Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 135: Stupid


The high-pitched whisperer naturally became the next target of the Shadow Knight. After a sword passed, the other's body was separated, but the corpse was paralyzed, and after a few steps, it fell to the ground.

However, this situation did not stop the surrounding aristocratic wizards.

On the contrary, in the screams of that road, these noble wizards ran faster.

However, their sudu can never match the shadow knight running in the shadows. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Almost every moment, there will be aristocratic wizards falling.

However, there are also some ‘lucky’ who have escaped. After all, they have too many people, and the number of monitors is only within the scope of one team.

So they escaped.

Therefore, no one is not happy for this.

Only, they completely ignored the eyes behind them.

"My king's kindness allows you to live more time!"

The Shadow Knight No. 1 standing in the shadows is like a statue of a night god, taking all the darkness into the eye, and then recording everything in the heart.

Then, as time goes by, he will change the things that are recorded in the heart.

For example: Ye Qi told him to let these unintelligible people understand the pain, then he let these people know what is called pain.

After that, after Ye Qi’s work is completed, he will let these people embark on death, just like the companions of these people.

As for why?

Offending the dignity of the king will inevitably cost a price.

Even if Wang Renci’s forgotten, he is a subordinate. It must be remembered because of it. Once forgotten. This will be his shame.

"Get rid of them, one does not stay!"

The Shadow Knight calculated the number of ‘lucky’ on the first, and then issued an order to the subordinates.

Then, the real sense of the slaughter began.

Until this time, the Shadow Knights showed their true ‘skills’ a sharp, slender shadow of the thorns, pulled out from all corners, and straightened the remaining aristocratic wizards into a skewer.

after that. The corpses are all over, and the shadow knights disappeared into place.

As for these bodies?

Naturally, there are special people who come back to deal with it; after all, the monitors are also sub-functional.

At the beginning of the night, all the killings did not stop because of the appearance of the moonlight. On the contrary, it has reached a point where it is more and more practiced.

In Lorante, in the various principalities and territories, such dramas are staged.

Perhaps the only difference is the attitude of those 'lucky’.

Not far from the floating city of the wizards. In the manor under the name of the Marquis, these ‘lucky’ gathered together. It is being discussed intensely.

"Revenge! We must revenge!"

A wounded, robe-stricken aristocratic sorcerer shouted loudly, as if to vent his grievances that he had just suffered.

However, this time, he did not get the right reason.

Even the people present did not even have a lot of people.

"What's wrong? Are you scared of your courage?"

The middle-aged wizarding aristocrats questioned the wizards present.

At the same time, the slightly harsh eyes began to scan the wizards present, but in the end, no wizard dared to look at the middle-aged wizard aristocrats.

No, lowering the head is to bring the head to the side.

Obviously, just as the middle-aged wizard said before, they were scared.

As a wizard, no keneng has not killed.

However, such killings are based on their prey on their own prey, rather than being the prey of some butchers to slaughter the slaughter, can sneer and raise the butcher knife, without hesitation.

However, when they became the lambs to be slaughtered, they were so horrible that they were shaking.

Perhaps most people are like this.

However, the real slaughterer is already ready to die. For example, the middle-aged wizard aristocrat, he needs to fight for his dignity and honor.

Of course, he also needs some supporters.

Therefore, in the next moment, the middle-aged wizard aristocrat, after a slight relaxation of the tone, said slowly: "The action of this monitor is very sudden, we did not receive any news; but, we can be sure... our The purpose has not been revealed, it should be what the team monitors happened to discover!"

"Otherwise, we don't have keneng who will gather here. The monitors of the brigade have already let us die! I believe that the governors are hot, I believe, you can understand, if they do what we do, what will happen? Treat us like this!"

Undoubtedly, such a discourse has some effect.

A relatively old wizard suddenly raised his head and said hesitantly: "But, kneel there..."

"Your Majesty, there is no real participation in such a thing, but those who do not know how to be good are just like bulls and clowns, and we just restore the entire wizarding kingdom to normal level. This is not a mistake. But correct the mistake!"

