Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 109: Confrontation

However, very quickly, Ye Qi gave up this idea for the time being -

The ‘plague’ is nothing more than a god-level god, but to deal with such existence, he has almost exposed the greatest strength.

And one from God, according to the difference of the gods, is only a weak divine power.

Once again, the gods with strong powers are everywhere, especially the former, which occupies a great proportion among the gods. In the face of the existence of the former, Ye Qi uses the knives to play Level destruction is a direct attack. If you drive [Sun] [killing], it is not impossible to win.

But this premise is a one-on-one situation, but it is clear that such an opportunity is not determined by Ye Qilai.

As for the face of powerful power?

Unless the other party allows him to accumulate power, he will send out [阎魔. Extreme], otherwise, Ye Qi is not willing to face such an opponent.

After all, the difference between each layer of divine power is several times different. In the memory of Murphysto Felice, when the opponent is still at the peak, facing ten medium-powerful opponents, they will not lose. Winning is awake, but the strength gap is already obvious.

It is unfortunate that the death of the land of the dead and the life of the Mephisto Felice at the peak are the same level, even more powerful - although the other party from the moment of becoming a **** of death, It fell into a state of inexplicable madness, but its strength is unquestionable.

Strong presence, awesome.

And a powerful madman is scary.

Ye Qi is only able to feel the power of the plague, and how mad and powerful the other party is.

And this is also Ye Qi does not allow, ‘the source of the plague’ devours the crystallization of this priesthood.

After all, once you have swallowed up this crystallization of mad consciousness, it will inevitably be greatly affected - this is a very positive fact.

The strength of the 'source of plague', once it is affected, is definitely the result of ‘crazy death’.

Moreover, according to Ye Qi's speculation, not only the strength of the 'source of plague' will be affected, even the existence like him is the same.

It’s just serious or not.

As for wanting to isolate?

That is simply impossible!

After all, the will of the other party has been integrated into it, completely integrated.

Unless... kill the other side!

Obviously, this is back to the original question, and it is also the root cause of the problem - the strength of power.

Hey, hey!

Ye Qi stretched out his left index finger and gently tapped the armrest of his chair. The voice began to clear clearly, and after a while, he had a decision.


In the crystal 'clothing' of the 'plague source', when Ye Qi picked up the coat, he suddenly jumped out of his own 'room' - it was made of wood and nails like a kennel. The house, while in it, is covered with two layers of hay and a blanket.

In this regard, look at the 'source of the plague' to stay there, and know how satisfied it is.

However, when Ye Qi moves, the 'source of plague' will still keep up - as an animal, the instinct of 'the source of plague' makes it clear who he is following. It will be safe, or... the biggest the benefits of.

Looking at the erect walking as a person, the plague source at the foot of his trousers, Ye Qi did not object, he just told the ‘the source of the plague’ through the power of the contract.

As for the destination of Ye Qi’s trip?

Nature is the battlefield between the war and the aliens.

Although the two wizarding emperors have clearly stated, let him rest well.

However, for more [faith of faith], Ye Qi had to let himself 'show' more postures - look at the "force of faith" that has already bottomed out, and the long-term ability to condense. Law body], Ye Qi does not think that he can rest in the room.



A fireball that was issued by three black robe wizards through the tactical force, with a 10-foot fireball, descended from the sky, and squatted on the head of the alien city.

Suddenly, the wall of the city shook a little, and the fine stone powder collapsed.

Of course, in the next moment, these are back to normal - just like the normal before the fireball falls.

The blessing of [the power of faith] always creates such a miracle.

The wizards who fought here have long been accustomed to such a 'daily' because they know that it is all 'natural' and only needs to be consumed constantly. Such a 'miracle' will disappear sooner or later.

[The power of faith] Although magical, once consumed, it will naturally fall into decay.

It is like graphite and diamonds.

The essence of the two is not the same, but the latter's embarrassment is enough to make any woman scream, but the former will be abandoned.

And that diamond is the graphite that has been blessed by the power of faith.

Of course, the magic of [the power of faith] is far more than that -


In the explosion of the fireball, several orcs flew in the direction of the explosion, they were all black, and more wounds even exposed the bones.

However, the next moment, it was restored under the power of faith.

Simply put, remove the first. [,! The orcs that died at a time, outside the aliens, regardless of multiple injuries, will stand up in the next moment, once again screaming to join the battle, even the broken hand is no exception.

Of course, the plague that walked by the 'source of the plague' disappeared when the real plague appeared.

