Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 110: Under the confrontation


Another thunder of a thunder, a blue-and-white electric light, struck straight on the stone giant closest to the wizards.

Suddenly, the huge figure of the stone giant hit was a tremor.

And the latter figure is looming -


The Thunder Emperor shouted in surprise.

"I think that when I lie in my room at this time, it will make me regret for the rest of my life!" Ye Qi, who floated in the air, waved again and threw a thunder, and then waved his hand toward the distant Thunder Emperor. It means that the distant color is bright, and the stone giant who looked very special at that time said: "This time is handed over to me, that is yours!"

"of course!"

The Thunder Emperor said very clearly, and then, when he turned his head, the coldness on his face was like a sharp sword to the cold, whispering: "‘confuse!'

However, this time, the **** did not have the slightest echo.

Even the special stone giant turned and ran.

However, the next moment, the Thunder Emperor, who was turned into a lightning bolt, stopped, and the Thunder Emperor threw out thousands of lightning bolts with the thickness of the water tank, playing the special stone giant body type. Trembling.

Ye Qi, who floated in midair, threw a similar lightning bolt.

However, the lightning of the Thunder Emperor has an endless devastating atmosphere.

And Ye Qi’s is with a trace of destruction, and more, an indistinguishable atmosphere –

"Wake up!"

A burst of the ancient Long Longwei, accompanied by lightning thunder, suddenly sounded, so many wizards who stood on the ground and lost their minds, wake up the next moment.

Although the figure is crumbling, it is much stronger than the seemingly overwhelmed look.

Moreover, many wizards also recognize who this person awakens.

"Master Joe!"

Many wizards shouted.

"According to your corps configuration, cooperate with me to attack these guys!"

Ye Qi shouted like this, at the same time. Deeply took a breath, a special rhythm began to spread forward in the range of one hundred and eighty degrees before Ye Qi.

Suddenly, except for the special stone giant who is far away, the remaining twenty-eight stone giants. They all stopped at a moment.

Or... the time around them stopped.

With the [killing] that was blessed by the power of faith, the "dragon interest. Exile time" was suddenly brought to an incredible level.

At least, many people have been shocked.

Even the constant attention to the two wizarding emperors here, especially the gem emperor, which is closer to the distance, feels the change of the silk - the means he uses to limit the stone giant, in this way In the breath, I couldn't help but slow down.

It is not his deliberate, but it seems that nature should be like this.

Obviously, Ye Qi’s [Dragon's Interest] still cannot distinguish the target. As long as everything in this range is naturally affected by [Dragon's Interest].

Ye Qi, after pointing at the location of the emperor's emperor, revealed an apologetic smile, and urged the wizard below again: "Don't waste time, get ready!"

"Okay. Master Joe!"

"Already ready, Master Joe!"


Different voices began to answer one after another.

"So, now I am free to set fire to the guys closest to you!"

Feel the volatility of the wizards who gathered the spells below, and Ye Qi could not help but smile -

Then, the overwhelming fireball, frost, lightning, and acid arrow drowned the foremost stone giant.

However, these spells are several times stronger than normal spells. It is not a multiple of the time when the individual casts a spell, but it is several times after the collection of the Legion.

Originally, with the collection of the Legion, the power of the spell is already several times that of the individual.

Not only the power, but also the shortening of time.

Now, it is a few times deeper in this power.

therefore. Fireballs over 30 to 40 feet in diameter cover frosts in the range of twenty or thirty yards, which is everywhere.

Perhaps one or two such examples, people will only be surprised. But when this became a common phenomenon and became commonplace, all the wizards became stunned.

Then, their eyes looked at Ye Qi floating in the air.

Even if Ye Qi did not clearly state anything, his actions proved that this could not be separated from him.

In the face of such a gaze, Ye Qi is very natural, but only those who are close can see it. Ye Qi’s excitement at the moment is the silvery power that represents the king’s faith. Like the tide of the current, it rises from the wizard on the ground and then gathers into his body.

Let him once again run out of [killing] and once again exhausted [the power of faith], instantly added back, and even a slight breakthrough.

This result is enough to surprise Ye Qi, but, in an instant, associating with the number of people, Ye Qi quickly calmed down; after all, the three major wizarding regiments, even the auxiliary soldiers, have reached 300,000. And the 300,000 people who gave the power of faith at the same time clearly went far beyond the snowy and snowy areas of the snowy night.

Even Ye Qi, for the first time on such a large scale, gained such a sufficient amount of faith.

+50, +50, +100, +100...

