Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 136: Condensed

\" Wait a second, wait until they gather again!\"

After Ye Qi was silent for a while, he said slowly.

\"Yes, Your Majesty!\"

The voice of the Shadow Knight No. 1 disappeared at the end of the contract, and outside the Temple of Truth, the Guardian took a file and walked slowly.

\"Your Majesty, there are people from all over Lloret..."

\"I know!\"

After waiting for the guard to finish, Ye Qi waved his hand and motioned to know.

In this regard, the guardian was not surprised. After all, according to some traces of the presence, those who cleared the insurgents were the ones who were close to the guard.

In fact, every wizard emperor has a similar monitor next to him.

However, there are more or less, or different uses.

It is not uncommon to be a chef, an assistant, etc.

On the contrary, only Ye Qi’s monitors, at this time, enforce the rights of the monitor.

\"Here is the loss report, and the related people, as well as some suspects...\"

Slightly hesitant, the bodyguard asked to Ye Qi.

\"Besides being truly identifiable, the rest of the people don't hurt them... As for the others, I will arrange for people to do it!\"

Ye Qi is squatting.

\"Your Majesty, kindness!\"

The chief of the guards left.

Ye Qi, who is sitting in the chair, has not moved for a long time.


Ye Qi whispered in such a comment, and then laughed at himself.

Any evaluation is corresponding, and the kindness in the eyes of the guardian is harsh and even cruel in the eyes of the dead wizards.

Ye Qi knows this.

Therefore, he knows that he is not really kind.

At best, only the bottom line of goodness has begun to become a demon hunter, Ye Qi is asking for this, and now has not changed.

However, some things will change after all.

With the change of status, with the change of strength.

The only thing that can be kept is to not let such changes change as the mood changes.

\"I am a little homesick!"

Raise his head. Ye Qi’s gaze penetrated the layered dome of the Temple of Truth and looked at the endless astral, slowly and whispering to himself.

\"Hey, this time, it’s not homesick!!"

A very outdated voice rang.

\"Amon, you are ‘no knocking on the door’ and entering the behavior, except for the thief, I really can’t think of anything else!”

Ye Qi said with no anger.

\"Even if I want to knock on the door, I need you to make a door for me!\"

Amon is very lazy to say. In the tone is a strong rogue meaning because of the contract, such a door is very difficult to manufacture.

Although it is not impossible, but Ye Qi will never take this matter.

Therefore, Amon said this, it is entirely for the sake of his own contractor.

\"Next time, there will definitely be!\"

Ye Qi answered very seriously, not at all like a joke.

And this tone also makes Amon realize that he is better to get into the topic, otherwise, there will be trouble.

\"Under the trip, how is the preparation?\"

Amon asked.


Ye Qi said vaguely.

\"The madman should also be a **** who is exposed to 'destiny', and, according to the experience we have gained in the future, it should have made some mistakes. Therefore, although it was still alive in the free age, it disappeared on the surface; therefore, it should be better than 'Death' is good to deal with some!\"

Amon gave his own advice.

\"Yes? I don't think so!\"

Ye Qi shook his head and he extended two fingers.

\"First, when we sealed ‘death’, ‘fate’ should have been discovered!\”

\"Second, according to my reference to the memory of ‘death’, our enemies are not just ‘destiny’; or ‘destiny’ more than one!”

\"The seal of prison? It is a convenient thing!\"

Amon sighs like this. Then he tells everything he knows: "All my things are arranged by 'destiny'. This is beyond doubt. From the 'Greater' Delpa, 'Destiny' I started to pay attention to Lorante. Then, I was sealed. My son and my wife died. The fate disappeared again... These are hidden. I couldn’t confirm it before, but I was exposed to the Silk of Destiny. When I was able to confirm!\"

\"Being fooled, I don't think I can accept it, and you are absolutely unwilling to accept it?\"

Amon looked at Ye Qi.

\"of course!\"

Ye Qi nodded calmly.

In fact, if you let Ye Qi know everything he has experienced, it is a kind of juggling, he will definitely kill the guy who made it all.

No matter who!

\"When I woke up, I was already with my teacher, and before that... I was a different place in my hometown, and I wanted to confirm one thing, 'Destiny' Can it affect my hometown; if I can... I think that I and 'destiny' also need to be settled!\"

.[,! ]

Ye Qi said coldly.

