knew that those made him creepy. What is the thing; and, Lehman is not throwing things to smash that thing.

"Is God heard of it?"

Lehman asked.


House glimpsed, apparently there were some misunderstandings that Lehmann had to correct.

"Different differences are strange differences, not descendants of the descendants! It is a monster made by the gods because of fun!" Lehman said as he pointed to the liquid of the black sè. "Those things are made." One of the different raw materials - although I don't know where Iyeta got these things, but I think we are still leaving... the thing is born!"

After hearing Lehman’s words, House thought that he didn’t want to turn his head and ran away. The gods were too far away from him. Even if he was the archbishop of the Holy See, he did not have a true belief in the gods; however, this It does not mean that House will deny the existence of the gods.

In fact, House is very clear about what the gods are and knows that they exist.

However, this has absolutely no direct relationship with faith, only because he is the director of the Holy See.

So, when I hear it, I am involved in the gods. House immediately turned and ran; after all. He is very clear. How big is the gap between yourself and the gods.

The other person only needs a finger to crush him.

Lehman chose to leave after he had settled in place; and before he left, he clearly saw that – one completely wrapped in black, with two heads, four arms and legs, the Siamese monster was Gradually formed.


And just as the monster began to shape, Ieta in the dark gold sè field suddenly suddenly got up. In the field of the siege of the people, it began to tremble for a while, as if it could be broken at any time - Ieta clearly felt that special changes were taking place in his secret room.

The attraction of the specific power in the body made him unable to entangle with the people in front of him.

After the buzz had just fallen, the dark gold sè field suddenly collapsed, and then Iyeta turned into a dark gold sè, and when the crowd could not control it, it directly rushed out of the encirclement.

left. It is just the light spot left in the dark gold sè field, and a touch of bright red.

obviously. The speed of the collapse of this kind of field is definitely not so easy to bear, even if it is in this state, Ieta, it is not hurt.

However, the same, in this exchange, the speed of the acquisition is also unmatched by everyone.

Even the fastest tower of the sacred object of the sacred object can only secretly shake his head and express his incompetence -

"This guy is going to be desperate!"

Blanco sè solemnly said, then, pointed to the small man below.

Suddenly, everyone understood and quickly moved closer to it; the next battle, as the tower of the sacred object said, was desperate.

Not just Ieta, but also them.

In the face of such a powerful Iyeta, if it is scattered, there is obviously no chance of winning. Only by bringing together power can it be possible to see a glimmer of hope.

"how about it?"

Looking at the little man who swallowed the pharmacy with the help of Ava, Blanc asked.

"Only the qualifications for watching!"

The little man shouted with a smile, and then, a fierce fang, apparently because of this movement, affecting his injury.

"There is still the power of a battle!"

Looking at the sleeping mother, Modred faced the face of Blanc's inquiry, nodded, and said very calmly.

"Count me in!"

Tozan was awake from the coma. He himself wrapped the gauze and wrapped the two wounds on his chest. He said in a voice, "This is my fault. I need to make up for it!"

For the words of the former head of the Holy Knights, the people present did not refute.

There is no reason to refute, but there is no rebuttal meaning - after all, the next battle, they need to face life or death.

"And we have no problem!"

The members of the Nusti and the Knights of the Holy Dragon first bowed to their heads and then followed.

"It seems that our manpower is still sufficient?"

Blanc played his own sense of humor and tried to make the atmosphere a little easier. However, the dignified expression of the people around him was obviously showing this joke, and it was not funny at all.

"Yeah? Why is that guy not here?"

The tower of the athletic tower looked at the left and right, asking questions.

"He has to do something, it should be coming soon!"

The little man stood firm, and the answer was that the bitter smile on his face was more than one point - taking down his friend's potion, he was able to act as usual, but wanted to fight, no longer rest That is simply impossible; at this time, the little man misses Ye Qi more.

If there is a leaf, it will definitely be another situation!

The little man is so convinced that he is thinking.

Although the big man and Ava did not communicate with the little ones, the look on the faces of the two people naturally explains everything. They also imagined that their good friend Ye Qi was around, and would never be passive like this.

"Well, Ye guy is not a messy guy, he will definitely arrive, now..."

Blanc swept the look of the little three, and immediately knew what was going on; suddenly, he said it - as the elders and bosses of the three, when the younger generation and the subordinates faced confusion. Of course he needs to stand up; however. It is a pity. The words of the Lord of the Tower of the Relics have not been finished, and they have been interrupted by a burst of air.