However, as Ye Qi speculated, even if the plague disappeared, under the plague whipping, the orcs who came back from the edge of death could not recover in the first place, or even directly left an irreparable injury; After all, the real 'plague' has quite a means for the plague, but for treatment?

Although it is not a layman, it is definitely a raw one.

Because of this, on the interracial city, there will be such a complete “disregard of life and death” side – because the number of people is scarce, only the constant consumption of [the power of faith] can resist the attack of the wizards in front of them.

However, even so, the defeat is a matter of time.

It’s not just the wizard’s top thinks, even the wizards who participated in this battle are thinking the same.

\"We are about to destroy the city in front of us. Then. Use this as a springboard and continue the siege!"

The deputy head of the First Sorcerer’s Regiment shouted loudly.

As for the head of the army?

There is no real sense of the head of the army. In most of the time, it is the emergence of the wizard emperor as the head of the army, and the first legion has a special.

Because this is a flag left by Delphi.

Therefore, except for the inheritance of Hull, only Abigail served as the head of the army. As for the remaining wizarding emperors, they did not take up their duties because of respect.

However, this does not mean that the wizard emperors are not there.

The emperor of the gem and the emperor of the thunder emperor. Just behind the second and third legions, quietly look at the battle - as they have played against the gods countless times, do not believe that the gods will sit still like this; Even if these gods are in the stars at the moment, they are fighting their companions.

\"Rada has heard the news. He won the victory on the other side, and he is defeating the other side!\"

There was a soft light ball in the hands of the Thunder Emperor. The message inside was quickly coming in. This was the news from the Emperor of the Thorns. Obviously after the completion of the work of Lorante, this one The thorny emperor could not wait to join the battle.

Of course, there are also the Emperor of the Flame and the Emperor of the Sea.

\"Abigail’s teacher is still there, not just ‘light’ there, ‘moon’ and ‘natural’ have appeared...\”

The gem emperor also had a similar white light ball in his hand, and after receiving the news, the gem emperor could not help but frown. Obviously, he had a little worry; after all, the opponents facing at least were the presence of medium power. And there is no shortage of powerful power.

Of course, what he is most worried about is another guy who is considered a 'head' in the gods - the 'sun'!

Although the other party was in the early days with the death of the land of the dead, it faded out the sight of all living beings, but this does not mean that the other party does not exist.

After all, the 'moon' is the other's son.

Once the ‘moon’ appears, the other party will definitely appear – the gem emperor who has considerable contact with the gods understands.

And once the other party appears, his teacher and companions obviously need support.

The strength of the other side itself is the need to work together - in fact, the ‘戮神枪’ is prepared for the other side.

Just a pity...

As soon as I thought of the death of another teacher, the emperor’s mood could not help but stir up.

\"Allen, we are on the battlefield!\"

The Thunder Emperor felt the excitement of his companions and immediately reminded him.


The gem emperor stunned and immediately returned to God.

\"We don't need these between us; but the ‘backhand’ that those guys have set up should start?”

The Thunder Emperor pushed his glasses and smiled and waved his hand. Then he pointed to the alien city in the distance.

As if to verify the words of the wizarding emperor, the next moment, the alien city in the distance, violently swayed, the alien warriors standing on it fell, and then fell into meat.

Obviously, this time [the power of faith] has failed!

Or say... put it somewhere else.

Bang... Bang...

It’s like a mid-summer thunder, and it’s continually ringing, and the shaking of the city is even more intense, and even the surrounding ground is starting to vibrate. The place that is a little closer is like an earthquake. People simply can't stand.

The first wizarding corps, who was the main attack, began a rapid retreat under the orders of the two wizarding emperors.

The emperor and the Thunder emperor jumped from the end of the second and third wizarding regiments to the forefront of the battle.

\"I know it will be like this!\"

Looking at the ‘city pool’ that was alive, the Thunder Emperor disdainfully smiled.

\"Be careful, their power is great!\"

The gem emperor reminded his companions.

As for the so-called them?

Nature does not refer to the ‘city pool’ that stands upright in front of us, but refers to all 30 interracial ‘city pools’!

.[,! ]

I saw that the 'city pool' originally built on the horizon, at the moment, a person rises up. It is like a rock giant.

However, the 'rock giants' made up of these 'city pools' can be taller and stronger than the real rock giants.

Nearly a thousand yards, the soles of the feet are two hundred yards long. And they are very heavy. Every movement will be like an earthquake.

And such a huge existence. Ordinary spells naturally lose their utility.