Such figures began to appear frequently in the data column of "Faith of Faith", which made Ye Qi change the expected combat plan - the original Ye Qi plan, relying on [killing] this 'domain nature' The first raise, then rely on their own strength to reverse the battle.

But from now on, it seems that you don't need to do this.

With this constant supply, [killing] obviously allows the Wizarding Legion to play a greater role, so Ye Qi screams straight--

"You, let's come again!"

At the same time, the ratio of [Faith of Belief] to [Killing] has been adjusted, from the original three times the cost of the belief of about 1,000 points, directly mentioned ten times, costing 10,000 points of faith.

Undoubtedly, as the multiple increases. [Killing] The consumption of faith is also a tens of times increase - from 10 points starting at double to 80 points at twice, to 1000 points at three times, this is a step-by-step consumption. If there is not a constant supply of the scene, Ye Qi will not give up the hard-won faith.

Of course, [killing] is not to include all of their own personnel.

In fact, in the 'field' of [killing], Ye Qi did not perceive the existence of two wizarding emperors, as if the two were not within this 'domain'.

However, from the position of the two people, it is obviously not.

After all, as long as it is within the scope of the battlefield, some are farther away from the two wizarding emperors, and the best example is the 'source of the plague.'

The moment before entering the battlefield. The body of the plague, which was left on the edge of the battlefield by Ye Qi, was changed back to Ye Qi through the contract.

"[Killing] also has restrictions, except that it is not within this limit. Even in the field of combat, once it exceeds the extraordinary, it will have no effect!"

Ye Qi’s heart reached such a conclusion.

Although there are some regrets, Ye Qi does not think that there is anything wrong with this; after all, if it works for immortality and spirits, then [the deity] such [killing] obviously should not exist in this level, or Say... shouldn't be so easily obtained by him. At least the difficulty is a hundred times higher, and Ye Qi is not surprised.

An immortal increase of ten times, even if there is no [divine] [cleric], the face of the lower gods is almost a spike, even the **** of medium power can be slightly resisted.

In the same way, what if it is a **** of increased low spirit?

And when this **** of lower spiritual power. What kind of scene is it replaced by a powerful god?

Therefore, Ye Qi accepted the reality very calmly.

After all, when he didn't pay so much hard work, he wouldn't expect more gains.

And such a thing. The following wizards did not know that they only knew everything in front of them, and they all appeared by Ye Qi.

The ability to increase the power of such wizards to such a level, even the most sensible group of people, began to appear fanatic in the eyes of Ye Qi.

These fanatics, with a mysterious transformation, became the purest power of faith and were absorbed by Ye Qi.

A good cycle is set up like this.

And everything after that makes this good cycle more exciting -

It’s another wave of spells.

Compared to the last time, this time it has been several times stronger.

The kind of frost that reaches nearly a hundred feet, or directly exceeds a hundred feet, with hundreds of yards of frost, even the wizard who is the caster, has an incredible look.

Obviously, they were scared by the scene they were showing.

And such an attack is naturally extraordinary—if the stone giants in the previous moment also pose a very strong threat to the wizards, then at this moment, these stone giants are the best targets in this overwhelming spell, and , still the kind of motionless.

More than half of the twenty-eight stone giants have turned into gravel in one place.

Although their defensive power is very strong, in the face of a thousand, a fireball with a diameter of more than 100 feet, and the same amount of frost, lightning, and acid, it is true that the gods need to escape. What's more, it's just a 'playing thing' made by some gods!

Looking at the brilliant results caused by them, the wizards made a cry, and then their eyes looked at Ye Qi. When Ye Qi said again: "Continue!", the wizards were even more morale. .

Almost without any resistance, the remaining stone giants were once again overwhelmed by spells.

From the beginning of these stone giants until they collapsed, their contributions, except for a few large pits on the ground, have almost no substantial merit.

If you want to put some wizards on the ground because they are not stable, and fall into the ground, if you fall into the face, you can count it as credit.

Of course, the battle is not over -

In the distance, the Thunder Emperor still struggled with the **** named ‘confusing’, or the **** used the characteristics of the stone giant. It is constantly retreating into the distance.

Just the kind of very different fluctuations, Ye Qi understands the difference between this stone giant.

After that, the part of the Thunder Emperor's lightning and lightning hit quickly restored the original. Then told Ye Qi the characteristics of this stone giant.

"This is blessed by a natural deity. It is very difficult to get rid of. Every time the attack is caused, it will be treated. The soil under its feet is the best treatment!"