In the dull sound, the atmosphere of Iyeta appeared in front of everyone; however, when the people fell in the dust, they saw the appearance of the whole Yiyata at the moment, but they were all a glance -

According to Ieta’s own appearance, it is still the appearance of a middle-aged man after ‘skin’. There was no change, the arms, legs and feet did not change, but there were two more people on both sides of his body, completely black, with heads, arms, legs and feet!

To put it simply, Ieta at the moment looks like a conjoined person with three heads, six arms and six legs.

In the middle of Iyeta still flows the dark gold sè, and the black sè on both sides is a black sè.

"What is this?"

Little Thor, a young man from the Qiulin District, asked subconsciously.

"Of course it's a monster!"

Blanc, the sacred tower tower owner shook his own jug, and said of course.

"Blank. You are still such a sharp tooth!" Ieta, who was incarnation of three arms and six arms, said with a sneer: "Reassured. Even if it is because of your sharp teeth, I will let you die the last one because You have to bear the pain of these guys dying in front of you - the demon hunter, isn't the most unacceptable death of the companion? I will let you try slowly!"

"Hey, what about your current monster?"

The sacred tower tower is pretending to be dismissive.

"Perhaps, you should really understand, where is the gap?" Ieta once again said in the tone of the high, "Although something happened, everything is as I expected... You think so is that useful?"

The shield appeared in front of Iyeta in the meditation of the Knights of the Dragon. For such a shield, Ieta showed his disdain at this time, and the arms on the black and white sides of his left and right sides were high. The uplifted, a layer of specific fluctuations began to appear around him, and then, straight into a beam, shè to the shield.

Then, when the beam touches the shield, the beam goes straight into the shield, and then everything disappears.

Although the meditation soon appeared again, the protective cover did not appear again -

"Our ability has been banned! Be careful not to be touched by him. This is a monster!"

After Nusti’s glimpse, he loudly reminded the people around him.

Obviously, Nusti, who was born on the other side of the bridge, knew something that was not known to the people on the Lord. However, after being pointed out by Nusti, the three of the six towers and Didders also In a flash, the reaction came over, and the interpretation of the little man made Ava and the big man clear.

"Ieta, are you really crazy? Actually..."


When the words of the sacred tower tower were not finished, they were interrupted by Iyeta, and they exceeded the speed of the people present. He flashed past the main tower of the sacred object, followed by the tower of the athletic tower. , the thorny tower master, the blue knight, the Tozan, the Ava, the little man and the big man, and the Holy Dragon Knights including the small Tol...

Except that Deides had flashed in an instant, everyone else was controlled by the power.

"What do you want to say? I continue to listen!"

Ieta, who had done all this, looked at the tower of the sacred object, and said with a smile, only under the black and white heads of the left and right, such a smile was left with strangeness and embarrassment.

The tower lord of the sacred object whose flame power was banned was a bitter smile, and the light flashed in his hand, and a huge hammer appeared in his hand - this is a hammer used by a blacksmith, obviously The tower lord of the sacred object, whose capacity is banned, will never sit still.

The same is true for everyone else.

The legendary powerhouses who can enter the extraordinary world are not all of them. The powerful body and all kinds of skills are their strength.

"Trying again, it’s just futile!"

Iyeta squinted at the crowd and then –


Dides made a punch, and Dedes, who stood on the ground, made a very standard punch and hit Yieta, and the people around him also started this attack with the punch. .

Then, the next moment -

The light of the dark gold sè quickly flows. Into a field with a radius of ten feet. All the attacks are absorbed; then. When the field merged into one's body, the incomparable defensive power became a powerful attacking power, and the people present were shot and killed in an instant.

Including, Deides!

Although the power of the earth has always been contained in his body, but Yeta, let this power become a rootless duckweed. In the end, it can only be shot.

Everyone was knocked down to the ground. Only Iyeta stood between the people. He looked at the people who had vomited blood. He couldn’t help but smile, the kind of arrogance, the smile of endless sarcasm.

"Look, you are the ants!"

Ieta talked to the most resentful person: Tozan.

Looking at my brother, vomiting blood again, hurting the appearance. Ieta seemed to have the greatest pleasure and satisfaction, and he extended his foot. Stepping on Tozan's chest, he only needs a little effort. The former head of the Holy Knights will definitely die.

However, just as he tried hard, Ieta changed his attention.

"I promised, you should be the last to die! And you!"

As Ieta said, at the same time, I glanced at the tower of the sacred object that I wanted to stand up. The smile on my face became more and more intense.

"So, our closing performance must be sought from the rest of the people..."

Iyeta's eyes swept to other people. Everyone was glaring. The little man used his best to raise his right hand and erected a **** toward Iyeta.


The **** of the small right hand was cut off, and even the entire right hand was crushed, making the little man unable to resist the snoring.

"You are one of the most annoying ones, just start with you!"