The experience of death, whenever it is, is so disgusting, but it is lingering.

\"Very good, it seems that we have reached a strategic agreement again and again!\"

Amon looked at Ye Qi's attitude and couldn't help but smile. If it was him, let him face ‘fate,’ it is absolutely unimaginable.

However, with his contractor, it is different.

‘The Son of Destiny’!

Inheriting ‘destiny’ is also a child who violates ‘destiny’.

If you want to deal with ‘destiny’, you can only rely on ‘the son of fate’.

As for how to identify the ‘child of fate’?

Who owns [Destiny Spindle], who can weave [Destiny Silk], then who is the 'son of fate'!

There is no doubt that his contractor is the so-called 'child of fate'!

As for more evidence?

Light and dark. Interlaced. The battlefield across the sky is vast and innocent; God and God, the king and the king of the king... The connection between day and night, the birth of the king...

This is the prophecy of the double kings. Before the fall of the gods, it was preached that the gods thought it was the 'Great Emperor' Delpa, even he was no exception, even he shot against Delpa. It was also because of the double king prophecy. The reason; however, it is clear that this is a mistake.

It is not a prediction of its own mistakes.

It is the error they understand or the error that is understood after being misled.

A prophecy that has no time to mark it, is being made by the gods as the present, is there anything more ridiculous than this?

Naturally, each thinks that he is the protagonist of prophecy.

He was no exception at the beginning.

Therefore, this is considered to be the most embarrassing thing for Amon.

At the beginning, in the Hailin area after the millennium, I heard what the old wizard said: 'No one is more suitable than him... On his destiny star. Life and death alternate, light and dark Connected. Day and month coexist, you really can't imagine, what such a sign represents! ’

After such a discourse, Amon really understands what the double king is.

Of course, he once again saw some ‘self-righteous’ in general, always thinking that he is the ‘protagonist’ guy, in which era it will not be less.

Moreover, it is regardless of species!

The heart of the self laughed at Amon after a moment, once again opened

\"The body of your law is already eyebrows?"

Amon asked.

\"Well, I feel a touch of change, but the real molding takes a long time!\"

Ye Qi nodded.

For his own physical changes, Ye Qi did not expect to marry his contract companion; after all, the two sides are too familiar.

The degree of familiarity is almost inductive between the blood.


Amon said with information.

Then, a force that familiarizes Ye Qi began to spread in his body, which is the power of the ‘the sun’.

\"Hey, you have done enough, but our time does not allow us to continue to go slowly. So I found a shortcut that is not a shortcut... Have you felt my strength? Is it different from yours? Feel the changes!\"

\"This is the difference between the body of the mortal and the body of the law!\"

Amon’s voice rang slowly in Ye Qi’s ear.

Ye Qi slightly frowned, just wanted to say something, but the next moment, his eyes were filled with a puddle of gold.

Sun Golden Flame!

Very familiar power, flame.

At this moment, they are mellow together, and then attract more power into Jin Yan itself, constantly flooding and expanding until it forms a crown.

Then the next one.

When countless crowns are brought together, a sly phantom begins to appear.


Golden, huge incomparable bird!

It is like a phoenix, and it seems to be Suzaku!

In this way, the change in the back and forth of Ye Qi, the ever-changing feeling, makes Ye Qi addicted to it, and even some things in his hometown are mixed.

For example: Phoenix, Suzaku!

There is no such thing as a phoenix or Suzaku in Lorante, but there is in Ye Qi’s hometown.

Of course, in Ye Qi’s hometown, the most intuitive impression of the sun is not these.

But Jin Wu!

Three-legged Jinwu, Red Yan, Weihe!

The image began to change again, abandoning the previous flashy, to the depths of Ye Qi, the most recognized totem changed.

The three-legged golden eagle is clearer and will soon be formed.

However, at this moment, the image of the entire three-legged Jinwu was once again, and a slightly weak, but clear, breath began to appear.

Long Wei!

The ps decadence may have been tidal in the mountains, the pain in the two shoulders, the plaster in the morning is a little better, and it hurts again in the afternoon... The tragedy of truth...

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the shadows of the night, the lost heart, the strengthened Bartley, the Optimum Black, the turtle0920, etc., have been given for a few days, and have been given. [,! Thanks for the rewards, thank you for your help~~ Thank you for your support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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