"Remember, as a nobleman, we must have the honor of a noble!"

The middle-aged wizards and aristocrats have a strong sense of empathy.

However, it is precisely because of this sense of empathy that the aristocratic wizards present have a bit of recognition; after all, they are all so-called 'victims', all of whom are victims of interests.

Of course, the last sentence is also indispensable.

As a nobleman, you must have the honor of a noble!

Such discourses are so familiar to the wizards who often carry the title of aristocrats and do some things. They are so familiar that they are so frightened to lose such titles.

The concept of murderers and murderers has once again begun to appear in the hearts of these wizarding aristocrats.

Especially after just going through a massacre, their concept is getting deeper and deeper.

therefore. naturally. Some wizards and aristocrats began to skew their positions.

of course. There are also some stubborn opinions.

"I think I need to go back to my territory!"

Several wizards and nobles stood up and said this.

They don't want to participate in any of the following conversations, nor do they want to participate in any of the following things. They just want to go back to their old castle room and pour out a glass of wine to comfort their injured soul.

"Do you really stop thinking about it?"

The middle-aged wizard asked again.

"No need... Marquis, you won't stop us?"

A few aristocrats who are about to leave, ask this.

"Of course not. We have come to everything by voluntariness. This separation is also because it doesn't work! So, I wish you all the best."

The middle-aged wizard is very polite and makes a gesture of asking.

After the return of the few wizards and aristocrats who had left, they sneaked out, and then... about two minutes later, the screams of the next one rang.

"Everyone is calm and calm!"

The middle-aged sorcerer looked at the surviving look of the remaining wizards in the field, and immediately smiled and waved his hand, pacifying the crowd: "They are just a group of scums that insult the honor of the nobility, and it is because of this scum that we are allowed. I have been squatting by those guys!"

"So. They have to die!"

In the last sentence, the middle-aged wizard is arrogant.

"But, but they are nobles after all..."

A wizard aristocrat frowned and said.

"So, if they are our traitors?"

The middle-aged wizard asked such a question.


Suddenly, the wizards present were shocked.

"Don't you think that the team's monitors are too coincidental? When all of us gathered, they happened to be there, this coincidence... The only lucky thing I don't believe is, monitoring The definition of our rally is a slightly dangerous rally, not a real need to eradicate. Otherwise, I am afraid that none of us can survive!"

The middle-aged sorcerer looked at the astonished look of the wizards in the field, and the mouth was slightly upturned with a smug look, as if he was a wise man, talking and talking.

"If that's the case, then these guys, **** it!"

Under the guidance of the middle-aged wizards, the wizards who were present changed their faces, and then they said awkwardly.

“So, we need to get rid of all of them before our losses get bigger!”

The middle-aged wizard continued.

"So, what should we do now?"

Some of the remaining wizards asked.

"Of course it is to launch the power of our family, temporarily 'drag' those monitors, and then, during this time, we have to kill those clowns! As long as we can kill those guys, we can regain support, and in this way Under the support, we are safe!"

After glanced at the left and right, the middle-aged wizard once again asked: "I don't think there are any opinions from the ‘supporters’.”

"Do not worry, they are loyal to us!"

The wizards present nodded.

"That's good, I think we can continue our plan!"

The middle-aged wizard is satisfied with the nod in the scene of the manor, the complete shadow through the shadow knight is introduced to Ye Qi’s 'in front', watching these stubborn aristocratic wizards, leaves Qi suddenly found that he was too small, and the 'bright' means, only through some verbal temptation, plus some imaginary interests, you can get such a 'loyal dog', it is indeed No means.

"Your Majesty, do you need to kill them?"

Through the power of the contract, Shadow Knight No. 1, asked very directly.

Ps came back from the end of Nanshan Mountain, tired and decadent, this is slightly unsuitable, the code word has no state... This chapter also took several times of the original time... all kinds of pits, let the decadent rest for a few days, let us reply Big chapter update!

Ask for a new book protection~~~ "Emerald Tower", look forward to your support! !

In other words, is it really king to save the manuscript? To be continued...

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