Reappearing from the ground, the gem emperor who flew into the air explained to Ye Qi.

“Do you have to destroy it completely in one go?”

Ye Qi asked.

"At least destroy more than one-half of the entire body, or let it off the ground!"

The gem emperor replied.

"The latter, I can't do it; as for the former... I think I can try it! Of course, I need you to continue to hand over the command of the Wizarding Legion to me!"

Ye Qi smiled and shrugged.

"of course!"

The gem emperor immediately laughed, then. A gesture to the wizarding army below.

In fact, even before it was underground, it was influenced by Ye Qi [Dragon's Breath], but the gem emperor was clear about everything that happened on the surface.

For Ye Qi's ability to demonstrate. The gem emperor is also amazed.

Although every wizarding emperor has realized his own "divineness", there is no such thing as the "divineness" that can increase the combat power of all the members.

In the past wars, they all relied on their own powerful strength to reverse the situation.

As for the three major wizarding regiments?

In addition to facing the same number of different aliens, to achieve the effect of the soldiers against the soldiers, the king against the king, only the equivalent change to qualitative change, their existence is useful. Otherwise, it is just a display.

However, the emergence of Ye Qi has changed this situation -

The ‘Bing’, which has changed from quantitative to qualitative, seems to be able to break out more powerful forces in an instant.

And such power. Enough to control a war.

Just as the gem emperor thought carefully, Ye Qi had led the Wizarding Legion to the effective range that could attack that particular stone giant.

Suddenly, the stone giant who was beaten by the Thunder Emperor and did not fight back was increasingly trying to escape.

However, I saw the arrival of Ye Qi and the Wizarding Legion. The Thunder Emperor was even more unlikely to let the other party run away. It was originally a devastating Thunder. At this time, there was a feeling that the void was trembled. Every Thunder and lightning would pass. A layer of black enamel is left on the void.

Those who are familiar with the astral world know that those blacks represent the endless void of the astral world.

Under such an attack, even a stone giant with strong resilience has to stop. Because it runs again without recovery, I don’t need a subsequent attack, it will collapse. Separated.

However, even this is just a matter of drinking and quenching thirst.

When the three wizarding corps began to show the aura of the spell at the same time, the existence time of the stone giant was only counted down.

Boom, bang, bang!

There is no difference between the stone giant and the previous stone giant. This stone giant has been broken down by countless spells. In fact, Ye Qi wants to do far more than he promised.

Except for the part below the knee, this special stone giant basically did not leave anything.

Even the remaining part, after losing the [force of faith], began to collapse one by one.

The wizards cheered again and again for the results they achieved.

However, the Thunder Emperor frowned and looked around, Ye Qi and the gem emperor were no exception, but, obviously, with the Thunder emperor, Ye Qi and the gem emperor did not have the slightest harvest -

"Let it run again!"

The Thunder Emperor pushed his glasses and looked a little gloomy; after all, the former **** 'deception' was equivalent to concealing him once; if Ye Qi did not arrive in time, I am afraid it would definitely cause regrets. - Once the three major wizarding corps are severely damaged, the aliens created by the gods will attack the entire Lorante like locusts.

And they are entangled in the gods, obviously can not be separated.

In fact, every wizarding emperor believes that the selfish and self-serving gods will create the ‘interracial’ again for this purpose.

"The message of 'deception' appears here, you need to tell Abigail!" The emperor of the gem is more helpless, "'deception', 'deceitful', 'betrayal', 'hate' they should and Abby Teacher Gail is fighting - every time, we need to put more energy on them!"

"Then we are now? Is there still ‘confusing’?”

Ye Qi asked - for the 'deception', this kind of **** that can completely cover its own breath, fluctuations ~ ~ Ye Qi is undoubtedly quite annoying, he feels a little uncomfortable to grasp the position of the enemy; However, it is because of this unaccustomedness that he needs to know more about this **** named 'confusing'.

"'Confused' is our old rival. I will tell you one by one about it!" The Thunder Emperor looked at the horizon in the distance and said slowly: "Now, I think we should move forward again-- - The door to the cloud should also appear in front of us!"

"The door to the cloud..."

The gem emperor whispered the noun, and the original calm face also showed a hint of excitement.

At noon, I squandered steamed eggs in a small shop on the side of the road. I was really surprised. ~~~ Ten dollars, I came to a sea bowl! ! Although the taste is medium, but the amount, decadence indicates that it will become a must-have for the decadent reserve of food. If you eat a meal, you can resist the day.~~ After eating, it’s too happy~~~~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, and the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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