Even the extraordinary wizards did not qualify for the battlefield at all -


The Thunder Emperor once again drank, the next moment. The whole person turned into a thunder, and the emperor on the side of the gem, the whole person was integrated into the ground, and a layer of dark red light began to brew on the surface.

Bang! Bang!

With a dull thunder, the thunderous emperor's large electric light constantly bombarded the huge stone man in front of him, while in the underground, the gem emperor changed the original surface. The hard ground began to become like a swamp, and From time to time, there is a layer of fire.

Almost an instant, the huge stone man's calf was completely immersed in it.

Although it is only the calf part, but it is also nearly 200 yards deep!

As for the Thunder Emperor?

With the smashing thunder, the stone man's upper body was smashed, especially near the neck, but almost penetrated.

However, it is a pity that although this huge stone man seems to be the shape of a personal 'person', there is no weakness at all. Even if the neck is pierced, it is still alive and kicking. Two powerful big hands, want to shoot down the Thunder Emperor.

However, compared to the fast-moving action of the Thunder Emperor, the speed of the other party is really too slow.

Even, it is very powerful.

However, in the same way, compared with the strength of this stone man, its defense is even better. Even under the attack of two wizarding emperors, it can persist for ten seconds without complete breakage, and this allows two The wizarding emperor wanted to lose the idea of ​​completely destroying other stone people before they came.

Of course, even if this stone man is not completely broken, he is caught in a semi-disabled situation.

If you want to participate in the next battle, you don't even have to think about it. If you don't mention the broken body, how much power there is, just the swamp that has not passed the waist, let its mobility be reduced to a minimum.

\"There are twenty-nine...hey, one of them is special!\"

The Thunder Emperor floated half-air in the air, watching the twenty-nine stone people who were about to arrive, and did not care at all.

In fact, such stone people are not worthy of the witch emperors.

Even if they are huge and unimaginable, compared with the wizarding emperor, the slow speed, almost no agility, is a big enough loophole.

Only need to have a strong enough attack method, and the speed is OK, these stone people can be used as a target to play - it can be said that these stone people in the eyes of the wizarding emperor, just like jokes.

In fact, these stone people are not there to deal with the wizard emperor.

Their existence is more to deal with the Wizarding Legion!

No need for dexterity, agility, facing a large number of wizarding corps, these stone people only need to go over, you can; after all, compared with the wizard emperor, the stone people's dexterity, almost no agility, but with those ordinary wizards In comparison, the dexterity and agility of these stone people are quite scary.

The huge pace, once opened, in the chase, most of the wizards have no way.

Therefore, when fourteen of the twenty-nine stone people suddenly changed their direction and rushed to the wizarding army, the two wizarding emperors changed their faces.

The other fourteen are rushing toward them.

And the one that was called special by the Thunder Emperor stayed in the same place - it is obvious that the stone giant of this natural city does not think that other stone giants generally have no thoughts.

Or, to put it more simply: this stone giant is the ‘head’ of other stone giants!

\"court death!\"

In the roar of the Thunder Emperor, in the gloomy sky, it suddenly became gloomy. The next moment was that the Thunder and Thunder suddenly slammed down, and the electric dance was like a silver snake, which dyed the world between blue and white.

Hey, hey, hehe...

Hit by countless lightning bolts, except for the special stone giant, the remaining stone giants seem to be like a clockworked toy, and they don’t listen.

However, their feet are still moving toward the front.

Even if you bump it, it wobbles.

A normal human, taking a step, is about two to three feet or so. If it is converted into a code, it is one yard. The stone giant's bare foot is two hundred yards. They take a step far beyond the soles of their feet. distance.

Therefore, even if the wizard division retreats in advance, it is only within a few steps of the other side.


The Thunder, which should have been able to strike a hit, lost most of its role, enough to make the Thunder Emperor angry. In fact, he is now yelling at the name of a god.

With such angry shouts, there was a chuckle at the special stone giant.

Abnormally crisp, .[,! ] pleasant, nice kind.

But in this kind of pleasing laughter, most of the wizarding corps who were still evacuating quickly stood in the same place.

The stone giant is getting closer.

The reason for the ps power outage, the update is late, I am sorry everyone! !

Desperate again, ask for the support of the new book "The Tower of Emerald"~~~ Let's go to the collection, click and say ah~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son who wandered around the sea, the reward of the starting price of turtle0920200, and the heart that I lost, how can I faint 100 rewards for the starting point of the coin~~~Decadence again Thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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