According to Yeta, there was a ray of dark gold in the fingers, pointing to the head of the little man, but the latter did not care to raise his head, looking at it with Ieta, one word at a time. Say: "sb!"

At the same time a boxing out!

Such a punch, weak and weak, even without the slightest speed; therefore, Ieta sneered and looked at such a fist closer to himself -


The fist has not yet been hit, and the big man behind Yueta is silent and silent. Iyeta will hold it firmly in his arms, and even the two black bodies will be issued at this moment. The cockroaches, cockroaches, and the bones seemed to be shattering; a seed that shone with green radiance, was thrown into the mouth of Iyeta, which was opened by the fingers of a small man.

Boom, bomb, bomb...

The continuous explosion began to appear in the body of Iyeta, and his body seemed to be a balloon that was constantly kneading.

However, there is no real burst of it.

The light of the white sè began to flash in the body of three of the six towers. The next moment, their wounds healed--the special items made by the tower-tower of the moonlight night.


A special crystal, which was taken out by Blanc, appeared in front of Deides, who used it without hesitation.

For the first time, Deides didn't see it. Of course, it was definitely the first time. After feeling swallowed, his injury began to recover. Deides quickly stood up and followed the three. The footsteps of the Lord of the Tower rushed toward Iyeta, which was affected by the explosion in the body.

"Destroy the two black sè!"

The tower of the sacred tower, waving the long-handled hammer in his hand, shouted loudly at the black body of his side.

The long sword and the fist immediately fell like raindrops.

However, the effect is not very obvious. Except for Diddes, who uses the holy device as an attack, the attacks of the remaining three towerers are hard to affect the two bodies in the true sense.

At this time, the explosion in the body of Iyeta is rapidly disappearing.


The tower of the sacred tower, screaming with a hammer, shouted at the people around him; however, his footsteps did not move.

Obviously, this 'retreat' is that he tells the people around him, not his own.

Similarly, Jammond, Modred and Diddes did not retreat, just like Blanc. Stop the Ieta that is about to recover.

after all. It is the four of them who can still have combat power.

As for the little man, the big man and the Ava?

The little hands were abolished. Under the ability to be, it is obviously impossible to recover quickly.

When the big man locked the Yeta in the past, in order to limit the movement of Iyeta, he tried his best and this time he was already in a state of disengagement.

You say Ava?

Forced to force the natural force of him, this time has fallen into a coma.

The members of the Knights of the Holy Dragon quickly set off people with limited mobility and evacuated to a distance. They did not oppose Blanc's words, with the tribute of reason, they left quickly.

After all, they are very clear, this time, is to exchange that life.

As for living?

They don't think that Ieta will be merciless again.

Cats play with mice, it is because of cruelty, and when the mouse bites a cat, it can not hide the cruelty itself!

The explosion finally disappeared from the body of Iyeta. His mouth began to overflow with blood, showing. He also suffered a certain amount of damage, not completely harmless; wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and on the face of Iyeta Dark Gold, there was anger, the incredible anger that made his eyes start to become tyrannical .

Deides's arms were pulled hard, and the abdomen of the sacred tower tower became transparent. The tower of the tower was lost, and the thorn tower owner was from The waist is divided into two...

If it is not the extraordinary vitality that the extraordinary situation gives them, the four people have already died for a long time, but even in the extraordinary situation, in the face of such a situation, they can not support how long; and more importantly, the rest of others Did not run to a safe range.

Deides, whose arms were ripped off, kicked his legs toward Iyeta; then, without accident, his legs were broken.

On the side of the tower of the sacred tower and the tower of the athletic tower, they held the two legs of Iyeta, and then they were kicked out by Yieta, and their chests were obviously concave. One cut.

As for the thorn tower tower master?

The long sword he threw, back in the arm of Iyeta, crossed his chest and nailed himself to the ground.

The tower of the sacred tower, the tower of the tower of the tower, the tower of the thorns, and the strongest of the zhèngfǔ, Deides, used the methods that they could think of and began to prevent the progress of Iyeta.

However, the way to stop it is abnormally weak.

Basically, Ieta was only a slight pause and returned to normal.

Until a figure appeared, in front of Ieta -


According to Ieta, the three towering lords and Deides tried to raise their heads. However, in their eyes, there was a stranger.

There is no such thing as a perfect knight, but the same, Ieta's affirmation also makes them choose to believe, not to mention Lehman's own recognition.

"I have seen it, sire!"

Lehman gave a slight gift and said so.

"You are a good person to hide..."

Ieta said, and the whole person appeared in front of Lehman in a flash, but Lehman seemed to be aware of it, suddenly flashed toward the side, and hid.

This scene made Ieta a glimpse, and the dying three tower owners and Deides were lacking.

Although it is not clear why Lehman will appear, the strength of Lehman at the moment is enough to prove that he can block Eyeta for a moment.

And this is enough!

"His Majesty, your behavior is not in line with your identity!"

Lehman said as usual, in a knight's tone, and at the same time, he pulled out the long sword at the waist - this is the standard sword used by the black deacons found in the Inquisition. There is nothing special about it. Obviously, it is impossible to cause any harm to Ieta in this state.

In fact, Lehmann did not think about what damage he could do to Ieta in front of him.

He is just a simple hope, can block each other.

As for why?

I don't want to break with the alliance of Ye Qi!

What's more, I now have two bodies...

Lehman used this excuse to convince himself - if his friend died here, and he did not shoot here. Lehman is very certain. I will be angered by Ye Qi; not to mention that the relationship of the alliance cannot be maintained. I am afraid it will become an enemy.

Thinking about the stakes, then, very naturally, Lehman stood up and pulled out the sword to Ieta in front of him.

"What traitors like you are qualified to talk about me?"

Yetata yelled and launched an attack, and the light of the dark gold began to go to Lehman. At the same time, the black light beam is also mixed in it.

However, one by one has been escaped by Lehmann.

Not only these attacks, but the attacks used by Iyeta were all escaped by Lehman - although it was extremely thrilling, but escaped was escaped.

In the distance, the people who were carried by the Knights of the Holy Dragon have become farther and farther.

It is clear that Lehman’s original purpose was achieved.

"Predicted ability?"

Another time after an attack is invalid. Ieta stopped the slamming attack, his eyes like needles. Sharply staring at Lehman.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Lehmann did not cover up and nodded straight.

In fact, after being suspected, Lehman is very clear that his ability will be exposed as long as the other person is a smart person and finds that it is only a matter of time; or in other words, his ability is very magical. But as long as you have a calm heart and want to discover it, it is definitely not difficult.

Of course, the discovery is that the crack is another matter.

Just like the situation at the moment, Ieta has the ability to crack his ability, but the time it takes is enough for him to accomplish his purpose.

In the same way, Ieta is also facing a choice - to kill Lehman in front of him, to chase failure; or to chase down after Lehman's constant sāo.

This choice is undoubtedly very easy to choose -

"Go to death!"

The whole person of Iyeta rushed up, and the radiance of the whole body was back and forth, not only giving him a powerful attack, but also the excellent speed.

In fact, after Ieta had two bodies, his speed began to rise rapidly. Although he could not reach the speed of the field blasting, it was far beyond everyone's degree; and Lehman even It relies on early dodge.

However, when the speed of Iyeta reached a certain level, or after some skills, Lehman’s failure was naturally doomed—the picture that appeared in Lehman’s mind, which made him instinctively dodge, but In front of Iyeta, it suddenly broke out faster, and at the same time changed the direction of the attack.


Even after the reappearance in his mind, Lehman was still unable to respond to the picture after being changed.

With a spout of blood, Lehman fell like a kite in the distance, and a black light beam did not enter his body.

Obviously, in the case of injury, Lehman could not dodge.

Even if he knows the other side's attack is the same!

The bitter smile appeared in Lehmann's mouth. He looked at Iyerta, who was getting closer and closer, and fell helplessly lying on the ground. Lehmann was not a person who was willing to give up resistance. However, now he is obviously unable to resist. Efforts to raise his head, Lehman saw the other side, directed at the three tower owners and Deides who smiled at him.

Obviously, the three tower owners and Deides also seem to have seen their own destiny.

"I hope that there will be wine in the land of the dead!"

As if he was talking about his last words, he closed his eyes slightly, and he kept his own humorous words when he died.

The four people around, but in this silence, smiled again, but no one spoke; even Lehman had the same strength.

He now only hopes that his other body will not be affected by the death of this body.

Otherwise, he is too embarrassed.

The sharp wind has already appeared Five people can feel that it is coming to their heads. Once they are hit, it is naturally a split of the brain, and the dead can no longer die.

In the face of death, the five people are nervous, afraid, and fearful.

So, very natural, the four people who are learning the sound, like Blanc, closed their eyes.

Then, the sharp winds disappeared...

"You, I hope that I am not too late!"

The clear voice, the familiar voice, appeared in the ears of five people.

It’s inconvenient to surf the Internet here, so the two chapters are in one~

The tens of thousands of words of the big chapter ah ~ decadent again and look for a protection ah ~

Thanks to the reward of the starting price of turtle0920300, the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the loss of the heart, the loss of the heart, the wind and the dust of the 100th starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~ . )

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